Kragujevac J. Math. 30 (2007) 253–262. ITERATIVE OPERATORS

253 Kragujevac J.Math.30(2007)253–262.
Ljubiˇs a Koci´c1,Liljana Stefanovska2and
Sonja Gegovska-Zajkova3
1Faculty of Electronic Engineering,University of Niˇs,Serbia
2Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy,SS Cyril and Methodius University,
3Faculty of Electrical Engineering,SS Cyril and Methodius University,
(Received October18,2006)
Abstract.The existence of an operator that maps rational number1/2into the array of Farey tree is proven.It is shown that this operator can be represented by combinatorial compositions of two simple real functions:f:[0,1]→[1/2,1],which is(0,1)-rational and σ:[0,1]→[0,1],which is linear.Then,another operator,mapping rational r∈(0,1)into the branch of the Farey tree emanating from the node characterized by r is described.
The Farey tree is a collection of sets(called levels)F T={T0,T1,T2,...},where T0={r1=1/2}is called root of the tree.The n-th level T n={r2n,...r2n+1−1},
n=0,1,2,...,is the decreasing sequence of rationals r j∈(0,1),like T1={r2=
2/3,r3=1/3},T2={r4=3/4,r5=3/5,r6=2/5,r7=1/4},....One can identify FT with the infinite binary graph whi
ch set of vertices is isomorphic with Q[0,1], the set of rationals from the segment[0,1].In set-theoretic notation,Farey tree is collection of sets
F T={{1/2},{1/3,2/3},{1/4,2/5,3/5,3/4},(1)
Farey tree(1)plays an important role in Chaos Theory.For ex.,it contains all quasi-periodic routes to chaos.In fact,if a dynamic system contains two periodic oscillators with different frequencies,f1and f2,(f1<f2),the regime in the system tries to preserve the state where the ratio f1/f2is the simplest rational number,say 1.Then,f1:f2=1:1which is called optimal resonance or1:1mode-locking regime.If this is not possible,the system”jumps”to the”reserve”mode-locking state,f1/f2=1/2.If,by some reason,this state is not possible,the system passes to the next simple mode-locking possibility,f1/f2=2/3(or f1/f2=1/3),and so on,along the Farey tree.Among others,Farey tree contains the quickest route,so called golden route to chaos,the sequence of ratios of consecutive Fibonacci numbers converging to famous golden meanφ=(
Let a0,...,a k denote coefficients in continuous fraction expansion(partial quo-tients)of a rational number r
r=[a0,a1,...,a k]=1
a k
,a i∈N,a k≥2.(2)tm2007
Using expansion(2),Cvitanovi´c[1]gave the following formal definition of the Farey tree level:
Definition1.The n-th Farey tree level T n is the monotonically increasing se-quence of2n continued fractions[a0,a1,...,a k]whose entries a i≥1,i=0,1,...,k−
1,a k≥2,add up to n+2.
For example,
T 2={[4],[2,2],[1,1,2],[1,3]}={1/4,2/5,3/5,3/4},
T 3={[5],[3,2],[2,1,2],[2,3],[1,1,3],[1,1,1,2],[1,2,2],[1,4]}
The Farey tree can be split into two sub-trees ([2],[3]).One of them,denoted by F T 0(”0-subtree”)has the root in 1/3and contains all rationals from the open interval (0,1/2);Another,F T 1(”1-subtree”)has t
he root in 2/3and contains all rationals from (1/2,1).It is proved in [3]that elements of F T 0have continued fractions of the form [a 0,a 1,...,a k ],a 0≥2,while elements from F T 1have the form
[a 0,a 1,...,a k ],a 0=1.The k -th level of F T i will be denoted by T i k ,i =0,1,and it
represents ”i -half”if of the level T k .
Lemma 1.If in (2)all a k ∈N ,and k ≥1,then r ∈(0,1).Proof.Consider partial ”sum”s j =1a k −j +···+1a k (0≤j ≤k ).Obviously,s 0=1/a k ∈(0,1)for all a k ≥2and s 0=1for a k =1.Then,s 1=1/(a k −1+1/a k )∈
(0,1),and by induction s j ∈(0,1).Thus,s k =r ∈(0,1),except if k =0(and a 0=1)which is excluded by supposition.2Lemma 2.The simplest difeomorphism
[a 0,...,a k ]→[1,a 0,...,a k ],a k ∈N ,is given by
f :x →11+x ,(3)
and it maps [0,1]to [1,1].
Proof.The proof follows by definition[1,a0,...,a k]=
1+[a0,...,a k]
and by
Lemma1,x=[a0,...,a k]∈(0,1).2 Lemma3.The simplest difeomorphism
[a0,a1,...,a k]→[a0+1,a1,...,a k]
is given by
and it maps[0,1]to[0,1
Proof.Let x=[a0,...,a k]∈(0,1].Then
[1+a0,a1,...,a k]=
1+a0+ 1a1+...+1a k =
[a0,...,a k]
=f 1x ,
where f is given by(3).Setting g(x)=f(1/x)for x=0gives(4).2 Note that composition g◦f−1yields(g◦f−1)(x)=g(f−1(x))=1−x.Denote
σ(x)=1−x.Then,byσ=g◦f−1,it follows g(x)=(σ◦f)(x).Let˜Q[0,1]
denotes partition set of Q[0,1].Consider the following four set valued operators ˜Q[0,1]→˜Q[0,1]:
Note that mappings in(5)have the form F={ϕ,ψ}.Hereϕ:[0,1]→[0,1/2]is one of two functions:(σ◦f)(x)=x/(x+1)or(σ◦f◦σ)(x)=(x−1)/(x−2).On the other side,ψ:[0,1]→[1/2,0]is ether f(x)=1/(x+1)or(f◦σ)(x)=1/(
2−x).Also, the inverse operators to(5)can easily be established provided that the conventions F i(∅)=∅,and
F i({r1,...,r k})={ϕ(r1),...,ϕ(r k),ψ(r1),...,ψ(r k)},(6) are adopted.Namely,F−1i(∅)=∅,andpamam
F−1i({s1,...,s k,s k+1,...,s2k})=
{ϕ−1(s1),...,ϕ−1(s k),ψ−1(s k+1),...,ψ−1(s2k)}.(7)
Theorem1.Neighbor levels of FT map one to another by any of the operators(5) or their inverses.More precisely,F i(T n)=T n+1and F−1i(T n+1)=T n,n=0,1,....
Proof.Consider the operator F1.Suppose that r k=[a0,...,a k]∈T n.By definition,and convention(6),F1({r k})={g(r k),f(r k)},and by use Lemma2and
3we conclude that
F1({r k})=F1({[a0,...,a k]})={g([a0,...,a k]),f([a0,...,a k])}
声音导引系统={[a0+1,a1,...,a k],[1,a0,...,a k]}.
Then,F1({r k})={r p,r q},and by Definition1,r p,r q∈T n+1.Since any of2n rationals from T n has one-to-one unique expansion in continued fraction,the operator F1applying on them produces2n expansions that define exactly2n+1new rationals from the upper level T n+1.Since the mappingσjust reverse the ,F2(x)= {g(1−x),f(x)},F3(x)={g(1−x),f(1−x)}and F4(x)={g(x),f(1−x)},we conclude that F i(T n)=T n+1(n=0,1,...)for i=2,3and4.The inverse mapping F−11(7)maps T n+1→T n.The similar reasoning applies to other F i’s from(5).2 The immediate consequence of Theorem1is that(F i◦F j)(T n)=T n+2,for any i,j∈{1,2,3,4}.This leads to the main result of this note.
Theorem2.Let G be any composition of mappings in(5)
G m=F i
1◦F i2◦···◦F i m i j∈{1,2,3,4},m∈N.(8) Then,
G m({1/2})=T m.(9)
Proof.Now,note that difeomorphism f given by(3)is bijective mapping of the level T n−1onto T1n”1-half”of the level T n.For any r=[a0,a1,...,a k]∈T n−1,a i≥1,i=0,1,...,k−1,a k≥2,and by Definition1, a i=n+
1. Also,f(r)=[1,a0,a1,...,a k],with the sum of partial quotients1+ a i=n+2. Therefore,f(r)∈T n.Further,thefirst partial quotient of f(r)is1making it the member of the”1-subtree”or f(r)∈T1n.Similar reasoning may be applied on g given
by(4),which maps T n−1onto T0n bijectively.Suppose that r∈T n−1.Then,by Definition1,r=[a0,a1,...,a k],where a i≥1,i=1,2,...,k−1,a k≥2,and  a i=n+1.Since g(r)=g([a0,a1,...,a k])=[a0+1,a1,...,a k],then the sum of partial quotients is1+ a i=n+2,so g(r)∈T n.Further,thefirst coefficient in the continued fraction expansion of g(r)is≥2,which guarantees that g(r)belongs to the”0-subtree”.This gives g(r)∈T0n.
By similar argument and in the previous proof,we have
(F i◦F j)(T n−1)=T n+1,
for any i,j∈{1,2,3,4},and therefore
G2(T0)=(F i◦F j)(T0)=(F i◦F j)({1/2})=T2.甲午中日战争教案
Thus,(9)follows by induction.2 Definition2.The operator r→H m(r),given by
H m(r)=
n=1G n({r}),r∈Q[0,1](10)
will be called partial Farey tree operator.
The following two statements are consequences of Theorem2:
Corollary1.If in(10)m→∞,the Farey tree(without root)is obtained as an image of a single rational number,r=1/2.Namely,
n=1G n({1/2})=F T\{1/2}.
By using F(n)to denote n-th auto-iteration of the operator F,with usual conven-tion that F(0)is identity,we may state a short definition of the Farey tree,given as Corollary of Theorem2.
Corollary2.F T=
n=1F(n)({1/2}),where F∈{F1,F2,F3,F4}.

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