高考英语熟词生义精编老词新意 - A-D

1.above / beyond: 后面接抽象而不是具体名词表示“无法做到”①above / beyond comprehension
2.absent(adj)缺席的; 茫然的,恍惚的①He looked at me in an absent way.
3.absorb (v.)吸收,理解;使全神贯注
①She is absorbed in the pursuit of knowledge.
4.about(prep/adv)到处=(美)around ①We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.
5.abuse v.& n.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,谩骂
① I was left shouting abuse as the car sped off.
②What went on here was an abuse of power. __________________________
③ She had been abused by her father since she was eleven
6.have access to something:通道,通路;机会。
①have access to town
②have access to the teacher
① These figures disagree with our account.
② His account contradicted itself
8.acknowledge v. 承认, 答谢;报偿;告知已收到
①He refused to acknowledge defeat.
②I acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 1.
③Jack acknowledged the gift with a pleasant letter.
9.act n.行动;法令,条例;(戏剧,歌剧的)一幕
v. (戏)表演,扮演(角),演出(戏);行动,做事;起作用
①It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.
②The prosecution was brought under the emergency act.
10.address vt.①称呼②向……发表演说;③地址,写地址
2012年重庆高考作文①The president should be addressed as“Mr President’’
②He is going to address the meeting in a minute.
11.admit vt.①允许进入②容纳①The room can only admit 100 people.
①He can’t afford to lose his job.
13.against prep.衬着,迎着,靠着,防备,预防;跟…反方向;(在比赛中) 与(某人) 对阵
①The picture looks good against the white wall.
②to drive against the traffic
③We have saved some money against our old age
④This is the first of two games against Denver in the next five days.
⑤Joan was very much against commencing drug treatment.
14.age vi. 成熟;变老vt. 使成熟;使变老,使上年纪①She's aging rapidly.
15. agree with:与…相符合(气候、食物等)相宜,适宜,适合
①Your story agrees with the facts.
②Long plane trips don't agree with me.
16.air n. 气氛,氛围,神态,风度;空军,航空;飞机v. (用电视或无线电)播送:晾干;使通风
①The television interview will be aired to all parts of the country.
②There was a comfortable air about her room.
①You can't live on bread alone.
18.amount n. 金额,数量/ v 总计;等同于
①The bill amounts to$102.
②His failure to reply amounts to a refusal.
甜菜斑蝇19.approach: n.“方法,手段”,vt.“处理,接洽, 靠近”。
①It’s impossible to approach the problem.
②Most vendors have come around to recognizing that this is the most reasonable approach.
③ Students should be able to approach teachers for advice.
20.argue that: “认为”,argue for ”表示“支持”,“ argue against ”表示反对
21.arrest one's attention: “引起某个人的注意”。
22.article: 日常生活购物场景下表示“一件商品”;法律之条款。
①The cost of this article includes packaging.
②We express our strong opposition to the willful interpretation of this article by a local Japanese court
23.arm n.武器v.武装①Lay down your arms or we'll fire!
24.available    a. 可获得的,有空的
ac029①Mr. Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment.
25.awkward a.尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不方便的
①I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be harder ones to come.
②It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry.
26.attend to 是“处理,料理,接待”的意思
①I may be late-- I have got one or two things to attend to.
1.back vt.支持①Many of his friends backed his plan.
2.badly adv.迫切;严重=desperately ①The boy badly wants a bike.
3.balance:在经济英语中指的是“账面余额”(熟义:平衡)①I'd like to check the balance in my account please.
4.ball n. 球;舞会。
5.bank n. (河海湖的)岸,堤n. 银行
6.bargain: v. 讨价还价;议价;“物超所值的商品”。①At this price the wine is a bargain.
7.bear v. 承受,承担;忍受;容忍; 携带;生(孩子) n. 熊
①the constitutional right to bear arms.
②The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men.
③They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war.
④ Patients should not have to bear the costs of their own treatment.
8.beat (beat, beaten) v. 敲打;跳动;打赢n (音乐)节拍
①In yesterday's game, Switzerland beat the United States two to one.
9.bill n.账单;法案,议案;(美)钞票,纸币
10.blank n.& a 空格,空白(处);空的;茫然无表情的
①The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look.
②My mind's a complete blank!
12.block n. 大块;(木、石等)块;街区;路障vt. 阻塞;阻挡
①She walked four blocks down High Street.
②Some students today blocked a main road that cuts through the centre of the city.
13. blue n. 蓝a.蓝的  a. 悲伤的;沮丧的
14.board: 名词最常用的含义是“委员会,董事会”,动词后面接交通工具则是“上火车,上船,上飞机”。
15.book n. 书;本子v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)
16.boom n. / v. 繁荣,轰鸣,激增
①An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction.
②Sales are booming.
17.bound adj. 有义务的;受约束的;装有封面的;一定的v 束缚;跳跃
①There are bound to be price increases next year.
②He bounded up the steps and pushed the bell of the door.
18.box n. 箱,盒子;包厢;一拳vi. 拳击
①On Friday, boys gathered after school in the backyard of Bryan Campbell (at far left) to wrestle and box.
19.branch: “分支机构”,看上下文可以翻译成为“分校,分公司,银行分行”等等。
20.break v.;破晓;n. 破裂;间断;间歇①They continued the search as dawn broke.
21. budget:日常生活中可以翻译成“购物计划”。
22.build n.身材,体型(熟义:v.修建)=figure Perfect body build is what people crave to get.
23. anything but 中文为“就不是…”,nothing but 则为“就是…”
1.campaign n.活动,运动,战役①During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet.
2.cash n. 现款,现金vt. 将…兑现;支付现款cash a cheque
3.cast vt. 投,撒①cast a glance at sb/sth ②cast light on sth =throw light upon③cast a shadow on sth
4.case: 通常的含义是“情况“,如果在法律环境下则是“案例”。
5.cause n.事业(熟义:n.起因,v.引起)①The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace.
< : “以… 为中心,围绕”。①Their talks always center around politics.
7.chair: v. 主持8.change . n.变化;回的零钱9.channel: vt.“引导”,n.渠道,路径
10.charge n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载vt.使充电;使承担;指责;装载;对…索费;向…冲去vi. 充电;控告;索价;向前冲;记在账上
①He was arrested on a charge of armed robbery.
②How much do you charge per unit?
③Alex had forgotten to charge the battery.
11.circulate vi传播,流传;循环;流通①The document was previously circulated in New York.
12.class n. (学校的)班;年级;课; 阶级;种类;等级; vt. 分类;把…分等级;把…归入某等级
①What it will do is create a whole new ruling class.
金华税案②I class myself as an ordinary working person.
③The most elegant woman I've ever met – she had class in every sense of the word.
13.claim: vt主张;断言;声称有权:理应获得;索赔;索命。
①The earthquake claimed thousands of lives.
②Now they are returning to claim what was theirs.
①After her pro playing career, she coached a golf team in San Jose.
②A coach is a large, comfortable bus that carries passengers on long trips.
16pany n. 有人作伴;伙伴;客人(均为不可数)(熟义:公司)①I've really enjoyed your company.
17pare v. 相比,匹敌;比较;比喻①The flowers here do not compare with those at home.
18plex adj. 复杂的;n. 复合体;综合设施;建筑
19.be committed to something: 决心做某事。
①The evening concluded with dinner and speeches.
②Mexico and the Philippines have both concluded agreements with their commercial bank creditors.
①One of the conditions for the job is that you should be able to drive.
[sing, U] 某物或某人所处的条件,现状,状况/ 人的健康状况①be in good, poor /excellent condition,
[pl] conditions=circumstances ①poor working conditions
v. 对...有影响;决定①Environment conditions an animal’s development.
be conditioned to“习惯于,受… 的影响” /
on condition that =only if on no condition = not at all / never
①Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence.
②He was condemned to life imprisonment.
①The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood.
be consumed with ”后面接表示情绪的名词,则表示“陷入,不能自拔”①be consumed with envy
①Please convey my gratitude to her.
②Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi.
③The land was conveyed to his brother.
<: vt.“逼迫” cut the corners “走捷径,用最简洁经济的方式做事”。
①Every minute counts..
②On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife..
①Aircraft can avoid each other by altering course to left or right. .
②The lunch was excellent, especially the first course. .
③During the course of our conversation, it emerged that Bob had been in prison. .
①He has been courting her for the last three months. The hotel has several tennis and squash courts
1.date n. 日期;约会vi. 过时;注明日期;始于(某一历史时期)vt. 确定…年代;和…约会
①I have a date with Bob.
②I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
③His decline dates from last summer.
④Blue and white always looks smart and will never date.
2.damage: n.“赔偿金”
3.dawn: n.黎明; 开始,来临” ①the dawn of the radio age.
4.deal: n. 交易,协定,份量deal with ①与……做生意;②与……来往③论及(熟义:处理;对付)
5.decline v. 下降;衰落;谢绝; 婉拒
① He declined their invitation.
②Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into decline.
6.defend保护; 为…辩护; 卫冕
①a lawyer who defended political prisoners during the military regime.
②Our duty is to defend the country against its enemies.
③ Tom expects to defend her title successfully in the next Olympics.
7.deliver: ①“发送,传送”。多用于发送信息,消息,邮件等场合。
②放弃;转让;引渡;移交,交出,交付(over,up): They delivered the thief over to the police
③宣布;发表;讲出;The congressman delivers his speech tomorrow morning.
④“递送”The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.
⑤接生deliver a baby
9.desert: n. 沙漠v “抛弃”。deserted: adj“荒无人烟的”,“孤独,沮丧”
①The baby's mother deserted him soon after giving birth.
山东行政学院学报②At the edge of the desert, he came across a deserted church.
10.desperate adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的
①Thousands are desperately trying to leave their battered homes and villages.
11.difficult adj 困难的;不随和的;执拗的①I had a feeling you were going to be difficult about this.
12.dig up “搜集,发现”
13.digest: v.“理解”。①I have digested most of the important points in the book.
14.discourage v. 使气馁;阻拦,阻挠,阻碍..
①.Typhoons discouraged shopping and leisure activities ②Low prices discourage industry
15.domestic: adj“国内的”,“家中的”。
16.draft n. 汇票;草稿;选派;V. 起草;制定;征募
①He drafted his speech. ②He drafted his plans for the park.
③He was drafted as a soldier.
18.dramatically / drastically: “大幅度,剧烈的”
①Accounting and banking have changed dramatically in the light of recent developments in computers.
19.draw vt. 画;拉;吸引vi. 拉;拖. (比赛)打成平局,不分胜负n. 平局;抽签
①A horse draws the cart along.
②The concert drew a large audience.
③The match ended in a draw
20.drill: 石油业中名词含义是“钻头”,动词是“钻井”,日常生活中是“反复操练”的意思。
21.drive v. 驱使,驱赶;强迫,n.欲望;干劲,推进力;快车道;驱动装置(熟义:驾驶)
①The recession and hospital bills drove them into bankruptcy.
②He was driven by necessity to steal.
③The boys followed Eleanor up the drive to the house.
④John will be best remembered for his drive and enthusiasm.
25.due adj.到期的;预期的;应付的;应得的;适当的
①When does the bill fall /become]due.
②The results are due at the end of the month.
③After due consideration ,it was decided to send him away to live with foster parents.
26.duty: “关税”。duty-free 免税的27.be dying for渴望, 极想得到

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