
Chrysler Group LLC  Document Number:  MS-PB-60-2 Material Standard Date Published:  2009-10-01 Category Code:  G-2 Change Level:  M EASL Requirement:  Yes
Restricted:  No
tcl29661.0  GENERAL
1.1  Purpose
This standard presents the requirements of a cathodic epoxy electrocoat for use on steel, coated steel, aluminum, magnesium and zinc components.  Examples of such components are chassis components, engine cradles, frames, or interior/exterior metallic add-on components.  These components may have zinc or zinc-iron alloy metallic coatings.  This material when applied in accordance with PS-7232 is suitable as a finish coat on chassis parts where ultraviolet light (UV) durability/stability is not required.  This finish can also be used in a multi-layer system (i.e. electrocoat with powder topcoat) when corrosion resistance and UV stability or other performance characteristics are required.  Approved multi-layer systems can found in the Engineering Approved Source List (EASL) of MS-PZ-1-1, MS-PZ-
2-1, MS-PZ-3-1, MS-PZ-4-1, or MS-PZ-5-1.  Processing requirements, including film build, can be found PS-7232.
1.2  Coverage of this Standard
A.  This standard covers the requirements of cathodic epoxy electrocoats, as specified in this standard, for
use in accordance with PS-7232.  Pretreatment shall be according to PS-508.  Depending on the part configuration and extent of welding, the pretreatment may include an acid pickle step after the cleaning stages to remove weld smut and to adequately clean both interior and exterior surfaces of Cold Rolled Steel (CRS) and Hot Rolled Steel (HRS) assemblies.  For a determination of when acid pickling is required refer to PS-508.  An acid pickle cannot be used with aluminum, magnesium, galvanized, galvanneal, or any zinc coated metal.
B.  This standard also covers the requirements of high edge coverage, cathodic epoxy electrocoats, as
specified in this standard, for use in accordance with PS-7232.  Pretreatment shall be according to P
S-508.  Approved standard and high edge coverage electrocoats are listed in the attached EASL.  When designating the type of electrocoat on a part print, standard or high edge should be specified (i.e.
standard electrocoat, MS-PB-60-2S or high edge electrocoat, MS-PB-60-2H).
Suppliers must also meet PF-7051, “PART SUPPLIER – PAINT CONTINUOUS CONFORMANCE TEST REQUIREMENTS – INCLUDING PPAP AND PSO”. Significant material or process changes must follow the Chrysler Forever Requirements outlined in PF-7051.
NOTE:  As of July 1, 2002 coatings containing lead, and as of January 1, 2007 coatings containing hexavalent chrome will no longer be available for purchase.  Coatings containing these chemicals will be removed from the Approved Source List of this standard at these times.  This is to comply with the European End-of-Life Scrap Vehicle Directive.
The supplier is given latitude in the selection of raw materials and processes of manufacture, provided the product meets all the requirements listed in Section 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 of this standard.  P
roducts approved as high edge electrocoats must also meet the requirements listed in Section 5.0 of this standard.
Reference the approved supplier's product data sheets for the characteristics of the electrocoat bath components (resin/emulsion and pigment paste), including:  weight % non-volatile (WNV), volume % non-volatile (VNV), weight per gallon (WPG), viscosity, pH, pigment/binder ratio (P/B), conductivity, and volatile organic content (VOC) for each material.  Additional material characteristics are listed in Table 1.
Shelf Stability  ASTM-D-1200 The maximum permissible increase in viscosity of the wet
sample is 15 seconds unless otherwise specified.
Oven Stability ASTM-D-1200 16h@140 F.  No hard settling and maximum permissible
increase in viscosity of the wet sample is 15 seconds unless
otherwise specified.
Grind Fineness Fineness of pigment paste as measured on the Hegman
Fineness of Grind Gauge North Standard, shall be 7.0 or
less unless otherwise specified.
3.0  OPERATING PERFORMANCE (Bath Characteristics)
Reference the approved supplier's operational manuals for the characteristics of the electrocoat bath, including:  weight % non-volatile (WNV), volume % non-volatile (VNV), pH, pigment/binder ratio (P/B), conductivity, maximum operating temperature, recommended feed ratio and volatile organic content (VOC).  The bath material, when used at the recommended parameters, shall meet the requirements listed in Table 2.
Bath Stability  The material, after use in an operational tank for three months, shall exhibit
appearance and performance characteristics comparable to the original material fill. Throw Power The material shall exhibit throw power equivalent to or better than the currently
supplied material or the Chrysler Laboratory Standard.
Crater Resistance The material shall exhibit crater resistance equivalent to the Chrysler Laboratory Standard as measured by both soak and coat and sandwich testing with all relevant
mill oils, drawing compounds, and fogging oils.  A description of these tests is
outlined in Chrysler Laboratory Procedures LP-463CB-12-02 and LP-463CB-12-04. Cure Curve    A cure curve shall be established using solvent resistance as the performance
criteria on cold rolled steel, including 10 through 20 minutes metal temperatures. Bath Performance The following attributes shall be determined and should meet the existing standard for each supplier, as agreed to by Chrysler Engineering:
-  Columbic Yield
-  Rupture Voltage
-  Horizontal Settling
-  UF Requirements (to maintain specified conductivity)
-  UF Flux Rate
-  Pinholing Tendency
-  Odor
The criteria for acceptable performance shall be as stated in Table 3.  The Chrysler Laboratory Standard is defined as any currently approved material on the applicable EASL.  Test panels of Cold Rolled Steel, Hot Rolled Steel, Galvanized, Galvanneal, and Aluminum substrates prepared in accordance with this
standard (electrocoat only unless otherwise specified) and PS-7232 shall be subjected to the tests listed in Table 3.  The criteria for acceptable performance, for chassis and underhood applications, shall be as defined in MS-PZ-3-1.
4.1  Test Panel Preparation
A.  Unless otherwise specified, test panels measuring 100 X 300 mm (4 X 12 in.) shall be used.  The
panels shall be chemically surface treated in accordance with PS-508.
B.  Electrocoat panels per Chrysler Laboratory Procedure LP-463PB-21-01 to a dry film thickness of 15.0
– 20.0 µm (0.6 – 0.8 mil.).  The panels shall be cured for 20 minutes at 177 C (350 F), or as
recommended by the electrocoat supplier.  If parts are being used for testing, film build requirements can be found in PS-7232.
4.2  Testing
METHOD REQUIREMENTS Smoothness/Appearance Profilometer, Rank Taylor Hobson Surtronic 3
profilometer or equivalent
Smoothness of the electrocoat surface should be 12 µ-inches or
Initial Adhesion ASTM-D-3359-A. No less than 4A.
Humidity ASTM-D-1735, ASTM-D-3359-B, 240 hours. Cut 250 mm (10 in.) long X-scribe in panel before test, and tape
pull per ASTM-D-3359-A, adhesion rating no less than 4A.
Cycle Crack – Method IV LP-463PB-22-01 for 15 cycles, Method IV. The panels shall exhibit no cracking, blistering, loss of adhesion, or
other detrimental effect.
中餐宴会摆台主题设计Deionized Water Soak Tape pull per ASTM-D-3359-B, 240 hours. The panels shall be cross hatched in a 10 x 10 grid pattern, tape
pulled and immersed in Deionized water, at 60 C (140 F).  Panels
shall be removed, blotted dry, and tape pulled.  An additional 10 x
10 grid shall be scribed in an adjacent area and tape pulled.  The
test panels shall exhibit no blistering, loss of adhesion, or
delamination in excess of Chrysler Laboratory Standard panels.
Solvent Wipe LP-463PB-31-01, Method J, MIBK and Acetone, 20 Double Rubs  There shall be no marring, whitening, or loss of gloss.  There also
shall be no softening or resistance to the rubbing which would
indicate lack of cure.
Fluid Resistance  LP-463PB-31-01 Gasoline (MS-7621) – Method
B-24 hours, Ethanol – Method
B-24 hours, Antifreeze ( MS-
9769) – Method A-24 hours,
Motor Oil (MS-10797) –
Method A-24 hours,888
Transmission Fluid (MS-9602)
– Method A-24 hours, Brake
Fluid  (MS-4574<S>) – Method
B-2 hours.
After wiping the fluid from the panel, the coating shall exhibit no
loss of adhesion, softening, swelling, blistering or other detrimental
effects. Salt Spray ASTM-B-117,
240 and 360 hours (CRS only). No loss of adhesion or blistering.  Scribe creep ≤ 4 mm (total scribe width, average of 5 readings/scribe)
Heat Resistance ASTM B117, 1000 hours Coat panels to a minimum film build per paragraph 4.1B.  Scribe
panels with two 220-mm (8 in.) lines in the shape of an X.  Place
into a room temperature oven and heat to 204 C (400 F).  Let
panels stand at temperature for 48 hours then quench in ice water.
Expose in salt spray for 1000 hours per ASTM B-117.  No loss of
adhesion or blistering.  Scribe creep ≤ 4 mm (total scribe width,
average of 5 readings/scribe).
Salt Water Soak 240 hours in 5% solution of
sodium chloride in water at 60
degrees C (140 F). After removal from immersion the panels shall be blotted dry and tape pulled per ASTM-D-3359-B.  Panels shall exhibit no blistering, loss of adhesion, or delamination in excess of the Chrysler Laboratory Standard.
Cyclic Corrosion Panel sets cured at standard
20 minute electrocoat cure, 14
degrees C (25 degrees F) over
and under the standard cure,
topcoat, then subjected to
testing per SAE-J-2334. Panels from all three sets must comply with the requirements of CS-CORROSION.  Acceptable appearance is required after 60 cycles (5 year equivalent) and functionality is required after 120 cycles (10 year equivalent).
Cyclic Corrosion – Low Film Build Panel sets cured at standard
20 minute electrocoat cure, 14
degrees C (25 degrees F) over
and under the standard cure,
topcoat, then subjected to
testing per SAE-J-2334
Cold and hot rolled steel test panels shall be prepared at 10.0 µm
(0.0004 in.) of electrocoat film build.  Panels from all three sets
must comply with the requirements of CS-CORROSION.
Acceptable appearance is required after 60 cycles (5 year
equivalent) and functionality is required after 120 cycles (10 year
equivalent).Scribe creep ≤ 7 mm for CRS (total scribe width,
average of 5 readings/scribe).
Protective Throw Power SAE-J-2334, 60 cycles Test panels that have been subjected throw power testing shall be
subjected to 60 cycles of SAE-J-2334.  The height of corrosion
protection provided by the electrocoat versus initial throw power on
the interior surface shall meet or exceed the Chrysler Laboratory
Volvo Corrosion Topcoated, scribed test panels
shall be exposed to climate
conditions in South Florida at
an angle of 45 degrees.  The
exposure shall be 6, 12 and 18
months unless otherwise
specified.  The panels shall be
sprayed with a 5% sodium
chloride in water solution, twice
a week.  Scribe creep ≤ 4 mm for zinc coated substrates and aluminum, ≤12 mm for CRS (total scribe width, average of 5 readings/scribe).
Shot Resistance SAE-J-400, 90 degree angle of
impact at ambient temperature Test panels shall be exposed to 1200 cc (2.5 pints) of shot impingement at 0.34 MPa (50 psi) and) .48 MPa (70 psi) at opposite ends.  The shot shall be SAE standard cast shot, size S-780.  Finished panels (ecoat only and with topcoat) must have a rating of 7 or better (Table 4).
Gravelometer SAE-J-400, 45 and 90 degree
angles of impact, Frozen and
Ambient. Finished panels (ecoat only and with topcoat) must have a rating of 7 or better (Table 4) when impacted with gravel at 0.48 Mpa (70 psi).
Impact ISO-6272-2 There shall be no loss of adhesion of the electrocoat to the metal
panel when impacted initially on the face and reverse surfaces at
2.26 N⋅m (20 in-lbs.) increments up to 1
3.6 N⋅m (120 in-lbs.).
Aged: 10 days at 70 degrees C (158 F) and impacted at Room
Temperature at 9.0 N·m (80 in-lbs.)
Frozen: Age 4 hours at –30 degrees C (-20 F) and impacted cold
at 9.0 N·m.
Test to Failure FMEA/DOE To be outlined by Chrysler Group LLC Materials Engineering and submitter.  DOE’s shall include variations in bake, film build and process for all layers.  Reprocess sh
ould also be assessed.  Testing requirements include, but not limited to adhesion, gravel, cycle crack, accelerated weathering, outdoor weathering, and yellowing.
Proving Grounds Assessment LP-461H-117, CS-
If requested by Materials Engineer,test panels or parts shall be
exposed to 120 corrosion cycles, underbody, on vehicles at the
Chelsea Proving Grounds, or equivalent.  Cosmetic and structural
corrosion shall not exceed requirements outlined in CS-
Size Count Rating SAE
A (<1mm) 1-9    1 9A-7A
A >9
(1-<3mm) 1-9    3 9B-7B
B 10-24
4 6B
B 25-49
5 5B
B >50
(3-<6mm) 1-4 7 9C-8C
C 5-9
C >10
D (6mm+) 1-4 10 9D-8D
D 5-9
D >10
5.1  Edge Corrosion Protection
For this test, the ability of the electroprimer to coat and protect a knife-edge will be evaluated.
5.1.1  Test Procedure
A.  The knife blades shall be 100 x 200 mm (4.5 x 9.0 in.), 38 degrees.
B.  Clean and phosphate 3 knife blades per PS-508 prior to electrocoating.
C.  Coat knife-edges to a minimum film build per paragraph 4.1B.
D.  Place knife-edges in salt spray for 168 hours per ASTM-B-117.  Blades must be positioned 90 degrees
to the horizontal with the sharp edge up and fully exposed.
E.  After 168 hours, rinse with deionized water and allow to air dry.  Do not wipe the blades.
F.  Rust spots shall be counted along the sharp edge using a 30X power-magnifying lens.
G.  No more than 5 rust spots on the knife-edge are allowed.

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