

pump--( ~ for acid washing of boiler 锅炉酸洗泵; ~ for edible fluids 食品泵; ~ for liquid metals 液态金属泵; ~ for liquid salts 熔盐泵; ~ for pipe system 管网泵; ~ for water -borne solids 固体输送泵; ~ for with bearing bracket 轴承架固定式泵; ~ with bowl-type vaned casing 导流壳式多级泵; ~ with cyclic electromagnetic drive 电磁驱动泵; ~ with enclosed impellers 闭式叶轮; ~ with external bearing(s) 外轴承泵; ~ with internal bearing(s) 内轴承泵~ with mechanical seal 机械密封泵;~ with nonrotating cylinder 固定刚体泵; ~ with opposed impellers 相对叶轮泵;背靠背叶轮泵;~ with overhung impeller 悬臂叶轮泵; ~ with series or parallel connection impellers 叶轮串并联泵; ~ with withdrawable rotor assembly 转子可抽出式泵
abration resisting ~ 耐磨泵;absorption ~ 吸收泵; acid ~ 耐酸泵;activated sludge ~ 活性污泥泵;adjustable diaphragm ~ 可调隔膜泵;adjustable discharge gear ~ 齿轮比例泵;adsorption vacuum ~ 吸附真空泵;agricultural spray ~ 喷灌泵;agricultural spray ~ for chemicals 农用喷药泵;air lift ~ 气泡泵;1t1t曼木特泵;气举泵;air operated ~ 压缩空气驱动泵;air-powered piston ~
风动活塞;air-pressure ~ actuated slurry ~ 气动泥浆泵
airtight screw ~ 密闭式螺杆泵;all abronze ~ 全青铜泵;all iron ~ 铸铁泵;alloy ~ 合金泵; alloy steel ~ 合金钢泵;angle-type axial flow ~ 半贯流式轴流泵;弯管轴流泵;angle-type axial piston ~ 斜轴式轴向活塞泵;animal self-operated drinking water ~ 饲槽自动泵;家畜自动饮水泵;annular casing ~ 环壳泵;anti-roll ~ 减摇泵;Archimedean screw ~ 螺旋泵;armoured ~ 铠装泵;articulated vane ~ 铰链滑片泵;ash ~ 灰渣泵;attached ~ 附属泵;automatic trough ~ 饲槽自动泵;家畜自动引水泵;automobile ~ 汽车用泵;auxiliary ~ 辅泵;辅助泵;auxiliary stripping ~ 辅扫仓泵;辅清仓泵;aviation ~ 航空用泵;axial double entry liquid ring ~ 轴向双吸液环泵;axial flow 轴流泵;axial flow ~ with adjustable pitch blades 可调式轴流泵;axial flow ~ for water jet propulsion 喷水推进轴流泵;axial flow ~ with blades adjustable in operation 全可调式轴流泵axial flow ~ with blades adjustable when stationary半可调式轴流泵;axial flow~ with reversible blades可逆叶片轴流泵;axial flow ~ with variable pitch blades全可调式轴流泵;axial inlet ~ 轴吸泵;axial piston ~轴向活塞泵;axial plunger~轴向柱塞泵;axial single entry liquid ring~ 轴向单吸液循环泵;axial suction~轴向吸入泵;axially split~ 中开泵;back wash~ 逆洗泵;backwater~回水泵;ba
gasse~渣泵;balanced rotor vane~平衡转子式滑片泵;balanced suction~ 双吸泵;ballast~压载泵;ball piston~ 球形活塞泵;barrel~ 筒袋式泵;barrel emptying~箱筒抽空泵;barrel oil ~ 筒袋式油泵;barrel insert~ 双壳泵;base load~基本负荷泵;beer~ 啤酒泵;beet~甜菜泵;beet tails~ 甜菜根泵;bellows~波纹管泵;
belt driven~ 死猪江葬皮带传动泵;bent axis axial piston~ 斜轴式轴向活塞泵;BFW ~ 锅炉给水泵;bilge~ 仓底泵;biological sludge~ 活性污泥泵;bitumen~沥青泵;bladeless~无叶片泵;board ~甲板泵;boiler feed~ 锅炉给水泵;boiler return circulating~ 锅炉回水循环泵;boost~ 接力泵;booster~ 前置泵,增压泵;booster diffusion~ 增压扩散泵;booster-feed增压给水泵;boosting~ 增压泵;borehole~ 深井泵;borehole flushing~钻井冲洗泵;borehole reciprocating~ 往复式深井泵;borehole shaft drivencentrifugal~长轴深井泵;borehole submerged~ 潜水神井泵;boron addition~加硼泵;bottom inlet~底吸泵;bottom suction~底吸泵;bottoms~ 底料泵,塔底液泵;brine~盐水泵;broke~ 碎纸浆泵;bronze fitted~ 衬青铜泵;bucket piston~ 盘状活塞泵;building site ~ 工程用泵;built-in~ 装入式泵;bulkhead mounted~ 舱壁泵;bung mounted~夹装泵;butterworth~ 洗舱泵;cam ~ 凸轮泵;cam plate type axial piston~ 斜盘式轴向活塞泵;cam rotor vane~
凸轮转子式刮片泵;cam-vane~ 凸轮转子式刮片泵;canned motor~ 屏蔽泵;canned motor ~ with inner recirculation~ 内循环形屏蔽泵;canned motor ~ with outer recirculation~外循环形屏蔽泵;car wash ~ 汽车冲洗泵;cargo oil~货油泵;cast steel~ 铸钢泵;cellar drainage~地下室排水泵;cellulose pulp ~ 粘浆泵;cement grout ~混凝土泵;cement slurry~ 水泥浆泵;cementation~ 混凝土泵;centrally ported radial piston ~ 内配流径向活塞泵;centre-packed type piston~中央密封式活塞泵;centrifugal~ 离心泵;centrifugal~ with inducer诱导轮离心泵;centrifugal ~ with open impeller~ 开式叶轮离心泵;centrifugal ~ with semien closed impeller~半开式叶轮离心泵;centrifugal ~ with shrouded impeller闭式叶轮离心泵;
centrifugal-jet~ 离心喷射泵;centrifugal-peripheral ~离心-旋涡泵;centrifugal run-off~ 离心机出料泵;centrifugal-turbine~ 离心-旋涡泵;centripetal~ 向心泵;ceramic~陶瓷泵;ceramic acid~ 陶瓷酸泵;chain~链式泵;chain drive~链传动泵;channel impeller~ 流道式叶轮泵;charge~给料泵;chemical~化工用泵;chemical pulp~化学纸浆泵;chemical stock~化学纸浆泵;chlorovinyl plastic~禄乙烯塑料泵;choclate~巧克力输送泵;chokeless~不堵塞泵;circular casing~环壳泵;circulating~循环泵;clarified juice~石灰汁
泵,清汁泵;clean water~清水泵;clear water~清水泵;close coupled~单体泵;closed peripheral~闭式旋涡泵;coal~煤水泵;coal face~矿井工作面泵;coal slurry~煤泥泵;coal washing~洗煤用泵;collant~冷剂泵;compressed air~压缩空气驱动泵;concrete~混凝土泵;concrete volute~混凝土涡壳泵;condensate~冷凝泵;condensate-booster凝水-增压泵;condensate-booster-feed~凝水-增压-给水泵;condensate extraction~冷凝泵;condensate recovery~凝水回收泵;condensate return~凝水回收泵;conduction~传导泵;constant pressure~定压泵;constant speed~恒速度;contactless gear~非接触齿轮泵;contactor~~混料泵;contractors~工程用泵;coolant~冷剂泵;cooling medium~冷剂泵;cooling water~冷却水泵;corrosion free~耐蚀泵;corrosion resisting~耐蚀泵;cossette~甜菜丝泵;cottage~手压泵,手动泵;巴塞杜氏病couch break~伏辊断头纸浆泵;cracking ~裂化装置泵;crank~曲柄泵;crank and flywheel~曲柄飞轮泵;crankless~无曲柄泵;crankless fire~无曲柄消防泵;crank-less multicylinder~无曲柄多缸泵;crankless sewage~无曲柄污水泵;crescent gear~内啮合齿轮泵;crescent seal gear~内啮合齿轮泵;crude oil~原油泵;crude sewage~论革命原生污水泵;crude sludge~原生污泥泵;cryo~ for LNG液化天然气用低温泵;cutting oil~切削冷却乳剂泵;cycloidal screw~摆线锣杠泵;cyl
indric induction~圆筒感应泵;deaerator lift~除氧器供给泵;deaerator recirculating~除氧器循环泵;decanted sewage~滤清污水泵;
deck~甲板泵;deck wash~甲板冲洗泵;deepwell~深井泵;descaling~除氧化皮泵;de-watering~地下水排水泵;diaphragm~隔膜泵;diaphragm metering~隔膜式计量泵;diaphragm piston~隔膜活塞泵;diaphragm plunger~隔膜柱塞泵;dieael~柴油机驱动泵;differential piston~差动活塞泵;diffuser~导页泵;diffusion vaccum~扩散真空泵;digeated sludge~消化污泥泵,腐泥泵,吸泥泵;digester acid circulating~蒸煮锅酸液循环泵;digester drain ~ 蒸煮锅放泄泵;direct acting steam ~ 蒸汽直动活塞泵;direct mounted ~ 直接安装泵;disc ~ 隔膜泵;discharge ~ 成品泵;disintegrator ~ 碎渣泵;粉碎机泵;dispensing ~ 加油站泵;配料泵;河北理工大学学报district heating ~ 地区取热泵;分区供暖泵;diverter ~ 粪便泵;分流泵;dock ~ 船坞泵;domestic water supply ~ 家用供水泵;dosing ~ 比例泵;double acting piston ~ 双作用活塞泵;double action vane ~ 双作用滑片泵;double-casing volute ~ 双涡壳泵;double channel impeller ~ 双流道叶轮泵;double entry liquid ring ~ 双吸液环泵;double entry screw ~ 双吸螺杆泵;double helical gear ~ 人字齿齿轮泵;double plunger ~ 双柱塞泵;double rotor vane ~ 双转子滑片泵;d
ouble suction ~ 双吸泵;double volute ~ 双涡壳泵;drainage ~ 疏水泵;draining ~ 排水泵;dredging ~ 挖泥泵;drinking water ~ 饮用水泵;drg dock ~ 干船坞泵;dry self-priming ~ 干式自吸泵;dry pit ~ 干坑泵;dry sump ~ 干坑泵;dry vacuum ~ 干式真空泵;duplex compound steam ~ 双缸串联蒸汽直动泵;duplex power ~ 双缸曲柄泵;duplex steam ~ 双缸蒸汽直动泵;duty ~ 值勤泵;dye~染料泵;dyke drainage~围垦泵;dbonite~衬硬胶泵;eccentrie helical totor~偏心螺杆泵;eccentric rotary~偏心转子泵;eccentric rotary~with dividing plate~带隔片的偏心转子泵;eccentric rotary~with elastic ring~ 带柔性环的偏心滚柱泵;eccentric rotary ~with sliding sleeve滑阀型转子泵;effluent~污水泵;electrically driven~电动泵;electrically driven feed~电动给水泵;electroimpuise~电动冲脉;electromagnetic~电磁泵;electromagnetic diaphragm~电磁隔膜泵;

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标签:活塞   叶轮   轴向   轴流泵   偏心   水泵   冲洗   转子
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