
Lesson 1 At the greengrocer’s
celery芹菜  cherry樱桃(复数cherries)  greens青菜 nice and sweet又甜又好吃 the greengrocer’s水果蔬菜店 expensive昂贵的 carrot胡萝卜 tomato西红柿(复数tomatoes)  onion洋葱10cucumber黄瓜eggplant茄子 want想要
①我们现在在果蔬店。We are at the greengrocer’s now.②我要去果蔬店。I’m going to the greengrocer’s .③你想要什么? What do you want(I want some greens.)④它们太贵了,但是它们又甜又好吃They’re expensive,but they’re nice and sweet.⑤我想要一些青菜,我不喜欢茄子。I want some greensI don’t like eggplant. What about you?你呢?⑦you’re right.你说的对
lesson 2  I’m hungry
beef牛肉 soup coke可乐 chocolate巧克力 beer啤酒 chicken鸡肉,小鸡 wonderful太好了,太棒了 hungry饿的 delicious美味的 thirsty渴的 drinks饮料,喝的  full饱的 dwarf矮子,
侏儒  Snow White 白雪公主 back返回 ready准备好的 any任何的,一点,一些 great很好地,令人满意地 pear bear
①这是谁的家?Who’s home is this?②桌子上有许多食物。There is a lot of food on the table.③我现在饿了。I’m hungry now.④我不喜欢牛肉,但是我喜欢鸡肉。I don’t like beef, but I like chichen.漳州江滨公园⑤我想要一些饮料。I want some drinks.⑥这是可乐。Here is coke.⑦我饱了。I’m full.⑧我们的晚饭呢?Where is our dinner? ⑨晚饭准备好了。Dinner is ready.⑩你想吃什么?what do you want to eat?⑪这儿有牛肉吗?Is there any beef?Yesthere is. No,there isn’t.
lesson 3 what’s for breakfast?
sausage香肠 hot dog热狗 milk牛奶 juice果汁 bread面包 restaurant饭店,餐馆 breakfast师傅越来越幽默早饭 lunch午饭 supper晚饭 dinner晚餐,正餐 dessert饭后甜点 guess猜想,估计
come and have a look过来看一看②sorryI don’t know 对不起,我不知道 let’s go to the restaurant我们去餐厅④妈妈,早饭吃什么?Mumwhat’s for breakfast?⑤我们吃牛奶
、鸡蛋和面包.We have milk ,eggs and bread.⑥我们去海边看海。We go to the sea to see the sea.I like hot dog and juice for my supper. 晚饭我喜欢吃热狗喝果汁。⑧That’s great!太好了!
lesson 4 help yourselves,please!
grape葡萄 date fish rice米饭 help yourselves请随便用 favourite特别喜爱的 fruit水果 color grandma奶奶grandpa爷爷aunt阿姨uncle叔叔 pineapple菠萝 them他们(they的宾格)
①你最喜欢的水果是什么?What’s your favourite fruit?  ②我最喜欢的水果是菠萝。My favorite fruit is pineapple.③你喜欢葡萄吗?④Do you like grapes?⑤请随便用。help yourselves!⑥鱼肉是我最喜欢的食物。Fish is my favourite food.⑦请随便喝点可乐。help yourself to some coke.⑧汤姆晚饭想要吃米饭。Tom wants rice for his dinner.竹塑
lesson 5  Let’s go to McDonald’s
hamburger汉堡包 French fries薯条(chips薯条,薯片)strawberry ice cream草莓冰淇淋
apple pie苹果派 coffee咖啡 tea waiter侍者,服务员(女服务员waitressdear亲爱的 else别的,其他的 McDonald’s麦当劳快餐店
①我能为你做些什么?What can I do for you? ②我想要一个汉堡包和一个苹果派。I’d like a hamburger and an apple pie. what else?还要别的吗?④Is that all?就这些吗? How much(Forty yuan)多少钱?(how much is your bike?你的自行车多少钱?)⑥here you are/ Here they are./Here is it 给你
lesson 6 What food do you like ?
dumpling饺子  vegetable蔬菜  noodles面条  fried chicken炸鸡  north south  west西  east  America美国(American美国人)  England北交大英国(Englishman/englishwoman英国人)  Japan日本(Japanese日本人)China中国(Chnese中国人) shaanxi陕西 shanxi山西butter黄油,奶油  flour面粉  beat击打  bake烘烤  never从不,绝不  oven烤箱
①你来自于哪里?Where are you from=Where do you come from                                                       
②我来自于中国北方。I’m from the north of China.=I come from the north of China.③你喜欢什么食物?what food do you like?④他来自于哪里?Wher does he come from? ⑤他喜欢什么食物?What food does he like?⑥他喜欢牛肉。He likes beef.
lesson 7 In the restaurant终极人类
pork猪肉  meat肉,肉类(食用兽肉,不包括鱼鸟之类的肉)  salad沙拉  menu菜单  certainly当然  more更多的  dollars美元
①我可以看一下菜单吗?May I have the men? (certainly,here you are.)②我们吃一些肉好吗?Shall we have some meat?③让我们吃一些猪肉和鸡肉吧。Let’s have some pork and chicken.④我们今天有猪肉但是没有鸡肉。We have pork but no chicken today.⑤我可以吃一个冰激凌吗?May I have an ice cream?(sure/certainly,here you are.)⑥我能再吃一些水果吗?May I have some more fruit?⑦不,你不能。你只能吃一个。Noyou can’t.you can eat one. 
lesson 8  What do you need?
picnic野餐  ketchup番茄酱  sugar  salt  knife小刀  fork叉子  chopsticks筷子  spoon勺子  meal一餐,一顿饭  need需要  paas传,递  set放置 forget忘记
①多丰盛的一顿饭啊!What a big meal!(What a…)②让我们开始我们的野餐吧。Let’s have our picnic.③请递给他番茄酱和一个勺子。Pass him the ketchup and a spoon.④你需要什么?What do you need?⑤你可以在牛奶里加点糖。You can have some sugar in the milk. ⑥汤姆想要吃牛肉,他需要什么?Tom wants to eat beef, What does he need? Don’t forget… 不要忘记…
lesson 9  The doctor’s advice
worried担心的  thin and weak瘦弱的  the doctor’s 医生的  sweets糖果,甜食城市雕塑网  hot热的,辣的  healthy健康的 Mrs夫人,太太  Miss  Mr.先生  advice建议 only只,仅仅 one kind of一种… peach桃子  every 每,每一的  every day每天  a lot of许多的  much许多(与不可数名词连用)  many许多(与可数名词连用)
go to bed 上床睡觉 or或者
①妈妈和儿子去看医生。The mother and the son went to the doctor’s.
②医生给了他们一些好建议。The doctor’s gave them some good advice.
③这是医生的建议。Here’s the doctor’s advice.④他不能喝太多饮料。He can’t have to much drink. ⑤他不能仅仅只吃一种食物。He can’t eat only one kind of food.⑥他应该每天喝牛奶。He can drink milk every day.
lesson 10 Would you like to fly a kite with me?
parents父母亲,双亲  drawer抽屉  string绳子  find发现,到  go outside去户外  Saturday星期六 early早,早的  with和,跟  do the housework做家务  ask问,邀请  join us/them 加入我们/他们  first首先,第一  volleyball排球  row  gently轻轻地  stream小溪  merrily快乐的  life生活  dream梦想

本文发布于:2024-09-21 15:39:12,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:喜欢   鸡肉   想要   晚饭   牛肉   番茄酱
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