
1. Ruth Handler, the creator of the Barbie dolls, once said, “My whole ________ of Barbie was that
through the doll, the little girl could be anything she wanted to be.”
A. philosophy
B. principle
C. faith
D. morality
2. The past 70 years ________ China realizing unprecedented economic growth, as well as making
breakthroughs in its relations and exchanges with the rest of the world.
A. saw
B. are seeing
C. had seen
D. have seen
3. China will become the world’s l argest market for autonomous cars, with revenue from scales of such new cars and mobility services ________ to exceed $500 billion by 2030.
A. expected
B. to be expected
C. expecting
D. to expect
4. —Recently, Huawei has launched its latest smartphone P30.
—Exactly. Its pre-orders are ________ to beat last year’s 10 million unit first-weekend record.
A. in fashion
B. under control
C. on track
D. at ease
5. In the new normal ________ China’s economy is transforming from inv estment-fueled growth
to innovation-driven growth, ‘Internet+’ is just the best strategic option.
A. that
B. which
C. when
D. where
6. Words of encouragement create social capital as it makes the person who ________ feel a sense of
worth and makes him or her a nicer, happier being.
A. has appreciated
B. is appreciating
C. is being appreciated
D. has been appreciated
7. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you
that ________ all the hurts.
A. suffers
B. prevents
C. restricts
D. survives
8. —With this new term ________ new challenges.
—Sure. The College Entrance Examination is drawing near and progress in many subjects remains uncertain, I have to continue to struggle.
A. comes
B. come
C. is coming
D. will come
9. The cleaner was on the spot and saw what really happened, so her description is the only ________
A. adequate
B. authentic
C. apparent
D. admirable
10. Flames have caused tremendous damage to Notre Dame Cathedral built around 1260 AD and
________ over Paris for centuries.
A. towered
B. to tower
C. being towered
D. towering
11. Country life gives me peace and quietness, which is just _______ I can’t enjoy while living in big
A. that
B. what
C. why
D. where
12. Stanley has a strong sense of responsibility; as soon as he was given the new assignment, he
_______ the project, got going and made considerable progress.
A. dug into
B. burst into
C. dived into
D. broke into
13. When attending a trade negotiation, I did better, but still I wasn’t as focused as I _______.
A. could
B. should have been
C. could have
D. should do
14. As Malcolm S. Forbes puts it, the first step toward success is taken _______ you refuse to be a
prisoner of the environment in which you first find yourself.
A. when
B. how
C. what
D. where
15. The monkeys of the circus always give very funny and interesting performances and every time they
make their appearance on the stage they ________.
A. face the music
B. have an axe to grind
C. call a spade a spade
D. bring the house down
When 20-year-old Maya shared her story on Twitter, people were amazed by how her life was saved by a perfect 16 when she was just five.
She was staying with her mother, Sesay, in Sierra Leone 17 she fell sick and needed to return to the US for 18 . Unable to return for some reason, Sesay 19 Maya to the airport desperately to find someone traveling to the US.
She asked the clerk at the check-in to direct her to someone to America. The clerk resisted, saying it was against the airline’s 20 . But Sesay was 21 and managed to talk him into directing her toward a man. She now had to 22 him to take Maya on the flight. 23 , he said no, but the persuasion finally 24
and he agreed. While Maya had only 25 memories of that day, she recalled there were “ chaos and nonstop crying ”, and that the man sang to comfort her.
Maya and her mother often talked about the experience over the years, but not knowing the man’s name, they couldn’t 26 him down.
Sesay’s cousin once said a former colleague told her a similar story, bu t the trail went 27 for years 28 recently, her cousin asked whether she had reached that man called Tom Perriello. This was the first time Sesay had heard this 29 and she managed to contact him. He was 30 the man who had 31 with Maya 15 years ago.
Due to dropping Maya with her grandmother, Perriello missed his connecting flight and then, unfortunately, 32 missing his own grandmother’s funeral. 33 , he said he couldn’t be happier to see Maya run into her grandma’s arms.
Perriello was deeply moved that Maya and her mother 34 to him all these years later. Maya also expressed how thankful she was that people like Perriello still 35 in the world.
16. A. clerk    B. passenger    C. stranger    D. doctor
17. A. before    B. when    C. since    D. while
18. A. recreation    B. recovery    C. treatment    D. rest
19. A. rushed    B. took    C. delivered    D. sent
20. A. style    B. routine    C. business    D. policy
21. A. aggressive    B. confident    C. persistent    D. sincere
22. A. convince    B. expect    C. request    D. inspire
23. A. Firstly    B. Previously    C. Initially    D. Primarily
24. A. carried on    B. worked out    C. took off    D. settled in
25. A. vivid    B. miserable    C. awkward    D. cloudy
26. A. follow    B. pursue    C. track    D. chase
27. A. smooth    B. obvious    C. wrong    D. quiet
28. A. until    B. as    C. though    D. unless
29. A. story    B. name    C. person    D. colleague
30. A. accurately    B. exactly    C. surely    D. definitely
31. A. communicated    B. lived    C. flown    D. worked
32. A. ended up    B. submitted to    C. took up    D. led to
33. A. Nevertheless    B. Furthermore    C. Therefore    D. Instead
34. A. stuck out    B. reached out    C. pointed out    D. called out
35. A. performed    B. acted    C. helped    D. existed
New York City is a world capital in every sense of the word —it’s a cultural and economic powerhous
e, and arguably the most influential city on the planet. But it wasn’t always this way, as the following cities once dominated the world around them.
Around the 13th century AD, in the area we now know as Thailand, the first Siam Kingdom
was formed, and its political and administrative capital was Sukhothai.
This is considered to be the first ever Thai state.
In the city of Sukhothai we see the first evidence of a pure Thai
culture and architecture, as well as Thai hydraulic engineering. They
managed to build canals, reservoirs and dams to prevent flooding and
aid in agriculture, as well as part of the city’s sewer and water
provision systems. Sukhothai kings were acknowledged for their ability to seize and control the kingdom’s water.
Built some 2500 years ago by King Darius the Great, Persepolis
was known as “the richest city under the sun” an d the capital of the
Achaemenid Empire.
Pillaged(掠夺)and burnt down by Alexander the Great in 330
BC, but back in its heyday(鼎盛时期)this metropolis was like no
other. The Persians had a much more open society. They offered
freedom of religion for all cultures, while their own religion, Zoroastrianism, forbid the practice of slavery. Meanwhile, women had many more rights and liberties than most world cultures at the time, especially compared to the Greeks.
Trade has always been a great source of wealth and knowledge for human civilization. Cities
like Palmyra(“place of palms”), situated in the desert of present-day
Syria, are perfect examples. Built by the Romans when they seized
control of the region in the first century AD, Palmyra acted as a
centre for trade within the Silk Road network.
Palmyra had been a semi-independent city state influenced by
Roman rule. However, after endless wars, Palmyra was abandoned
and never truly recovered.
36. What do we know about the ancient cities mentioned in the passage?
A. Sukhothai was the first state to build the urban water and drainage system.
B. All the three ancient cities mentioned have a history of more than 1000 years.
C. Palmyra once played an important role in the trade between the East and the West.
D. Ancient Persians accepted various cultures, advocated free religion and practiced slavery.
37. The passage is most probably taken from ______.
A. a news report
B. a science fiction
利率敏感性缺口C. a research paper
D. a history book
Just as dinosaurs characterized the Cretaceous(白垩纪的)period, which ended with their extinction 66 million years ago, many scientists believe we need to designate a new geologic age, called the
Anthropocene, which reflects the impact of humankind on the planet. That raises the question—what is the most important feature of the Anthropocene in the fossil record?
It’s likely to be chicken bones, according to a study by Carys Bennett, from the U.K. ’s University of Leicester, and colleagues published last month in Royal Society Open Science.
Humans eat a lot of chicken, which means a lot of chicken bones are being buried, and many of them are likely to survive in fossilized form. According to Bennett’s paper, 65.8 billion chickens were killed globally in 2016, and another 22.7 billion live birds await this fate today. The “biomass” of all poultry(家禽)is 10 times greater than of all wild birds put together. What’s more, growth in the consumption of chicken is outpacing that of all other forms of livestock. Since 1961, annual production of chickens has soared from less than 10 million metric tons to more than 100 million metric tons in 2016.
“Chicken is the most commonly eaten meat worldwide, and their bones are components of house-ho
ld trash,” says Bennett. “Industria l broiler (meat chicken) farms are spread around the world, and chickens are also buried at these sites.”
We’re not just eating a lot of poultry; we’ve also put our mark on the birds themselves. Since chicken consumption started taking off in the 1950s, the size and shape of the species—their skeleton, bone chemistry and genetics—have changed completely from their wild ancestors. The rapid growth of chicken’s leg and breast muscle means that its organs, including the heart and liver, are proportionally smal ler. We’ve shortened the life span of broiler chickens, which can no longer survive without “intensive human intervention,” the authors write.
Because we engineered the species, and because it has become such a major feature of food consumption, it will b e considered a marker of the Anthropocene, Bennett predicts. “The significance of the post-mid-20th-century chicken is that it is the first really good example we have of what paleontologists(古生物学家)call a new “morphospecies”— that is, a distinctive kind of skeleton that can be identified as a fossil—that appeared in the Anthropocene (i.e. , post-1950) and in that time became hugely abundant pretty well around the world,” she says. “In the future, humans will find and use chickens as a marker of our age.”
The age of chicken bones may be brief, however. Food producers such as Tyson and Perdue Farms are investing in plant-based replacements for chicken. “People are looking for food that is better for the environment, as well as their wallet,” says Bennett. “Times are changing.”
表面工程资讯38. The Cretaceous is mentioned in the first paragraph to __________.
A. indicate the terrible fate of human beings
B. show their influence on the Anthropocene
C. introduce the topic discussed in the passage
D. highlight the negative effects of man on the earth
39. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Dinosaurs died out due to the lack of food.
B. Chicken has been commonly eaten since the 1950s.
一帮一活动C. Fossil records helps scientists to name each period.
D. Human beings dominate the period of the Holocene.
40. What does the author mean by saying “we engineered the species” in paragraph 6?
A. There is much technology involved in the raising of chickens.
B. Chicken industry has become an important food industry in the world.
C. Humans have genetically modified the species to satisfy humans’ needs.
D. There are many artificial parts of the species compared with their wild ancestors.
41. Why can future generations know us by the chicken bones, according to Carys Bennett?
A. Chicken is a sign of social progress.
B. Chicken bones are easy to recognize.
C. The only thing that may remain as fossil is chicken bones.
D. Man has changed the species as a widely consumed food.
The Wandering Earth, Ch ina’s first blockbuster set in space, will represent the dawning of a new era in Chinese filmmaking. Shown in 3-D, The Wandering Earth takes place in a distant future in which the sun is about to expand into a red giant and destroy the Earth. The approachi ng danger forces the world’s
engineers to devise a plan to move the planet to a new solar system. Things go very badly when Earth has to pass Jupiter(木星), setting off a desperate scramble to save mankind from destruction.
The special effects—like the apocalyptic(世界末日的)climatic changes that would occur if Earth suddenly moved out of its orbit—are certain to be measured against Hollywood’s. And the reviews have been positive. It’s like the coming-of-age of the industry.
The Wandering Earth is adapted from a short novel by Liu Cixin, the writer who has led a renaissance in science fiction in China, becoming the first Chinese winner of the Hugo Award for the genre in 2015. His works are grand epics(史诗)and deeply researched, which makes them fantasies about human ity’s encounters with a dangerous universe. Translating them into movies wo
uld challenge any filmmaker, as the director of The Wandering Earth, Guo Fan, acknowledged.
Guo noted that Chinese audiences have responded coolly to many of Hollywood’s previous sc i-fi blockbusters. Studios, therefore, have been wary of investing the resources required to make convincing sci-fi. The film’s budget reportedly reached nearly $50 million, modest by Hollywood standards but still significant here in China. “I really hope this movie will not lose money at least,” said Guo before the movie’s release.
The popularity of Liu’s novels could help. The opening also comes as China reached a milestone in space: the landing of a probe on the far side of the moon in January. Although decades behind Russia and the United States, China has now put astronauts in orbit and has ambitious plans to join a new age of space exploration. “I think there is a very close connection between Chinese cinema and the nation’s fortunes,” said Sha Dan, a curator at the China Film Archive, “Only when China can enter the space era can we make works like The Wandering Earth.”
Unlike many typical Hollywood movies, The Wondering Earth doesn’t feature a world-saving hero. Guo said he consciously avoided making a do-it-alone superhero. A vision of the international cooperation to cope with the threats facing the planet is a theme that runs deeply through Liu’s fiction.
A film project based on Liu’s best-known work, the trilogy (三部曲) that began with The Three-Body Problem, was started in 2015 but has since been stuck in post-production because of technical challenges and costs. The conditions now seem ripe. Seeing the The Wandering Earth on the screen, Liu said, was “soul shaking.”
42. The most significant message of the movie The Wandering Earth is that __________.
A. it lives up to the audience’s high expectations
B. it marks the rise of the Chinese filmmaking industry
C. it sets higher standards for Chinese movies’ special effects
D. it demonstrates Chin a’s ambition to lead space exploration
43. Which is NOT among the features of Liu Cixin’s works?
A. Soul-shaking researches.
B. Reasonable imagination.
C. Cooperative fights against threats.
D. Brave actions and impressive events.
44. From the passage we know Hollywood movies __________.
A. rarely use special effects.
B. tend to feature individualistic heroism.
C. are closely related to space exploration.
D. provide role models for Chinese movies.
45. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. Liu’s popularity guarantees that The Wandering Earth will profit
B. The Wandering Earth’s special effects are better than Hollywood’s解州
C. Guo Fan criticized investors’ cautious under-investment in his movie
D. the movie The Three-Body Problem may find a way to reach new audiences
It was 11 o’clock, December 16, 1991. I was about to become a father for the first time and tried to restrain my excitement inside. My wife, Shen-Ling, lay in the hospital bed going through a very difficult 12-hour labor. I sat by her bedside but looked anxiously at my watch, and I knew something that she didn’t. I knew that if in one hour, our child didn’t come, I was going to leave her there and go back to work and make a presentation about AI to my bo ss, Apple’s CEO. Fortunately, my daughter was born at 11:30, sparing me from doing the unthinkable, and to this day, I am so sorry for letting my work ethic take precedence over love for my family.

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