
Ⅰ.Multiple Choice Questions
**: This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness.
1. 合营者的注册资本如果转让必须经合营各方同意。______A.In case any of the joint venturers wishes to assign his registered capital, he must obtain the consent of the other partners.  B.The registered capital if assigned must be agreed by all the partners to the venture.  C.In case the registered capital of the joint venturers wishes to be assigned, it must obtain the consent of the other partners.  D.The registered capital if assigning must be agreed by all the partners to the venture.
2. 合营各方按照注册资本比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。______A.The parties to the vent
ure shall share the profits, risks and losses in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.  B.The parties of the venture shall share the profits and respectively shoulder the risks and losses in proportion to their registered capital.  C.The parties of the venture will share the profits and be respectively responsible for the dangers and losses in proportion to their registered capital.  D.The parties to the venture will share the profits and be respectively responsible for the dangers and losses according to the share of their registered capital.
3. 合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。______A.All activities of an equity joint venture **ply by the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.  B.All activities of an equity joint venture shall abide with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.  C.All activities of an equity joint venture **ply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.  D.All activities of an equity joint venture should abide by the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.
4. Companies with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.______A.在北京的员工庞大的公司发现自己受着高运行成本萎缩业务两方面的挤压。  B.在北京,员工队伍庞大的公司面临运行成本高,业务不断萎缩的局面,日子颇不好过。  C.北京一些员工队伍庞大的公司承受着运行成本高和业务不断萎缩的双重压力,颇感处境艰难。  D.在北京,公司员工队伍庞大,运行成本高、业务不断萎缩,颇感处境艰难。
5. Of many thousand spare parts does **e up to the standard but one.______A.在成千上万个备件中,只发现一个不合格。  B.在成千上万个备件中,就一个合格。  C.在成千上万个备件中,除了一个备件合格外,其他没有一个合格的。  D.在成千上万个备件中,除了一个备件以外,其他没有一个合格。
6. 我们的改革是从经济方面着手的,又首先是从农村开始的。______A.Our reform first implemented in the economic sphere, beginning with the rural areas.  B.Our reform first implemented in the economic sphere, begun with the rural areas.  C.Our reform was first implemented in the economic sphere, begun with the rural areas.  D.Our reform was first implemented in the economic sphere, beginning with the rural areas.
7. 一项发价,即使是不可撤销的,于拒绝通知送达发价人时终止。______A.An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is terminated when a rejection reaches the offerer.  B.An offer, even though it is irrevocable, is finalized when a notification of rejection reaches the offerer.  C.An offer, even if irrevocable, is ended when notification of rejection is sent to the offerer.  D.An offer, even though irrevocable, stops when a rejection is sent to the offerer.
8. 他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。______A.His incooperation makes the project progress very slowly.  B.The project is making slow progress due to his lack of cooperation.  C.The project makes less progress because of his uncooperation.  D.The slowdown of the project is caused by his uncooperativeness.
Directions: This part consists of five unfinished statements, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that **pletes each statement.
1. 英汉两种语言的主谓搭配______。A.是根本不同的  B.在大多数情况下是相通的  C.是偶尔相似的  D.是绝对相同的
2. 法律文件在翻译时没有多少灵活处理的余地,但对于______问题,有不少需要考虑的问题。A.定语从句  B.主谓搭配  C.逻辑顺序  D.断句与并句
3. 施觉怀认为在翻译法律文件时应注意的内容不包括______。A.条理清  B.文字明  C.意思全  D.措词准
4. 就汉译英而论,______。A.断句的情况较多,并句的情况较少  B.断句的情况较多,并句的情况也较多  C.断句的情况较少,并句的情况较多  D.断句的情况较少,并句的情况也较少
5. ______is a strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers. This method is "an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values, bringing the author back home."A.Literal translation  B.Rigid translation  C.Foreignization    D.Domestication
Ⅱ.Word and Phrase Translation
Directions: Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.
1. lawful rights and interests
2. gross profit
3. the budget for revenues and expenditures
4. articles of association
5. force majeure
6. the termination of business
7. arbitration agency
8. duty-free goods
Directions: Translate the following words and phrases into English.
1. 个人所得税
2. 国际经济合作
延续性3. 储备基金
4. 奖金与福利《肉蒲团之极乐宝鉴》
5. 注册资本
6. 依法
7. 有限责任公司
8. 履行义务
9. 外汇账户
10. 福利基金
11. 调解或仲裁
12. 法律咨询
Ⅲ.Translations Revision
Directions: Correct or improve the translation of the following sentences.
1. Both parties **ply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.  译文:合约双方将遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。
2. The date of receipt issued by transportation department concerned shall be regarded as the delivery of goods.  译文:由有关系的运输机构所开具收据的日期应被看作是货物的交付。

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