
芽孢杆菌第6集 (2)
第7集 (21)
第8集 (44)
第9集 (64)
第10集 (82)
Y ou are being watched. E06你被监视着
The government has a 政府有一套秘密系统
A system you asked for to keep you safe. 一套你请求护你安全的系统
A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. 一台每时每刻都在监控你的机器
Y ou granted it the power to see everything-- 你允许它监视一切
to index, order, and control the lives of ordinary
The government considers these people irrelevant. 政府认为这些人无关紧要
We don't. 我们不
But to it, you are all irrelevant, 但对它而言你们都无关紧要
victim or perpetrator, if you stand in its way. 但无论是受害人还是行凶者只要你
We'll find you. 我们就会到你
Mission failure again, sir. 任务又失败了先生
Aren't you tired, my dear Sameen? 你还没厌倦吗亲爱的萨姆恩
Why would I be? 我干嘛要厌倦
怎么你7053次企图让我杀死朋友That's what, 7,053 times you've tried to get me to
murder my friends?
I meant tired of turning the gun on yourself. 我是说厌倦爆头自杀了
I've done worse. 更糟糕的我也做过了
Y ou're a smart girl. 你是个聪明姑娘
The simulation is not convincing you. 模拟无法骗到你
Perhaps a little field trip will be just the ticket. 也许外边走走才会让你真正明白
To what? 明白什么
To showing you the people you refuse to betray 明白那几位你不肯背叛的人
are not the heroes. 并不是英雄
They're the villains. 而是恶棍
Finch, I'm at the hotel. 芬奇我到酒店了
Want to tell me what I'm doing here? 能说说要我干啥了吗
We've received a new number. 我们收到了一个新号码
机器保持了它古怪的幽默感Although the Machine retains its whimsical sense of
This number belongs to a marriage license. 这号码是个结婚证书
So I'm afraid we must assume 所以我估计
that the threat will surface at the wedding itself. 这威胁会在婚礼上显示出来
So who's the happy couple? 那幸福的小两口是谁呢
Phoebe Turner, a Harvard graduate, 菲比·特纳哈佛毕业
无水硫铝酸钙and daughter of Kent Turner. 肯特·特纳的女儿
她是其父亿万赛马帝国的继承人She's an heiress to her father's billion-dollar horse
racing empire.6apa
And the groom? 新郎呢
Will O'Brien. A Boston College grad. 威尔·奥布赖恩波士顿学院毕业Will's a public defender. 威尔是公设辩护律师
So I suppose it's reasonable to speculate 所以很可能是
有些家庭成员不希望这场婚礼的举行that some members of the family may not want this
wedding to happen.
Until we can determine who is victim or perpetrator, 在我们确定谁是受害人或行凶者之前we need to keep an eye on both. 两个人都得盯
Phoebe is in Room 541. 菲比在541房
So what is she doing here? 那她在这里干什么
Her sister called the police. 她妹叫警察了
Good, you're here. 好了你到了
Y ou got my back? 你支援我
Don't worry. We got this one. 别担心我们有这个
Good thing you're in character. 真投入角啊
Could get rough in there. 可能会很麻烦
Especially for a silver fox like you. 特别是你这类如银狐的
Y ou gonna be okay to run interference if things get out
of hand?
I'll go first. 我先上
Someone called the police? 有人叫警察了吗
It's about time you showed up. 总算是来了
How much would it be to get you into something more
I'm only here for security. 我只是来确定下安全
Do me a favor, step back, ma'am. 拜托退后女士
Thank you. 谢谢
I love a man in charge. 我最喜欢阳刚范儿了
Sorry, Mr. Reese, but I had no choice. 抱歉里瑟先生我没别的办法了
I need you at that wedding. 得安排你进婚礼啊
Detective Fusco, 弗斯科警探
I was hoping to enlist your help for the weekend. 本周末我需要你的帮助
Rumor has it that there will be a caviar bar. 听说会有鱼子酱吧呢
No can do. I got a life. 没门儿哥要享受生活
Not to mention, a day job. 而且还有正职
All these missing persons. 全部失踪人口
Where'd you go? 去了哪儿呢
How's our little petri dish doing? 咱们的小小培养皿如何了
Is the Machine's replica holding up against Samaritan? 机器的复制品能挡住撒马利亚人吗
Y es. V ery well. 能挺好
Thank you. 谢谢
Who would've thought my latest cover didn't like paying rent? 谁能想到我的最新掩护身份居然不爱付房租呢
- Artist? - Meth head. -艺术家么-瘾君子
I need a place to crash for a few nights. 我得地方凑合几晚
I'll make lasagna. 我去做点千层阔面
Y ou're welcome to stay here. 欢迎留下
Y ou can feed Bear while I attend a wedding. 我参加婚礼期间你来喂小熊
Since when did you start dressing like a middle school science teacher? 你什么时候开始穿衣走中学理科老师风了
I don't. 我没有
But Uncle Ralph does. 但拉尔夫叔叔
Are you crashing a wedding? 你要混进婚礼啊
Of course not. I have an invitation. 当然不是我有请柬的How did you manage that? 你怎么弄到的
I wired 500 euros to the groom's estranged uncle in Ireland. 我汇了500欧元给新郎感情疏远住在爱尔兰的叔叔
The real Uncle Ralph wasn't gonna be sober enough 真拉尔夫叔叔反正天天烂醉
to make the ceremony anyway. 参加不了婚礼
Sounds like a big job.好像任务挺艰巨
It is. 的确是
But surely you would not enjoy a wedding. 不过你肯定不会喜欢婚礼的
Even I appreciate a fairy tale ending, Harry. 我也喜欢童话的美好结局啊哈罗Family politics, over-cooked meat, 家庭纷争煮烂的菜monogamy. What's not to love? 一生一世一双人怎能不爱啊Bear takes one scoop of kibble twice a day. 小熊每天两顿每次一大勺
And if you could answer the pay phone, should it ring. 还有公用电话响的时候接一下Mr. Reese, have you managed to secure an invitation 里瑟先生你拿到婚礼请柬了吗
to the wedding?
I did. 拿到了
Phoebe's sister, Janna, invited me. 菲比的妹简娜邀请了我
Turns out I'm her type. 人家喜欢我这型啊
Who knew. 意想不到啊
Have you identified any potential threats to Phoebe? 出有什么针对菲比的潜在威胁了吗Didn't have to. Janna did it all for me. 不用简娜给我搞定了
Tequila makes her talk. 龙舌兰喝完就开始滔滔不绝
Seems Janna and Will's uncle, Ralph, have a great deal in common. 看来简娜和威尔的叔叔拉尔夫一个毛病
Did you know the groom's ex-girlfriend, Becca, is a
That sounds like a recipe for disaster. 听上去都像火药桶
Janna also told me Kent Turner plays favorites. 简娜还告诉我肯特·特纳很偏心
Turner was gonna hand over his racing dynasty to Phoebe. 特纳之前想把整个赛马帝国都交给菲比
Was--what happened? 之前那后来呢
Phoebe met Will. 菲比认识了威尔
Her father decided he'd give her eldest sister, Karen, 她父亲就决定要改让她凯伦the reigns to the business instead. 继承公司
Let me fix your tiara, Phoebe. 我给你整下桂冠菲比
But even without the business, 不过即使拿不到公司
Phoebe stands to inherit a cool 300 million.菲比也能继承三亿美金Perhaps Mr. Turner is willing to kill the groom 也许特纳先生想要杀了新郎
to make sure he doesn't get his hands on the family
I think our best chance to stop the threat 我认为阻止威胁的最好办法
is to ensure that the wedding happens. 是确保婚礼顺利进行
Y ou should pack for two days. 你打包去住两天吧
I'm sorry, Finch. I can't spend two days with billionaires. 抱歉芬奇跟亿万富豪待两天我可受不了
Then I hope you like horses better, 那希望你能跟马相处愉快点
because the ceremony takes place at the Turner family farm upstate. 因为婚礼要在特纳家族州北的牧场举行
Pack your riding boots, Mr. Reese. 打包双马靴吧里瑟先生
We're about to crash a wedding. 我们要混进婚礼了
I want to take that guy. 这男人我要了
Enjoying your field trip, Sameen? 外边走走感觉如何萨姆恩
Y es, they work for us. 挺好啊
At least wait until we've had our lunch before you 至少等吃完午餐后再开始逃跑

本文发布于:2024-09-20 22:26:52,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:婚礼   先生   开始   叔叔   喜欢   新郎   机器
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