GIS Application in Civil Engineering

GIS Application in Civil Engineering
Zheng Rui
Second Monitoring and Application Center, CEA, Xi’an, China
Abstract— Geographic Information System (GIS) technology is more and more used even in he echnical prac ice of a cons t ruc t ion indus t ry. In t he prepara t ory phase of t he construction, the problems of a spatial positioning (location) of the construction have to be solved jointly with the checking of he feasibili y and purposefulness, he raffic projec s are worked out, and t he alt ernat ive. More det ailed solut ions of technical problems are designed. At project development there are used various forms of init ial document s, result s of t he act ual dat a gat hering and surveys, map sheet s, phot ographs, previous document s referring t o t he problems solved, and appropriate legal and technical standards. The article presents
t he experience wi t h t he issue of GIS in cons t ruc t ion in preparat ion of buildings, in t he implement at ion phase of t he construction in GIS. It presents a model of information system construction and technology of mobile GIS for data collection and use of mobile GIS in water management.
Keywords-civil engineering; GIS; data warehouse; application of GIS
GIS technology is more and more used even in technical practice of civil engineering. In the preparatory phase which is focused on spatial allocation of the building structure, check of its feasibility and usefulness, road structure projects worked out, variant more detailed solution of technical problems of the building structure are projected. In process of working on project various forms of basic source materials as well as the results of actual data capture, map documents previous resources photographs referring to the solved problem and appropriate legal and technical directions have been used. GIS technology is often interconnected with modern technologies of data capture on the base of geodetic methods making use of GPS, total station or other powerful electronic system. Innovative usage of GIS in civil engineering was published[1-2]. In the following text you will find further practical possibilities how to take advantage of GIS in the civil engineering.
Methodology comprises the marking of the boundaries, demarcating of the territory of interest, looking up the transit corridors from the environmental point of view, variant solutions regarding to se
nsitivity of the environment, achievement of required technical parameters, traffic functions and economic problems are designed. It is followed by the assessment of variants from the ecological point of view, the choice of one or more variants for further stage of documentation and discussions with appropriate authorities of the state administration. With the extensive and technically complicated constructions the selection of a suitable variant is carried out by multicriterial evaluation in which, besides the influence of the individual variants on the environment, mainly the traffic, technical, urban, economic and sociological points of view are assessed. A part of the conclusions is the recommendation of detailed surveys for the following stages of geotechnical, hydrogeological, biological, mining and archeological research.
An important tool in the sphere of territorial planning and preparation of the building structures is a homogenous territorial plan and territorial analytic document administrated and published by web GIS tools. The basis of information system is database warehouse, the means for creation and data management and mainly the web portal for data presentation. The functional technologies have to ensure the basic data capture process, analyses and data output. A very important part of the system is the quality metadata. Graphical part of data warehouse contains several basic layers out of which the most important one is the cadastral map layer, ortho-photo, digital technical map, territor
山西职工医学院学报ial plan, territorial analytic documents (land-use values, limits of landscape utilization, intentions of potential landscape changes and involved problems) and basic maps of medium scales. Other thematic layers, passports and others create a specialized thematic subject matter used by specialists. Integration of landscape analytic documents enables their usage by general public designers of landscape plans, municipalities and other subjects.
One of the principal papers in the phase of building structures preparations, that mediates direct feedback of prepared construction on landed and real properties proprietors, eventually engineering network managers of the concerned land is the so called confiscation paper, the main goal of which is a documentation of allotments determined for extraction from agricultural soil fund and lands allocated for forest. In addition to the lists and necessary data of lands needed for feasibility of the construction, the documentation contains assessment of confiscation including the plan of recultivation of temporary confiscation and materials for encumbrances namely connected with realization of underground engineering utilities.
Data from the information system of cadastre of real estates is accessible at the field work even through technology of mobile GIS using PDA e. g. with the installed ArcPad software. With help of GPS mobile technology the authors can localize necessary boundary of the interest territory, main pr
ofiles necessary for the future detailed geodetic surveying, verify cadastral links through connection of cadastral data by remote access to information system of
2013 Fourth International Conference on Digital Manufacturing & Automation
the cadastre of real estates. For measuring it is recommendable to use calibrated and verified mobile GPS measuring devices with the determined uncertainty. Another subject of our attention is above all the information about landowners, identification of the lands in question, identification of existing engineering networks etc. . The selected data in field can be stored through the remote access directly into GIS project on the server and then to work on the homogenous multidisciplinary platform usable for other professions sharing the presentation of the construction.
GIS plays a very important role relating to the archiving of the construction documentation. Nowadays the project documentation in all stages of the constructions is used in digital, form mostly
in CAD compatible data formats. What’s very important is the archiving of the official documents and decisions still have a paper form therefore it is necessary to translate it into raster or automatized text form. EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) tools are made full use of.
A homogenous platform of complex construction documentation on the basis of GIS and EDM values is a significant tool for a successful implementation of the construction, its subsequent commissioning into operation and future reconstruction. In the space of several years (mostly at reconstructions) it is very beneficial to have all complete data sources at our disposal (documentation of actual completion of the construction) containing besides others even the most important part-the geodetic surveying plan of real course of new underground engineering network. IV.T ECHNOLOGY OF M OBILE D ATA C APTURE FOR GIS Technology of mobile data capture has recently been more and more extended and has been used in many branches. These tools support the creation of digital data flow from the initial data capture through analyses to its final visualization[3]. The first studies confirm that making use of mobile GIS technology in field increases the work efficiency and decreases time and financial costs for getting geodata. The development of mobile data capture was according to Ref.[4] influenced by:
(1) Science-research activities in the sphere of cartographic visualization;
(2) Development in computer science (new concepts for processing of visual information).
Some principle problems of mobile GIS data capture given in Ref.[5] have become reality these days (e. g. the usage of spatial databases in the internet environmentˈmetadata problems etc.).
Current trends in mobile data capture are in general described in publication[6]. The particular problems are solved by case studies, e. g. in Ref.[7], where a concept called “field data streaming” for data capture and storage in real time is tested. The system is formed by a complex of hardware and software enabled wireless mobile data transmission during field work. The problem is that the users without geodetic skills can find a majority of current applications for mobile mapping features very complicated. Further restriction of mobile 1imited possibilities of text inputs, time aspects, energetic emphasis on durability of the device, manipulation in various scales, limited accuracy and others play also an important role.
Nowadays mobile data capture is grasped as a technology which enables digital recording of geodata directly in the field through a computer represented by PDA with built-in GPS device for positioning. On the basis of current experience in this sphere 3 different methods of access to mobile data capture can be observed, see Ref.[6]:
(1) Off-line solution-application runs on PDA without connection with the central computer;
(2) On-line solution, no application on the mobile computer and the user communicates through internet browser with the application on remote server;
(3) Transaction data processing, which is a combination of 2 previous solutions. On the mobile terminal runs an application which communicates with the central server taking advantage of web services through mobile connection.
Essential source of information in solving the problems of water management is the data derived on the basis of field survey. During the field survey it is necessary to know the actual position and have the possibility to update data from the field control. All of these functions provide us with the mobile geographic information system (GIS), which is a rapidly evolving technology with the possibility of applications in a wide range of fields of human activity. This is due to the current technical level of computer technology, which enables the portability of GIS to mobile devices such as laptop, handheld computer, etc. . In general, the mobile GIS consists of these devices and software:
(1) Mobile Hardware (Pocket PC-handheld, notebook, etc.);
(2) Software (eg. ArcPad, Terra Sync, etc.);
(3) Additional equipment for the field data collection (GPS receiverˈdigital camera, barcode reader, laser rangefinder, etc.);飞行交响乐
This configuration of mobile GIS provides the following basic functions:
(1) The possibility of updating and collection of data directly in the field (the positioning of points, lines and polygons, input attributes);
(2) Source of information for the purposes of navigation, decision making, etc;
Using mobile GIS in the field control is mainly related to the following significant advantages:
(1) User can input data into GIS in the field (ensuring data timeliness);
(2) Data are stored in digital form, thereby reducing the risk of errors when copying data from paper-based notebook, for example user has access to GIS data from anywhere in the field (it is possible to use data stored directly in the pocket computer or use the possibility of remote access such as via the Internet, etc. ).
One of the important application areas of mobile GIS technology is water management. Given the scale of the problem is it is possible to illustrate only selected examples of water management applications, concretely flood protection. Here is a mobile GIS application in particular for the following purposes:
g L ocalization of water structures and collection attributes;
g Flood extent survey;
g Collection of data for hydraulic calculations of water flow in streams and floodplains (e.g. information about surface roughness, field verification of the results of calculations, etc.);
g Flood marks positioning-localization for the purpose of later accurate geodetic survey;
g Flood crisis management;
g Collecting data on the structures in the floodplain to estimate the potential flood damage.房地产运营管理
GIS technology in civil engineering is widely used at present. It is mainly due to the accessibility of modern measuring and information technologies. GIS phenomenon consists in data presentations through web portals on the internet. GIS products are accessible to the general public. GIS and records of electronic documents working on the database principle enable to make use of information more effectively. In the state administration and self-rule authority the usage of GIS leads to the simplification of decision processes and thus lowering the administration bureaucracy. The accessibility of complex information concerning the locality in the preparatory phase of the building structures leads to possibility of their maximum usage or specification and completion, and time and financial costs are indirectly lowered. The efficiency of the whole process of the building structures preparation is increased. Great complex building structures intentions require a wider social consensus of admittance which can be presented with the help of computer in model variants and can get wider support among the users.
Mobile GIS, mainly with on 1ine internet connection and possibility to make use of data resources in field, becomes a strong tool in the whole construction process.
Taking into consideration the complications and long-term period of the construction process, it would be effective to store all documents designs and information in a unified platform-information sy
stem of building structures. The efficiency of this homogenous platform would excel mainly during the process of structures reconstruction.
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