
Key  toexercises
1.Listentothe recording  of the text and then fill in the blanks in the following sentences.
1.. aim/purpose; training;
practical/professional skills; technical training;universities
graduateschool;Shakespeare’s p lays; be  apharmacist
3. makingaliving;keephimself;hisfamily;expose;ideas
5. in dang er; m echanized savages; push-buttonNeanderthals
6. have left us; peculiar accom plishments;species
7.. center;storehouse
8.. sarcastic;humorous
2.R ead the text for better comprehension a nd a nswer
thequestions,paying special a ttention to the par ts in boldtype.
1)It m e a ns a nnoyi n g experiences, t ou g h pro blems or failures.
2)The y must have finishe d their graduat e s t udie s w i th a n advanc e d d e gr e eli ke
3)Itsimplymeans?one of the
students?.Theword?body?here meansthewholegroupofstudents.Becausethestude
ntisthinandtall.Itismeanttobe humorous rather thaninsulting.
4)He t ea ches Englishliterature.
5)Byus i ngt he
like t h e c our s word?s t u f f?,h eshowshisdislikefor t he c ou r se ve r y clea r ly.Hedoesn’t
ebe c ausehethinksitis us e l ess forhisplanned career.
6)Wecanassumethathedoesnotthinkitnecessarytowastemoneyonthe books since he
intends to drop thecourse.
7)The latter. It is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people.
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8)He is talking about the Pharmacy School. He is being sarcastic
whenhecallsit?a DrugstoreMechanicsSchool?
9)He is talking about the diploma for university or
collegegraduates.He has in mind people like what the student wants to
10)Itmeans?havingbeenintroduced to the
ideasdevelopedorproduced throughouthistory.
11)It refers to his effort to convince thestudent.
a sase t phrase?hol dtrue?.大山里的土家娃
14)We call it the fut ure c on tinuou s t e ns e. It i s used for ongoin g future ac t ions.
15)He is saying here that you will make sure that the medicine
you make will not be mixed with poison if you are trained as a pharmacist;
thatthehousesyoubuildwillsuccessfullykeepoutbullsifyourchosenjobise ngineering;
and t h at yo ur client w i l l not be  sentenc ed  to  d eat h b e cause you a re inc om petent if you want to b e al a wyer.
16)T he s e are a ll us eful things to d o… a nd raises/bri n g s up your  c hildren.
17)InformalEnglish,?may?is usedtoexpress a
Mayourcountrybeprosperousandourpeoplehappy.May peace
fina l lypr e vail.
Note: suf fi ce (be s uff i cient) It is formal for hu m orouseffect.
18)民主的思想家. Will you be heading a family  that  is  familiar withthegreat
democratic ideas in past history?
19)He meansthetallstudent.?Pest?is oftenused to refer to  anannoying person especially achild.
20)No. H e means that he i s a i ming to m ak e m oney. T hat i s his
purpos e forcoming toschool.
goi n gto ha vetroublefi n dingsometh i ngt od owhen you arenot spending money.
23)Heissayingherethatyoungpeoplemaybecomesavagesliketheancientpe opl e
w ho lived 35,000 t o 130,000 yea rs a go although t h ey c an
nowpushbut t onsa ndu semachi n e s,hence, a ?n ew s p ec i es?.
24)Ourcoll e g e sareboundtoprod uc eso m estude nt softhi s ki nd.H e i sver ysarcastic
about these people and thinks that they are not truly educatedandcivilizedastheyshouldbetoday.Ther
eforeheusestheexpression:?such li feforms?. Note alsothattheword?graduate?is usedas a transitiveverbhere.
25)We are talking about how ideas or concepts are developed
andhowimportant they are in the evolution of the human species. Animalslive
by instinct. Only human beings are able to formulate ideas such aslove,freedom,democracy,andequality.Theseideasmakeusdifferentfromotherani mals. And we get these ideas from people in the past. That is why readingissoimportant.Manyscholarsmaintainthatwithoutreadingwe do n’tknowhow tothink.Thereare,however,peoplewhoemphasizetheimportanceofdirect experience
Sometimestheyevengoas far as to maintain .Theysaythat‘Doing isalsolearning’.
that reading may prevent us from creativethinking.
26)The fact that we have the faculty means that…
1.D o t he f ollowing exercises on wor d f or mation rules.
1)Thefollowingwordsareadjectivesendingwiththesuffixes?-ent?a nd?-a nt,?
andtheircorrespondingnounsusuallyendingwith?-ence?a nd?-a nce.?Decide which of the following should be the for mer, and which the latter.
1.di f fe r ent
2.i nd ependent
7.c o nfi de nt
8.fra g ra n t
9.signifi c ant
12.i nt e ll i g ent
< levant
17.c ur re n t
18.fr e qu en t
19.di stant
Note: The  following  words  are  nouns,  not  adjectives:  accountant;assistant;defendant; dependant;attendant
2)Guess the cor r esponding nouns of the following, paying special a ttention totheirpronuncia t ion.
1.qua l ifi c ati o n c l arifi c at i on
unification notification
classification identification
intensification justification
simplif i cation c ert ifi c at i on
glori f ication speci fi cat i on
2.m o derniz a ti on
mechani z ation
realization civilization
globalization specialization
Americanization industrialization
urbanization idealization
centralization marketization
nationalization privatization
3.permission discussion
admission profession
commission confession
remission impression
emission oppression
submission compression
transmission expression
om i s s i on depre s sion
3)Giveder i vative s of th e f oll o wi n gwords.
1.se ns e: sensitive; s en sible; s en se l ess; sens i bility; ove rs ensitive; ins e ns i tive
3.special: specially; specialty;specialize
4.intellect: intellectual; intelligent;intelligence
5.civil: c i vi l ize; c i vi l ization; ci v i l ized;u nc iviliz e d
4)T r ans l ate the following i nt o C hi n e s e.
1.Many people agree that the increased enrollment is a bigaccomplishment.
2.The  lack  of  availability of  certified accountants  who  can  meet
suchhighqualifications is still a bigproblem.
3.Early specialization is not wise. Students should have a wide exposure to
worldculturebe f ore t h eyspeci a lize.
4.Strong as we might be some day we must never become a r rogant. We shouldcontinueto
pur sue the policy of peaceful co-existence amongnations.
powerrestsessentiallywithitsadvanced civilization.
5.Itis a penetr a tingthoughtthat a nation’s
2.Tr anslate the following v er b+noun c oll oc at i ons intoEn g li s h.
1)f oldone’sarms
2)fold theletter
5)g en e ratejobs
6)gen e r ate p ow er
7)g en e r at e i nte r e s t
15)raise thequestion
17)maintain law andorder
3.Give the synonyms and antonyms of thefollowing.
< a sona bl y/r athe r/quite
2.c l earl y/evi d ently
6.t opr oduce
7.t opr ove
8.de pa rtment(univers i ty)
10.drugstore /chemist (英)
1.una v aila bl e
2.m ode s t ly
6.t ounfol d
9.insensitive 12.t oent e r/join
13.how eve r/but
17.una voidably/ce rt ainly/
18.t o s uppos e/presume/thi nk/guess
19.t ohel p/ass i st

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