
- We had sex, once- Go out with me.-我们上过床就⼀次-跟我约会吧You know you're my boss, it's against the rules.你是我上司你知道这违反规定Do you like Izzie? is that what this is about?你喜欢伊兹所以才这样吧Izzie? No! She's not the one I'm attracted to.伊兹不我喜欢的不是她
So there's a one.那就另有其⼈咯
Ever been attracted to someone you couldn't have?你喜欢过得不到的⼈吗Meredith.梅瑞狄斯
- Just coffee. - Good.-只是咖啡⽽已-很好
- Ok. - Ok.-好吧-好吧
Your mother's alzheimer's is advancing.你母亲的⽼年痴呆越来越严重So while she's lose enough to consent所以趁她还清醒时
she needs to sign everything to you.- me?-让她签字把⼀切交给你-我吗Thanks for the coffee.谢谢你的咖啡
So you blew me off for a bottle of tequila.你为了瓶龙⾆兰⽽放我鸽⼦That's not nearly as much fun to wake up to.等你醒来后就没这么开⼼了You mind moving this tail wagon?介意移⼀下车吗
You're blocking me in.我被堵在⾥⾯了
A couple hundred years ago,两百多年前
Benjamin Franklin shared with the world本杰明·富兰克林曾经向众⼈The secret of his success.分享他成功的秘诀
"Never leave that till tomorrow, " he said,他说"今⽇事"
"which you can do today.""今⽇毕"
This is the man who discovered electricity.正是他发现了电能
倒锥壳水塔He'd think more of us would listen to what he had to say.他以为⼤多数⼈会听信他的忠告I don't know why we put things off,我不知道为什么⼤家习惯拖延But if I had to guess,如果要我猜的话
I'd say it has a lot to do with fear.我想主要是因为害怕
Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection.害怕失败害怕疼痛害怕被拒绝Wouldn't it be easier to just ask her out?直接约她出去不是更简单
- she's gonna be late. - maybe not.-她会迟到的-也许不会
We should wait for her.我们应该等等她
Definitely not.绝对不⾏
I'm not her mother, and you are not her boyfriend.我不是她妈你也不是她男朋友
Not yet, anyway.起码现在还不是
Stop, ok? I told you I'm not interested.闭嘴好吗我说过对她没兴趣
Life is short, George.⽣命短暂乔治
Do you really want to die before you ever ask her out?你真想等到死也不约她出去么
I do not want to ask her out.我不想约她出去
Do you really want to die a liar?你真的到死也要撒谎么
I' I'm not dying.我我才不死呢
Sometimes, the fear is just of making a decision.有时候害怕的仅仅是做出决定Because, what if you're wrong?因为如果我们错了怎么办
What if you're making a mistake you can't undo?如果犯了个⽆法挽回的错该怎么办Crap.糟糕
Hi. I'm late.嗨我迟到了
You're avoiding me.你在躲着我
Yes, but also late.是的但我还是迟到了
Oh, are we going to talk about this?我们难道不应该谈谈吗
About us and Bailey and what she saw?关于我们还有贝利她撞见的事
I don't need to talk about it.我没什么好说的
I experienced it, naked.我都经历过了⼀丝不挂
This is getting complicated.这事变得越来越复杂了Complicated for me.对我来说很复杂
I'm the intern sleeping with the attending.和主治医⽣上床的实习⽣是我Bailey isn't speaking to me anymore.贝利再也不会和我说话了
Not that that's a bad thing.这似乎也不是什么坏事
If I was a better guy, I'd walk away.如果我是好⼈我会⾛开的
Yes, you would.你当然会了
Do you want me to be a better guy?你想让我当好⼈么
I'm late.我迟到了
Take your time.慢慢来
Think about it.好好考虑
That was definitely worth being late.即使迟到也值得
Is this a?这算是
Should we talk about this?我们是不是应该谈谈
Yeah, definitely.是啊当然了
- You're late. - so are you.-你迟到了-你也⼀样
I know, and I can't afford to piss off bailey any more.我知道我再也不想惹贝利不⾼兴
Do you think she told anyone?你觉得她会说出去么
- About you and mcdreamy?- Yeah.-你和美梦先⽣的事吗-是啊
No, he's her boss too.不会的他也是她的上司
If they find out, what can they?他们要是发现了会怎么做
Can they kick me out, or?会开除我吗还是
< not officially.不不会的
You'll just get edged out,最多是被排挤
Blacklisted, banned from his surgeries,被列⼊⿊名单不准参加他的⼿术Passed over for chief resident.当不了总住院医⽣
It'll be humiliating, but you'll live.会很丢脸但你会留下来
I have to end it.我要结束这⼀切
I definitely have to end it.我必须得结束这⼀切
- I have to end it, right? - Meredith, shut up.-我必须结束这⼀切是吧-梅瑞狄斯闭嘴What?什么
Did you seriously just tell me to shut up?你刚刚真是叫我闭嘴吗
范文同Oh, please. You got a hot doctor拜托 你到⼀个性感的医⽣
Who likes to make you open up and say "Ah"还总喜欢讨好你
It's the American dream, stop whining about it.这就是美国梦别再絮絮叨叨了
No. no good can come from sleeping with your boss.不跟上司睡觉从来不会有什么好结果的- Cristina, you're late. - So is Meredith.-克⾥斯蒂娜你迟到了-梅瑞狄斯也是Whatever it is we're afraid of,不管我们害怕的是什么
One thing holds true.有⼀件事永远不会改变
That, by the time the pain of not doing a thing当逃避的痛苦
Gets worse than the fear of doing it,⽐害怕更强烈时
It can feel like we're carrying around a giant tumor.那感觉就会像是⾝负着巨⼤的肿瘤When we walk in this door,⼤家进门后
You will maintain decorum.你们必须得保持严肃
You will not laugh, vomit, or drop your jaw.你们不准笑不准吐不准窃窃私语
Are we understood?明⽩了吗
- why would we laugh? - oh, just you wait.-为什么会笑-等着瞧吧
Good morning, Miss Connors.早上好康纳斯⼥⼠
Good morning.早上好
What is it?那是什么
And you thought I was speaking metaphorically.你以为我刚刚是在⽐喻吗
Good morning, Annie. how are you?早上好安妮你感觉怎么样
This is Dr. Bailey, and these are my fellow interns.这位是贝利医⽣这⼏位是实习医⽣
Dr. Karev, we refer to patients as "Mister"...克莱夫医⽣我们称呼病⼈要加"⼥⼠"
I told him to call me "Annie."是我让他叫我安妮的
"Miss Connors" makes me feel old and fat,"康纳斯⼥⼠"这称呼让我觉得⼜肥⼜⽼Which I am, but why feel that way?当然我确实如此但何必让⾃⼰跟难过呢Good morning.早上好
Annie, this is Dr. Burke. awesome surgeon.安妮这位是伯克医⽣⾮常棒的医⽣
Dr. Karev.克莱夫医⽣
Annie Connors is a 43-year-old woman who presented last night安妮·康纳斯今年43岁于昨晚⼊院
With progressive shortness of breath the past three months.最近三个⽉出现呼吸急促现象
Found to have a very large tumor现已发现⼀颗成因不明的巨⼤肿瘤
Of unknown origin pressed against her diaphragm.压迫着她的横隔膜
Stable vital signs.⽣命体征稳定
Scheduled for CT this morning, sir.安排了今天上午做CT
Thank you, Dr. Karev. are you at all claustrophobic?谢谢你克莱夫医⽣请问你有幽闭恐惧症吗I've been housebound for the last year.过去的⼀年我都呆在家⾥
How claustrophobic could I be?我怎么会有幽闭恐惧症
All right. Dr. Stevens is going to take you up for a CT.斯蒂⽂斯医⽣会带你去照CT
It'll give us a better look at the tumor,这会让我们更好地知道肿瘤的状况
And we'll know how to proceed.然后我们就知道下⼀步该怎么做了
Could someon tell my mom?有谁可以去告诉我妈妈
She'll worry if she gets back, and I'm not here.她回来发现我不在会担⼼的
Yeah, of course. of course.噢当然当然了
And would it be possible for Alex to take me instead?还有可以让阿历克斯带我去吗
I mean, he...我的意思是他
He's just so fun to look at.他看上去挺有有趣的
Sure. sure, Ms. Connors.当然了康纳斯⼩
Excuse me.先告辞了
How much do you think it weighs?你觉得那有多重
60 pounds.60磅吧[27公⽄]
More. she's carrying a whole extra person.可能不⽌⼤概有⼀个⼈的重量
This one's going in the books. I've got to get in.这病例会写进教材的我⼀定要参加I almost did. have y
ou ever seen Alex like that?我就差⼀点你们见过阿历克斯那样吗He actually seemed sincere.看起来像是真的⼀样"seemed" being the operative word.重要的是"看起来像"课堂教学有效性研究
He was on call when she came in.她⼊院的时候正好他值班
I am never leaving this place again.我再也不离开这⼉了
Let's move, people.开始⼯作了各位
Ms. Connor's surgery, should we choose to proceed,如果决定给康纳斯⼥⼠做⼿术
Will take most, if not all, of the surgeons off the floor,将会调⽤这层楼绝⼤部分的医⽣Which means you people这意味着你们
Will have to work extra hard not to kill anyone,必须格外努⼒别要了谁的命
卡波940cause we won't be there to fix your mistakes.因为没有⼈来帮你们收拾残局
Dr. Burke.伯克医⽣
Trauma team to or one.创伤组⽴刻去1号⼿术室
Trauma team to or one.创伤组⽴刻去1号⼿术室
I really want in on this.我真的很想参加这个⼿术
I thought we weren't talking.我以为我们不打算谈呢
I'm not talking. I'm just saying.这不是在谈是请求
Find her mother, get a family history,去联系她的母亲查⼀下家族病史And I'll tell Bailey.我会跟贝利说的
Mr. Harper had a coronary bypass yesterday.哈珀先⽣昨天做了冠状动脉搭桥术His blood pressure, currently 100/l65.他⽬前的⾎压是100/l65
It was running low overnight down to 70/l30,昨天夜⾥降到了70/l30
But responded to medication.但药物已经初见成效Postoperative labs show a crit of 30 and normal coagulation.术后数据显⽰信度30凝结现象正常Chest-tube output has halted over the last two hours.过去两⼩时胸部管道排流停⽌
What's your plan?下⼀步做什么
Chest x-ray and check the tube for possible occlusion.胸腔X光检查管道是否有阻塞Good. he's doing fine.很好他的状况很稳定
Thank you.谢谢

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