
the nature of the firm
Price mechanism 价格机制
Transaction costs 交易成本
Entrepreneur 企业家
Exchange transaction 交换交易
Sales tax 销售税
monopoly gain 垄断收益
factors of production 生产要素
diminishing returns of management 管理收益递减
market transaction 市场交易
marketing cost 营销成本
spatial distribution 空间分布
combination 合并(when transactions which were previous organized by two or more entrepreneurs become organized by one)
integration 一体化(when it involves the organization of transactions which were previously carried out between the entrepreneurs on a market)(p.45) (a firm can
expand in either or both of these two ways.)
specialized exchange economy 专业化交换经济
the division of labour 劳动分工
specialization 专业化
uncertainty 不确定性
collusion 勾结
forecasting 预测,预期
relative price 相对价格
economic system 经济体制,经济制度
perfect competition 完全竞争
费雪效应imperfect competition 不完全竞争
marginal cost 边际成本
dynamic factors 动态因素
a theory of moving equilibrium 移动均衡理论,动态均衡理论
marginal product of entrepreneur 企业家的边际产品
The Role of Monetary Policy
monetary policy 货币政策
The Great Contraction 大收缩
liquidity preference 流动偏好
depression 萧条
fiscal policy 财政政策
rigidity of wages 工资刚性
deflation policy 通货紧缩政策
monetary authority 货币当局
Federal Reserve System 联邦储备系统
aggregate demand 总需求
fine tuning 微调
prompt adjustment 即刻调整
government bonds 政府债券
pioneering capital 创业资本
full employment 充分就业
money market 货币市场
speculation 投机
interest rate 利息率
unemployment 失业
financial community 金融集团
the quantity of money 货币数量
liquidity preferences schedule 流动性偏好图
demand for loans 贷款需求
cyclical adjustment process 周期性调节过程
price expectation effect 价格预期效应
nominal interest rate 名义利率
real interest rate 实际利率
natural interest rate 自然利率
Fisher effect 费雪效应
capital formation 资本形成
natural rate of unemployment 自然失业率
Walrasian system of general equilibrium equations 瓦尔拉一般均衡公式体系anticipations 预期
job vacancies 工作空职
real magnitude 实际量值洁银
monetary expansion 货币扩张
the creation of money 货币创造
Gold standard 金本位制
surplus or deficits 顺差或逆差
tariffs and quotas 关税或限额
stagnation 停滞
federal budget 联邦预算
monetary stability 货币稳定
exchange rate 汇率
floating exchange rates 浮动汇率
monetary total 货币总量
monopoly 垄断
inflationary gap 通胀缺口
aggregate demand 总需求
Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲线
money illusion 货币幻觉
disequilibrium 非均衡
voluntary unemployment 自愿失业
stickiness of money wages 货币工资粘性
bargain 议价
decentralized economy 非集中的经济
labor supply functions 劳动供给函数
involuntary unemployment 非自愿失业
Neoclassical equilibrium 新古典均衡
comparative statics 比较静态
scale of exogenous monetary variables 外生货币变量比例static equilibrium 静态均衡
irrationality 非理性
Phillips doctrine 菲利普斯学说
Natural rate doctrine 自然率学说
transitional effect 转移效应
marginal productivity 边际生产率
full information 完全信息,充分信息mechanics of adjustment 调节机制
stochastic variables 随机变量
cost of mobility 流动成本
frictional unemployment 摩擦性失业
the mean duration of unemployment 平均失业时间长度inflation illusion 通胀幻觉
Over-estimation of real wages 实际工资的高估substitution effect 替代效应
海南建设国际旅游岛income effect 收入效应
under-estimation of price inflation 价格通胀的低估
capital stocks 资本存量
congestion theory 阻塞理论
external effect 外部效应
deadweight loss 绝对亏损,沉重损失suboptimal 次优
stochastic macro-equilibrium 随机宏观均衡heterogeneous markets 异质的市场
monotonic function 单调函数
asymmetry 不对称
relative wages 相对工资
monopoly 垄断
oligopoly 寡占
矿产资源法实施细则mark-ups 标高(价格)
administered price 规定价格
econometric evidence 经济计量证明
currency 通货
demand deposits 活期存款
financial assets 金融资产
reparations 赔款
hyper-inflation 过度通货膨胀
anti-inflation 反通胀
purchasing power 购买力
pension funds 年金基金
Pigou Effect 庇古效应
human capital 人力资本
social utility 社会效用
government regulations 政府管制,政府规制,政府调节
government intervention 政府干预
government management 政府管理
welfare macroeconomics 福利宏观经济学
other readings
导电浆料Economics 经济学current income 现期收入Future income 远期收入econometrics 经济计量学positive economics 实证经济学normative economics 规范经济学net gains 净利economic rationality 经济理性institutionalist school 制度学派neoclassical school 新古典学派maximum profit 最大化利润
decision maker 决策人revenue 岁收comparative statics 比较静态partial equilibrium 局部均衡general equilibrium 一般均衡heterogeneous 异质technological progress 技术进步
scarce 稀缺
barter 易货,物物交换
medium of exchange 交换媒介economic system 经济体制Probabilistic laws 概率律substitutes 替代品
Resource allocation 资源配置competition 竞争
delivery time 交货时间
技术创新管理decision making 决策distribution 分配
equilibrium price 均衡价格equilibrium quantity 均衡产量Factor input 生产要素,投入要素shortage 短缺
radical economists 激进经济学家
dynamics 动态学anti-trust law 反托拉斯法marginal analysis 边际分析functional relationship 函数关系merger 兼并acquisition 并购
horizontal merger 横向兼并vertical merger 纵向兼并conglomerate merger 混合兼并New York Exchange 纽约证券交易所economic growth 经济增长
Security 证券population 人口
Intermediary 中介,中介人,中介机构per capita 人均
Broker 中人,中介人fluctuation 波动Homogeneous 同质

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标签:货币   经济   政府   经济学   兼并   价格   边际
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