
If you’ve shopped on the internet, then you’re probably familiar with website security seals such as Norton and McAfee. These badges show users that you have taken all the necessary precautions to make your website safe and secure. This social proof helps increase user’s trust level to subscribe to your website and make a purchase. In this article, we will show you how to easily add McAfee SECURE seal on your WordPress site for free.
如果您在互联⽹上购物,那么您可能对Norton和McAfee等⽹站安全标识很熟悉。 这些标志向⽤户表明您已采取所有必要的预防措施来确保您的⽹站安全。 此社交证明有助于提⾼⽤户对您的⽹站进⾏订阅和购买的信任度。 在本⽂中,我们将向您展⽰如何免费在WordPress⽹站上轻松添加McAfee SECURE密封。
什么是McAfee SECURE? (What is McAfee SECURE?)奚正平
McAfee SECURE is a new certification program by McAfee that lets your visitors know that your website is safe.
McAfee SECURE是McAfee的⼀项新认证计划,可让您的访客知道您的⽹站是安全的。
This is a great solution for small business owners. The free plan will show the trustmark to 500 visitors per month. For $9 per month you can upgrade to the pro plan which allows you to show trust mark to unlimited users.
对于⼩企业主来说,这是⼀个很好的解决⽅案。 免费计划将每⽉向500位访问者显⽰信任标记。 每⽉只需$ 9,您就可以升级到专业版计划,让您向⽆限的⽤户显⽰信任标记。
like security seals are proven to boost engagement and increase sales. The video below explains what this security seal does in 50 seconds:
事实像安全这样的可以提⾼参与度并增加销售。 以下视频说明了此安全封条在50秒内的作⽤:
影⽚教学 (Video Tutorial)
If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.
如何在WordPress中安装McAfee SECURE (How to Install McAfee SECURE in WordPress)
First thing you need to do is install and activate the plugin on your website. Upon activation, you need to visit Settings »McAfee SECURE to configure the plugin.
您需要做的第⼀件事是在⽹站上安装并激活插件。 激活后,您需要访问设置»McAfee SECURE以配置插件。
Simply provide your email address and your website’s and then click on the get started button.
只需提供您的电⼦邮件地址和⽹站的 ,然后单击“开始”按钮。
This will take you to McAfee Secure website, where you need to provide your personal and business information like name, company name, phone number, etc.
锻压技术这将带您进⼊McAfee Secure⽹站,您需要在该⽹站上提供您的个⼈和企业信息,例如姓名,公司名称,电话号码等。
McAfee will now run some tests on your site, and you will land on a confirmation page. This page will show all tests passed under the security heading. You will also be reminded to confirm your email address. Simply check your inbox for an email from McAfee and then click on the confirmation link inside it.
McAfee现在将在您的站点上运⾏⼀些测试,并且您将进⼊确认页⾯。 此页⾯将显⽰在安全性标题下通过的所有测试。 还将提醒您确认您的电⼦邮件地址。 只需检查您的收件箱中是否有来⾃McAfee的电⼦邮件,然后单击其中的确认链接。
Since you already have the plugin installed on your WordPress site, the McAfee SECURE trust badge will be automatically installed on your site. You can simply visit your website to see it in action.
由于您已经在WordPress⽹站上安装了插件,因此McAfee SECURE信任徽章将⾃动安装在您的⽹站上。 您只需访问您的⽹站即可查看其运⾏情况。重庆师范大学初等教育学院
To further strengthen your security, you can add an . We also recommend using , to regularly monitor your website for malicious code and activity.
为了进⼀步加强安全性,您可以添加 。 我们还建议使⽤定期监视您的⽹站是否存在恶意代码和活动。
We hope this article helped you add McAfee Secure badge to your WordPress site. You may also want to take a look at our list of .
我们希望本⽂能帮助您将McAfee Secure徽章添加到WordPress⽹站。 您可能还想看看我们提供的列表, 。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on and .
如果您喜欢这篇⽂章,请订阅我们的 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在和上到我们。

本文发布于:2024-09-21 19:49:21,感谢您对本站的认可!



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