
动词原形, 第三人称单数变化规则是: 一般情况加“-s”, 以辅音加“y”结尾的词把“y”-“i”, 再加“-es”(但元音加“y”结尾的则直接加“-s”) , 以“o, s, x, ch, sh”结尾的词加“-es”。be 动词的变化形式是is , am, are。
A) 经常性、习惯性或反复发生动作(常同often , sometimes, usually, always, twice a month, every week , on Sundays, occasionally, normally , generally, weekly, now and then ,every so often , as a rule, rarely 等状语连用)。
例:He always helps others. (他总是帮助别人。)Birds f ly . 鸟会飞。I never sit up late into the night .
B)客观事实和普遍真理,也在格言中用。注意,如果前后文不是一般现在时,则无法保持主句、从句时态一致。例:The ear th moves round the sun . 地球绕太阳转。No man but errs. 人非圣贤, 孰能无过。
例:She loves music . 她喜欢音乐。She lives in a villa at the foot of the hill . 她住在山脚下的一座别墅里。
He doesn’t speak French . 他不会讲法语。Contradictions exist everywhere . 矛盾处处存在。
D) 表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,(仅限于某些表示“来、去、动、停、开始、结束、继续”等的动词) 可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用。常见的用法是:飞机、火车、轮船、汽车等定期定点运行的交通方式。
例:The next train leaves at 3 o'clock this afternoon. How often does this shuttle bus run? (这班车多久一趟?)
E) 在由when,if,after,before,although,as,as soon as,the minute,the next time,whether,because,even if,in case,though, till , until , unless , so long as , where, whatever, wherever 等引导的表示时间、条件、比较等状语从句中, 用一般现在时代替一般将来时。正定湖
例:I’ll tell her when she comes tomorrow . 她明天来的时候我会告诉她的。
You will surely succeed i f you try your best. 功夫不负有心人。
一般现在时可以用来描述动作的完成与说话的时间几乎是同时的这种情况, 常用于体育运动的实况报道, 戏法
表演, 技术操作表演等的解说词。
例:Demonstrator(示范者) : Now I put the cake mixture into this bowl and add a drop of water.
I declare the meeting open . As I write, the war has broken out . ( = At the time of writing)
一般现在时可以用来表示不确定的过去时间, 只限于为数不多的动词, 如: hear, tell , say,forget等; 也可穿插现在进行时等来叙述往事, 以增加描写的生动性和真实感, 亦称作历史现在时。
例:That is long, long ago . I hear he has come back from Japan . Oh , I forget what he said . 我忘了他的话了。
Julia says you told her to buy the book . 朱莉娅说你让她买这本书的。Jane tells me you are entering college next
一般现在时可用于指将来时间, 表示按时间表将要发生的动作或事件, 或者事先安排好的动作。能这样使用的动词有: be, arrive, begin , come, start , depart , end, leave, go, sail ,stop , return , dine, finish, open, close 等。
例: Is there a film tonight?今晚有电影吗? A:When does he leave for the city ? B: He leaves next week .
Tomorrow is Christmas Day . 明天是圣诞节。When does the ship sail ? 船什么时候起航?
The meeting begins at 2: 00 in the afternoon and ends at 5: 00.会议在下午两点开始, 五点结束。
The plane takes off at eight and arrives in Beijing at eleven . 飞机八点起飞, 十一点到达北京。
I)在新闻标题、小说章节标题或小说、电影、戏剧情节介绍和幻灯、图片的说明中, 常用一般现在时
U . S . President holds talks with British Prime Minister . 美国总统同英国首相举行会谈。
American Ambassador leaves Beijing. I Have a Chance(小说的章标题)
At rise, the stage is dark. It is two thirty in the morning . (舞台说明)
Bank Robbery: Robbers take $10 , 000 . 银行劫案: 匪徒抢走一万美金。
You finish the work before ten o’clock tomorrow . You mind your own business .
If he does that again , he goes to prison . Either he leaves or you leave .
You take the first turning ahead, then cross a bridge and you see the city library .
动词learn, hear, see, understand , read, forget 等表示“已知, 已忘”时, 可用一般现在时代替现在完成时; it be + 时间+ since . . .结构可用一般现在时代替现在完成时。例: I forget( have forgotten) her name .
I understand( = have understood) what he wants . It is( = has been) ten years since she moved here .
L)用于延续性动词或静态动词, 表示持续状态、心理活动、爱憎、知觉等
The cont ract holds good . 合同有效。John loves nature .
The material f eels soft. I don’t owe anything to anybody .
M)表示仍旧有影响的已故人物的言行或状态, 或引用书面材料
Shakespeare is the author of“Hamlet. Confucius regards sex as human . 孔子视性为人之常情。
Chaucer writes that love is blind. 乔叟写道, 爱情是盲目的。
Shelly says,“If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?”雪莱说:“冬天到了, 春天还会远吗?”
N)用于定语从句或宾语从句中表示将来。这时, 主句常用一般将来时。例如:
Let’s see who gets there first . He will give you anything you ask for .
Anyone that comes will be warmly welcome. She won’t forgive anyone who steals flowers in her garden .
A quar rel will arise as to who rules the country. Anyone who does it will get a gift .
有时候, 在同一个复合句中, 会出现一般现在时和一般过去时连用的现象, 这是因为所取的时间点不同。例如: As the city does not have many enter taining places to go, we treated the foreign friends to
some real Chinese food . (从句用一般现在时does not have 表示这个城市长期的客观情况, 一般过去时t reated 则表示过去的某次行为动作)
现在进行时的构成是:be + 现在分词(is/ am/are+doing)
1.直接+ ing(例:sleep+ing sleeping)
2.去掉不发音的e+ing(例:bite-e+ing biting)
3.重读闭音节,且末尾只有1个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ing(例:sit+ t+ing sitting)
4.以ie结尾变ie为y+ing (例:die-dying lie-lying)
The kettle is boiling. Shall I make tea ? 壶开了, 沏点茶好吗?
Is the sun shining ? 出太阳了吗? It’s blowing hard . 风挺大。It is snowing outside . 外面在下雪。
Here comes the bus ! (习惯用法) The bus is coming . 车开过来了。(强调现在的情景)
She is learning English at college . 她目前在大学里学英语。John is losing his hair . 约翰近来脱发了。
He is taking physics this semester. I am taking the medicine three times a day .
3)表示某个按最近的计划或安排将要进行的动作, 或即将开始或结束的动作,常用的这类动词有: go, leave, come, arrive, land, meet, move, return, start, stay, stop, do,dine, give, have, pay, join, punish, spend, sleep, take, change, fly, work, wear, see, lunch,play 等。例如: I’m changing my hotel . 我打算换旅馆。
He is meeting the manager tomorrow . 他明天要跟经理见面。I am publishing a book this year . 我计划今年出一本书。The sun is setting . 太阳就要落山了。(即将开始) She is dying . 她奄奄一息了。(即将结束)
I’m going . 我要走了。(较近的将来) When are you starting ?你什么时候动身? (较近的将来)
或觉得不合情理, 有时表示赞赏、满意
It’s always raining here . 这里老是下雨。Jim is always coming late for class. 汤姆总是上课迟到。
She is always scolding me . 她总是没完没了地数落我。She’s constantly changing her mind . 她老是改变主意。河南 h7n9
5) care, mind 等表示感觉、精神活动等的状态动词不用于进行时
(1)有些表示感觉、感情、情绪、精神活动、拥有关系等的动词, 一般不用于进行时态, 常见的这类动词有: understand, remember , wonder, cost , have, resemble, exist , appreciate,care, desire, fear , detest , hate, like, love, mind, want , know, hope, wish,agree, believe,expect, forget, appear (显得), mean, perceive, realize, recognize, recollect, concern, consist, matter, seem, signify (意指) , respect , think (认为) , please (快乐) , need, intend(意欲) , forgive(宽恕) , differ (不同于) , prefer, despise (轻视) , dislike, adore(爱慕) , represent(代表) , result (导致) , stand(位于) , remain(停留) , own(拥有) , look(看似) , lie (位
于) , hold(持有) , contain(包含) , depend on, belong 等。例如:
某些非延续性动词也不可用于进行时, 常见的这类动词有: admit,decide,end,allow,refuse,consent答应,
permit , receive, determine决心,resolve解决,deny,promise,accept,complete等。例:He is denying that he has seen the wallet. (误,改为denies) (2)状态动词用于进行时, 表示某种思想、情绪、行为反复发生, 且含有厌恶、烦躁、赞叹等感情彩, 常同always , forever , continually, constantly 等连用。例如:
She is always doubting my words . 她总是怀疑我的话。He is always losing his keys . 他老是丢钥匙。
He’s f orever imagining dangers that don’t exist . 他老是想象一些并不存在的危险。
He is always thinking of doing more for the people . 他总是想着要为人民多做些事。
(3)状态动词用于进行时, 可以强调某一具体时间的特殊状态, 或某种暂时的心理状态或活动, 亦表示某种感情、认
6) be 的进行时
系动词be 的进行时+动态形容词表示暂时出现的某种情况或品质。其特点是: 主语通常是人, 偶尔也可以是拟人化的事物; 后接动态形容词, 有时也接分词; 这种结构为一修辞手法, 起强调作用, 多含讽刺、厌烦、不满等意, 尤指主语的故意装模作样, 有时也表示人们一时的行为。常用的这类形容词有: good, gentle, careless , foolish, hasty, nice, slow, tidy,
短跑技术witty, wicked, thoughtful , shy, naughty, greedy, faithful , careful , calm, loyal , enthusiastic,kind, sensitive, talkative, untidy, brave, dull , generous , rude, suspicious , unfaithful , t roublesome,stupid, reasonable, jealous, disagreeable, awkward , attentive, cruel , funny , impatient, patient , timid, stubborn , noisy, friendly, clever 等。例如:
You are being foolish . 你在办蠢事。(平时并不糊涂) The boy is being naughty . 这孩子又淘气了。
She is being polite to you . 她只是故意对你友好而已。The car is being difficult . 这回这汽车真难对付。
He is being a nice boy today . 他今天真是一个好孩子。I know I’m being selfish . 我知道我这样做是自私的。
He is being quite helpful to us . 他现在对我们有很大帮助。(平时并无帮助)
She is being friendly today . 她今天很友好。(做出“友好”的举止, 也许内心并不真诚)
He is being modest . 他现在表现得很谦虚。(只是做做样子) I think you are being unfair . 我想你不够公平。(不满)
He thought he was being a capable man . 他认为自己是一个很能干的人。(讽刺)
You are not being polite . 你这可不大客气呀。I’m being serious . 我是说正经的。2012山东高考作文
You’re being annoying . 你真烦人。You were being stupid . 你当时真傻气。( = behaving stupidly)
The boy is hitting the dog . (一个劲地打) Why is she blinking her eyes ? 她为什么老眨眼睛?
The bird is jumping up and down in the cage . 那鸟在笼子里上下跳着。Jim is nodding his head . 吉姆频频点头。
The train is arriving late almost every day this winter .
We are eating only vegetables and fruits during the summer .
8)表示原来设想“将发生而未发生”的情况, 有希望落空、不耐烦、引以为憾等含义
He is speaking at the meeting , but he is afraid he can’t come . 他要在会上讲话的, 但他恐怕来不了。
She is always coming to see me( but never does) . 她总是说要来看我(但从没来)。

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