
Peter Pan or other fictional characters 彼得潘或者其他小说角
You should never name yourself after fictional characters from books as it's weird having to reference you in passing.“So yeah, I was out with Peter Pan the other day…” and it just leaves you open for obvious jokes like, “Was Tinkerbelle with you?” Please leave these names alone.This includes Harry Potter, Edward Cullen or any other fictional character.Please… 绝对不要用故事书里角的名字给自己取名,因为当别人谈到你的时候,比如“我那天和彼得潘出去了”,需要顺便解释你的名字,这很古怪。而且你还会被别人取笑。比如“小叮当和你在一起吗?”不要用这些名字了,包括哈利波特,爱德华卡伦,以及其他小说中的名字。拜托了…
Brad Pitt or other celebrities 布拉德皮特或者其他名人
This is on par with me calling myself 李小龙(Bruce Lee).Let's admit it, it sounds pretty bad if you call out a celebrity's name when you see your friend in public.Again, if you like the name Brad then use it, drop the Pitt and we will be fine.这和我给自己取名“李小龙”一样。承认吧,当你在公共场合之下见到你的朋友,嘴里喊出的却是一个名人的名字,这种感觉相当糟糕吧!如果你喜欢“布拉德”这个名字,尽管用吧,把“皮特”删了就行。
Candy, Honey or other names synoymous with the “night girls” 糖果、蜂蜜或者其他相当于“夜女郎”的名字梁丽芳
I really don't want to offend anyone who does in fact have the names that I am about to mention but just to let you know, these are names commonly seen as, well…synonymous with “ladies of the night” and “Page 3 girls”.These names include Candy, Crystal, Coco, Candice, Sweetie, Honey and Sugar.There are more but none come to mind right now.You may think it sounds cute when translated but in reality it doesn't sound too good as a name.叫这些名字的人,我真的不想冒犯你们。但是还是要提醒你们,这些名字被看作,呃…..“夜间女郎”和“应召女郎”的近义词。这些名字包括Candy, Crystal, Coco, Candice,
氧化钼 Sweetie, Honey and Sugar。其他的目前想不起来了。也许你觉得这些名字翻译成汉语听上去很可爱,但是现实是,听上去真不是个好名字。
Using Happy, Sleepy and other adjectives as names 用Happy, sleepy 以及其他形容词做名字
I have a few Chinese friends who do this.I don't want to name and shame for fear of them ever reading this, so I will keep it simple and create a few of my own.Names like Happy, Sleepy and Dopey make you sound like you should be following about a somewhat rather stupid princess from a Disney movie.When I see you I always want to burst into “Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work we go.” 我有几个中国朋友这样做,我怕他们看到这篇文章,觉得难为情。所以我不想说她们的名字,就自己编了几个简单说说。如果你的名字是“快乐的”,“瞌睡的”或者“傻乎乎的”,听上去就像迪士尼电影里傻乎乎公主的小跟班。当我见到你,我总是忍不住说“嗨!呵!我们该去工作啦!”。
Ace 王牌
This one I loved personally.I mean, it's weird but it had a certain charm, I suppose.Ace is like, either making yourself sound like you are the greatest being who walked this earth and frequently have a poker night with God on Thursdays, or like the most awesome pet detective ever.If it is for the latter reason, I am all for you keeping your name in all honesty.Like fictional characters from books, this one is also to be avoided.' 我个人很喜欢这个名字。我的意思是,虽然很古怪,但是我觉得这个名字有某种魅力。如果你叫“王牌”,听起来你好像是地球上最伟大的人,每周四和上帝打一夜扑克。或者是有史以来最出的宠物侦探。正是由于第二个原因,我真心建议你不要叫这个名字。就像小说角的名字一样,避免使用这个名字。
Apple, Orange, and any other fruits 苹果,橙子和任何其他水果
Come on people, watermelon, orange and apple are not names.If I called myself 西瓜(Watermelon),you would think it a very strange name.It is exactly the same in English.Don't name yourself after fruits, period.醒醒吧人类!西瓜,橙子和苹果根本不算是人名。如果我称呼自己“西瓜”,你会觉得很奇怪吧。在英语里是是完全一样的。不要给自己取个水果名啦!
iPhone or any other brand name 爱疯或者其他任何商标名
Apple products, or any brand name….it's just not a name…just…no.爱疯产品或者其他商标名称…..根本算不上名字……没有为什么,就是……不是。
NORWALOctopus or any other animals 章鱼或者其他任何动物
Naming yourself after an animal is also pretty strange in English.Now I know, for example, the family name 马 means horse, so I don't think it's too weird as I do understand to an extent where you are coming from(Although with octopus, I really wasn't sure).But it's better not to if you want your name to sound normal.在英语里,给自己取一个动物的名字也相当奇怪。我知道汉语里“马”这个姓意思是“horse”,所以如果你英语名叫“horse”,我还是能明白的,不觉得太过奇怪。(但是章鱼这个名字我真不确定)但是如果你想让自己的名字听起来正常一些,最好不要给自己取一个动物的名字!
中国人在起英文名字时,我觉得至少应当注意两点。第一点是:最好选择一个“英美常用名字”,比如男的可以选Kenneth,女的可以选 Catherine,等等。如果您觉得Kenneth或Catherine太正规,您也可以采用它们的昵称(爱称)Ken或Cathy。我个人认为,国内的英语初学者,由于对英美文化了解不多,原则上最好不要自己创造英文名字,这是因为您创造的名字,很可能会让外国人联想到不好的含义,比如我见过有一个朋友,英文名字是Gygo,很容易让人联想到gigolo()。基层司法助理员
第二点是:一旦起了一个英文名字,就不要轻易更改。我有个同学,大学一年级时,英文名字叫John,三年级时,觉得John不好听,于是又改成 Tommy。两年就换一个名字,实
鱼塘理论在太快了,很不严肃,因此我一向不主张轻易更改自己的英文名字。以我本人为例,我的英文名字是Michael Cheung(再给我发邮件时,您可以叫我Mike),这是我18岁时我父亲给我起了,一直沿用到现在,22年了,从未更改过。
写到这里,我身边的电视机中,正在报道JFK(正在竞选下届美国总统的Massachusetts州民主党参议员John Forbes Kerry)取得初选胜利的新闻。对于JFK的胜利,我一点也不感到意外,我一直觉得,与其他竞选人相比,JFK有一个得天独厚的优势,那就是他的名字缩写,这是因为美国人一看到JFK,马上就会联想到另外一个JFK,即已故的美国总统JohnFitzgerald Kennedy(甘迺迪)。由此我们可以看出,起一个好名字,有时是非常重要的。
我曾写过一个帖子,内容是中国人如何起英文名字。在那个帖子中,我主张中国人随便起一个常见的英文名字即可,不必太讲究。但是今天下午我收到网友Duan Wei的一封邮件,他认为类似Tom、Jack、Peter这样的常见英文名字,实在太通俗了,缺乏个性,他希望我能介绍如何起一个不生僻、同时又有特点的英文名字。下面我就谈谈起英文名字的三种方法。

本文发布于:2024-09-20 14:24:22,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:名字   英文名字   觉得   外国人   可能   英美   不想   橙子
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