
假设一个语言A = {(<M>,ω) | <M>是表示图灵机M的字符串,ω是一个字符串。M接受ω}。即语言A中的字符串都有两部分组成:第一部分是一个图灵机M的字符串表示<M>;第二部分是一个字符串ω,且M接受ω。假设语言A是可判定的,也就是存在一个判定器H。当M接受ω时,H接受(<M>,ω);当M不接受ω时,H拒绝(<M>,ω)。(注意H是一个判定器,它总会停机,接受或拒绝(<M>,ω))。那么我们对H稍加改造,将它的结果取一下反:当M接受ω时,H 拒绝 (<M>,ω);当M不接受ω时,H接受(<M>,ω)。这很容易,只要把H的接收状态和拒绝状态互换一下身份即可。但是若把H自己的序列化字符串<H>提供给H会发生什么?可以看出,当H接受<H>时,H拒绝<H>;当H不接受<H>时,H 接受<H>。
——Programs That Never Exist
环氧树脂6101It’s clear and explicit that various programs which can do many things in o ur daily life. They do everything based on clear, explicit and valid instructions that has been given to them by the programmers in advance to deal with different circumstances.
But, can computer do everything that is explicit and clear? The answer is NO.
We are attempting to prove that the answer is NO, which is absolute, starting from some obvious facts that is beyond doubt.
1. Computers always do things based on the instructions given.
2. All programs has to obey logical rules, or they will never really exist.
3. Proof by contradiction is valid. That is, if A is true lead to the fact that B is also true, and we know exactly B cannot be true, we can conclude that A is false.
4. Computer programs can accept any type of input if that is within the range of the ability given, even the programs themselves.
Before giving the first typical example, a kind of boring programs should be mentioned first. They are called YES-NO programs, that is, they accept all kinds of input, and can judge whether the input follows the rules, with the only two kinds of output: “YES” & “NO”. If an unexpected input cannot be judged, the output will be “NO” again.
For example, one program (Suppose it is called “”) (Suffix “.exe” is used here just to represent it is an executable program, which is taken from Microsoft Windows) is meant to tell whether the input is a photo (Photos should end with “.png”, .or “.jpg”, etc. In that case, if “1.png” is the input, the program will give the output “YES”, and “a.exe” will result in “NO”. Another example is “”, which return whether the length of the name is positive (greater than zero), which is always TRUE. So, exactly we will always get the output “YES” whatever we use as input.
So, we are attempting to create a program that is used to detect whether a program is always giving “YES” under any circumstances. We can call it “”. That is, meaningful input of the program has to be programs, otherwise, you’ll only get a “NO”. If one program is always giving “YES”
as the output (like the “” mentioned above), then “” will give the output “YES”, otherwise, “NO”.
So, we are going to prove, this kind of program cannot be created. We can use the method, proof with contradiction to prove that, this kind of program never exist, which seems incredible.
Suppose we can REALL Y make out such a program. In that case, we are capable of doing an easier thing, that is, we can make out a program, namely “”. The new program only do such things: check whether the output of the input program (the program to be tested) is “YES” if the input of the input program is the input program itself. For instance, if we take “”as the input of “”, the output will be “NO”, since “” is not a photo and it will result in the fact that the output of “” is “NO”, and result in the fact that the output of “” is “NO”. We can see clearly tha t “” can do only a little part of what “” can do.
So, here comes the big problem. What will happen if we run “” on itself?
Luckily, we only have two probable answers, so we can consider each one in turn. If the output is “YES”, we know that (according to the definition of “”), “” should output
“YES” when run on itself. But what if the output of “” when run on itself happened to be “NO”? Well, it would mean that (again, according to the definition of “”) “” should output “NO” when run on itself. Again, this statement is perfectly consistent. It seems like “” can actually choose what its output should be. This is not practical when dealing with programs, since we cannot figure out what computers are going to do.
What is more interesting is that we can create a program named “”, which gives the contradictory answer of “”. When an input causes “” to give an output “YES”, it gives “NO”.
And, the problem comes. What will happen if we run “” on itself?
Luckily again, we only have two answers to discuss. If the output is “YES”, it means when it runs on itself, the output should be “NO”, because “” should give “NO”. This makes no sense. On the other hand, if it gives “NO” as the output, the output should be “YES” according to “”.
Anyway, the program can never exist logically.
Let us see through the process. First w e suppose that “” exists and in that case, “” exists, which means “” exists. Now, we can conclude “” never exists.
Sometimes we come across some unsatisfying circumstances that a program that we are running
can crash during the process. Maybe we are always trying to find a way to detect whether a program can automatically crash. We can just call it “”, which gives “YES” when the input is an executable program and can crash by itself. Now we can use the same method to prove that this kind of program does not exist.
Suppose we have REALLY made such kind of program and compiled it into an executable program, and it can do exactly what we need it to do. Then we can easily make up such a program “” as can crash based on the input whenever “” gives “YES”. Furthermore, we can create a program “”, which do exactly as follows:
〇When the input can crash, the new program crash, too.
〇On other circumstances, it gives “NO”
Similarly we can find that when we run the new program on itself, we’ll get involved in a logical jam. Think of the outcomes. If it REALL Y crashes, then it should crash due to the definition. If it DOES NOT crash, t hen it should give “NO”, and that is what it does. It looks like that the answer is perfectly persistent on any circumstance. However, similarly to example 1, we can create the program “”, which do the opposite due to “”. In that case, we can similarly conclude this kind of program never exists, and, “” never exists.
In logics, there are some strange propositions that we can claim them neither true nor false. For examp le, here comes proposition “The proposition itself is false.” The proposition is neither true nor false. We can make assumptions to see clearly what it is. If it IS true, then it should be false according to itself. If it IS false, then the proposition is displaying the true fact, and it should be true. So it is neither true nor false—actually we cannot tell whether it has the attribute of being true or false. This kind of proposition is called “paradox”, which is a mysterious part of logics.
We can now come to the conclusion that some kind of program REALL Y DOES NOT exist, even it is as easy as “” or as simple and useful as “”. We have to say we can exactly tell whether human beings’ logical system is complete.
In that case, we have to think about more questions about our computers and ourselves.
1. How can we deal with the possibility of programs’ crashing and shutting down if these problems are unpredictable?
2. What is the influence of these unpredictable problems on the computers and users?
3. Computers cannot do some things, can humans do? So, can we use computers to simulate humans’ brains?
这将涉及到如何超越图灵停机问题。假如一个P程序能够判定所有程序是否停机,根据图灵机的理论可以构造出一个程序Q是P判定不了的,但是我针对Q 构造了新的判定程序P`,然而还可以构造出一个Q`是P`判定不了的,于是又构造出P``,接着构造出Q``......利用这样不具体的程序序列是可以超越图灵停机问题的,虽然这很虚幻,但这正是问题的关键:要想超越图灵停机问题,必须放弃程序的实在性,也就是说程序是需要不断变化的。所以构造人工智能是不能通过一些确定的人工智能程序来实现,需要利用其他的方法来完成,但是这其他的方法究竟是什么,现在还没有结论!

本文发布于:2024-09-21 16:41:43,感谢您对本站的认可!



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