翻译评析:第二十二届韩素音青年翻译奖竟赛汉译英译文和译文评析 1

Simple Happiness of Dwelling in the Back Streets
A secluded life has traditionally been deemed, as it seems, the supreme state of happiness, although such aloofness and retirement breed loneliness as well. Few people in fact end up as genuine recluses, whose contentment does not suffice to construe what happiness is for all.
As a common saying goes, while the “lesser hermit” lives in seclusion in the country, the “greater hermit” does so in the city. Not necessarily in solitude does reside true happiness which can be found in busy streets rather than in the woods.
Here in the city lanes the early morning sunshine filters through the carved old-style latticed windows on the walls and faintly gilds the exquisite potted plants in courtyards. As eggs sizzle in frying pans, the morning begins to fill with rising sounds: the soft voices of children, the chugging rhythm of car engines, the sweet exchange of goodbyes between husbands and wives, as well as the brief greetings among neighbors. Such back streets are busy but not chaotic, lively but not clamorous, plain but not wearisome.
Although the green patches at the end of the back streets are not so lushly verdant as those on the mountains, the urban air is permeated with a vitality lacking in the wilderness. Under pale yellow street lamps, each bench embodies diversified feelings—sweetness and happiness, joys and sorrows—all interwoven to slowly ferment in tranquility. No one knows what kind of pleasant surprise may be in store for him around the corner: a uniquely styled and b
usy cafe? Or a bar emitting jazz music? Or a coffee
shop with tall stools and a relaxed atmosphere? Perhaps it is also satisfying just to sit outdoors on a wooden chair under a sunshade, chatting over a cup of tea about daily trifles with new friends.
All these elements, tempered and deposited by time, settled finally into a custom, a tacit understanding and a culture.陶海粟
When neighbors and friends come, they share witty jokes about personal trivialities, implicitly understanding each other's eye movements of like astuteness. Family members sit around the dining table, chattering through mouthfuls of food, and no one is bothered by the noise.
Those lanes, narrow as they may be, cannot hold back the
But as dense, cold high-rises shoot up in the city, woefully accompanied by traffic congestion and air pollution, people’s happiness is little by little being eroded and lost. With more dwelling space and privacy, one has his “self” encircled in a solitary world, careful not to infringe on the souls of others, while also seeking not to be infringed upon. However, when one quiets down, the once tiresome hubbub now may evoke warm feelings and nostalgia.
To Manhattan with soaring skyscrapers, people prefer Florence with sun-bathed ancient alleys by the towering red dome (1); to Lujiazui with dazzling night lights, people prefer Wanhangdu Road with narrow lanes full of rollicking children. Even as one grows old, it is likely that his dreams would be e
mbellished by the serenity of the grey old houses, the calls of vendors in a soft-toned local dialect, and the small lanes filled with soothing memories.
If observed with a perceptive eye, every inch of the walls and corners adorned with moss and ivy becomes a verdurous poem, which, neither elegant nor powerful, represents plain and simple happiness.
Perhaps it is not so difficult to define happiness after all. Happiness is an unfurled scroll of poems, describing ordinary alleys under the city skies.
No one knows how much simple happiness is seeping through those back streets lit up by the scattered lamps as the
柏树大厦(1)    即佛罗伦萨的Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (圣母百花大教堂)。据说该教堂是世界排名第三的大教堂,坐落在佛罗伦萨的中心地带.是佛罗伦萨最为著名的地标之一。圣母百花大教堂最为著名的是教堂圆顶.八角圆顶为红,顶高31米,最大直径为43米,建成时是当时最大的圆顶,圆顶的正中为尖顶塔亭。
本届";韩素音青年翻译奖";汉译英竞赛原文,选自《新民晚报》2009年11月19日B14版刊登的一篇散文,作者是上海市巿西中学高二学生卢嘉西。原文的笔触优雅清淡,立意新颖,犹如一幅随意浸染的写意画,旨在唤起人们在物质财富日趋丰富、人际关系渐趋淡漠的现代社会对简单却又充满人情味的岁月的美好回忆。美国戏剧家、散文家罗纳德';邓肯(Ronald Duncan)曾经说过:&q
uot;It would seem that happiness is something to do with simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure from the simplest things."(转弓I自$|、致4L, 2003 :
例1 :蜗居在巷陌的寻常幸福
翻译方法 标题翻译实例
(1) The Ordinary Happiness of Living like Snail in a Small and
Humble Alley Abode
(2) The usual happiness snail-like living in an alley
(3) The Ordinary Happiness of a Shell Dwelling in the Alley
(4) Ordinary Happiness Dwelling in the Narrow Lanes
(5) Ordinary Happiness Nestling in Streets and Alleys
(6) Plain happiness lurking in alleys
(7) The Ordinary Happiness Cramped in the Alleyways
(8) Homely Happiness that Resides in Cramped Abodes in Lanes
(9) Plain Happiness Snails in Small Alleys
(10) Ordinary Happiness of Dwelling Humbly at Alley Abodes
(11) The Common Happiness of Dwelling in Alleys
(12) Happiness enjoyed by the common people dwelling in a nutshell
(13) Alleys, the Humble Nestle of Ordinary Happiness
(14) A City Alleyway Snuggling Amongst Happy Homes
(15) Simple Happiness of an Alley Life
存量发行(16) The Ordinary Happiness of Lane Dwellers
(17) Dwelling in the Alleys, a Plain Happiness
(18) The Homely Happiness of Being an Alley Hermit
现代汉语规范词典(19) Ordinary Mortals' Contentment
(20) Limited Alley Dwelling, Unlimited Happy Living
(21) Flowers of Common Happiness Blossom among the Lanes
数字卫星用较多的一种方法,有些结构简洁灵活,反映了参赛者对原文较为深入的理解以及对原文结构的大胆超脱,其中有可资借鉴的实例(句15和句16),也有因调整带来偏差的译文(句19)。这里还要特别提一下句21。该译文可以说音形意皆美的";佳作",译者的思维非常活跃,完全摆脱了原文结构的束缚,然而经过评审组激烈的讨论,还是未予认可,认为该译文与原文相差较大,巳经不是翻译,而是译者本人的创作了,因此不能称为";佳译"。引申法是本次大赛中参赛者使用最为广泛的一种手法,也符合原作者的本意。纵观原文,作者所言的";寻常幸福";其实是从简单朴实的生活中获得的快乐和满足,贯穿语篇的是生活在小巷的人们在寻常生活中的幸福感受。基于上文的分析,我们认为,";寻常幸福";译为simple happiness更为贝占切些,Backstreet (或back street) 的意思是 "a small quiet street that is away from the main part of a town"(参见Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Pearson Education Limited, 2005),更切合原文的";巷陌";之意。因此参考译文为"Simple Happiness of Dwelling in the Back Streets"。
理解原文包括理解原文的字词、字词的明示和隐含意义、句子之间的逻辑关联、遣词造句的特点及其与意义之间的相关性以及上述诸多因素所形成的原文风格。汉语是语义型语言,";在几千年的重意、重神、重风骨、重凌虚的哲学和美学的传统影响下,形成了一种注重内在关系、隐含关系、模糊关系的语言结构素质。"(潘文国,2004: 335)这些特点渗透在中国人的思维方式之中,表现在汉语言作品中,形成了汉语重意合的语言特点,上下文内容之间的关联和内容的层次需要读者意会和领悟,与英语注重形式中的逻辑性并通过显性的方式进行关联的特点差别较大。译者会无意之中将这种思维方式和语言表达方式迁移到翻译作品中,对汉英翻译产生负面影响。
参赛译文1 : Comparing to Manhattan with high-rise skyscrapers, people prefer the ancient lanes below the red domes in the sunshine in Florence. Comparing with Lujiazui bri

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