
..练习参考译文第1课1.我相信,美国的早期定居者爱家的情感一定非常强烈。2. 少男少女们离开父母的家,住进自己的房子。3.老师选中我扮演学校上演的剧中的公主。4. 演出前几分钟,老师走到我面前,递给我一朵蒲公英。5. 在相隔遥远的地域突然出现了成就最为卓著的一批发明家和革命家。好莱坞好莱坞并不真正是一座城市,而是洛杉矶市的一部分。这个地方也代表着一种思维方式,一种生活方式。第一批电影是在洛杉矶市西区摄制的。当时那里遍地都是/ 漫山遍野是一种状似冬青的树林(英语中“冬青林”念“好莱坞”)。“好莱坞”由此而得名。电影业始于1911年前后,随后迅速发展。到19XXXX 年,电影业成了洛杉矶市的一种重要产业。最初的/ 首批/ 第一批电影很短。这些影片没有声音,所以放映时影院里有人弹钢琴或风琴(伴奏)。对白放映/ 投射在银幕上。塞西尔·B·德米尔摄制了第一部大型史诗(影)片/史诗大片《一个国家的诞生》。1928年,沃尔特·迪斯尼的米老鼠在卡通片《威利号轮船》中首次露面/ 亮相/ 同观众见面。第一部有声片《爵士歌手》一夜之间大获成功。第一部全彩卡通片是迪斯尼于1932年摄制的《花草树木》/《花与树》// 1932年摄制了第一部全彩卡通片,即迪斯尼的《花草树木》/ 《花与树》。不久,摄制了许多有声彩影片。电影业继续发展。默默无闻的男女演员一夜之间成为明星。人们到处追逐有名的男女演员。他们买报纸来读,了解自己最喜爱的明星的私生活。……好莱坞仍然以其魅力吸引着人们,但如今好莱坞摄制的影片已经不多了。许多老制片厂现在
疑罪从无用来制作电视节目。然而人们仍然怀念好莱坞的鼎盛时期/ 辉煌时期,常去参观马恩中国式剧院,踏进电
精氨酸酶影明星的混凝土脚印里,装一会儿电影明星/ 过一回明星瘾。第2课1. Mt.Tianzi has / boasts / enjoys beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. 2. Each stone is more than 1000 kg in weight / weighs more than 1000 kg. 3. Out of the living-room walked an old gentleman in a western suit. 4. He put on his jacket hastily and walked out with a hoe on his shoulder. 5. (You) buy some fruit with this money to take to the hospital. / This money you use to buy some fruit to take to the hospital.Wonders in IndiaI arrived in India / came to India by plane / by air. It was a novel place.Throughout the year, there was always a wide variety of flowers. Sometimes even the locals couldn’t tell the names of the flowers. One day, I saw a lot of very big fruit hanging in a big-省略部分-bove the water to form flat and rugged islets, cliffs and caves. Green trees were wrapped and entwined in verdant / emerald green vines, which, varied in length, interlocked and swung in the wind.There were some one hundred fish / one hundred or so fish in the pool, all of which looked / all looking as if (they were) swimming unsupported in a void. As the sunlight penetrated (into / through) the water, the fish cast their motionless shadows on the rocky bottom. Suddenly they disappeared into the distance, and then scudded / darted to and fro, as if / as though playing with us visitors.Looking southwest from the pool, we could see the stream meander / In a southwesterly direction
from the pool, the stream meandered in a serpentine / snakelike manner, (with) some parts (of it) visi
sw620细胞ble and others hidden from view. Its banks were ragged in shape / ragged-shaped like a dog’s teeth, denying us any inkling as to its source / so that we didn’t know its source / didn’t have an inkling as to its source.We sat by the pool, which, (as it was) enclosed / surrounded by trees and bamboos, was still and deserted, melancholy and bone-chilling, and bleak and profoundly secluded. As the place was too desolate / The place being too desolate for us to stay long, we went away / left after I made a note of it. My fellow travellers were Wu Wuling, Gong Gu and my cousin Liu Zongxuan. Attendants accompanying us were two youngsters of a Cui family, one called Shuyi and the other Fengyi.word教育资料达到当天最大量API KEY 超过次数限制

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