
pen [pen] n
pencil  ['pensəl] n
pencil-case  ['penslkeis] n
ruler   ['ru:lə] n
eraser   [i'reizə] n
crayon   ['kreiən] n
book   [buk] n
bag     [bæɡ] n
sharpener ['ʃɑ:pənə] n
school [sku:l] n
head   [hed] n
face [feis] n
Nose  [nəuz] n
mouth [mauθ] n
eye   [ai] n
ear     [iə] n
Arm  [ɑ:m] n
finger ['fiŋɡə] n
leg   [leɡ] n
foot   [fut] n
body ['bɔdi] n
red     [red] n
yellow ['jeləu] n
green   [ɡri:n] n
blue [blu:] n
purple ['pə:pl] n
white   [hwait] n
black   [blæk] n
orange   ['ɔ:rindʒ] n
pink   [piŋk] n
brown   [braun] n
cat     [kæt] n
dog     [dɔg] n
monkey ['mʌŋki] n
panda   ['pændə] n
rabbit   ['ræbit] n
duck   [dʌk] n
pig     [piɡ] n
bird     [bə:d] n
bear     [bεə] n
elephant ['elifənt] n
mouse   [maus] n
squirrel   ['skwə:rəl] n
cake     [keik] n
bread     [bred] n
hot dog
Hamburger  ['hæmbə:ɡə] n
chicken ['tʃikin] n
French fries [frentʃ fraiz] n
Coke [kəuk] n
juice     [dʒu:s] n
milk [milk] n
water ['wɔ:tə] n
tea [ti:] n
coffee ['kɔfi] n
One  [wʌn] n
two   [tu:] n
three [θri:] n
four   [fɔ:] n
five   [faiv] n
six   [siks] n
seven ['sevən] n
eight   [eit] n
nine   [nain] n
ten   [ten] n
doll   [dɔl] n
balloon   [bə'lu:n] n
car   [kɑ:] n
plane     [plein] n
text    [tekst] n
self      [self] n
word   [wə:d] n
type    [taip] n
module   ['mɔdju:l] n
daily  ['deili] a
Grammar  ['græmə] n
content   [kən'tent] n
love [lʌv] n
expression [iks'preʃən] n
wall [wɔ:l] n
project   [prə'dʒekt] n
dictionary   ['dikʃəneri] n
sheet   [ʃi:t] n
mum   [mʌm] n
vocabulary [və'kæbjuləri] n    touch [tʌtʃ] v
poem   ['pəuim] n
page [peidʒ] n
oral   ['ɔ:rəl] n
unit  ['ju:nit] n
I  am  [æm]
you   [ju:] pron
are  [ɑ:] v
come in. ['kʌm in]
name [neim] n
class [klɑ:s ] n
good  [ɡud] n
good morning!
New  [nju:] n
we [wi:] pron
from  [frɔm] prep
from beijing
chair [tʃɛə] n
floor [flɔ:] n
box [bɔks] n
at [æt] prep
zoo [zu:] n
at the zoo
park [pɑ:k] n
classroom ['klɑ:srum] n
Factory ['fæktəri] n
square [skwεə] n
Capital ['kæpitəl] n
China ['tʃaɪnə] n
the capital of China
motherland ['mʌðəlænd] n
Has [hæz]
cap  [kæp] n
star [stɑ:] n
our ['auə] pron
national ['næʃənəl] n
national flag [flæɡ]
coat  [kəut] n
have [hæv] v
long [lɔŋ] a
short  [ʃɔ:t] a
big  [biɡ] a
small  [smɔ:l] a
or [ɔ:] conj
guess ɡes] n
hey [hei] int
tall  [tɔ:l] a
old  [əuld] a
young  [jʌŋ] a
Chinese ['tʃai'ni:z]
over ['əuvə] v
English ['iŋgliʃ]
there [ðεə] ad
over there
join [dʒɔin] n
other ['ʌðə] pron
an  [æn] art
apple ['æpl] n
hand  [hænd] n
egg  [eɡ] n
them [ðem] pron
umbrella [ʌm'brelə] n
school is over.
home  [həum] n
go home
rain [rein] n
it's raining.
can't [kɑ:nt]
now [nau] ad
much  [mʌtʃ] a ad
how much
eleven [i'levən] num
twelve  [twelv] num
minus ['mainəs] prep a n
here  [hiə] ad n
Here you are.
money ['mʌni] n
they [ðei] pron
twenty ['twenti] num科学技术与工程
these [ði:z] pron
door   [dɔ:] n
window  ['windəu] n
picture  ['piktʃə] n
talk  [tɔ:k] n
about [ə'baut] prep
flower  ['flauə] n
some [sʌm] pron
boat [bəut] n
lake [leik] n
skirt [skə:t] n
clean [kli:n] a
shirt [ʃə:t] n
dirty  ['də:ti] a
cup [kʌp] n
glass  [ɡlɑ:s] n
have a look
sure [ʃuə] a ad
and  [ænd] conj
their  [ðεə] pron
pioneer [,paiə'niə] n移动彩信平台
right  [rait] a n
young pioneer
scarf [skɑ:f] n
red scarf
all  [ɔ:l] ad pron n
both bəuθ] pron
peasant ['pezənt] n
soldier  ['səuldʒə] n
doctor ['dɔktə] n
class is over
play [plei] v n
there are
what are they doing?
do [du:] v
pingpong ['piŋpɔŋ] n
rainbow ['reinbəu] n
American [ə'merikən]
paper ['peipə] n
piece  [pi:s] n
a piece of
ink  [iŋk] n
bottle  ['bɔtl] n
a bottle of
me  [mi:] pron
please  [pli:z] v
thank  [θæŋk] v n
want  [wɔnt] v
write  [rait] v
letter  ['letə] n
any  ['eni] pron
way  [wei] n
go  [ɡəu] v
go to the door
open  ['əupən] v
close  [kləuz] v
blackboard  ['blækbɔ:d] n
clean  [kli:n] v
football  ['futbɔ:l] n
match  [mætʃ] n
between  [bi'twi:n] prep
this afternoon  [,ɑ:ftə:'nu:n]
time  [taim] n
have you any paper?
what time?
at three
but  [bʌt] conj
jacket  ['dʒækit] n
basketball  ['bæskitbɔ:l] n
wheel  [hwi:l] n
radio ['reidiəu] n
bat  [bæt] n
maybe  ['meibi] ad
of course [kɔ:s]
knife  [naif] n
sorry  ['sɔri] int
for  [ fɔ:] prep
can  [kæn] v.aux
make  [meik] v
right now
there is
near [niə] ad prep
playground  ['pleiɡraund] n
model ['mɔdl] n
model plane
model ship
sky  [skai] n
bright [brait] a
above [ə'bʌv] prep
lesson  ['lesən] v
have lessons
like  [laik] v
like  [laik] n
table ['teibl] n
let  [let] v
artist  ['ɑ:tist] n
house  [haus] n
tree [tri:] n
river  ['rivə] n
front  [frʌnt] n
in front of
then  [ðen] ad
cow  [kau] n
behind  [bi'haind] prep
goose  [ɡu:s] n
geese  [ɡi:s]
moon  [mu:n] n
air [εə] n
mountain  ['mauntin] n
think  [θiŋk] v
so  ['səu] ad
give  [ɡiv] v
animal  ['æniməl] n
life [laif] n
which [hwitʃ] adv
nineteen  [,nain'ti:n] num
thirty ['θə:ti] num
twenty-one  ['twenti,wʌn]
thirty-three  ['θə:ti'θri:]
miss [mis] n
people ['pi:pl] n
Family ['fæmili] n
day  [dei] n
week  [wi:k] n
today  [tə'dei] n
baby  ['beibi] n
see  [si:] v
zebra  ['zi:brə] n
run  [rʌn] n
jump  [dʒʌmp] v
all the time
count  [kaunt] v n
lion  ['laiən] n
tiger ['taiɡə] n
sit  [sit] v
exercise  ['eksəsaiz] v
down  [daun] prep ad
very  ['veri] ad
out  [aut] ad
out of
listen ['lisən] v
read  [ri:d] v
after  ['ɑ:ftə] prep
stop  [stɔp] v n
wait [weit] v
evening  ['i:vniŋ] n
cinema  ['sinəmə] n
crossing ['krɔ:siŋ] n
light ['lait] n
must  [mʌst] v.aux.
yet  [jet] ad conj
o'clock [ə' klɔk]
morning  ['mɔ:niŋ] n
get [ɡet] n
up [ʌp] n
get up
half [hɑ:f] n ad
past  [pɑ:st] adj.
morning exercises
breakfast  ['brekfəst] n
have a lesson
draw [drɔ:] v
clock  [klɔk] n
tell [tel] n
her  [hə:] pron
stand  [stænd] v
ask [ɑ:sk] v
question  ['kwestʃən] n
well  [wel] a
answer ['ɑ:nsə] v
talk in English
help [help] v
quarter  ['kwɔ:tə] n
game  [ɡeim] n
study ['stʌdi] n
supper  ['sʌpə] n
watch [wɔtʃ] v
afraid [ə'freid] a
Mr. ['mistə] n
son  [sʌn] n
daughter  ['dɔ:tə] n
newspaper  ['nju:s,peipə] n
by prep
play with
sweep  [swi:p] v
floor  [flɔ:] n
mop  [mɔp] v
ready  ['redi] a ad
still [stil] ad
lunch  [lʌntʃ] n
room  [ru:m] n
look for
hurry  ['hʌri] v n
hurry up!
fox  [fɔks] n
news  [nju:z] n
come this way
away  [ə'wei]
run away
giraffe [dʒi'rɑ:f] n
why [hwai] adv
noise [nɔiz] n
pineapple  ['pain,æpl] n
lorry ['lɔ:ri] n
lime  [laim] n
lizard ['lizəd] n
board [bɔ:d] n
computer [kəm'pju:tə] n
teacher’s desk
fan  [fæn] n
classmate  ['klɑ:smeit] n
good idea  [ai'diə]
all right 
seat  [si:t] n
good job [d菲比 凯茨ʒɔb]
what  [hwɔt] pron int
look at
Chinese book
fat  [fæt] a
heavy  ['hevi] a
may  [mei] v.aux.
long hair [hεə]
short hair
thin [θin] a
strong [strɔŋ] a
quiet ['kwaiət] a
his [hiz] pron
photo ['fəutəu] n
teacher ['ti:tʃə] n
student['stju:dənt] n
music ['mju:zik] n
science ['saiəns] n
sports [spɔ:ts] n
computer game 
painting ['peintiŋ] v
boy [bɔi] n
Girl [ɡə:l] n
bathroom ['bæθrum] n
bedroom ['bedrum] n
kitchen ['kitʃin] n
fridge  [fridʒ] n
key [ki:] n
rice [rais] n
noodle(s) ['nu:dl] n
hungry  ['hʌŋgri] a
chopsticks  ['tʃɔpstik] n
horse [hɔ:s] n
spoon [spu:n] n
plate [pleit] n
fork [fɔ:k] n
pass [pɑ:s] v
Try [trai] v
Help yourself 
show [ʃəu] n
food [fu:d] n
parents ['pєərənts] n
uncle ['ʌŋkl] n
aunt [ɑ:nt] n
member ['membə] n
only ['əunli] a
puppy ['pʌpi] n
sister ['sistə] n
farmer ['fɑ:mə] n
nurse [nə:s] n
it [it] pron
class [klɑ:s] n
dress [dres] n
no [nəu] ad
string [striŋ] n
warm [wɔ:m] a
cold [kəuld] a
cool [ku:l] a
jean [dʒi:n] n
pant [pænt] n
sock(s) [sɔk] n
shoe(s) [ʃu:] n
snowy ['snəui] a
sunny ['sʌni] a
banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n
pear [pεə] n
watermelon['wɔ:tə,melən] n
Monday ['mʌndi] n
Tuesday  ['tju:zdi ] n
Wednesday  ['wenzdei ] n
Thursday   ['θə:zdi] n
Friday  ['fraidi] n
Saturday ['sætədi] n
Sunday ['sʌndi] n
raindrop ['reindrɔp] n
robot  ['rɔbət] n
good  [gud] n
Friend [frend] n
hear  [hiə] v
work  [wə:k] n
walk  [wɔ:k] v
excuse me.  [iks'kju:z]
take  [teik] v
take a no.7 bus 
trolley-bus  ['trɔlibʌs] n
underground. ['ʌndəgraund] n
number  ['nʌmbə] n
England  ['inglənd] n
America  [ə'merikə] n
by underground 
bus stop  [stɔp]
catch(bus)  [kætʃ] v
fish  [fiʃ] n
nest  [nest] n
swim  [swim] v
sing  [siŋ]
dance  ['dɑ:ns] v
volleyball  ['vɔlibɔ:l]
speak  [spi:k] v
little  ['litl] a
a little 
owl  [aul] n
each  [i:tʃ] pron ad
each other  ['ʌðə]
begin  [bi'gin]
like  [laik] prep
Russian  ['rʌʃən]
so much like 
dark  [dɑ:k] n
say  [sei] v
after all 
often  ['ɔ:fən] ad
child [tʃaild] n
children  ['tʃildrən] n
palace ['pælis] n
a lot of 
fun [fʌn]
every  ['evri] a
early  ['ə:li] a
wash  [wɔʃ] v
brush  [brʌʃ] n
tooth  [tu:θ] n
teeth  [ti:θ] n
far  [fɑ:] a n
usually  ['ju:ʒuəli] ad
summer  ['sʌmə] n
winter  ['wintə] n
skate  [skeit ] v
buy [bai]v
size  [saiz] n
try on 
fast  [fɑ:st] a
will  [wil] v.aux.
hare  [hєə] n
tortoise  ['tɔ:təs] n
race  [reis] n
have a race 
get  [get] v
get there 
got  [gɔt]
sleep  [sli:p] v
first  [fə:st] num
win  [win] v
rest  [rest] v
Mr. and Mrs. white 
welcome  ['welkəm] int
Forty ['fɔ:ti] num
very much  ad
only  ['əunli] ad
bell  [bel] v
it's time for 
back [bæk] n
at the back 
when  [(h)wen] adv
begin classes 
month  [mʌnθ] n
basin  ['beisən] n
once  [wʌns] ad n
once a week 
group  [gru:p] n
pool  [pu:l] n
man  [mæn] n
him  [him] pron
woman  ['wumən] n
her  [hə] pron
bring  [briŋ] vt
us  pron
call  [kɔ:l] v
dad  [dæd] n
cabbage  ['kæbidʒ] n
pair  [pєə] n
a pair of 
yours  [juəz] pron
empty  ['empti] a
mine [main] pron
whose  [hu:z] pron
trousers  ['traʊzəz] n
a pair of trousers 
ours  ['auəz] pron
theirs  pron
wear  [wεə] n
blouse  [blauz] n
hers  [hə:z] pron
ground  [graʊnd] n
pick  [pik] v
pick up 
put into 
may i have a try? 
eat breakfast [i:t] ['brekfəst]
do morning exercises
noon [nu:n] n
have English class
spring [spriŋ] n
play sports [plei] [spɔ:ts]
fall [fɔ:l] n
climb mountains [klaim]
date [deit] n
visit grandparents['vizit]
study ['stʌdi] n
play the piano [plei] [pi'ɑ:nəu]
make a snowman
go shopping [gəu] ['ʃɔpiŋ]
fly kites [flai] [kait]
skate [skeit] n
go hiking ['haikiŋ]
weekend  ['wi:kend] n
sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] ad
birthday  ['bə:θdei] n
season ['si:zn] n
cook dinner [kuk] ['dinə]
best [best] a ad
read a book [rid]
plant trees [plɑ:nt] [tri:s]
because [bi'kɔz] conj
mirror ['mirə] n
draw pictures [drɔ:] ['piktʃəz]
grandpa ['grændpɑ:] n
grandma  ['grændmɑ:] n
kangaroo [,kæŋgə'ru:] n
answer the phone ['ɑ:nsə] [fəun]
fight [fait] v
listen to music ['lisn] ['mju:zik]
honey  ['hʌni] n
clean the room [kli:n][rum]
write a letter [rait] ['letə]
write an e-mail
climb [klaim] v
swing [swiŋ] v
drink water [driŋk] ['wɔ:tə]
take pictures  [teik] ['piktʃəz]
scarf  [skɑ:f] n
watch insects [wɔtʃ] ['insekt]
chess [tʃes] n
pick up leaves [pik] [ʌp] [li:vz]
traffic ['træfik] n
do an experiment
stop  [stɔp] n
catch butterfly [kætʃ] ['bʌtəflai]
hobby ['hɔbi] n
count insects [kauʊnt]
collect leaves [kə'lekt]
play chess [plei][tʃes]
have a picnic  ['piknik]
write a report [rait][ri'pɔ:t]
shell [ʃel] n
traffic light  [lait]
traffic rule  [ru:l]
get to [get] [tu]
library ['laibrəri] n
where [(h)wєə] ad pron
turn [tə:n] v
next to  [nekst]
bookstore ['bukstɔ:] n
post card [pəust] [kɑ:d] n
right [rait] n
left [left] n
straight [streit] a
this morning  [ðis] ['mɔ:niŋ]
next week [wi:k]
this afternoon  ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n]
go→goes [gəʊz]
his evening [ðis] ['i:vniŋ]
comic book ['kɔmik] [buk]
comic  ['kɔmik] n
dive→diving [daiv]
ride a bike→riding a bike
writer ['raitə] n
play the violin                twenty-five  num
make kites [meik] [kait]
fly  [flai] v
collect stamps [kə'lekt]         youre welcome
should [ʃud ] v.aux
live→lives [liv ] [laivz]
teach→teaches [ti:tʃ]
watch→watches [wɔtʃ]
read→reads [rid]
doesn’t=does not [dʌz ]
singer ['sindʒə] n
actor ['æktə] n
actress ['æktris] n
TV reporter [ri'pɔ:tə]
enginee[,endʒi'niə] n
accountant [ə'kauntənt] n
policeman [pə'li:smən] n
salesperson ['seilz,pə:sən] n
cleaner ['kli:nə] n
work [wə:k] v
cloud [klaud] n
sun [sʌn] n
stream [stri:m] n
come from  [kʌm] [frɔm]
seed [si:d] n
soil [sɔil] n
sprout [spraut] n
plant [plɑ:nt] vt
tall → taller [tɔ:l]
short → shorter [ʃɔ:t]
strong → stronger
old → older [əuld]
young → younger [jʌŋ]
big → bigger [big]
heavy → heavier ['hi:vi]
long → longer [lɔŋ]
thin → thinner [θin]
small → smaller [smɔ:l]
have a fever [hæv] ['fi:və]
have a sore throat [θrəut]
have a cold [kəuld]
have a toothache ['tu:θeik]
have a headache  ['hedeik]
sore [sɔ] a
matter ['mætə] n
hurt [hə:t] n v
tired ['taiəd] a
excited [ik'saitid] a
angry ['æŋgri] a
happy ['hæpi] a
bored [bɔ:d] a
sad [sæd] a
watch → watched [wɔtʃ]
wash → washed [wɔʃt]
clean → cleaned [kli:n]
play → played [plei]
go to a park [pɑ:k]
row [rau] v
go swimming ['swimiŋ]
ski [ski] n
go fishing  ['fiʃiŋ]
snake [sneik] n
eat good food ate
soft [sɔft] a
go hiking went ['haikiŋ]
wind  [waind] n
take pictures [teik] [tuk]
wolf  [wulf] n
last [lɑ:st]
glove [glʌv] n
go ice-skating [ais]
grey  [grei] n
row a boat rowed a boat
taste [teist] vt
see elephant [si:] [sɔ:]
loud  [laud] a
go skiing → went skiing [ 'ski:iŋ]
bell  [bel] n
sing and dance sang and danced [siŋ] ['dɑ:ns] sæŋ]
learn Chinese learned Chinese [lə:n] ['tʃai'ni:z] ['lə:nid]
visit → visited ['vizit]
last weekend
go → went [gəu] [went]
hiking ['haikiŋ] n v
climb → climbed klaim]
smell [smel] vt
get → got [get] [gɔt]
how  [hau] ad
shine [ʃain] vi
wave  [weiv] n
toy [tɔi] n
parrot ['pærət] n
aeroplane ['ɛərəplein] n
roof  [ru:f] n
sweet  [swi:t] a
colour ['kʌlə] v
drill  [dril] n
dry  [drai] a
blow [bləu] vt vi
insect  ['insekt] n
ambulance (man) ['æmbjuləns] n
angry ['æŋgri] a
aviary ['eiviəri] n
block [blɔk] n
branch [brɑ:ntʃ] n
brave  [breiv] n
bus driver  ['draivə] n
butter ['bʌtə] n
chase [tʃeis] v
chocolate ['tʃɔkəlit] n
coffee ['kɔfi] n
cook  [kuk] n
cook  [kuk] v
corm [kɔ:m] n
crisp  [krisp] n
cut [kʌt] v
dear [diə] a
dentist  ['dentist] n
eighteen  ['ei'ti:n] num
eleven  [i'levn] num
engine ['endʒin] n
everywhere ['evrihwɛə] adv
farm  [fɑ:m] n
feed  [fi:d] v
fifteenth  ['fif'ti:nθ] num
fire [faiə] n
fireman ['faiəmən] n营造地表形态的力量
flour [flauə] n
fountain  ['fauntin] n
fourteen ['fɔ:'ti:n] num
frog [frɔg] n
fruit  [fru:t] n
full  [ful] a
grass  [grɑ:s] n
hay  [hei] n
hoop  [hu:p] n
knee  [ni:] n
large [lɑ:dʒ] a
leave  [li:v] v
log [lɔg] n
mask  [mɑ:sk] n
moth [mɔθ] n
packet  ['pækit] n
postman ['pəustmən] n
rectangle [rek'tæŋgl] n
ride  [raid] v
rope [rəup] n
round  [raund] a
rubbish ['rʌbiʃ] n
seventeen  [,sevn'ti:n] num
sharp [ʃɑ:p] a
sheep [ʃi:p] n
See you 
birthday ['bə:θdei] n
theirs ɛəz] pron
I’m……years old
shop assistant [ə'sistənt] n
shoulder ['ʃəuldə] n
sixteen  ['siks'ti:n] num
sketchbook ['sketʃbuk] n
stalk [stɔ:k] n
stone [stəun] n
sugar ['ʃugə] n
sunglasses ['sʌnglɑ:siz] n
supermarket ['sju:pə,mɑ:kit]
telephone ['telifəun] v
There be 
thirteen ['θə:ti:n] num
throw [θrəu] v
toe [təu] n
trunk [trʌŋk] n
Under ['ʌndə] prep
waiter ['weitə] n
You can call me……(name) 
April ['eiprəl] n
waitress  ['weitris] n
afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n
How much is it? 
tadpole ['tædpəul] n
I’m sorry. Thats all right 
August [ɔ:'gʌst] n
basket  ['bɑ:skit] n
beach [bi:tʃ] n
bench [bentʃ] n
beside  [bi'said] prep
blind  [blaind] n
blunt [blʌnt] a
bone [bəun] n
brush [brʌʃ] n
busy  ['bizi] a
cannot ['kænɔt] aux
cloudy  ['klaudi] a
cousin ['kʌzn] n
December [di'sembə] n
dig  [dig] v
dining ['dainiŋ] n
dining room  n
dish [diʃ] n
donkey ['dɔŋki] n
drum [drʌm] n
dry  [drai] v
duckling ['dʌkliŋ] n
eat  [i:t] v
February ['februəri] n
felt pen  [felt] n
fifty  ['fifti] num
sail  [seil] v
may  [mei] n
grape  [greip] n
guitar  [gi'tɑ:] n
half past  [hɑ:f] [pɑ:st]
hole [həul] n
homework  ['həumwə:k] n
January ['dʒænjueri] n
July [dʒu:'lai] n
June [dʒu:n] n
letter ['letə] n
live  [liv] v
March [mɑ:tʃ] n
motorbike ['məutəbaik] n
November [nəu'vembə] n
October [ɔk'təubə] n
old [əuld] a
paint  [peint] n
pen friend 
pet  [pet] n
piano [pi'ænəu] n
pilot ['pailət] n
puzzle ['pʌzl] n
rainy  ['reini] a
recorder [ri'kɔ:də] n
restaurant ['restərɔnt] n
rock [rɔk] n
September [sep'tembə] n
shake [ʃeik] n
sitting room 
spaceship ['speisʃip] n
swan [swɔn] n
temple  ['templ] n
thing [θiŋ] n
thunder ['θʌndə] n
top [tɔp] n
triangle ['traiæŋgl] n
ugly ['ʌgli] a
violin [,vaiə'lin] n
watch [wɔtʃ] n
weather ['weðə] n
windy  ['windi] a
year  [jiə] n
What time is it? 
aquarium [ə'kwɛəriəm] n
art and craft  [krɑ:ft]
bake  [beik] v
bar  [bɑ:] n
be  [bi:] v
become [bi'kʌm] v
BigMac  [mæk]
bin  [bin] n
body ['bɔdi] n
break  [breik] n
bs(bus car)  [bai] prep
carrot ['kærət] n
caterpillar ['kætə,pilə] n
cheap [tʃi:p] a
cocoon [kə'ku:n] n
country park ['kʌntri]
crocodile ['krɔkədail] n
cross [krɔ:s] v
cupboard ['kʌbəd] n
dangerous ['deindʒərəs] a
dear  [diə] a
dessert [di'zə:t] n
Diver ['daivə] n
doesn't  aux v
dolphin ['dɔlfin] n
drink [driŋk] n
drink [driŋk] v
eighth  [eitθ] num
eighty  ['eiti] num
eleventh  [i'levnθ] num
feeler ['fi:lə] n
fifth  [fifθ] num
fourth [fɔ:θ] num
French fries [frentʃ] [fraiz]
garden  ['gɑ:dn] n
glue  [glu:] n
go out ['gəu aut]
high  [hai] a
hundred ['hʌndrəd] num
if  [if] conj
invitation [,invi'teiʃən] n
island ['ailənd] n
jungle ['dʒʌŋgl] n
lay(eggs)  [lei] v
Lets=let us 
make a noise 
map  [mæp] n
Maths  [mæθs] n
McChicken  n
mean  [mi:n] vt
mice  [mais] n.pl
need  [ni:d] v
night  [nait] n
ninety  ['nainti] num
ninth  [nainθ] num
nod [nɔd] vt
note [nəut] n
ocean ['əuʃən] n
or  [ɔ:] conj
out  [aut] prep
outside  ['aut'said] adv
party  ['pɑ:ti] n
physical education   n
peel  [pi:l] n
picnic  ['piknik] n
place  [pleis] n
play with ['plei wið]
potato [pə'teitəu] n
road [rəud] n
rule  [ru:l] n
salt [sɔ:lt] n
sausage ['sɔ:sidʒ] n
scissors ['sizəz] n
seal  [si:l] n
second ['sekənd] num
seventh  ['sevnθ] num
seventy  ['sevnti] num
shark ['ʃɑ:k] n
shout [ʃaut] v
show [ʃəu] vt
sick  [sik] a
sign  [sain] n
sixth  [siksθ] num
sixty  ['siksti] num
smoke [sməuk] v
spell  [spel] v
sale  [seil] n
station ['steiʃən] n
subject ['sʌbdʒikt] n
tape  [teip] n
tenth  [tenθ] num
term [tə:m] n
theatre ['θiətə] n
third [θə:d] num
thirtieth ['θə:tiiθ] num
through  [θru:] prep
timetable  ['taim,teibl] n
wait  [weit] v
traffic light ['træfik]
tram  [træm] n
twelfth  [twelfθ] num
twentieth  ['twentiiθ] num
twenty-first [,twenti'fə:st] num
use  [ju:z] vt
uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m] n
underground ['ʌndəgraund]
vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n
visit  ['vizit] v
tower ['tauə] n
way(=method)['meθəd]  n
way(= direction) [wei] n
wait for
wear [wɛə] v
wing [wiŋ] n
zoo keeper ['ki:pə] n
Heres/Here are some ……
There you are
Can i…… 
Can I have……,please? 
How do you spell that in Englis?  hooray  [hu'rei] int
asleep [ə'sli:p] a
awake [ə'weik] a
be quiet ['kwaiət]
cushion ['kuʃən] n
cage   [keidʒ] n
castle  ['kɑ:sl] n
diary ['daiəri] n
different ['difərənt] a
dinosaur ['dainəsɔ:] n
durian ['djuəriən] n
favorite ['feivərit] a
fluffy ['flʌfi] a
furniture ['fə:nitʃə] n
giant ['dʒaiənt] n
glasses  ['glɑ:siz] n
goal [gəul] n
hammer ['hæmə] n
hide  [haid] vt
hissing ['hisiŋ] a
humming ['hʌmiŋ]  a
in from of 
Inside  prep
instrument ['instrumənt] a
lady  ['leidi] a
millimeter  ['mili,mi:tə] a
musical ['mju:zikəl] a
outside  prep
parcel  ['pɑ:sl] n
plum   [plʌm] a
police station 
pond [pɔnd] n
pop [pɔp] n
puppet ['pʌpit] n
rise  [raiz] vi
roll over  [rəul] ['əuvə]
roll [rəul] v
rough [rʌf] a
rug [rʌg] n
same  [seim] a
score [skɔ:] n
screwdriver ['skru:,draivə] n
shadow  ['ʃædəu] n
shaker ['ʃeikə] n
shelf [ʃelf] n
elf  [elf] n
shiny ['ʃaini] a
sign    [sain] v
skateboard ['skeitbɔ:d] n
sofa ['səufə] n
storm [stɔ:m] n

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