2013 Anti-inflammatory effect of

Carbohydrate Polymers 92 (2013) 84–89
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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c a r b p o
Anti-inflammatory effect of fucoidan extracted from Ecklonia cava in zebrafish model
Seung-Hong Lee a ,1,Chang-Ik Ko b ,1,Youngheun Jee c ,Yoonhwa Jeong d ,Misook Kim d ,Jin-Soo Kim e ,You-Jin Jeon b ,f ,∗
School of Medicine,Jeju National University,Jeju 690-756,Republic of Korea
Department of Marine Life Science,Jeju National University,Jeju 690-756,Republic of Korea c
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Applied Radiological Science Institute,Jeju National University,Jeju 690-756,Republic of Korea d
Department of Food Science and Nutrition,Dankook University,Gyeonggi 448-701,Republic of Korea e
Department of Seafood Science and Technology/Institute of Marine Industry,Gyeongsang National University,Tongyeong 650-160,Republic of Korea f
Marine and Environmental Research Institute,Jeju National University,Jeju 695-814,Republic of Korea
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 23August 2012Received in revised form 24September 2012
Accepted 24September 2012Available online 2 October 2012
Keywords:Fucoidan Zebrafish Tail-cutting LPS-treatment
a b s t r a c t
Fucoidan extracted from Ecklonia cava had strong anti-inflammatory activities.However,the direct effects of fucoidan of E.cava on anti-inflammatory activities in vivo model remained to be determined.Therefore,the present study was designed to assess in vivo anti-inflammatory effect of fucoidan extracted from E.cava (ECF)using tail-cutting-induced and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated zebrafish model.Treating zebrafish model with tail-cutting and LPS-treatment significantly increased the ROS and NO level.How-ever,ECF inhibited this tail-cutting-induced and LPS-stimulated ROS and NO generation.These results show that ECF alleviated inflammation by inhibiting the ROS and NO generation induced by tail-cutting and LPS-treatment.In addition,ECF has a protective effect against the toxicity induced by LPS exposure in zebrafish embryos.This outcome could explain the potential anti-inflammatory activity of ECF,which might have a beneficial effect during the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fucoidans are commonly found in brown seaweeds and some marine invertebrates such as sea cucumbers and sea urchins (Chevolot et al.,1999;Vieira &Mourao,1988).They mainly con-sist of fucose and sulfate with small amounts of galactose,xylose,mannose,and uronic acids (Bilan et al.,2002;Chizhov,Dell,Morris,Haslam,&McDowell,1999;Partankar,Oehninger,Barnett,Williams,&Clark,1993).Fucoidans isolated from brown algae have been extensively studied because of their diverse biological activ-ities such as anticoagulant,antitumor,immunomodulatory,and anti-inflammatory activities (Li,Lu,Wei,&Zhao,2008).Because of these activities,fucoidans have been investigated in the recent years to be developed as drugs and functional foods.
We extracted fucoidan in our previous study from an enzy-matic hydrolysate of the brown alga,Ecklonia cava (E.cava ),and
∗Corresponding author at:Department of Marine Life Science,Jeju National Uni-versity,Jeju 690-756,Republic of Korea.Tel.:+82647543475;fax:+82647563493.
E-mail addresses:youjinj@jejunu.ac.kr ,youjinj@gmail (Y.-J.Jeon).1
These authors contributed equally to this work.
was mainly composed of fucose,with small amounts of galac-tose,xylose,and mannose.We also demonstrated that the fucoidan extracted from E.cava had anti-inflammatory activities (Lee et al.,2012).However,the direct effects of fucoidan extracted from E.cava on anti-inflammatory activities in vivo model remained to be determined.
The vertebrate zebrafish (Danio rerio )is a small tropical freshwa-ter fish,which has emerged as a useful vertebrate model organism because of its small size,large clutches,transparency,low cost maintenance,morphological and physiological similarity to mam-mals (Eisen,1996;Fishman,1999).Traditionally,zebrafish has been used in the fields of molecular genetics and developmental biology (Driever,Solnica-Krezel,&Schier,1996;Kimmel,1989).However,recently the value of the zebrafish as a model organism for drug dis-covery and toxicological studies has been recognized (den Hertog,2005;Pichler et al.,2003).
Zebrafish have well-developed innate and acquired immune systems that very similar to the mammalian immune system (Trede,Zapata,&Zon,2001).In addition,the optical transparency of zebrafish embryos allows noninvasive and dynamic imaging the inflammation in vivo .Because of these characteristics,zebrafish are a useful and popular animal model for a variety of inflamma-tion studies.In in vivo anti-inflammation test model,zebrafish is
0144-8617/$–see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.09.066
S.-H.Lee et al./Carbohydrate Polymers92 (2013) 84–8985
Chemical composition of fucoidan extracted from E.cava.a
Component Fucoidan
Total carbohydrate(%)51.8±1.3
Sulfate content(%)20.1±0.7
Uronic acid(%)11.3±0.5
Proportion of monosaccharide(%)
Rhamnose  3.9±0.4
a Information from Lee et al.(2012).
Experiments were performed in triplicate and the data are expressed as mean±SE. widely accepted as the best method for effective anti-inflammation assay(Liao et al.,2011;Novoa,Bowman,Zon,&Figueras,2009; Park&Cho,2011).Therefore,the present study was designed to assess in vivo anti-inflammatory effect of fucoidan extracted from E. cava using tail-cutting-induced and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated zebrafish model.
2.Materials and methods
The brown alga    E.cava(Phylum Phaeophyta,Class Phaeo-phyceae,Order Laminariales,Family Alariaceae)was collected from the coast of Jeju Island,South Korea.A voucher specimen has been deposited in the author’s laboratory and taxonomic identification of E.cava was performed by Prof.Ki-Wan Lee at Jeju National Uni-versity,Republic of Korea.Salt,sand and epiphytes were removed with tap water.The samples were then rinsed carefully with fresh water and freeze-dried.The dried alga sample was ground and sifted through a50-mesh standard testing sieve.All chemicals and reagents used were of analytical grade and obtained from commer-cial sources.
2.2.Preparation of fucoidan from E.cava
Fucoidan was extracted using the previously reported methods (Lee et al.,2012).A10g sample of the ground,dried E.cava powder was homogenized with1L of distilled water(dH2O)and mixed with 100␮L of Celluclast(Novo Nordisk,Bagsvaerd,Denmark).This reac-tion continued for24h at50◦C,and then,the digest was boiled for 10min at100◦C to inactivate the enzyme.The product was clarified by centrifugation(3000×g for20min)to remove the unhydrolyzed residue.Then,the enzymatic hydrolysate was adjusted to pH7.0 and precipitated with3volumes of ethanol.After centrifugation at10,000×g for20min at4◦C,the precipitate was re-dissolved in dH2O and sequentially treated with4M CaCl2.The resulting pre-cipitate was removed by centrifugation and the supernatant was treated with cetylpyridi
nium chloride.The pyridinium salts were solubilized with3M CaCl2and reprecipitated with ethanol.The precipitate was re-dissolved in dH2O,dialyzed(M W CO,10–12kDa) against water at4◦C for72h,and then lyophilized;the lyophilized sample was used as fucoidan sample.The chemical composition of the fucoidan was shown in Table1(Lee et al.,2012).
2.3.Origin and maintenance of parental zebrafish
Ten adult zebrafish were obtained from a commercial dealer (Seoul aquarium,Seoul,Korea)and were kept in a3L acrylic tank at 28.5◦C with a14:10h light:dark cycle.The zebrafish were fed three times a day,6days/week,with tetraminflake food supplemented with live brine shrimps(Artemia salina;SEWHAPET food Co.,Seoul,Korea).Embryos were obtained from natural spawning that was induced in the morning by turning on the light.The collection of embryos was completed within30min.
2.4.Preparation of inflammation-induced zebrafish model by
tail-cutting and application of test fucoidan
The zebrafish larvae were anesthetized in tricaine methane-sulfonate solution(Sigma,St.Louis,MO,USA)before tail-cutting. After anesthesia,to trigger tail-cutting-induced in
flammation,tail of zebrafish larvae was half-cutted,around50%of tail area was removed.To make wounds as consistently sized as possible,tail-cutting was performed using blade under a dissecting microscope. As soon as tail-cutting was completed,the zebrafish larvae were transferred in the fresh embryo medium.
The zebrafish larvae(n=15)were randomly divided into follow-ing four groups:(1)tail-uncutted control group(negative control);
(2)tail-cutted only group;(3)tail-cutted with fucoidan extracted from E.cava(ECF)-treated group;and(4)tail-cutted with commer-cial fucoidan(CF,Sigma,St.Louis,MO,USA)-treated group.ECF and CF-treated group was exposed to test samples at28.5◦C for3h.
2.5.Preparation of inflammation-induced zebrafish model by LPS treatment and application of test fucoidan
Synchronized zebrafish embryos were collected and arrayed by pipette,10–15embryos/well,in12-well plates containing 2mL embryo medium for7–9h post-fertilization(hpf),and then incubated without or with the test samples for1h.To induce inflammation,5␮g/mL LPS(final concentration)was added to the embryo medium for15–17hpf at28.5◦C.Thereafter,the zebrafish embryos were transferred in the f
resh embryo medium.
2.6.Estimation of inflammation-induced intracellular reactive oxygen species(ROS)generation and image analysis
The generation of ROS in inflammatory zebrafish model was analyzed using an oxidation-sensitivefluorescent probe dye,2 ,7 -dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate(DCF-DA).The DCF-DA is deacetylated intracellular by nonspecific esterase and is further oxidized to the highlyfluorescent compound,dichlorofluorescein (DCF)in the presence of cellular peroxides(Rosenkranz et al.,1992). Following tail-cutting and LPS treatment,the zebrafish larvae and embryos were transferred into96-well plates,treated with DCF-DA solution(20␮g/mL),and incubated for1h in the dark at28.5◦C. After incubation,the zebrafish larvae and embryos were rinsed in the fresh zebrafish embryo medium and anesthetized in tricaine methanesulfonate solution before observation.Individual zebrafish larvae and embryofluorescence intensity was quantified using a spectrofluorometer(Perkin-Elmer LS-5B,Norwalk,CT,USA).The images of the stained larvae and embryos were observed using a fluorescent microscope,which was equipped with a Moticam color digital camera(Motix,Xiamen,China).
2.7.Estimation of inflammation-induced intracellular nitric oxide (NO)generation and image analysis
Generation of NO in inflammatory zebrafish model was analyzed using afluorescent probe dye,diaminofluorophore 4-amino-5-methylamino-2 ,7 -difluorofluorescein diacetate(DAF-FM DA).Transformation of DAF-FM DA by NO in the presence of dioxygen generates highlyfluorescent triazole derivatives(Itoh et al.,2000).Following tail-cutting and LPS treatment,the zebrafish larvae and embryos were transferred into96-well plates,treated with DAF-FM DA solution(5␮M),and incubated for1h in the dark at28.5◦C.After incubation,the zebrafish larvae and embryos were
86S.-H.Lee et al./Carbohydrate Polymers92 (2013) 84–89
rinsed in the fresh zebrafish embryo medium and anesthetized in tricaine methanesulfonate solution before observation.Individual zebrafish larvae and embryosfluorescence intensity was quanti-fied using a spectrofluorometer(Perkin-Elmer LS-5B,Norwalk,CT, USA).The images of the stained larvae and embryos were observed using afluorescent microscope,which was equipped with a Moti-cam color digital camera(Motix,Xiamen,China).
2.8.Measurement of heart-beating rate and yolk sac edema size
The heart-beating rate of both atrium and ventricle was mea-sured at48hpf after LPS-exposure(Choi et al.,2007).Counting and recording of atrial and ventricular concentration were performed for3min u
nder the microscope,and results are represented as the average heart-beating rate per min.
For size analysis of yolk sac edema at48hpf after LPS-exposure, lateral views of anesthetized embryos were imaged using a micro-scope(Na et al.,2009).The outlines of the yolk sac edema were traced,and the area within each tracing was determined by Motic-images plus V.2.0for windows(Motix,Xiamen,China).
2.9.Statistical analysis
The data are presented as means±standard error.Statistical comparisons were performed using the SPSS package for Windows (Version14).p-Values of less than0.05were considered significant.
3.Results and discussion
典雅音乐花园3.1.Inhibitory effect of fucoidan extracted from E.cava(ECF)on
tail-cutting-induced and LPS-stimulated ROS generation in
inflammatory zebrafish model
Inflammation is a complex stereotypical response of the body to cell damage and vascularize tissues.The inflammatory responses are controlled by cytokines,products of the plasma enzyme sys-tems,and lipid mediators(Ross&Auger,2002).However,chronic and uncontrolled inflammations are detrimental to the tissues, which may cause chronic inflammation-derived diseases,such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers(Frostegard et al.,1999;Karin, Lawrence,&Nizet,2006).We have previously reported that the fucoidan extracted from E.cava had excellent anti-inflammatory activities(Lee et al.,2012).However,the direct effects of fucoidan extracted from E.cava on anti-inflammatory activities in vivo model remained to be determined.In in vivo anti-inflammation test model, zebrafish is widely accepted as the best method for effective anti-inflammation assay(Liao et al.,2011;Novoa et al.,2009;Park& Cho,2011).Therefore,the present study wefirst investigated in vivo anti-inflammatory effect of fucoidan(ECF)extracted from E.cava using zebrafish model.
Inflammation is essential for physiological responses to tissue injury and infection.The wound-induced inflammation involves dynamic regulation of pro-inflammatory mediators(Mathias et al., 2006).To mimic acute inflammatory states in cells or tissues,treat-ment with lipopolysaccharide(LPS)has been widely used.LPS is a gram-negative bacterial pathogen and a potent activator of innate immune response(Park&Cho,2011).Recent studies have reported that zebr
afish model was used to rapidly and simply assess the anti-inflammatory activity on tail-cutting-induced and LPS-stimulated inflammation in vivo(Liao et al.,2011;Park&Cho,2011).
Generation of intracellular ROS can be detected using oxidation sensitive dye DCF-DA as the substrate.DCF-DA exhibits nofluo-rescence without ROS and becomesfluorescent upon interaction with ROS(Handa et al.,2006).Fluorescent probes have been widely employed to monitor oxidative activity cells.During labeling,non fluorescent DCF-DA dye that freely into the cells gets hydrolyzed
by Fig.1.Inhibitory effect of ECF on tail-cutting-induced ROS generation in zebrafish larvae.The zebrafish larvae were pretreated to tail-cutting and treated with ECF.The ROS generation level was measured after staining with DCF-DA.(A)Fluorescence micrographs of tail-cutting-induced ROS generation,as follows:(i)control;(ii)tail-cutting only;(iii)treated with fucoidan(ECF)extracted from E.cava(100␮g/mL); and(iv)treated with commercial fucoidan(CF,100␮g/mL).(B)Afluorescence spectrophotometer was used for the quantitative analysis of ROS generation.Exper-iments were performed in triplicate and the data are expressed as mean±SE. *p<0.05shows significant difference from the only tail-cutting-treated zebrafish. intracellular esterase to DCF and trapped inside the cells(Veerman et al.,2004).Therefore,in this study,the generation of ROS in tail-cutting-induced and LPS-stimulated inflammatory zebrafish model was analyzed using an oxidation-sensitivefluorescent probe dye,DCF-DA.Fig.1A demonstrates that the generation of ROS in zebrafish was significantly increased by the tail-cutting as com-pared with the negative control(zebrafish without tail-cutting). Tail-cutted zebrafish showed the ROS level to be significantly increased to145.21%.However,the fucoidan extracted from E.cava (ECF)treatment reduced the level of ROS in the zebrafish induced by tail-cutting.In particular,ECF slightly lowered ROS level compared to the commercial fucoidan(CF).Fig.1B is a typicalfluorescence micrograph of the zebrafish.The negative control,which contained no fucoidan or tail-cutting,generated a clear image,whereas the positive control,which was
only tail-cutting,generated afluores-cence image,which suggests that ROS took place during tail-cutting in the zebrafish.However,in zebrafish that were treated with ECF prior to tail-cutting,a dramatic reduction in the amount of ROS was observed.Zebrafish incubated for15–17hpf with LPS showed ROS generation to be significantly higher relative to the non-LPS treated zebrafish(negative control).Pretreatment with ECF together with LPS significantly inhibited ROS generation,indi-cating protection against ROS(Fig.2A).The zebrafish treated with ECF showed ROS generation to be significantly reduced by121.41%. Fig.2B is a typicalfluorescence micrograph of the zebrafish.The negative control,which contained no fucoidan or LPS treatment, generated a clear image,whereas the positive control,which was only LPS treatment,generated afluorescence image,which sug-gests that ROS took place during LPS treatment in the zebrafish.
S.-H.Lee et al./Carbohydrate Polymers92 (2013) 84–89
Fig.2.Inhibitory effect of ECF on LPS-stimulated ROS generation in zebrafish embryos.The zebrafish embryos were pretreated with ECF and exposed to LPS (5␮g/mL).The ROS generation level was measured after staining with DCF-DA.(A) Fluorescence micrographs of LPS-stimulated ROS generation,as follows:(i)con-trol;(ii)LPS-treated only;(iii)pretreated with fucoidan(ECF)extracted from E.cava (100␮g/mL);and(iv)pretreated with commercial fucoidan(CF,100␮g/mL).(B) Afluorescence spectrophotometer was used for the quantitative analysis of ROS generation.Experiments were performed in triplicate and the data are expressed as mean±SE.*p<0.05shows significant difference from the only LPS-treated zebrafish.
However,in zebrafish that were treated with ECF prior to LPS treat-ment,a dramatic reduction in the amount of ROS was observed.ECF therefore significantly reduced the elevated ROS level induced by LPS treatment in zebrafish model.Previous studies have indicated that a high ROS level induces oxidative stress which can result in a variety of biochemical and physiological lesions.Such cellular damage frequently impairs the metabolic function and results in cell death and inflammation of tissues(Finkel&Holbrook,2000). Our results demonstrate that treating zebrafish with tail-cutting and LPS-treatment significantly increased the ROS level.However, ECF inhibited this tail-cutting and LPS-卢荣友
treatment-induced ROS gen-eration.These results show that ECF alleviated inflammation by inhibiting the ROS generation induced by tail-cutting and LPS-treatment.
3.2.Inhibitory effect of ECF on tail-cutting-induced and
LPS-stimulated NO generation in inflammatory zebrafish model NO is an important inflammatory mediator that is synthesized from arginine by nitric oxide synthase(NOS).Generally,NO plays an important role as a vasodilator,neurotransmitter,and in the immunological system as a defense against tumor cells, parasites,and bacteria(Nakagawa&Yokozawa,2002).However, under pathological condition,NO production is increased by the inducible NOS(iNOS),subsequently,brings about cytotoxicity,and tissue damage(Kim,Cheon,Kim,Kim,&Kim,1999).Therefore, NO inhibitors are essential for the prevention of inflammatory diseases.We evaluated in this study the inhibitory effect of ECF on tail-cutting and LPS-treatment-induced NO production in zebrafish by using afluorescent probe dye,DAF-FM DA.Transformation of DAF-FM DA by NO in the presence of dioxygen generates highly fluorescent triazole derivatives(Itoh et al.,2000).Fig.3A shows that the level of NO in zebrafish was significantly elevated by the tail-cutting as compared with the negative control(zebrafish
without Fig.3.Inhibitory effect of ECF on tail-cutting induced NO generation in zebrafish larvae.The zebrafish larvae were pretreated to tail-cutting and treated with ECF.The NO generation level was measured after staining with DAF-FM-DA.(A)Fluorescence micrographs of tail-cutting-induced NO generation,as follows:(i)control;(ii)tail-cutting only;(iii)treated with fucoidan(ECF)extracted from E.cava(100␮g/mL); and(iv)treated with commercial fucoidan(CF,100␮g/mL).(B)Afluorescence spec-trophotometer was used for the quantitative analysis of NO generation.Experiments were performed in triplicate and the data are expressed as mean±SE.*p<0.05 shows significant difference from the only tail-cutting-treated zebrafish.
tail-cutting).However,the NO level in the ECF-treated zebrafish was reduced significantly,this effect is similar to the CF.The level of NO in the zebrafish treated with tail-cutting was123%,but treatment with ECF in conjunction with tail-cutting treatment resulted in a lower NO level of108%.ECF therefore reduced the elevated NO level induced by tail-cutting in inflammatory zebrafish model.Fig.3B is a typicalfluorescence micrograph of the zebrafish.The negative control,which contained no fucoidan or tail-cutting,generated a clear image,whereas the positive control, which was only tail-cutting,generated afluorescence image,which suggests that NO took place during tail-cutting in the zebrafish. However,in zebrafish that were treated with ECF prior to tail-cutting,a dramat
ic reduction in the amount of NO was observed. Fig.4A shows that the level of NO in zebrafish was significantly elevated by the LPS treatment as compared with the non-LPS treated zebrafish(negative control).However,the NO level in the ECF-treated zebrafish was reduced significantly.The level of NO in the zebrafish treated with LPS was131.72%,but pretreatment with ECF together with LPS exposure resulted in a lower NO level of 107.87%.It is similar to the CF effect.Fig.4B is a typicalfluorescence micrograph of the zebrafish.The negative control,which contained no fucoidan or LPS treatment,generated a clear image,whereas the positive control,which was only LPS treatment,generated a fluorescence image,which suggests that NO took place during LPS treatment in the zebrafish.However,in zebrafish that were treated with ECF prior to LPS treatment,a dramatic reduction in the amount of NO was observed.ECF therefore significantly reduced the elevated NO level induced by LPS treatment in zebrafish model.Previous studies have indicated that fucoidan of E.cava
88S.-H.Lee et al./Carbohydrate Polymers 92 (2013) 84–
Fig.  4.Inhibitory effect of ECF on LPS-stimulated NO generation in zebrafish embryos.The zebrafish embryos were pretreated with ECF and exposed to LPS (5␮g/mL).The NO generation level was measured after staining with DAF-FM-DA.(A)Fluorescence micrographs of LPS-stimulated NO generation,as follows:(i)con-trol;(ii)LPS-treated only;(iii)pretreated with fucoidan (ECF)extracted from
E.cava (100␮g/mL);and (iv)pretreated with commercial fucoidan (CF,100␮g/mL).(B)A fluorescence spectrophotometer was used for the quantitative analysis of NO generation.Experiments were performed in triplicate and the data are expressed as mean ±SE.*p <0.05shows significant difference from the only LPS-treated zebrafish.
suppressed NO and the expression of iNOS in murine macrophage
cells (Lee et al.,2012).ECF in this study also significantly reduced the elevated NO level induced by tail-cutting and LPS-treatment in zebrafish.Although the expression level of NO synthase was not examined,ECF may therefore inhibit NO synthase in zebrafish based on previously published data.These findings indicate that ECF might confer important protection against the inflammation induced by physical and chemical damage.
3.3.Effects of ECF on LPS-stimulated the heart-beating rate and yolk sac edema size in zebrafish
In the zebrafish assay it revealed potential toxicity including swelling of the yolk,small head,tail bending,and a increase of heart-beating rate (Choi et al.,2007).Zebrafish embryos respond to toxicoid sensitively,allowing us to measure heart-beating rate and yolk sac edema size.As shown in Fig.5A,the heart-beat rate in zebrafish was remarkable increased by the LPS-treatment com-pared w
ith non-LPS treated zebrafish (negative control).However,the heart-beat rate in the ECF-treated zebrafish was decreased sig-nificantly.Zebrafish incubated for 48hpf without LPS-treatment observed no yolk sac edema.The size of yolk sac edema in zebrafish was elevated by the LPS-treatment compared with neg-ative control group.However,ECF clearly protected zebrafish against LPS-treatment (Fig.5B).Previously,Na et al.(2009)reported that antioxidant vitamin E protects 3,3 ,4,4 ,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126)induced toxicity such as pericardial sac edema,yolk sac edema,and growth retardation in zebrafish embryos.In the present study,we found that ECF reduced heart-beating rate and yolk sac edema size produced by LPS exposure in zebrafish embryos.The findings suggest that ECF might confer important protection against the toxicity induced by
H e a r t  b e a t i n g  r a t e /m i n
Control None 100 μg/mLECF LPS
A 0.02
Y o l k  s a c  e d e m a  s i z e  (μm 2)
Control None 100 μg/mLECF LPS
B Fig.5.Effects of ECF on LPS-stimulated the heart-beating rate (A)and yolk sac edema size (B)in zebrafish embryos.The zebrafish embryos were pretreated with ECF and exposed to LPS (5␮g/mL).The data was quantitated by image analysis.Experiments were performed in triplicate and the data are expressed as mean ±SE.*p <0.05shows significant difference from the only LPS-treated zebrafish.
Overall,the above results suggest that ECF could act as strong inhibitors of ROS and NO in tail-cutting-induced and LPS-stimulated inflammatory zebrafish model.In addition,ECF has a protective effect against the toxicity induced by LPS exposure in zebrafish embryos.This outcome could explain the potential anti-inflammatory activity of ECF,which might have a beneficial effect during the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
Fucoidan extracted from E.cava had strong anti-inflammatory activities.However,the direct effects of fucoidan extracted from E.cava on anti-inflammatory activities in vivo model remained to be determined.Therefore,the present study we first inves-tigated the anti-inflammatory effect of fucoidan,extracted from E.cava ,on tail-cutting-induced and LPS-stimulated inflammation,in in vivo zebrafish model.Fucoidan from E.cava demonstrated strong anti-inflammatory properties against tail-cutting and LPS treatment-induced inflammation.The fucoidan also has a pro-tective effect against the toxicity induced by LPS exposure in zebrafish embryos.The fucoidan from E.cava exhibited profound anti-inflammatory effect both in vitro as well as in vivo ,suggesting that the fucoidan might be a strong anti-inflammatory agent.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (Ministry of Edu-cation,Science and Technology).
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