
I. Vocabulary and Grammar (30%, 1.5 points each)
Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
1. These small firms ________not long ago in order to meet the increasing demands            for more electrical appliances.
A. clustered      B. assembled    C. linked    D. amalgamated 
2. My aunt has decided to spend her ________years in the suburbs of Shanghai.
A. diminishing  B. declining      C. reducing  D. dwindling 
青山绿水共为邻3. The matter is not to be ____.
 A. watched for    B. waited on      C. taken over  D. trifled with
4. At the immortal touch of thy hands my little heart loses its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ________.
A. touchable      B. irresistible    C. marvelous  D. ineffable
5. From the _______of the negotiations, it was clear that it would be hard for the two sides to reach an agreement.
A. outbreak      B. outlook        C. outset    D. onset 工商联章程
6.____in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.
A. Unpopular has as white been     B. White has been as unpopular 
C. Unpopular has been as white     D. Unpopular as white has been
7. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snack bar.
A. may well   B. just as well   C. might as well D. as well
8. She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
A. have stolen   B. steal         C. stole     D. stealing
9.____money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
A. Concerning     B. As to       C. In terms of D. In the light of
10. It is ____with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
A. in her honor     B. on her honor C. a point of honor D. an honor
11. An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education____.
A. settlement     B. establishment C. construction   D. structure
12. Jack is so ____to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
A. adverse       B. anonymous   C. indifferent   D. casual
13. I ____with the Browns during my stay in New York City.
A. put in         B. put down     C. put on       D. put up
14. Outside my office window there is a fire ____ on the right.
A. escape       B. ladder       C. steps         D. stairs
15. Our civilization cannot be thought of as ____in a short period of time.
A. to have been created                B. to be created
C. having been created                D. being created
16. He might have been killed ____the timely arrival of the ambulance.并行计算机>甘肃省人口与计划生育条例
A. but for          B. except for      C. besides        D. except
17. Their happiness was very____.
A. crisp            B. brittle          C. delicate        D. fragile
18. Do you know Johnson’s brother? He is _________ than Johnson.
A. much more businessman                    B. more of a businessman
C. more of businessman                        D. more a businessman
19. That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we ________ strong actions against him.
A. betrayed… take                              B. had betrayed… took
C. has betrayed… took                        D. has betrayed… take
20. Before Mr. Smith became the head of the factory, our production _______at a snail’s pace.
A. crawled        B. climbed        C. slipped        D. crept
II. Reading comprehension (40%)
Section 1 Multiple choice  ( 2 points each)
Directions: In this section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
Passage A
Graduation speeches are a bit like wedding toasts. A few are memorable. The rest tend to trigger such thoughts as, "Why did I wear such uncomfortable shoes?" But graduation speeches are less about the message than the messenger. Every year a few colleges and universities in the US attract attention because they've managed to book high-profile speakers. And, every year, the media report some of these speakers' wise remarks.
Last month, the following words of wisdom were spread:
"You really haven't completed the circle of success unless you can help somebody else move forward." (Oprah Winfrey, Duke University).
"There is no way to stop change; change will come. Go out and give us a future worthy of the world we all wish to create together." (Hillary Clinton, New York University).
"'This really is your moment. History is yours to bend." (Joe Biden, Wake Forest University).
Of course, the real "get" of the graduation season was first lady Michelle Obama's appearance at the University of California, Merced. "Remember that you are blessed," she told the class of 2009, "Remember that in exchange for those blessings, you must give As advocate and activist Marian Wright Edelman says, 'Service is the rent we pay for living ... it is the true measure, the only measure of success'."
Calls to service have a long, rich tradition in these speeches. However, it is possible for a graduation speech to go beyond cliché and say something truly compelling. The late writer David Foster Wallace's 2005 graduation speech at Kenyon College in Ohio talked about how to truly care about other people. It gained something of a cult after it was widely circulated on the Internet. Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs' address at Stanford University that year, in which he talked about death, is also considered one of the best in recent memory.
But when you're sitting in the hot sun, fidgety and freaked out, do you really want to be lectured about the big stuff?. Isn't that like trying to maintain a smile at your wedding reception while some relative gives a toast that amounts to "marriage is hard work"? You know he's right; you just don't want to think about it at that particular moment. In fact, as is the case in many major life moments, you can't really manage to think beyond the blisters your new shoes are causing.
That may seem anticlimactic. But it also gets to the heart of one of life's greatest, saddest truths: that our most "memorable" occasions may elicit the fewest memories. It's probably not something most graduation speakers would say, but it's one of the first lessons of growing up.
21. According to the passage, most graduation speeches tend to recall ____ memories.
A. great  B. trivial   C. unforgettable    D. unimaginative
22. “But graduation speeches are less about the message than the messenger” is explained
A. in the final paragraph.    B. in the last but one paragraph.
C. in the first paragraph.     D. in the same paragraph.
23. The graduation speeches mentioned in the passage are related to the following themes EXCEPT
A. death.  B. success.  C. service.  D. generosity.
24. It is implied in the passage that at great moments people fail to
A. remain clear-headed.      B. keep good manners.
C. remember others' words.  D. recollect specific details.
手机乐讯网25. What is "one of the first lessons of growing up"?
  A. Attending a graduation ceremony.
  B. Listening to graduation speeches.
  C. Forgetting details of memorable events.
  D. Meeting high-profile graduation speakers.
Passage B
Cultural rules determine every aspect of food consumption. Who eats together defines social units. For example, in some societies, the nuclear family is the unit that regularly eats together. The anthropologist Mary Douglas has pointed out that, for the English, the kind of meal and the kind of food that is served relate to the kinds of social links between people who are eating together. She distinguishes between regular meals, Sunday meals when relatives may come, and cocktail parties for acquaintances. The food served symbolizes the occasion and reflects who is present. For example, only snacks are served at a cocktail party. It would be inappropriate to serve a steak or hamburgers. The distinctions among cocktails, regular meals, and special dinners mark the social boundaries between those guests who are invited for drinks, those who are invited to dinner, and those who come to a family meal. In this example, the type of food symbolizes the category of guest and with whom it is eaten. In some New Guinea societies, the nuclear family is not the unit that eats together. The men take their meals in a men's house, separately from their wives and children. Women prepare and eat their food in their own houses and take the husband's portion to the men's house. The women eat with their children in their own houses. This pattern is also widespread among Near Eastern societies.
Eating is a metaphor that is sometimes used to signify marriage. In many New Guinea societies, like that of the Lesu on the island of New Ireland in the Pacific and that of the Trobriand Islanders, marriage is symbolized by the couple's eating together for the first time. Eating symbolizes their new status as a married couple. In U.S. society, it is just the reverse. A couple may go out to dinner on a first date.
Other cultural rules have to do with taboos against eating certain things. In some societies, members of a clan, a type of kin (family) group, are not allowed to eat the animal or bird that is their totemic ancestor. Since they believe themselves to be descended from that ancestor, it would be like eating that ancestor or eating themselves.
There is also an association between food prohibitions and rank, which is found in its most extreme form in the caste system of India. A caste system consists of ranked groups, each with a different economic specialization. In India, there is an association between caste and the idea of pollution. Members of highly ranked groups can be polluted by coming into contact with the bodily secretions, particularly saliva, of individuals of lower-ranked castes. Because of the fear of pollution, Brahmans and other high-ranked individuals will not share food with, not eat from the same plate as, not even accept food from an individual from a low-ranking caste.
26. According to the passage, the English make clear distinctions between
  A. people who eat together.
  B. the kinds of food served.
  C. snacks and hamburgers.
  D. family members and guests.
27. According to the passage, who will NOT eat together?
  A. The English.
  B. Americans on their first date.
  C. Men and women in Near Eastern societies.
  D. Newly-weds on the island of New Ireland.
28. According to the passage, eating together indicates all the following EXCEPT
  A. the type of food.          B. social relations.
  C. marital status.            D. family ties.
29. The last paragraph suggests that in India ____ decides how people eat.
  A. pollution    B. food    C. culture      D. social status
30. Which of the following can best serve as the topic of the passage?
  A. Different kinds of food in the world.
  B. Relations between food and social units.
  C. Symbolic meanings of food consumption.
  呼吸道病毒D. Culture and manners of eating.
Section 2 Answering questions (20 points)
Directions: Read the following passage and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions which follow the passage. Use only information from the passage you have just read and write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER SHEET.
Questions 31-35
Morally and socially, laughter has not been well regarded throughout history. Prior to the last hundred years or so, laughter in public was about as socially acceptable as vigorous breaking of wind would be today. In Medieval times, physicians located each emotion in some organ of the body. Love, for example, was seated in the heart — if they had chosen another particular organ which would seem to be a more logical contender, we would be sending each other quite different shapes on Valentine's Day. The seat of laughter was the spleen, apparently to indicate that laughter was viewed as a 'low' form of behavior.
It is no surprise that Victorian England was not big on laughter. Nevertheless, Queen Victoria did deliver one immortal quip in comment on a man charged with the attempted murder of the British Prime Minister, and who was pleading insanity — 'We do not believe that anyone could be insane who would wish to murder a Conservative Prime Minister'. Neither was laughter popular with the Church. The Puritans in particular looked upon it with disdain and permitted it only when it served to illustrate a moral lesson.
Sigmund Freud distinguished between malign and benign laughter. Laughter was malignant, he argued, when it indicated an underlying pathology, i.e. served as an outlet for underlying sexual and aggressive impulses. Benign laughter did not indicate any underlying pathology. An example of benign humor is where a person masters unfortunate or unpleasant situations by turning them around and making a joke of them.
In humor, as in everything else, there are different levels of quality. This can range from the sparkling wit of Oscar Wilde to the crudity of the drinking-club 'blue' joke. In my opinion the ethnic joke is fairly low on the totem pole. The object of these jokes is to highlight supposed negative characteristics in the target group, e.g. in the Irish joke, Paddy is always stupid. Of course this does not mean that many such jokes cannot be funny; simply that, as a genre, they are cruel and biased. Here is one I read recently, of American origin — Question: 'What is a real quick way to learn Irish?' Answer: 'Repeat the following words in quick succession — WHALE, OIL, BEEF, HOOKED'.
Since the mid 1940s it has gradually come to be well accepted that tension and stress are bad for the health. We know that someone with a Type A' personality, characterized by seriousness, cynicism, stress, concern with time, hostility and impatience, has a greater risk of having a heart attack than the Type B' personality. Type B personalities are defined as those who do not exhibit the characteristics itemized above for Type A, i.e. they are less serious, more relaxed, not particularly competitive, slow to anger, more patient, etc. If psychological factors such as stress and tension can cause illness, and they can, then, surely, opposing psychological factors such as a sense of humor, which will lessen and deflate stress and tension, must have a positive effect on health.
Although it remains to be unambiguously demonstrated that humor is good for your health, there is no doubt that it enhances the quality of life. There are few more pleasant sensations than sharing a laugh with friends. Well, I will leave it at that, and I hope that your opinion of my musings on this subject is more favorable than Dr. Samuel Johnson's reply to an author who had sent him his manuscript for review — 'Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good'.
31. What is the thesis of this article? (6 points)
32. Divide the article into several parts with the paragraph number indicated.
(4 points)
33. What are the main writing skills applied in paragraph 2 and 3? (2 points)
34. By using Dr. Samuel Johnson's reply to an author in paragraph 6, what did the author intend to demonstrate? (6 points)
35. Give a possible title to the article. (2 points)
III. Writing (30%)
    Directions: With the arrival of the industrial age, recent years have witnessed an environment crisis in China. Write a composition of about 500 words based on the topic:
Three Ways to Save Our Globe
You are expected to make a description of serious environmental pollution in the first part and make an analysis of the underlying causes of it in the second part. In the last part you are hoped to make suggestions on how to fight against this situation. Your composition will be scored on the basis of content, logic, grammar, punctuation, diction and format.

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