私人会所 - 介绍

About Private Members' Clubs

In order to provide members and prospective members with a better understanding of what private clubs are and how they came to exist, I have written and published three informative articles in various magazines in Chinawhich I like to share with you here. If you have any queries or interest in membership, I invite you to contact me at


English Version:
1: Private Members' Clubs, What Are They?
2: High Expectations!!!
3: A Home away from Home!!!

Chinese Version:
1: 什么是私人会所
2: 高期望值
3: 家 - 在这里延续
See you at your Club 祝您和您的家人身体健康、万事如意
Antonius C (Tony) van Gevelt 山西省发布第1号总林长令万吉伟
General Manager 长安俱乐部总经理
虽然私人会所对北京来说还是新事物,但它在其他很多城市已有一个世纪的历史了。会员用他们的俱乐部会见老朋友、结交新朋友。俱乐部已成为会员的第二个家了。每一个个体对加入俱乐部有都不同的期望。是为了声望吗?是为了联系业务、结交新朋友吗?每个人都有不同的原因要加入一个被公认为好的俱乐部。所以有很多新的社区拥有了他们自己的俱乐部并且城镇各地突然出现了许多家健身俱乐部。但是他们都是真正的俱乐部吗?那要依赖你的认识了!但是如果你要真正的发展你自己和你的事业,你就需要寻其他地方了- 一个真正的国际俱乐部,在那里你不但可以放松还可以寻求到事业的帮助。一个好的俱乐部可以辅助你和你公司的发展。

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Private Members' Clubs - What Are They?
By Antonius C van Gevelt, General Manager, Chang An Club, Beijing
As we look around ever modernizing Beijing we can see many new Clubs being built all over the city. Some may be fitness clubs; others may be residential clubs while yet others are just groups of people with similar interests who meet occasionally. It is all very confusing, and if we look at what is a true members' club, you can only find a good handful of them in town. Before we talk about what is a true members' club, let's dig in to the history of Clubs.
It all started in England well over a century ago. The very first Club was actually a café, where people met over a coffee or a steaming cup of English Tea. A group of customers in one of the London Cafes decided they would like to form a sort of alliance with each other, whereby they would be one group of people with similar interests. It all started with just a group of friends, but soon there was a need to have a dedicated venue where to meet. So these friends decided to raise some money and created what is now known as a membership. They gathered a small sum of money from everybody, and invested it into buying their own café where they could meet in privacy. In fact - this was the very first private members' club in the world. Great - the first Private Members' Club was born. Then there was the next obstacle. How to maintain the Club? Because having your own building sure costs money to operate. So they decided to charge a certain amount of money to all members which would cover the major overheads of their club. The 'dues' was born. As expenses changed, they altered the dues accordingly, so that it covered most of the operating costs of the building. Still, they paid for meals and drinks, as is still common in clubs these days.
The idea caught on and more groups of people with similar interests decided to establish their own clubs. From the humble café in old London, this has now developed into a global phenomenon. In the early days, club members were mainly only male, but this has changed over time. It's now common that a club membership is extended to both male and female individuals and their immediate family. The true private members club still charges a joining fee to new members, and dues are still paid to cover part of the club's expenses. I guess this will never change. Many types of clubs were founded: some were dining clubs; others were country or golf clubs. There are just too many types to write about in this article. Some Clubs were and still are owned by its members; while other clubs are owned by individuals and corporations who sell memberships to pay off the cost of the building and charge dues to cover some of the expenses. Regardless of this difference, a club is typically made up of people with similar interests or of people of similar standing in society. New members either join by recommendation of existing members or by special invitation to become a member. A committee or board usually approves new members to ensure they complement the Clubs existing members.
Thought private members' clubs are still rather new to Beijing, they have been around for over a century in many other counties. Members typically use their club to meet with friends and to make new friends. Clubs are places for members to enjoy themselves.a home away from home. Every individual has different expectations as to why to join a club. Is it for prestige? Is it to create business contacts or to make new friends? There are many reasons why one should consider joining a well recognized club. Sure, most new residential developments have their own clubs and many fitness clubs pop up all over town. But are those real clubs??? It depends how you look at it! But if you are serious about developing yourself or your business you need to look elsewhereyou need to look at a true international style club where you can both relax with friends and build contacts that will support your career or business. A good club can complement your own or your company's development.
魔术网This is where I conclude this first of three parts about Private Members' Clubs. Next month we talk a bit about what people expect when joining a Club and what they should get out of it when being a member of a Private Members' Club. So don't miss the next issue of this publication to read part 2.

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有上千原因您都可以作为参考,但主要原因概括起来是相当简单的。如果您想加入的俱乐部只是对"会员"开放的,那就会有众多的人希望成为其会员-特别是在中国和亚洲其他地方。另外一个原因可能是您希望遇到其他有影响力的人们,可以开阔眼界和建立广阔的朋友及社交圈。年轻和即将成功的企业家和管理者希望结交良师益友走向成功;精英人士希望建立新的联盟或结交志同道合的伙伴。当然您需要到一个地方,在一种私密、舒适的氛围中参加各种不同类型的活动;或者您可以很容易的加入到那些活动中去。概括来说,很多人正在寻一个地方,用于私人或商务原因会见其他具有相似意向或目的的人们,或者在私密、舒适的场所放松和处理工作。 当然您需要确认哪种类型的俱乐部是您想加入的。如果用于商务活动,您应该加入有宴会和会议设施的都市俱乐部。有些都市俱乐部甚至提供多种休闲设备,您可以更好的享受闲暇时光。如果您需要新鲜空气,那么可考虑乡村俱乐部。如果您喜欢高尔夫,显而易见加入高尔夫俱乐部吧(虽然一些都市俱乐部也为会员设有高尔夫俱乐部)
您已知道要加入什么类型的俱乐部了,下一步就要致电俱乐部的会员部安排一次全面的参观。到那时您要让他们知道您正在期待加入俱乐部,并且让他们告诉您,他们是否和怎样满足您的所有(或大部分)要求。很简单,如果那时您喜欢俱乐部的设施,并且对您需要的感到非常舒适,那就可以作出最后决定了。如果您的感觉告诉你成为它的一部分,那您就应该加入。正如我第一篇文章讲到的,俱乐部就像是您的第二个家,无论何时都没有比这个感觉更重要的了。 不论您对俱乐部有什么样的期望,您都要确定您的俱乐部在任何时候都会带给给您家的感觉和友好氛围。一旦员工和您认识之后,您将会认识到在俱乐部进行商务或休闲活动要远胜于饭店和餐厅。您的俱乐部是一个私人场所,只为您和其他的会员服务。无论您有或高或低的期望,都不会在其他地方到这种感觉的。

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High Expectations!!!
Private Members' Clubs - Part Two of Three
In part one I looked at the history of private clubs, and tried to give you a feeling of what a true club encompasses. This time we look a bit more at the expectations people may have when joining a club and what a member could and should expect from a club. So here we go
I titled part 2 of my story about membership clubs as "High Expectations" as I feel that this relates very well to what most people have when joining a club of any type. Of course, there are very simple and basic clubs, such as perhaps a book club, where a member would merely expect to share information about books with fellow members. The expectations in this type of Club are fairly low and only focused on one particular area - books! But if we look at a premium city, golf or country club, these things change quite dramatically. So let's first look at reasons why somebody may consider becoming a member of a premium club.
There are probably thousands of reasons one can think of, but the main ones are quite simple to sum up. If the club one wants to join is known as a "must be member' place, then there is a lot of "face" involved in wanting to become a members - especially in China and other parts of Asia. Another reason can be that one would like to meet other influential people in order to broaden ones horizon and to build a larger circle of friends and associates. Young and upcoming entrepreneurs or managers may want to meet new mentors to move up in life; while established entrepreneurs may like to make new alliances or just create friendships with similar-minded people. Then of course there is the need to find a place where one can have all types of events in a private and comfortable environment; or where events are hosted which one can easily attend. This can all be summed up by saying that most people are looking for a place to mingle with other like-minded people for either personal or business reasons, and to have a private and comfortable venue to relax or to conduct business.
Sure, you need to establish what kind of club you wish to join. If it is business you like to conduct, you should join a city club with fine dining and meeting facilities. Some city clubs even offer extensive recreational facilities, allowing you to spend some much needed leisure time as well. If it is fresh air you are after, you should consider a country club, while it is quite obvious to join a golf club if you enjoy golf (although some city clubs have great golf club connections for their members).
Once you know what type of club you would like to join, you should give their Membership Department a ring and arrange for a familiarization visit to the Club. At that time you can let them know what you are really looking for in joining a Club; and let them tell you if and how their club can satisfy all (or most) of your needs. Quite simply, if at that time you like the Club's facilities, and feel comfortable about them fulfilling your needs, you can make your final decision quite confidently. After all, you should only join a club if you get that comfortable feeling telling you to be part of if. As I wrote in part 1, a club should be like your home-away-from-home and nothing is more important than feeling easy whenever you spend time at your Club.
No matter what expectations you have of a Club, make sure your club can offer you that homely feeling and friendly atmosphere whenever you visit. Once the staff gets to know you, you will see that using a club for business and pleasure is far superior than using any hotel or restaurant. Your club is private and only serves you and your fellow members. Whether you have high or low expectations, you really can't find that anywhere else.
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A Home away from Home!!!
Private Members' Clubs - Part three of three
This is the final of three parts about Members' Clubs. In the previous parts you learned about the history of private clubs and about the way to choose the club that suits you most. In this final part I like to tell you a bit about the enjoyment of being a Club Member, about supporting your Club and about making the club into a kind of Home away from Home!!!
My career in the hospitality business goes back a long way. After getting my degree in Hotel Management in Europe, I had the pleasure of being employed in some of the finest hotels and Casino-resorts in Europe, Asia and Australia. It was great to see people from all walks of life enjoy themselves and do business, and it was even greater to be part of the teams that looked after these people. I met new people every day, and not a single day was a boring one.
Then in 1994 I left the Hotel and Casino-resort industry and became General Manager of one of the finest members' clubs in Australia - the American Club of Sydney, which overlooks Sydney Harbor and the famous Opera House. A wonderful club with a history of over 50 years! That's where I noted the distinct difference between Clubs and Hotels. That's where I found that Club Members have very different expectations than Hotel Guests. That's where I embraced the importance of creating a true Home away from Home for members to enjoy.
As the Club business is still in its infancy in China, many members do not yet see the true meaning of being a Club Member. Too often people join a club just for prestige; to have private dining and meeting facilities or to have a place where they can work out before or after work. Clubs in China are still too much perceived as a place with 'Useful Facilities and Services.' Well - there is more to a club than just that! When you check the Dictionary, it describes the word 'Member' as "One that belongs to a group or an organization." As the Club business in China matures, members will undoubtedly follow the traditional features of well established Clubs around the world - they will develop a feeling of belonging and supporting!
So after you join a good members' Club, how can you be a 'good member.' Of course, that depends totally on you. If you only like to join a club for its services and facilities, that's fine. But why not get into the true meaning of being a Club Member. Overseas, in well established clubs, members are an integral part of the Club's success. Members make the Club into their second home, and whenever they invite people for dinner or meetings, they almost exclusively visit their club. A true member fully supports his/her club and actively invites his or her best friends and business partners to join as fellow members. A member has the very best in mind for the success of his or her Club, and always enjoys showing his friends and clients how nice it is to belong to the Club!!!
Why would a member support the Club? What does a member benefit from doing so?
It's really quite simple, and there are so many benefits members get from supporting their Club. First of all, as a regular user of the Club, all club staff will get to know the member and they will always welcome the member by name as if he/she is a member of the family. This gives a fantastic feeling of comfort and pride, especially when inviting guests to the Club. Members' guests will be impressed! Then of course, the staff will get to learn what a member likes and dislikes, thereby providing more personalized service as they get to know the member better. And of course, a good member will get to know many fellow members too, which opens the doors to many long-lasting friendships and fruitful business relations. There are too many benefits to mention in this article, as I would have to add at least two pages.
By managing Clubs in Australia and Malaysia, and during the past five years of looking after the prestigious Chang An Club in Beijing, I have seen many members create great friendships and successful business relations. This is something one can only get when joining a good members' club that suits your personal and business profile. When you join the Club of your liking, make sure to use it whenever you can. That is the only way to get the most out of your Club. Let the staff get to know you, and then make it into your Home away from Home. Only when you do this will you enjoy the true enjoyment and use of a good club can offer you.
In conclusion, I like to state that a good members' club will undoubtedly improve the quality of your life and can support your business or career development. A good Club also gives you a place that is yours to share with friends and fellow members - a place of comfort and enjoyment - a place of privacy and exclusivity - and off course also a place to conduct business and enjoy leisure time. Make your club into that special place for you!!! Only then can you reap the full benefits of being a club member.

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