
第51卷  第6期 表面技术
收稿日期:2021–04–28;修订日期:2021–12–07 Received :2021-04-28;Revised :2021-12-07 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41877527);陕西省社科基金(2018S34)
Fund :National Natural Science Foundation of China (41877527); Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Fund (2018S34) 作者简介:骆正山(1969—),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向为油气管道风险评估。
Biography :LUO Zheng-shan (1969-), Male, Doctor, Professor, Research focus: oil and gas pipeline risk assessment.
引文格式:骆正山, 欧阳长风, 王小完, 等. 盐穴储气库注采管柱内腐蚀速率预测模型研究[J]. 表面技术, 2022, 51(6): 283-290.
LUO Zheng-shan, OUYANG Chang-feng, WANG Xiao-wan, et al. Research on Prediction Model of Internal Corrosion Rate in Injection and 盐穴储气库注采管柱内腐蚀速率预测模型研究
悬崖边的贵族(西安建筑科技大学 管理学院,西安 710055)
摘要:目的 提升盐穴储气库注采管柱的内腐蚀速率预测精度,以保障盐穴储气库的设施健康和运行安全。方法 建立基于小波核主成分分析(KPCA )和改进灰狼算法(IGWO )优化的极限学习机(ELM )腐蚀速率预测模型。以某盐穴储气库注采管柱为例。首先选取10种腐蚀影响因素,建立盐穴储气库注采管柱的内腐蚀指标体系;其次通过小波KPCA 提取影响注采管柱内腐蚀的关键特征,后利用IGWO 对ELM 模型参数j  和j b 进行迭代寻优,
进而建立IGWO–ELM 盐穴储气库注采管柱内腐蚀速率预测模型;最后在MATLAB 中进行仿真计算,将IGWO–ELM 模型与ELM 、PSO–ELM 、SSA–ELM 模型进行预测误差对比。结果 经小波KPCA 特征提取后得到包含98.61%原信息的3项主成分,IGWO–ELM 模型的预测结果与实际值吻合度高,其均方根误差为0.008 8,平均绝对百分比误差为0.260 9%,决定系数(R 2)高达0.992 5,比其他3个对比模型的性能更优。结论 小波KPCA 特征提取能力优良,IGWO–ELM 模型能够有效预测盐穴储气库注采管柱的内腐蚀速率,为盐穴储气库注采管柱的腐蚀研究提供了新的思路与方法。
关键词:盐穴储气库;注采管柱;腐蚀速率预测;主成分分析法(KPCA );改进灰狼优化(IGWO );极限学习机(ELM )
中图分类号:TG174  文献标识码:A    文章编号:1001-3660(2022)06-0283-08 DOI :10.16490/j
Research on Prediction Model of Internal Corrosion Rate in Injection  and Production String of Salt Cavern Gas Storage
LUO Zheng-shan , OUYANG Chang-feng , WANG Xiao-wan , ZHANG Xin-sheng
(School of Management, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China)
ABSTRACT: The injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage has been in a complex underground environment for a long time, making it susceptible to a variety of corrosion factors. This work aims to improve the prediction accuracy of the corrosion rate in the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage, thereby ensuring the health and operational safety of these facilities. To accomplish the above objectives, the solution proposed is to establish an internal corrosion rate prediction model based on wavelet kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and an extreme learning machine (ELM) after improved gray wolf optimization (IGWO). First of all, in the actual operation data of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage, 10 indicators with larger corrosion factors are selected, such as: partial pressure of carbon
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dioxide, hydrogen sulfide partial pressure, inner wall surface temperature, etc. Subsequently, the internal corrosion index system of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage was established. Secondly, the wavelet KPCA is used to extract the key features that affect the internal corrosion rate of the injection and production string, and then IGWO is used to iteratively optimize the input weight matrix and hidden layer threshold of the ELM model, and stop the loop until the termination condition is met. Furthermore, a prediction model of corrosion rate in the injection and production string of IGWO-ELM salt cavern gas storage is established. Finally, numerical simulation and simulation calculation are carried out in MATLAB software, and the prediction errors of the IGWO-ELM model are compared with the three models of ELM, PSO-ELM and SSA-ELM respectively. The research results show that the wavelet KPCA effectively extracts the three principal components that contain 98.61% of the original information in the corrosion data of the injection-production pipe string of the salt cavern gas storage. Applying the reconstructed corrosion data to the ELM, PSO-ELM, SSA-ELM, and IGWO-ELM models, their average relative errors are 9.404 8%, 5.061 5%, 1.573 7%, and 0.707 3%. The prediction results of the IGWO-ELM model are in good agreement with the actual values. The root mean square error of the constructed IGWO-ELM model is 0.008 8, the average absolute percentage error is 0.260 9%, and the coefficient of determination (R2) is as high as 0.992 5. Its prediction result is better than the other three comparison models. The
kernel principal component analysis with the introduction of wavelet kernel function has an excellent ability to extract corrosion characteristics of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage. Within the applicable range of certain working conditions, the established IGWO-ELM model can effectively predict the internal corrosion rate of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage. It not only provides a reference basis for the integrity evaluation and risk warning of the injection and production system of the salt cavern gas storage, but also provides new ideas and methods for the corrosion study of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage.
KEY WORDS: salt cavern gas storage; injection and production string; corrosion rate prediction; principal component analysis (KPCA); improved gray wolf optimization (IGWO); extreme learning machine (ELM)
目前,国内外学者已对管线腐蚀现象展开了大量研究。张新生等[6]研究了海洋立管的腐蚀发展规律,建立了初始条件滑动的非等间距管道腐蚀预测灰模型SUGM(1,1, ρ)。Chen等[7]利用主成分分析法提取海底管道内腐蚀的关键腐蚀因素,消除冗余信息并确定管道失效原因。王晓敏等[8]基于时变可靠性方法提出了一种多失效模式腐蚀影响下的地下管道失效概率预测方法。谢飞等[9]从化学反应、电化学反应和传质过程3个方面探究了天然气管道CO2腐蚀机理,提出了基于腐蚀机理的腐蚀速率预测模型。但以上传统研究方法针对管线腐蚀预测问题仍存在不足:SUGM(1,1,ρ)初始条件的确定方式复杂,大幅更新腐蚀数据对预测结果的准确性存在较大影响;主成分分析法仅适用于处理线性映射问题,对非线性数据的特征提取效果较差;基于时变可靠性的失效概率方法难以准确定义失效事件的关联性,预测前提存在主观因素;机理模型研究仅考虑在理想溶液环境内的单一电化学腐蚀作用,未能考虑到非理想环境中管道的复杂流动等问题。随着智能信息处理技术的高速发展,大量智能优化算法得以应用于管道的腐蚀预测研究。凌晓等[10]通过优化反向传播神经网络(BPNN)参数,对输油管道的内腐蚀速率进行了预测分析。骆正山等[11]建立基于动态贝叶斯网络(DBN)的疲劳寿命模型,预测了海底腐蚀管道的失效概率。Peng等[12]通过优化支持向量回归(SVR)模型参数,对多相流管道的腐蚀速率进行了预测分析。曲志豪等[13]利用网格搜索算法优化了随机森林回归模型,建立了GA–RFC模型并对油气管道腐蚀速率进行了预测。但上述智能算法仍存在不足:BPNN存在结构复杂、训练速度慢、易陷入局部极小值等缺点;DBN的先验概率假设具有较强的主观性,对于属性非完全独立的大规模样本适用性不佳;SVR中参数的确定存在强随机性,使得模型预测结果的波动性较大;RFC模型中含有噪声样本时容易发生过拟合现象。
综上,本文在核主成分分析中引入小波核函数,对盐穴储气库注采管柱内的腐蚀因素进行特征提取,利用改进灰狼优化算法优化极限学习机的输入权值矩阵和隐含层阈值,建立小波KPCA–IGWO–ELM的盐穴储气库注采管柱内腐蚀速率预测模型。在MATLAB 中对比分析多种预测模型的仿真结果,验证所建模型的适用性与准确性,为盐穴储气库注采系统安全运行提供可靠支撑。
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2  IGWO –ELM 模型
2.1  ELM
极限学习机[20-22](ELM )是一种求解单隐含层前
馈神经网络的机器学习算法,目前已成熟应用于回归、预测等领域。ELM 参数生成的随机性简化了神经网络隐含层的迭代过程,相较于其他传统模型具有
内科学训练迭代神经网络得到最优j β,使得预测值i y 训练误差最小,具体数学描述如下。
i j i j j j y g x b i N ==⋅+⋅=⋅⋅⋅∑ωβ
式中:i x 为输入参数;i y 为输出参数;()g x 为激活函数;j ω为输入权值矩阵;j b 为隐含层阈值;j β为输出权值矩阵;l 为隐含层节点数;N 为样本数量。式(6)可用矩阵表示:
=H βQ  (7)
求解线性方程组式(7)得到最小二乘解: ˆ=+βH Q  (8)
式中:+H 为矩阵H 的Moore–Penrose 广义逆矩阵。
2.2  IGWO
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2.3  IGWO –ELM 预测模型构建
ELM 的预测性能取决于随机生成的输入权值矩
阵j ω和隐含层阈值j b ,利用IGWO 对j ω和j b 两参数进行迭代寻优,进而建立IGWO–ELM 预测模型,
首先,对样本做预处理,设置IGWO 中的5个初始化参数,即狼规模N 、搜索空间维数D 、种上界j u 与下界j l 以及最大迭代次数t max ;其次,以均方根误差函数作为适应度函数,计算每只狼的初始适应度值并进行排序,其中适应度函数值最优者为当前最优位置,即α狼位置;当前迭代次数在未达到最大迭代次数时,狼个体位置按照式(21)进行移动更新,同时计算移动更新后每一个体的适应度函数值,并依据数值大小进一步更新猎物位置;最后,当满足终止条件时停止迭代,输出当前j ω和j b 作为最优输入权值矩阵和隐含层阈值并赋予ELM 模型,得出相关腐蚀速率预测结果。
2.4  预测模型评价指标
图1  IGWO–ELM 模型腐蚀预测流程
Fig.1 Corrosion prediction flowchart of IGWO-ELM model
第51卷  第6期 骆正山,等:盐穴储气库注采管柱内腐蚀速率预测模型研究 ·287·
3  实例应用
3.1  指标构建与数据采集
图2  盐穴储气库注采管柱的内腐蚀指标体系 Fig.2 Internal corrosion index system of injection and
production string in salt cavern gas storage
3.2  特征提取
将采集的250组数据做归一化处理,后用小波KPCA 对腐蚀指标进行特征提取,得出综合腐蚀因素特征值与贡献率,如表3所示。
KPCA 规定,被选主成分的累计贡献率应不低于95%。分析表3易知,前3项主成分的累计贡献率高
表1  预测模型工况适用范围
Tab.1 Application range of prediction model
Lower limit
Upper limit Partial pressure of carbon dioxide μ1/MPa 0.005 0.210 Hydrogen sulfide partial pressure μ2/MPa 0.000 20.010 5Inner wall surface temperature μ3/℃
25.0 70.0 pH value μ4
4.5 8.0 Operating pressure μ5/MPa 7.0 16.0 Medium flow rate μ6/(m·s ‒1)    1.5
5.5 Moisture content μ7/%爆震伤
6.0 50.0 Chloride ion content μ8/% 0.01 0.03 Sulfate content μ9/% 0.01 0.07 Wall shear stress μ10/Pa 25.0
3.3  腐蚀速率预测结果分析
IGWO 初始参数设定:30N =,300D =,ub =1,lb = ‒1,t max =100。选取200组腐蚀数据对预测模型进行训练,利用IGWO 优化ELM 的j ω和j b ,其适
由图3可知,训练模型在66t =处收敛并获得最优适应度值。此时得到的j ω和j b 为最优化参数,将其赋
中星1a予并建立IGWO–ELM 盐穴储气库注采管柱内腐蚀速率预测模型。
将训练好的IGWO–ELM 对其余50组腐蚀数据进行测试。为体现IGWO–ELM 预测模型的准确性,选用ELM 、PSO–ELM 、SSA–ELM 对相同数据进行预测分析,模型的预测结果对比见图4,预测相对误差对比见图5。表4为分别用高斯核函数和小波核函数进行特征提取后,4个预测模型的相对误差分析结果。
表2  盐穴储气库注采管柱的内腐蚀数据
Tab.2 Internal corrosion data of injection and production string in salt cavern gas storage
Samples μ1/MPa μ2/MPa µ3/℃ µ4 µ5/MPa µ6/(m·s ‒1)µ7/% µ8/% µ9/% µ10/Pa V /(mm·a ‒1)1 0.018 0.000 6 42.6    6.24 10.2    3.3 13.57 0.014 10.017 7 69.9 0.021 2 0.012 0.000 7 45.4    6.19 14.8    2.8 18.28 0.012 70.014 1 58.2 0.059 3 0.034 0.000 7 51.3    6.11 10.7    4.3 32.45 0.012 80.036 1 38.2 0.009 4 0.009 0.000 8 49.1    5.83 9.9    4.5 44.45 0.024 20.017 3 45.7 0.048 5 0.017 0.001 0 52.4    6.97 13.6    3.7 44.12 0.012 10.021 6 50.1 0.016 … … … … … … … … … … … … 246 0.028 0.001 7 61.0    5.39 11.5    3.5 40.06 0.020 50.027 3 62.5 0.056 247 0.025 0.002 0 57.8    6.33 13.0    4.6 32.51 0.019 40.019 5 52.3 0.096 248 0.015 0.002 5 62.4 7.25 11.4    3.9 28.34 0.013 70.037 3 52.1 0.354 249 0.018 0.001 1 59.2    6.30 10.6    3.2 19.52 0.014 40.027 2 52.5 0.057 250
0.001 8
0.014 2
0.019 0

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