
作者:郑佩华 汪蕾 张秀霞 李军涛 张泽龙 王冬梅 冼健安 王安利
        摘要:【目的】明确凡纳滨对虾微粒体谷胱甘肽硫转移酶3(LvMGST3)在机体抗逆境胁迫与抵御病原体侵染过程中的功能作用,为有效提高对虾的抗胁迫能力和抗病力提供理论依据。【方法】采用RACE克隆LvMGST3基因cDNA序列,以EditSeq、ExPASy、SignalP 5.0、TMHMM 2.0、Clustal X和MEGA 6.0等在线软件进行生物信息学分析,再应用半定量PCR进行组织表达量分析。凡纳滨对虾分别进行氨氮胁迫(20.00 mg/L)及脂多糖(LPS,8 μg/g)刺激后,采用实时荧光定量PCR检测分析LvMGST3基因的表达响应情况。【结果】LvMGST3基因cDNA序列全长826 bp,包含85 bp的5'端非编码区(5'-UTR)、321 bp的3'端非编码区(3'-UTR)和420 bp的开放阅读框(ORF),在ploy(A)尾前端15个核苷酸处存在加尾信号AATAAA。LvMGST3基因编码139个氨基酸残基,包含MGST3亚家族共有的保守结构域FNCX1QRX2H,此序列为FNCYQRAH。LvMGST3蛋白分子量为15.53 kD,理论等电点(pI)为9.38,具有3个跨膜结构域,但不存在信号肽。LvMGST3氨基酸序列与软甲纲普通卷甲虫(Armadillidium vulgare)的MGST3氨基酸序列(RXG56258.1)相似性最高,为71.22%;基于MGST3氨基酸序列相似性构建的系统发育进化树显示,LvMGST3与节肢动物门和软体动物门的MGST3亲缘关系较近。LvMGST3基因在凡纳滨对虾肝胰腺、鳃组织和眼柄中的基础表达量较高;经氨氮胁
迫后,肝胰腺中的LvMGST3基因相对表达量分别在胁迫6和24 h时极显著上调(P<0.01,下同),鳃组织中的LvMGST3基因相对表达量在胁迫12 h时显著上调(P<0.05,下同)、胁迫48 h时极显著上调;肝胰腺中的LvMGST3基因在LPS刺激前期表达受抑制,至刺激12 h时极显著上调,鳃组织中的LvMGST3基因分别在LPS刺激3和48 h时出现2个表达峰值,其相对表达量均极显著高于对照组,分别是对照组的4.39和6.45倍。【结论】LvMGST3基因具有典型的MGST3亚家族结构特征,主要在凡纳滨对虾的肝胰腺、鳃组织和眼柄中表达,且氨氮胁迫和LPS刺激可明显诱导凡纳滨对虾肝胰腺和鳃组织中LvMGST3基因的表达水平,即MGST3在对虾抗逆境胁迫及抵御病原菌感染的调控机制中发挥重要作用。
        关键词: 凡纳滨对虾;谷胱甘肽硫转移酶3(MGST3);基因克隆;氨氮胁迫;脂多糖(LPS)刺激
vp5        中图分类号: S945.49 文献标志码: A 文章编号:2095-1191(2020)10-2311-10
        Cloning and function analysis of microsomal glutathione transferase 3 gene(MGST3) from Litopenaeus vannamei
        ZHENG Pei-hua1,2, WANG Lei1, ZHANG Xiu-xia2,3, LI Jun-tao2,3, ZHANG Ze-long2,3,WANG Dong-mei2,3, XIAN Jian-an2,3*, WANG An-li1*维果斯基的最近发展区理论
牛血清白蛋白        (1School of Life Sciences, South China Normal University/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Healthy and Safe Aquaculture/Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Subtropical Biodiversity and Biomonitoring/Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Science in Guangdong Higher Education, Guangzhou 510631, China; 2Institute of Tropical Biosciences and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences/Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Functional Components Research and Utilization of Marine Bio-resources, Haikou 571101, China; 3Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resources, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou 571101, China)
        Abstract:【Objective】The purpose of this study was to clarify the function of the microsomal glutathione thitransfera-se 3(LvMGST3) in the process of resisting stress and pathogen infection, and to provide theoretical basis for effectively improving the str
ess resistance and disease resistance of Litopenaeus vannamei. 【Method】RACE was used to clone the cDNA sequence of LvMGST3 gene, and online softwares such as Editseq, Expasy, SignalP-5.0, TMHMM 2.0, Clustal X and MEGA 6.0 was used for bioinformation analysis, and then semi-quantitative PCR was used for tissue expression ana-lysis. Shrimp were stimulated by ammonia nitrogen stress(20.00 mg/L) and lipopolysaccharide(LPS, 8 μg/g) injection respectively, and the expression responses of LvMGST3 were analyzed by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. 【Result】LvMGST3 was 826 bp in length, including 85 bp 5' non-coding region(5'-UTR), 321 bp 3'-UTR and 420 bp open reading frame(ORF), and the polyadenylate signal AATAAA presented at 15 nucleotides in front of ploy(A). LvMGST3 encoded 139 amino acids, including the unique structural sequence FNCX1QRX2H of MGST3 subfamily, this sequence was FNCYQRAH. The molecular weight of LvMGST3 protein was 15.53 kD, and the theoretical isoelectric point(pI) was 9.38. It had three transmembrane domains, but there was no signal peptide. The amino acid sequence of LvMGST3 had the highest similarity to MGST3 amino acid of Mal
acostraca Armadillidium vulgare(RXG56258.1), which was 71.22%. Phylogenetic trees based on the similarity of MGST3 amino acid sequence showed that LvMGST3 was closely related to MGST3 of Arthropoda and Mollusca. The basal expression of LvMGST3 was high in hepatopancreas, gills and eyestalk. After ammonia-nitrogen stress, expressions of LvMGST3 in hepatopancreas were extremely significantly up-regulated at 6 h and 24 h of stress (P<0.01, the same below), and expressions of LvMGST3 in gills were significantly up-regulated at 12 h of stress(P<0.05, the same below) and extremely significantly up-regulated at 48 h of stress. Under LPS stimulation, expression of LvMGST3 in hepatopancreas was inhibited in the early stage, and then it was extremely significantly up-regulated at 12 h. There were two expression peaks of LvMGST3 in gills at LPS stimulation for 3 h and 48 h, and their relative expression levels were significantly higher than those in control group, which were 4.39 times and 6.45 times of control, respectively. 【Conclusion】LvMGST3 has typical structural characteristics of MGST3 family, and is mainly expressed in hepatopancreas, gills and eyestalk. The expression levels of LvMGST3 in the hepatopa
ncreas and gill of L. vannamei are significantly induced by ammonia nitrogen stress and LPS stimulation, indicating that LvMGST3 plays an important role in the defense mechanism of shrimp against environmental stress and pathogenic bacteria infection.
        Key words: Litopenaeus vannamei; microsomal glutathione transferase 3(MGST3); gene cloning; ammonia nitrogen stress; lipopolysaccharide(LPS)
流动资金需求测算        Foundation item: Hainan Natural Science Foundation(319QN306); Guangdong Natural Science Foundation (2017A0 30313194); Basic Research Project of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences(1630052019013,1630052016 011)
        0 引言
        【研究意义】凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)又称南美白对虾,是节肢动物门(Arthropoda)甲壳纲(Crustacea)十足目(Decapoda)对虾科(Penaeidae)中的重要人工养殖物种之一。近年来,在市场需求量的刺激下,凡纳滨对虾养殖产业得到快速发展,但在高密度集约化养殖模式下,养殖水质恶化、病害频发等一系列严峻问题随之涌现,
而造成虾类免疫功能受损及抗应激能力下降(麦康森等,2004;蒋葛等,2019)。因此,明确凡纳滨对虾抗逆境胁迫及抗病相关免疫调节机制是解决以上问题的重要理论依据,也是制定疾病防控策略的关键。【前人研究进展】谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(Gluthione S-transferases,GSTs)是一種由多个基因编码,在生物体各种组织和细胞间发挥多种生理功能的小分子蛋白酶(来有鹏等,2008;达爱斯等,2014)。依据GSTs在细胞中分布位置的不同,可将其分为三大类(Hayes et al.,2005):第一类是研究最广、功能性较强且具有普遍存在性的胞质GSTs(Cytosolic GSTs);第二类是主要位于哺乳动物线粒体和过氧化物酶体中的线粒体GSTs(Mitochondrial GSTs)(Sheehan et al.,2001;Morris et al.,2011);第三类是微粒体GSTs(Microsomal GSTs,MGSTs),也称为膜结合GSTs,已列入花生四烯酸和谷胱甘肽代谢膜关联蛋白(Membrane associated proteins in eicosanoid and glutathione metabolism,MAPEG)超家族(Jakobsson et al.,1999a;Konishi et al.,2005)。真核生物的MAPEG超家族主要参与催化花生四烯酸和谷胱甘肽代谢,在细胞解毒和内外源性脂类新陈代谢中发挥着极其重要的生物学作用(Jakobsson et al.,1996,1999b);而MGSTs型蛋白因具有GST特性,还介入体内抗亲电基团和氧自由基攻击等重要生理过程(羊红玉,2011)。至今,有关MGSTs基因的研究主要集中于脊椎动物,
包括大鼠(Rattus norvegicus)(Fetissov et al.,2002)、食蟹猕猴(Macaca fascicularis)(Uno et al.,2013)、人类(曾宝真等,2017)及鲤(Cyprinus carpio)(Fu and Xie,2006)、暗纹东方鲀(Takifugu obscurus)(Kim et al.,2009)和松江鲈(Trachidermus fasciatus)(张秋霞,2013)等鱼类,以及甲藻(Prorocentrum minimum)、条斑紫菜(Pyropia yezoensis)、褐藻(Laminaria japonica)和牵牛花[Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy]等植物(Nebert and Vasiliou,2004;de Franco et al.,2008;佟少明等,2017),而针对无脊椎动物的研究甚少,仅涉及珍珠牡蛎(Pinctada martensii)(Chen et al.,2011)、飞蝗(Locusta migratoria)(Zhang et al.,2014)及桡足类动物(Roncalli et al.,2015)。上述研究结果均表明,MGSTs不仅具有解毒代谢功能,还在机体抗氧化应激时发挥保护作用。【本研究切入点】抗氧化和解毒是凡纳滨对虾有效抵抗和防御不良环境的关键方式,MGSTs是抗氧化和解毒途径中的重要因子,但至今鲜见有关凡纳滨对虾MGSTs基因(LvMGSTs)的研究报道。【拟解决的关键问题】采用RACE克隆LvMGST3基因cDNA序列,进行生物信息学分析,并探讨其在氨氮胁迫和脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)刺激下的表达响应,明确LvMGST3在凡纳滨对虾抗逆境胁迫与抵御病原体侵染过程中的功能作用,为有效提高对虾的抗胁迫能力和抗病力提供理论依据。

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标签:对虾   基因   凡纳滨   胁迫   表达
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