

abscissa 横坐标
absolute dimensional factor 绝对尺寸系数
absolute motion 绝对运动
absolute velocity 绝对速度
acceleration 加速度
acceleration analysis 加速度分析
acceleration diagram 加速度曲线
acme thread form 梯形螺纹
actual line of action 实际啮合线
addendum 齿顶高
addendum circle 齿顶圆
adjustable speed motors 调速电动机
advance-to return-time ratio 急回系数
advance-to return-time ratio 行程速比系数
air spring 空气弹簧
allowable amount of unbalance 许用不平衡量
allowable pressure angle 许用压力角
allowable stress; permissible stress 许用应力
amount of unbalance 不平衡量
amplitude of vibration 振幅
analysis of mechanism 机构分析
analytical design 解析设计
analytical method 分析法
angle of contact 包角
angular acceleration 角加速度
angular contact ball bearing 角接触球轴承
angular contact bearing 角接触轴承
angular contact radial bearing 角接触向心轴承
angular contact thrust bearing 角接触推力轴承
angular velocity 角速度
angular velocity ratio 角速比
anneal 退火
annular spring 环形弹簧
anti-friction quality 减摩性
aperiodic speed fluctuation 非周期性速度波动
application factor 工况系数
applied force 作用力
Archimedes worm 阿基米德蜗杆
Arctan 反正切
arm 臂部
assembly condition 装配条件
Assur group 杆组
atlas 图册、图谱
automation 自动化
average stress 平均应力
average velocity 平均速度
axial contact bearing 轴向接触轴承
axial direction 轴向
axial internal clearance 轴向游隙
axial load 轴向载荷
axial load factor 轴向载荷系数
axial plane 轴向平面
axial thrust load 轴向分力
axial tooth profile 轴向齿廓

back angle 背锥角
back cone distance 背锥距
back cone normal cone 背锥
back-to-back arrangement 背对背安装
backlash 侧隙
backlash 齿侧间隙
backlash 间隙
balance 平衡
balance of machinery 机械平衡
balance of mechanism 机构平衡
balance of rotor 转子平衡
balance of rotors 回转体平衡
balance of shaking force 惯性力平衡
balancing machine 平衡机
balancing mass 平衡质量
balancing quality 平衡品质
balancing speed 平衡转速
balata spring 橡胶弹簧
ball bearing 球轴承
ball screw 滚珠丝杆
band brake 带式制动器
barrel (cylindric) cam 圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构
base circle 基圆
base cone 基圆锥
base cylinder 基圆柱
base pitch 基圆节距
basic dynamic axial load rating轴向基本额定动载荷
basic dynamic radial load rating 径向基本额定动载荷
basic rating life 基本额定寿命
basic static axial load rating 轴向基本额定静载荷
basic static radial load tating 径向基本额定静载荷
beading stress 弯曲应力
bearing alloy 轴承合金
bearing block 轴承座
bearing bore diameter 轴承内径
bearing bush 轴瓦、轴承衬
bearing capacity 承载能力
bearing capacity factor 承载量系数
bearing cup 轴承盖
bearing height 轴承高度
bearing life 轴承寿命
bearing outside diameter 轴承外径
bearing ring 轴承套圈
bearing width 轴承宽度
belleville spring 碟形弹簧
belt driving 带传动
belt pulley 带轮
bending moment 弯矩
bevel gear 锥齿轮
bevel gears 圆锥齿轮机构
bevel pulley; bevel wheel 锥轮
bisector 平分线
black box 黑箱
blank 齿轮轮坯
blank 轮坯
block diagram 框图
blower 鼓风机
body guidance mechanism 刚体导引机构
bold line 粗线
bolts 螺栓
bottom clearance 顶隙
boundary dimension 外形尺寸
brake 制动器
buttress thread form 锯齿形螺纹


calculated bending moment 计算弯矩
cam 凸轮
cam , cam mechanism 凸轮机构
cam profile 实际廓线
cam profile 凸轮廓线
cam with oscillating follower 摆动从动件凸轮机构
cantilever beam 悬臂梁
cantilever structure 悬臂结构
Cartesian coordinate manipulator 直角坐标操作器
cascade speed control 串级调速
case-based design,CBD 基于实例设计
center distance 中心距
center distance change 中心距变动
center of mass 质心
center of pressure 压力中心
central gear 中心轮
centrifugal force 离心力
centrifugal force 向心力
centrifugal seal 离心密封
centrifugal stress 离心应力
chain dotted line 点划线
chain gearing 链传动装置
chamfer 倒角
change gear ; change wheel 变速齿轮
characteristics 特性
chassis 底座
circular gear 圆形齿轮
circular pitch 齿距
circular pitch; pitch of teeth 节距
circular thickness 圆弧齿厚
circulating power load 循环功率流
clearance 径向间隙
clockwise 顺时针
closed chain mechanism 闭链机构
closed kinematic chain 闭式链
clutch 离合器
coarse thread 粗牙螺纹
coefficient of friction 摩擦系数
coefficient of speed fluctuation 机械运转不均匀系数
coefficient of speed fluctuation 速度不均匀( 波动 ) 系数
coefficient of travel speed variation 行程速度变化系数
coefficient of velocity fluctuation 运转不均匀系数
coincident points 重合点
combination in parallel 并联式组合
combination in series 串联式组合
combined efficiency; overall efficiency 总效率
combined mechanism 组合机构
combined stress 苏拉 沙玛复合应力
common apex of cone 锥顶
common normal line 公法线
compensation 补偿
complex mechanism 复杂机构
composite tooth form 组合齿形
compound (or combined) gear train 复合轮系
compound combining 复合式组合
compound flat belt 复合平带
compound gear train 混合轮系
compound hinge 复合铰链
Compound screw mechanism 复式螺旋机构
compression strength 抗压强度
compressive stress 压应力
compressor 压缩机
computer aided design, CAD 计算机辅助设计
computer aided manufacturing, CAM 计算机辅助制造
computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS 计算机集成制造系统
concavity 凹面、凹度
concept design, CD 方案设计、概念设计
concurred design, CD 并行设计
concurrent engineering 并行工程
condition of self-locking 自锁条件
conduction of heat 导热性
cone angle 圆锥角
cone distance 锥距
conjugate cam 共轭凸轮
conjugate profiles 共轭齿廓
conjugate yoke radial cam 等径凸轮
connecting rod, coupler 连杆
conoid helical-coil compression spring 圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧
constant-breadth cam 等宽凸轮
constant-velocity (or double) universal joint 双万向联轴节
constitution of mechanism 机构组成
constraining force 约束反力
constraint 约束
constraint condition 约束条件
consumption 消耗
contact points 啮合点
contact ratio 重合度
contact seal 接触式密封
contact stress 接触应力
conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 常用机构
convex 凸的,凸面体
convex roller 球面滚子
coordinate frame 坐标系
correcting plane 平衡平面
correcting plane 校正平面
corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀性
cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion 余弦加速度运动
counterclockwise (or anticlockwise) 逆时针
counterweight 平衡重
couple 力偶
coupler-curve 连杆曲线
coupling ; shaft coupling 联轴器
crank 曲柄
crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions 极位夹角
crank arm, planet carrier 系杆
crank shaft 曲轴
crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism 曲柄导杆机构
crank-rocker mechanism 曲柄摇杆机构
creation design 创新设计
critical speed 临界转速
cross-belt drive 交叉带传动
合胞病毒crossed helical gears 交错轴斜齿轮
crown gear 冠轮
curvature 曲率
curve matching 曲线拼接
curved-shoe follower 曲面从动件
curvilinear motion 曲线运动
cutter 刀具
校内体cycle of motion 运动周期法国国庆日
cycloidal gear 摆线齿轮
cycloidal motion 摆线运动规律
cycloidal tooth profile 摆线齿形
cycloidal-pin wheel 摆线针轮
cylindric pair 圆柱副
cylindrical cam 圆柱凸轮
cylindrical coordinate manipulator 圆柱坐标操作器
cylindrical roller 圆柱滚子
cylindrical roller bearing 圆柱滚子轴承
cylindrical worm 圆柱蜗杆
cylindroid helical-coil compression spring 圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧
cylindroid helical-coil extension spring 圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧
cylindroid helical-coil torsion spring 圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧


dedendum 齿根高
dedendum circle 齿根圆
deep groove ball bearing 深沟球轴承
deformation 变形
degree of freedom, mobility 自由度
degree of reliability 可靠度
denominator 分母
depth of cut 切齿深度
derivative 导数
design constraints 设计约束
design for product`s life cycle, DPLC 面向产品生命周期设计
design methodology 设计方法学
design variable 设计变量
detrimental resistance 有害阻力
diameter series 直径系列
diametral pitch 径节
diametral quotient 蜗杆直径系数
diametral quotient 直径系数
家族利益differential 差速器
differential gear train 差动轮系
differential screw mechanism 差动螺旋机构
differential screw mechanism 微动螺旋机构
dimension series 尺寸系列
direct (forward) kinematics 正向运动学
disc brake 圆盘制动器
disc friction clutch 圆盘摩擦离合器
disk cam 盘形凸轮
disk-like rotor 盘形转子
displacement 位移
displacement diagram 位移曲线
double crank mechanism 双曲柄机构
double Haas planer 龙门刨床
double rocker mechanism 双摇杆机构
double roller chain coupling 滚子链联轴器
double row bearing 双列轴承
double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling 十字滑块联轴器
double-direction thrust bearing 双向推力轴承
double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph 双滑块机构
driven gear 从动轮
driven link, follower 从动件
driven pulley 从动带轮
driven system 传动系统
心有林希driving force 驱动力
driving gear 主动齿轮
driving link 原动件
driving link 主动件
driving moment (torque) 驱动力矩
driving pulley 主动带轮
dwell 停歇
dyad II级杆组
dynamic analysis design 动态分析设计
dynamic analysis of machinery 机械动力分析
dynamic balance 动平衡
dynamic balancing machine 动平衡机
dynamic characteristics 动态特性
dynamic design of machinery 机械动力设计
dynamic energy 动能
dynamic equivalent axial load 轴向当量动载荷
dynamic equivalent radial load 径向当量动载荷
dynamic load 动载荷
dynamic lubrication 动力润滑
dynamic reaction 动压力
dynamic viscosity 动力粘度
dynamically equivalent model 等效动力学模型
dynamics 动力学
dynamics of machinery 机械动力学

eccentric 偏心盘
eccentric mass 偏心质量
eccentricity ratio 偏心率
effective circle force 有效圆周力
effective resistance 工作阻力
effective resistance moment 工作阻力矩
effective tension 有效拉力
elastic coupling ; flexible coupling 弹性联轴器
elasticity sliding motion 弹性滑动
end-effector 末端执行器
energy 能量
engagement, mesh, gearing 啮合
engaging-in 啮入
engaging-out 啮出
epicyclic gear train 周转轮系
equilibrium 力平衡
equivalent 等效量
equivalent coefficient of friction 当量摩擦系数
equivalent force 等效力
equivalent link 等效构件
equivalent load 当量载荷
equivalent mass 等效质量
equivalent mechanism 替代机构
equivalent moment of force 等效力矩
equivalent moment of inertia 等效转动惯量
equivalent spur gear of the bevel gear 锥齿轮的当量直齿轮
equivalent spur gear of the helical gear 斜齿轮的当量直齿轮
equivalent spur gear; virtual gear 当量齿轮
equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth 当量齿数
evaluation and decision 评价与决策
executive link; working link 执行构件
external force 外力
external gear 外齿轮
external loads 工作载荷
extreme (or limiting) position 极限位置

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标签:机构   轴承   设计   系数   圆柱   螺旋   弹簧   载荷
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