
几何画板实验报告1--Okay, your brother's lunch is packed.你弟弟的午餐装好了
2--You're buying your own lunch.你的午餐自己买
3--Luke, Alex, come on. Let's go.卢克艾丽克斯快点出发了
4--There he is. Last chance for the summer handshake.他来了最后一次夏日握手
6--Come on. We're only halfway done.继续啊我们只做了一半
7--I need help.我需要帮忙
8--I was supposed to keep a journal all summer. It's due today.我本来该写暑假日记的今天就得交了
9--Wow, first day of school and you're already behind?开学第一天就落后了
10--I'm dead.我死定了
11--All right. Tell me how far you've gotten.好吧说说看你还差多少
13--June 21. Found a stick.6月21日到一根棍子
14--June 22. That's it.6月22日没了
15--- That's it? - It was a really cool stick.-没了-那棍子真的很赞
16--He's right. It looked like a snake.他说的没错长得就跟蛇一样
17--Getting everybody out of the house in the morning每天早上送大家出门
18--can be really tough,可不是件省心的事
19--especially the first day of school.尤其是开学第一天
20--From the minute we get up at 7:00从我俩7点起床的那一刻开始
21--till we drop 'em off at school, it is go, go, go.到把他们送进学校就没一刻休息过
22--I get up at 6:00.我6点就起来了
23--I get up at 5:00.我还5点起床呢
24--Seriously. I get up at 6:00.说真的我6点就起了
25--That's you? I thought we had a raccoon.原来是你啊我还以为是浣熊进来了呢
26--I can't believe my little boy is going into the fifth grade.真不敢相信我的宝贝都上5年级了27--He used to hold my finger with his little hand我还记得他用小手紧握着我手指
28--and look at me with those big eyes.一双大眼望着我的样子呢
29--Mi nio pequeo, Jay.那是我的小宝贝啊杰
30--Yup, they grow up.是啊孩子总会长大
31--Come on, Manny. Let's get going.快点曼尼出发了
32--How's my hair?我的发型如何
33--Hold on. What are you wearing there?等等你穿的是个什么玩意儿
34--That looks like an old Christmas tree skirt.跟圣诞树罩子一样
35--It's a traditional Colombian poncho.这是一件传统的哥伦比亚斗篷
36--I want my new classmates to know我想让新同学知道
37--I'm proud of my heritage.我对我的老祖先有多么自豪
38--I think you look very handsome. Lindo.我觉得你帅呆了小宝贝
39--Oh, really? Am I driving him to school真的吗是我载他去学校呢
40--or is he gonna ride his burro?还是他自己骑驴去
41--*You are a cutie pie, yes, you are**你是个可爱派没错就是你*
42--*You are a cutie pie**你是个可爱派*
43--Are you still baby-proofing?你还在装那些幼儿防护设备吗
44--Everything we own is pointy.我们家到处都是尖角
45--Why is our daughter dressed like Donna Summer?我女儿怎么一身唐娜·莎曼的打扮
46--She is not Donna Summer.她才不是唐娜·莎曼
47--Clearly she's Diana Ross from the R.C.A. Years.明明是黄金岁月时期的戴安娜·罗斯
48--How is daddy not seeing that?你说爹地怎么没看出来呢
49--I really thought you were done with this.我还以为你已经玩腻了呢
50--I made no such promises.我可没这么说
51--- I guess I'm somewhat of a shutterbug. - Yes.-我算得上是个摄影爱好者-对
52--And my new favorite model, of course, is Lily.我的模特新宠嘛当然就是莉莉了
53--I just completed a series of photographs我刚刚替莉莉拍完一整套
54--of her dressed as various pop icons.流行偶像模仿写真照
55--Let's see.比如说
56--I've done Olivia Newton-John.我们拍模仿过奧莉维亚·纽顿·约翰
57--I've done Madonna, the early years,和出道早期的麦当娜
58--Stevie Wonder-史提夫·汪达
59--Yeah, there are days when Lily has more costume changes than Cher.对有时候莉莉换衣服比雪儿还勤
60--Cher! How could I forget Cher?雪儿我怎么把她给忘了
61--That's embarrassing.真是羞愧啊
62--That's embarrassing?你只为这个羞愧吗
63--Honey, you moving out?宝贝你是要搬出去吗
64--Five more years.再忍5年就搬
65--A little help here?能帮点儿忙吗
66--This is why we suggested the violin.所以我们才建议你学小提琴
67--A cello is more in demand in university orchestras.大提琴手比较讨大学管弦乐队喜欢
68--- You know what's not in demand? - Oh, what?-你知道什么不讨人喜欢吗-什么
69--Girls who play in university orchestras.参加管弦乐团的姑娘
70--- Here, I'll help you carry it out to the curb. - Okay. Here.-来我帮你提到路边去吧-给
71--Phil, put on some pants.菲尔把裤子穿上
72--Come on! This covers up more than my bathing suit.拜托这裤子比我的泳裤长多了
73--And don't remind me.别提你的泳裤了
74--Haley, honey-海莉亲爱的
75--Don't forget, the driving instructor is picking you up from school.别忘了驾校教练会去接你下课
76--Can't he pick me up someplace else?他就不能换个地儿接我吗
77--I don't want kids at school thinking I'我可不想让同学以为我在跟一个
78--a 40-year-old driving instructor who's not even cute.40岁又不帅的驾校教练约会
79--Haley just got her learner's permit.海莉刚拿到驾驶实习证
80--We've been taking turns driving with her.我们轮流陪她开车
81--One of the really standard rules of 最基本的驾驶规则之一
82--is we want to keep a safe distance就是要和前面的车
83--between us and the car in front.保持安全距离
84--- And that is not safe right there. not safe. - Right.-这距离不安全不安全啊-对
85--- Okay, merge. - I--好并道-我
86--Merge. Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge!并道并道并道并道快并道
87--Stop it! You're freaking me out!闭嘴你再叫我都崩溃了
88--This navigation system is all messed up.这导航系统乱七八糟的
89--It thinks we're in a park.上面说我们开进了一个公园里
90--Oh, my God! It is a park!我的天还真是一个公园
91--- Away from the kids! - Oh, my God!-躲开那孩子-噢天啊
奔跑的火光92--- Aim for the lake! - I wanted--朝湖里开-我该
93--Makes you realize we're all just hanging by a thread.我们夫妻俩真是命悬一线啊
94--The last thing Manny needs on his first day 开学第一天曼尼最不需要的
95--is you "undermelting" his confidence.就是你"打计"他的自信心了
96--- Undermining. - Now you're doing it to me too.-是打击-你现在又打击我了
97--I'm sorry,我很抱歉
98--but there's only two places anyone should wear a poncho-但人们只在两种情况下穿雨披99--Niagara Falls and log rides.去尼亚加拉大瀑布和玩激流勇进
100--You think too much about these things.你太小题大作了
101--I wear all sort of daring outfits all the time,我向来都是随心所欲穿各种奇装异服
102--and people admire them because I wear them with the confidence.而别人都很膜拜我因为我穿出了自信
103--Yeah, I'm sure it's the confidence they're admiring.敢情他们膜拜的只是你的自信啊
104--I just- i just think it's a little over-the-top.我只是觉得这有点儿太过分了
105--You know what? You need to loosen up and have fun.知道吗你该放松点儿开心点儿106--I am loose. I'm fun.我够放了我够开了
107--Remember, uh, breakfast for dinner last week?还记得上周用早餐当晚餐吗
108--My idea.就是我的主意
109--Ever since we brought Lily home, you've been tense.自从带莉莉回来后你就紧张得要死110--All you do is put child locks on things, read parenting books.你到处都上了儿童锁还尽读些育儿书籍
111--Would you please stop and- Here, just hold your daughter.你就不能消停一下吗来抱抱你女儿
112--Hold her and relax.抱抱她放松点
113--- All right, sweetheart, come on. - just relax.-好吧甜心来吧-放轻松
114--Aw, sweetheart.小甜心
115--Did you put hair spray on this?你给她喷了发胶吗
116--Just a little bit. I'm gonna put some music on.一点点我来放点音乐
117--No, Cam, I have to go to work.不小卡我还要去上班
118--- Dance with her. - Come on, it's not time for this.-跟她跳跳舞-别没时间了
119--Put a little boogie in it.我要放舞曲了哦
120--Oh, come on.饶了我吧
121--Just dance. You know you love this song.跳吧你知道这首歌是你的菜
122--This is actually a really good song.的确是首好歌
123--All right. Okay.那好吧好吧
124--Who's a dancing queen, huh?谁才是舞后呢
125--Put a little boogie in it.一起摇摆吧
126--See? Fun, right?看好玩吧是不是
127--Oh, my- Was that her head?妈呀撞到她的头了吗
128--No, I think if it was her head, she would be-不我想要是撞到头她肯定早就
129--Yeah, it was her head. Okay. Okay.好吧是撞到头了不哭不哭
130--Yes. Yes, I know.没事的没事的我知道
131--I got Boo-boo Bear from the freezer.我把布布熊冰袋拿来了
132--Why do you have chocolate on your face?你脸上怎么有巧克力
133--It was under a pie.布布熊压在派下面了
134--So you ate your way to it?所以你就吃出了一条生路吗
135--I made a judgment call. You weren't there.我只能见机行事你又不帮我
136--- Do you think she's all right? - She didn't cry that much.-你看她没事吧-她哭得没那么凶了
137--Maybe that's a bad sign. You know,也许这不是好兆头呢你懂的
138--we should try and make her laugh.我们得试着让她笑出来
139--- Why? - 'Cause that's how we'll know she's okay.-为什么-那样我们就知道她没事了 uh... where's Doggy?那个狗狗在哪里
141--Doggy. Doggy. Here, Doggy.狗狗狗狗这儿狗狗
142--Okay. There you go.好吧我来
143--But it's a dog.狗不是这么叫的
144--Yeah, I know. That's why it's funny.我知道所以才好笑
145--I don't think it's as funny as you think it is.我没觉得有那么好笑
146--Can we please just call your sister?我们直接打给你吧
147--No, no. Cam- Cam- - Why?不不小卡为什么
148--So she can be all judgmental and condescending,这样她就可以盛气凌人说三道四了
149--like she's the expert and就好像她是个专家
150--I don't know how to take care of a baby?而我根本是育儿白痴
151--Mitchell, she is your family.米奇尔她是你的家人
152--Of course she's gonna be judgmental and condescending.她当然会盛气凌人说三道四了153--Hello?喂
154--Hey, hi, um- Not a big deal. Just wondering.嗨没什么大事儿就是想问问
155--When your kids were small, did you ever-你家孩子小时候有没有被你们
156--I don't know- smack their heads into a wall?怎么说呢用头撞过墙呢
157--Usually we just gave time-outs.一般我们只让他们闭门思过而已
158--No, no, accidentally.不不是意外撞到
159--Um, we just kind of bonked Lily's head.我们不小心撞到了莉莉的头
160--It wasn't very hard and she's not acting any differently,撞得不是很重她也哭得不厉害161--but I just worry-但我还是担心
162--Relax. It happens.放松常有的事啦
163--Luke used to bang his head all the time and he's fine.卢克就老是撞到头不也好好的164--Okay, all right, thank you. Thanks. That helps. Okay, okay.好吧谢谢你真心感激好的165--We gotta take her to the doctor. Load up the car.我们得带她去看医生把车开出来
166--- Gloria? - I'm here.-歌洛莉亚-我在这儿
寻李丽珍167--I, uh, just dropped Manny off at school, and 我刚把曼尼送到学校突然发现168--I just dropped Manny off at school.我刚把曼尼送到学校了
169--Oh, boy.我的妈呀
170--And I was hoping we'd still have a few more good years我还以为在你老年痴呆前
171--- before the mind started to go. - No, what I'm saying,-我们还能过几年好日子呢-不我是说
172--we have the day to ourselves, the first time in months.几个月来我们终于能过过二人世界了
173--We should take advantage of it.我们得好好利用呀
174--Go to the club,去俱乐部玩玩
175--nice lunch,吃顿好的
176--some massages.做做按摩
177--- What about work? - I'm the boss.-你的工作呢-我是老板啊
178--Since I married you, people are surprised I come in at all.自从娶了你人家都好奇我居然还去上班
179--Jay's very spontaneous.杰很有心思
180--He's always surprising me with little presents, fun getaways.他总能给我惊喜小礼物啊度假啊
181--I wasn't the greatest husband the first time around,第一次结婚时我没怎么尽责
182--but I'm trying to do better this time.不过这次我在努力改进
183--And maybe by my third marriage, I'll have it down pat.也许下次结婚我就能成模范了184--Yeah, that one's gonna cost me.得待会儿就得为此付出代价了
185--What ya reading there? A book?你在看什么书呢
186--Yeah. I've been meaning to get to it for a while.对我老早就想读这本了
187--Ooh, it's got a map at the beginning.开篇有个地图
188--I like it when books do that.我喜欢这种的
189--Don't you have an open house this morning?你今早不是要带客人去看房吗
190--I rescheduled.我改时间了
191--Thought you might like some company.我想你也许希望我陪陪你
192--Well, the first day of school can be tough对家庭主妇们来说
193--for stay-at-home moms.开学第一天肯定无聊至极吧
194--Now, you have to understand,因为你不得不适应
195--the kids are gone, the nest is empty.孩子们也走了巢也空了现代城市轨道交通
小品文选刊196--They are rudderless.她们一下慌了神了
197--And a lot of guys wouldn't even notice,而大多数男人都不会注意到这一点
198--but I'm not a lot of guys.不过我可不是这样的男人
199--I listen with my mind,我总是用心聆听
200--and if you pay attention, women will tell you what 而如果你仔细观察会发现女人总是
201--by telling you the opposite of what they want.嘴上说一套心里想另外一套
202--Like the other day, Claire was, like, "You have to move your car.有一天克莱尔说"把你的车挪开点"
203--There's no space in the garage for both of our cars."车库里装不下我们俩的车
204--And what she's really saying is that,而她其实想说的是
205--you know, I should probably get a sports car.也许我该换一辆跑车
206--I was sort of looking forward to a quiet day.我是想要安静一天的
207--Thought I'd just read, maybe go for a run later, that's it.读读书出去跑跑步之类的

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