
方面的意义。方法将80例A SA分级I一Ⅱ级门诊行膀胱镜检查的男性患者随机分为BI S组(I组)和对照组
(Ⅱ组),每纽40例。静脉给予l∥ks、丙泊酚0.5m s/ks负荷量后,丙泊酚的维持量I组根据B I S监测调
节使8I S维持在40一60之间,Ⅱ组根据临床体征调节。比较膀胱镜检查时间、丙泊酚用量、术中反应及苏醒时间
等。结果两组患者麻醉前平均动脉压(M A P)、心率、脉搏血氧饱和度、B I S比较差异均无统计学意义(P>
O.05)。M A P在麻醉诱导入睡后两组均有下降,但I组降幅小于Ⅱ组(P<0.05)。I组丙泊酚用量明显少于Ⅱ
者无痛膀胱镜检查中B I S监测可较好的控制麻醉深度,减少麻醉并发症的发生。
A ppl i cat i on of bi s pe c t r al i ndex m oni t or i ng i n m a l e pat i ent s i n checki ng of pai nl e ss cys t oscopy
Y A N G Li-hua+,D O N G Ti e-l i.‘D e pa rt m e nt of A ne st he si ol ogy,t he Fi r st A ffi l i at ed H ospi t al of Z heng zhou
U ni vers i t y,Zhengzhou450052,C hi na
【A bs t ract】O bj ect i ve T o obse l"ve t he appl i ca t i on of bi spec t r al(B i s)i ndex m oni t ori ng i n m al e
pa t i ent s i n checki ng of pa i nl es s c ys t os copy und er pr opofol i nt ra ve nous anes t he si a and t o i nv est i ga t e t he fe a—
s i bil i t y of B I S on gui l di ng t he anes t he t i c dept h.M et hods Ei【ghty A SA I一Ⅱm al e pat i en t s undergoi ng B e-
l ect i ve cys t osc opy check w i t h pr opofol——fent anyl anest hesi a w er B r an dom l y di vi ded i nt o t w o gr o ups:B I S
group(gr oupI,厅=40)and cont r ol gr oup(gr oup I I,,l=40).A nes t hesi a w a s i nduced w i t h f e nt anyl
华董1ve,/kg and pm pof ol0.5m g/kg.In gr oupI.pm pof ol i nf usi on W a S adj ust ed t o a chi e ve a t ar get B I S of40—
60.I n group l I.propofol do s e w a s adj us t ed a cc or di ng t o t he s t a nda rd cl i ni cal s i gns.The am ount of pm po-tpg1
f o l,i nt r a oper at i v e r es pons es and re c ove r y par am e t e rs w e re
超疏水r ecorded.Resul t s M A P,H R,S p02and B I S of
all t he pa t i ent s w ere not si gn i f i san t l y di f f e r ent be f or e anes thes ia.The am ount of pr opof ol us ed and t i m e ofct扫描
r ecover y
w er e si gni fi cant l y l ess i n gr o up I t ha n t hat i n gr o up I I(P<0.05).A M A P dec r ea se of t w o groups
W a$f ou nd dur i ng anes t hesi a,how ever,t he dec re a se l ev el and t he a dver se ef f ect s w er e si gn i f i can t l y l ess i n
gr o up I t ha n t hat i n gr oup1I(P<0.05).C onc l usi ons M oni t ori ng t he dept h of anest hesi a w i t h B IS dur-
i ng pr opofol i nt ra ve nous ane st he si a i n m al e pat i en t s under goi ng c yst oscopy check c an m ai nt a i n adequat e
m ad s m oo t h anest hesi a w i t h l ess anes t he t i c and c om pl i c at i ons of anest he si a.
整体形象设计【K ey w or ds】B i spect r a l i ndex m oni t or i ng;C ys t os cope;Pr opof ol
膀胱镜检查是有创的,整个过程无论是心理上还是生理上都会引起痛苦的感受,丙泊酚一静脉麻醉可确保患者无痛苦地进行检查。为保障门诊患者舒适地接受检查,又能安全迅速离院,本研究把脑电双频指数(B I S)监测用于门诊男性患者无痛膀胱镜检查,为调节麻醉深度提供客观指标。
D ol:l O.3760/cm a.j.1ean.1674—4756.2010.23.01
1.1一般资料:将80例A SA分级I~Ⅱ级行膀胱镜检查的男性患者随机分为B I S组(I组)和对照组(II组),每组40例。I组患者年龄(43±6)岁,体重(73±7)kg,检查时间(326±87)s。I I组患者年龄(40±6)岁,体重(714-8)kg,检查时间(311±98)S。所有患者无长期吸烟、酗酒史,无服用镇静镇痛药物史。1.2麻醉方法:麻醉前常规禁食水4h。检查前监测血压(B P)、心率(H R)、脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO:),A一2000B I S监护仪(美国A spect公司)监测B I S,用酒精将患者额部脱脂后粘贴B IS电极,但B I S监测值仅能被I组的麻醉医生看到,并依该值调节丙泊酚用量。

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