The Fairy Pool 仙女池

by Janet Marshall
Hannah woke again from another bad dream.She sat up in her bed crying until her grandmother came in to hold her close.
“I am here.It will be alright.The fairies will keep you safe.”
“What fairies,Grandma?”Hannah asked.
“The ones that live in the pool in the woods.They have been there before I was a little girl.”
“那些住在森林中的一个池塘里的仙女。在我还是个小女孩时,她们就在那里。”Hannah looked at Grandma and saw a smile on her face and a twinkle2in her eyes.
After a time she cuddled3up and went back to sleep.
The next morning before Grandma woke up,Hannah put on her clothes,quietly went out the back door and ran toward the pool in the woods.
As she got closer she slowed down,just in case4some fairies were near.She didn’t want to frighten5them.
The pool was clear and cool,surrounded6by grasses and flowers of every color you could imagine7.Hannah sat quietly for a long time waiting for the fairies,but none came.
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A tear started to fall,and she wanted to see the fairies very much.她开始留眼泪,她很想看看仙女们。
“Oh fairies,where are you?I won ’t hurt 8you.My grandma told me you would protect 9me at night from the bad dreams.I came to ask you to help me please.”“哦,仙女们,你们在哪里呀?我不会伤害你们的。我外婆告诉我,晚上你们会保佑我不做噩梦。我是来请你们帮帮我的。”
She waited,and still nothing.她等待着,但还是一无所获。
“I am afraid to sleep.There are things that come in my dreams and scare me.I try to hide in my dreams but they always find me.Ever since I came to live with Grandma they come every night.They want to take me away like they took my mom.I miss my mom and want to see her again,but I am afraid of the monsters 10.Please,fairies help me make them go away.”“我害怕睡觉。有些东西出现在
Hannah cried and cried,finally falling asleep by the pool.汉娜哭啊哭,最后在池塘边睡着了。As she slept a breeze 11came along,the flowers danced and the trees whispered 12,“We are here little one.We have always been here.”当她睡着的时候,一阵微风吹来,花儿翩翩起舞,树木低声说:“我们在这里,小家伙,我们一直都在这里。”
Then all of a sudden 13the water began to sparkle 14like stars had fallen to earth.One by one,out of the water the lights began to fly around Hannah.突然,水面开始波光粼粼,就像星星落在地上一样。一个接一个地,从水里冒出来的亮光开始围绕着汉娜飞来飞去。
“Wake up,Hannah.We are here.”
Hannah woke,opened her eyes and saw the most wonderful thing she had ever seen.Over the pool where hundreds of fairies were all dancing and singing.They jumped off the flowers and swung 15on
the trees.汉娜醒了,睁开眼睛,看到了她这辈子见过的最美妙的一幕。在池塘那边,几百个仙女在跳舞唱歌。她们从花上跳下来,在树上荡来荡去。
Hannah laughed and laughed as she watched them all.汉娜看着她们,笑啊笑。
“You are here!You came to make the monsters go away and keep me safe,”she said.“你们来了!你们是来赶走那些怪物保护我的吧。”她说。
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“We are here for you,Hannah,and you are not alone.You already have your own special fairy who watches over you every night.She will never let monsters hurt you.She misses you very much and every night she kisses your forehead while you are sleeping.Believe 16in her Hannah,talk to her before you go to bed every night.She is there waiting for you to ask for her help.”“我们在这里陪着你,汉娜,你并不孤单。你已经有你自己的专属仙女了,她每晚都在守护着你,她不会让怪物伤害你的。她很想你,每天晚上你睡觉的时候她都会亲吻你的额头。相信她,汉娜,每晚睡觉前和她谈谈。她就在那儿一直等着你向她求助。”
With a gust of wind,they were all gone.Hannah sat waiting for them to come back,but they did not.一阵风吹过,她们都消失了。汉娜坐在那等着她们回来,但她们没有回来。
She went home,wondering 17what they had meant.她回家了,想知道她们的话是什么意思。
Time came for bed again.Grandma kissed her forehead,tucked 18her in and said good night.The light went out and Hannah lay in bed wondering where her fairy was.又到睡觉的时间了。外婆亲了亲她的额头,给她掖好被子,跟她道了晚安。灯熄了,汉娜躺在床上,不知道她的那位仙女在哪里。She climbed out of bed and sat by the window looking at the sky.Suddenly,there it was.A streak of 19light across the sky was so bright,and it made all the stars twinkle brighter than she had ever seen.And then it was gone.她从床上爬起来,坐在窗边望着天空。突然,它来了。一道亮光划过天空,使所有的星星闪烁得比她以前见过的还要亮,然后就不见了。
Something had happened.Was it her fairy?Was she safe now?有什么事发生了,是她的仙女来了吗?她现在安全了吗?
The fairies had said she was,so back to bed she went.仙女们说过她是安全的,所以她回去睡觉了。
Before she closed her eyes,she turned to look at the picture of her mother next to her bed.She stare
d 20at it for a minute then cuddled up and went to sleep.在闭上眼睛之前,她转过身看着床边妈妈的照片。她盯着看了一分钟,然后蜷缩着睡着了。
Next morning she woke,sat up in bed and shook her head.No monsters,nothing tried to hurt her.She was happy.She ran to tell Grandma that the fairies had protected her and the monsters were gone.第二天早上她醒来后,坐在床上摇了摇头。没有怪物,没有东西想伤害她。她很高兴,跑去告诉外婆,仙女们保护了她,怪物们被赶跑了。
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【Notes 】
1.fairy [].仙女,小精灵
2.twinkle [].闪烁.(眼睛的)闪亮;欣喜的神情;闪烁
3.cuddle []拥抱;偎依;依偎着睡 case 万一;假使
5.frighten []使害怕,使惊恐
6.surround []围绕;包围
7.imagine []想象;猜想
8.hurt []使受伤;损害;使疼痛
9.protect []保护,防卫 [].怪物11.breeze []微风12.whisper []耳语;私下说,密谈13.all of a sudden 突然14.sparkle [](使)闪耀;(使)发光15.swing []摇摆16.believe []相信;认为;信任17.wonder []想知道18.tuck []把……塞入19.a streak of 一缕,一道20.stare []凝视,盯着看21.skip off 偷偷溜走,悄悄溜掉
Grandma smiled and gave Hannah a hug.Hannah skipped off 21to begin her happy day.外婆笑着给了汉娜一个拥抱。汉娜偷偷溜了出去,开始了她快乐的一天。
Grandma went up the stairs to Hannah ’s room.She sat on the bed and picked up the picture of her daughter.She said,“You made her believe she is safe now.”外婆上楼去了汉娜的房间。她坐在床上拿起女儿的照片,说:“你让她相信她现在安全了。”
明史张溥传Grandma put the picture back,closed the door behind her and went downstairs.外婆把照片放回原处,然后转身关上门下楼了。
On the table sat the picture of Hannah ’s mother.The sun was shining behind her as she sat next to a pool with flowers and trees.桌子上放着汉娜妈妈的照片。她坐在周围都是花草树木的池塘边,阳光在她身后闪耀着。
(英语原文选自:bedtime )
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标签:外婆   仙女   妈妈   坐在   怪物   床上
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