
Literature Online  万维网上的英美文学之家
Literature Online是ProQuest Information and Learning公司出版的全文数据库,向全世界的学者、学生提供英美文学作品、评论和检索工具,为英语学习和学术研究、教学、研究生和本科学习开辟了新的天地。Literature Online包含35万多个从公元8世纪到21世纪的诗歌、散文和戏剧作品全文,以及数千篇文章、随笔、自传、百科全书词条和174种全文期刊,是学习英美文学不可缺少的宝贵资源。
Literature Online收录了大量的全文内容,包括以下完整的戏剧、散文、诗歌收藏、传记与作家作品集、语言学参考工具书、词典、英美文学评论与书目信息等等,并且它们之间可以交互检索:
广受赞誉的现代人类学研究协会(MHRA)英语语言文学研究年度书目包含1920年至今世界各地发表的杂志文章、专论、书评和博士论文的完整目录。ABELL如今已经包含93万多条目录,不但是评论文章的综合书目,还是Literature Online所藏完整杂志的访问工具。ABELL每月更新。
注:ABE LL-the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature
●The Concise Oxford Dictionary of LiteraryTerms (Oxford University Press, 1990)
●The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (Princeton University Press, 1993)
●Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English (Routledge, 1994)
●The Columbia Companion to the Twentieth-Century American Short Story(Columbia University Press, 2000)
●The Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism (Columbia University Press, 1995)
●The Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature (Columbia University Press, 1980)
●Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century (Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1998)
《美国19世纪诗歌百科全书》(Fitzroy Dearborn出版社,1998)
●Encyclopedia of the Novel (Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1998)
《长篇小说百科全书》(Fitzroy Dearborn出版社,1998)
●Poets on Screen(屏幕上的诗人)
Poets on Screen是个突破性的多媒体专辑,专为Literature Online制作,包含由近800位当代诗人谈论诗歌的录像片断,是倾听重要作家解读他们自己的作品、解读其同时代及其前辈作家作品的独特机会。
●The Bible in English英语圣经:从10世纪到20世纪的20种不同版本的英语圣经,包括12部完整圣经、5部新
●Bibliography of American Literature(简称BAL)美国文学书目:由300位美国作家创作的将近40,000部美
●Editions and Adaptations of Shakespeare各种版本的莎士比亚作品全集和改写本:从最初的对开本到1863-6
●Literary Theory文学理论资料:独特的文本库,对理论和评论的追溯从柏拉图直到现在。(须额外付费。可年租
●The W B Yeats Collection 叶芝专集:叶芝电子版的全部著作。(须额外付费。可年租订或购买永久使用权)
Literature Online数据库中含有的174种现刊名录:
∙African American Review (Indiana State Univ., Terre Haute)
∙American Drama (Dept of English, Helen Weinberger Center, McMicken College of Arts and Sciences, Univ. of Cincinnati, OH)
∙American Imago (Assn for Applied Psychoanalysis) (Baltimore, MD)
∙American Indian Quarterly; Berkeley
∙American Jewish History: an American Jewish History Society quarterly publication (Baltimore, MD)
∙American Journal of Semiotics: a quarterly research publication of the Semiotic Soc. of America (Dept of Speech/Communication, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale)
∙American Literary History (Cary, NC; Oxford)
∙American Poetry Review (Philadelphia, PA)
∙American Quarterly (American Studies Assn) (Baltimore, MD)
∙American Scholar (Washington, DC)
∙American Transcendental Quarterly: 19th century American literature and culture (Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston)
∙ANQ: a quarterly journal of short articles, notes, and reviews (Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington)
∙Antioch Review (Yellow Springs, OH)
∙Arizona Quarterly: a journal of American literature, culture and theory (Univ. of Arizona, Tucson) ∙Arthuriana (International Arthurian Soc. - North American Branch)
∙Asian Theater Journal (Assoc. for Asian Performance, Honolulu, Hawaii)
∙Australasian Drama Studies
∙Biography: an interdisciplinary quarterly (Center for Biographical Research, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu)
∙Black Renaissance / Renaissance noire
∙Black Scholar: journal of Black studies and research (Black World Foundation, Oakland, CA)
大和银行∙British Journal of Aesthetics (Oxford)
∙Bucknell Review (Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA)
∙Callaloo: a journal of African-American and African arts and letters (Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville)
(Baltimore, MD)
∙Cambridge Quarterly (Cambridge Quarterly Assn, Clare College, Cambridge) (Oxford)
∙Canadian Literature/Littérature canadienne: a quarterly of criticism and review (Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver)
∙Caribbean Quarterly
∙Chicago Review (Univ. of Chicago)
∙Children's Literature: annual of the Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature and the Children's Literature Association (New Haven, CT)
∙Christianity and Literature
∙CLIO: a journal of literature, history, and the philosophy of history (Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ., Fort Wayne)
∙College English; Urbana
∙College Literature (West Chester Univ., PA)
∙Commonweal (Commonweal Foundation, New York)
∙Comparative Literature (Univ. of Oregon, Eugene)
∙Configurations:    a journal of literature, science, and technology (Soc. for Literature and Science; Georgia Inst. of Technology) (Baltimore, MD)
∙Confrontation: a literary journal of Long Island University (Brooklyn, New York)
∙Contemporary Review (London). Incorporating International Review and The Fortnightly
∙Critical Inquiry
∙Criticism: a quarterly for literature and the arts (Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI)
∙Critique: studies in contemporary fiction (Washington, DC)∙Daedalus
∙  D. H. Lawrence Review (Southwest Texas State Univ., San Marcos)
∙Diacritics: a review of contemporary criticism (Dept of Romance Studies, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY) (Baltimore, MD)
∙Dickens Quarterly: a scholarly journal devoted to the study of the life, times, & works of Charles Dickens (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst)
∙Early American Literature (Chapel Hill, NC)
∙Eighteenth-Century Studies (American Soc. for Eighteenth Century Studies, Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC) ∙ELH: journal of English literary history (Baltimore, MD) ∙Emily Dickinson Journal (Emily Dickinson International Soc.) (Baltimore, MD)
∙English Literature in Transition (1880-1920) (Univ. of North Carolina, Greensboro)
∙English Studies in Africa: a journal of the humanities (Univ. of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
∙Essays on Canadian Writing (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Toronto)
∙Explicator (Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, Washington, DC)
∙Extrapolation (Kent State Univ., Kent, OH)
∙Faulkner Journal (Dept. of English, Univ. of Akron, OH) ∙Feminist Studies (Univ. of Maryland, College Park)
∙Film Quarterly
∙Folklore (Folklore Soc., University College, London)
∙Forum for Modern Language Studies (Univ. of St Andrews) (Oxford)
∙Gothic Studies
∙Harvard Review
∙Hemingway Review (Hemingway Soc., Univ. of Idaho, Moscow)
∙Henry James Review (Henry James Soc., Univ. of Louisville, KY) (Baltimore, MD)
∙History and Memory (Indiana University Press, Bloomington)
∙Hotel Amerika (Ohio University, Athens)
∙Hudson Review
∙Huntington Library Quarterly
∙Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy (Univ. of Oregon, Eugene)
∙Indiana Review
∙Iowa Review (Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City)
∙Journal of American Folklore: journal of the American Folklore Society (Arlington, VA) ∙Journal of Biblical Literature (Atlanta, GA)
∙Journal of British Studies
∙Journal of English and Germanic Philology: a quarterly devoted to the English, German, and Scandinavian languages and literatures (Champaign, IL)
∙Journal of Modern Literature (Foundation for Modern Literature, Bloomington, IN)
∙Journal of New Zealand Literature
∙Journal of Popular Culture (Popular Culture Center, Bowling Green State Univ., OH)
∙Journal of the History of Ideas (Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ)
∙Kenyon Review (Kenyon College, Gambier, OH)
∙Language and Literature (USA)
∙Law and Literature (Yeshiva Univ., New York)
∙Lion and the Unicorn: a critical journal of children's literature (Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD)
∙Literary Review: an international journal of contemporary writing (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., Madison, NJ)
∙Literature & Theology: an interdisciplinary journal of theory and criticism (Oxford)
∙Literature and History
∙Literature and Medicine (Baltimore, MD)
∙Literature and Psychology: a journal of psychoanalytic and cultural criticism (Rhode Island College, Providence)
∙Literature/Film Quarterly (Salisbury State Univ., Salisbury, MD)
∙Marvels & Tales
∙Massachusetts Review: a quarterly of literature, the arts, and public affairs (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst)ca1850
∙Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England (Madison, NJ)
∙Medium Ævum (Soc. for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, Oxford)
∙MELUS (Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles)
∙Michigan Quarterly Review (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
∙Milton Studies (Pittsburgh, PA)
∙Minnesota Review
∙Mississippi Quarterly: the journal of Southern cultures (Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State)
∙MLN (Baltimore, MD)
∙Modern Fiction Studies (Dept of English, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN) (Baltimore, MD)
∙Modernism/Modernity (Baltimore, MD)
∙Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature (Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg)
∙Nabokov Studies (Davidson College, North Carolina)
∙New England Quarterly: a historical review of New England life and letters (Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA) ∙New England Review (Middlebury College, VT)
∙New Literary History:    a journal of theory and interpretation (Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville) (Baltimore, MD)
∙Nineteenth-Century Literature
∙Notes and Queries: for readers and writers, collectors and librarians (Oxford)
∙Novel: a forum on fiction (Brown Univ., Providence, RI) ∙NWSA Journal: a publication of the National Women's Studies Association (Indiana Univ., Bloomington)
∙Obsidian II: Black literature in review (Raleigh, NC)
∙Obsidian III: literature in the African diaspora (Dept of English, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh)
∙Papers on Language & Literature: a quarterly journal for scholars and critics of language and literature (Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville)
网络广告研究∙Paris Review (Flushing, NY)
∙Parnassus: poetry in review (New York)
∙Partisan Review (Boston Univ., MA)
∙Performing Arts and Entertainment in Canada (Toronto) ∙Philological Quarterly (Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City)
∙Philosophy and Literature (Baltimore, MD)
∙PN Review (Manchester)
∙Poetry (New York; Chicago)
∙Prairie Schooner (Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln)
∙Prooftexts: a journal of Jewish literary history (Baltimore, MD)
∙Raritan:    a quarterly review (Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ)
∙Renaissance Quarterly (Renaissance Soc. of America, New York)
∙Renaissance Studies: journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies (Oxford)
∙Renascence: essays on values in literature (Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, WI)
∙Research in African Literatures (Bloomington, IN)
∙Review of Contemporary Fiction (Illinois State Univ., Normal)
∙Review of English Studies: the quarterly journal of English literature and the English language (Oxford)
∙Rhetoric Society Quarterly
∙Salmagundi: a quarterly of the humanities & social sciences (Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY)
∙Scandinavian Review (New York)
∙Scandinavian Studies (Lawrence, KS)
∙Seventeenth-Century News
wanee Review (Univ. of the South, Sewanee, TN)
∙Shakespeare Quarterly (Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC)
∙Shakespeare Studies (Madison, NJ)
∙Small Axe (Indiana Univ., Bloomington)
∙Southern Cultures (Center for the Study of the South, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
∙Southern Literary Journal (Dept of English, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
∙Southern Quarterly (Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg) ∙Southern Review (State Univ. of Louisiana, Baton Rouge)
万维网∙Studies in American Fiction (Dept of English, Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA)
∙Studies in American Indian Literatures (New York)
∙Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (Rice Univ., Houston, TX)
∙Studies in Philology (Chapel Hill, NC)
∙Studies in Romanticism (Boston Univ., MA)
∙Studies in Short Fiction (Newberry College, Newberry, SC)
∙Studies in the Literary Imagination (Georgia State Univ., Atlanta)
∙Studies in the Novel (Univ. of North Texas, Denton)
∙Style (Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb)
∙Symposium: a quarterly journal in modern literatures (Washington, DC)
∙Teaching English in the Two Year College; Urbana
∙Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Austin, TX) ∙Thalia: studies in literary humor (Univ. of Ottawa)
∙Theatre Journal (Assn for Theatre in Higher Education) (Baltimore, MD)
∙Theatre Survey; Washington
∙Theatre Topics (Baltimore, MD)
∙Thomas Wolfe Review (Thomas Wolfe Soc., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
∙TriQuarterly: an international journal of arts, letters, and opinions (Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL)
∙Twentieth Century Literature: a scholarly and critical journal (Hofstra Univ., Hempstead, NY)
∙Victorian Studies: an interdisciplinary journal of social, political, and cultural studies (Univ. of Indiana, Bloomington)
∙Virginia Quarterly Review:    a national journal of literature and discussion (Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville)
∙Western Folklore (California Folklore Soc., Long Beach)∙World Literature Today: a literary quarterly of the University of Oklahoma (Norman)
∙Writing (Stamford, CT)
∙Yale Journal of Criticism: interpretation in the humanities (Whitney Humanities Center, Yale Univ., New Haven, CT) (Baltimore, MD)
∙Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory
∙Yeats Eliot Review

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