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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后仃一个小题,从題中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每
例:HOw much is Ihe shirt?
5. How Can the Inan improve his article?
A. By deleting UnnCCCSSary words.
B. By adding a COUPIe Of POintS ・
C. By COrrCCting grammar mistakes ・
听卜面5段对诂或独白。每段对诂或独白后竹儿个小题, 项。听每段对话或独白前,你将冇时间阅读各个小题,毎小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时 间,每段对诂或独白渎两遍。
6. What docs Bill OftCn do On Friday night?
A. ViSit his parents.
B. GO to the movies. 7. WhO WatCheS musical PIayS most often?
A. Bill.
豪杰视频通B. Aarah ・ 绝密★启用前
A. £19」5・
B. £9.1 & 1 ・ WhCrC docs IhC COnVCISatiOn PrObably IakC place?
A. In a supermarket.
2. What (Iid CarI do?
A. He designed a medal.
3. What does the man do?
A. He's a tailor.
4. When Will the flight arrive?
A. At 18:20.
B. In the POSt office. B. He fixed a TV set. B. He ,s a waiter. B. At 18:35.    C £9.15.
C In the Street ・ C He took a test. C He’s a ShOP assistant  CAt 18:50.
从题屮所给的A. B 、C 三个选项屮选出绘佳选
辛普森悖论C. Walk along BrOadWay.
C. BilrS Parents.
8. Why does DaVid VVant to SPCak to Mike?
A. TO invite him to a party.
B. TO discuss a SChedUIe・
C. TO CalI off a meeting・
9. What do WC know about the speakers?
A. They are COlleagUeS ・
B. Tliey are ClOSe friends.
C. Thcy,vc never met before・
1(). What kind OfCamera does Ihe man want?
A. ATV Canlera ・
B.    A VideO Camera ・
C.    A movie CamCra ・
11 ・ WhiCh function is (he man most interested in?
A. UndCnVater filming・
B.    A Iarge memory.
C. Auto-focus・
12. HOW InUCh WOUId the man Pay for the SeCOnd Camera?
A. 950 euros.
B. 650 euros.
C. 470 euros.
13. Who is Cliffbrd?
A.    A IittIe girl.
B. The man's pet.
C.    A fictional character.
14. WhO SUggeSted that NOnnan Paint ibr children's books?
A. HiS wife.
B. Elizabeth.
C.    A PUbliSher.
15. What is Norman's SlOry based on?
A.    A book.
B.    A Painting・
C.    A young WOman.
16. What is it Ihat ShOCked Nomian?
A. HiS IlnCXPCCtCd success.
B. HiS eftbrts made in Vain.
C. HiS editor,s disagreement.
17. WhO would Iike to make SmalI talk according to the speaker?
A. Relatives.
B. StrangerS.
C. Visitors.
18∙ Why do PCOPIC have SmaIl talk?
A. TO express OPiniOns.
B. TO avoid arguments.
C. Ib ShOW 斤iendliness.
19. WhiCh Of the following is a frequent topic in SmaIl talk?
A. PoIitics.
B. MOViCs.
C. SalarieS・
20. Wllat docs the SPCakCr recommend at the Cnd OfhiS lecture?
A. ASking OPCn-CndCd questions・
B. FCeling free to ChangC topics・
C. Making SmaIl IaIk interesting.
The Lake District AttraCtiOnS GUide
DaICmain ManSiOn & Historic GUrdCnS
History, CUltUrC & LandSCaPC (杲观〉・DiSCOVCr and CnjOy 4 CCntUriCS Of history, 5 acres Of CCICblatCd and award-winning gardens With ParkIand walk. OWnCd by the HaSell family SinCe 1679, home to the IntCmatiOnal MannaIade FeStiVaL GiftS and antiques. PIant sales, museums & MediaeVal Hall TearOOm・
Open: 29 Mar-29 Oct9SUn to Γhurs.
Γearoυm, GardenS & Gift Shop: 10.30-17.00 (16.00 in OCt)・
House: ILl5-16.00 (15.0OinOCt).
尸体解剖Town: POOleyBridgC & Pellrith
.∖bbot HaII Art GaIICrV & MUSCUm
ThOSe VieWing the quality OfAbbOt HaIrS temporary exhibitions may be forgiven for thinking they are in a City gallery. The impressive Pennanent COlleCtiOn includes TUmCrS and ROmneyS and the temporary exhibition PrOgramme has CanaIettO and the artists from St l∖es.
Open: MOn to Sat and SUmmer Sundays. 1030-17.00 SUlnmer.1030 -16.00 WinteE
Town: Kendal
TUIlie HoUSe MUSeUm & Art GaIIerV
DiSCOVer, CXPIOrC and CnjOy award -winning TUlIiC House, WhCrC historic collections. COntemPOrary art and family fun arc brought together in OnC impressive museum and art gallcry. ThCrC are four fantastic galleries to ViSit from fine art to interactive fim, SO there,s SOmething for everyone!
Open: High SeaSOn I Apr-31 Oct: MOn to Sat 10.00- 17.00, SUn ILOO- 17.00.
LOW SeaSOn I NOV - 31 Mar: MOn to Sat 10.00 - 16.30. Sun 12 00- 16.30.
Town: CarliSle
DOVe COttage & The WOrdSWOrth MUSeUm
DiSCOVCr William Wordsworth's inspirational home. TakC a IOUr Of IIiS LakCland cottage. Walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches Of the COlIeCtiOn in Ihe MUSeUm. Visit the ShOP and relax in the caf⅛・ Exhibitions, CVCntS and family activities (IlrOUghOUt the year.
Open: Daily, 09.30 17.30 (IaSt admission 17.00).
Town: GraSmCrC
21 ・ WhCn is the HOUSe at DalCnIain ManSiOn & HiSloriC GardCnS OPCn On SUndayS in July?
Λ.0930-17.30・  B. 1030—16.00.    C. 11.15—16.00. Iλ 12.00—1630
22. What Can ViSitOrS do at AbbOt Hall Art GallCry & Museum?
A. EnjOy ROnney W S WOrkS・
B. HaVC SOn)C interactive fUn.
C・ AttenCi a famous festival.
D. LCarn the history Of a family
23. Where ShOUId ViSitOrS go if they Want to explore WOrdSWOrthS life?
A. Penrith.
B. KeneiaL
C. CarliSIe・
D. GraSmere・
SOIne ParenUi WiIl buy any high-tech IOy if Ihey think it WiIl IIeIP IhCir child, but researchers Said PUZZleS help ChiIdrCn With math-related skills.
PSyChOlOgiSt SUSan Levine9 an CXPCrt On mathematics development in young Children at Ihe UniVCrSity Of ClliCago, found CIIildleII WhO play v¾itlι PUZZIeS I)CIWeeIl ages 2 and 4 later develop betteι SPClti<ιl SkillS・PUZZIe pl<ιy WaS found to be a SignifICant PrediCtOr Of COgnitiO
n(Vk⅛∏) after COntrOIling for diHerences in PaWntS‘ income, education and Ihe amount Of Parent talk. Levine said.
ThC researchers analyzed VidCO recordings Of 53 Child-ParCnt PairS during everyday activities at home and found Children WhO Play With PUZZIeS between 26 and 46 months Of age have better SPatial SkilIS When assessed at 54 months OfagC ・“The Children WhO PIayed With PllZZleS Perfbnned better Ihan those WhO Uid not, on IaSkS that assessed Iheir ability to rok∏c(旋转)and translate shapes/' LeVinC Said in a StatCment.
The ParentS Were asked (o interact WiIh Iheir ChiIdren as Ihey normally would, and about halfofthe ChiIdren in the StUdy PIayCd With PUZZleS at One time・ HighCr-income ParCntS tended to have ChiIdrCn Play With PUZZlCS InOrC frequently, and both boys
and girls WhO Played With PUZZleS had belter SPalial skills. HOWeVen boys Iended to PIay With more COnIPlCX PUZZICS than girls, and the ParCntS Of boys PrOVidCd more SPatial IangUagC and WCrC InOrC active during PUZZIe PIay than ParentS Of girls・The findings Were PUbliShed in the journal DevelOPnIef)tai Science.
24. In WhiCh aspect do ChiIdrCn benefit from PIlZZIC play?
A. BUiIding COnfldCnCe・
B. DCvCIOPing SPatiaI skills.
C. Lcnming self-control.
D. Gaining high-tech knowledge・
25. What did LeVine take into ConSideratiOn When designing IIer experiment?
A. Parents, age.
B. ChiIdren,s imagination・
C. Parents' education.
D. Child-Parent relationship・
26. HOU do boys di∩er from girls in PUZZle play?
A. ThCy PIay WitlI PUZZICS InOrC OftCn・
B. They tend to talk IeSS during the game.
C. ThCy PrCfCr to USC InOrC SPatiaI IanglIagC・
D. They are IikeIy to Play With tougher PUZZIeS・
27. What is the text mainly about?
A. A mathematical Tnethod・
B. A SCientiflC study.
C. A WOman PSyCIIOlOgiSt
D. A IeaChing PrOgram.
When you WCrC Irying to figure OUt What to buy for the CnVirOnmCntaliSt On your holiday list, fur PrObably didn't CrOSS your mind. BUt Some ecologists and fashion (IH 装)enthusiasts are trying to bring back the market for fiιr made from IIUtria(海狸鼠)∙(JnUSUal fashion ShOWS in NeW OrIeanS a
nd BrOOklyn have ShOWCaSed nutria fiιr made into ClOtheS in different StyIeS・4i It SOlIndS CraZy to talk about guilt-free fiιr — UnIeSS you UnderStand that the nutria are destroying VaSt WetIandS every year; SayS Cree McCree, PrOjeCt director Of RighteOUS Eur.
SCiCntiStS in LOUiSiana WCrC SO COnCCnlCd that IhCy decided to Pay hunters S5 a tail・ SOme OfthC tur CndS UP in the fashion ShOWS IikC IhC OnC in BrOOkIyn IaSt month.
NUtria Were brought Ihere from Argentina by fur fanners and Iet go into the wild.4'The ecosystem down there can't handle this non-nativc SPCCieS (物种).IfS destroying the CnVirOnnIent. It's them Or us,π SayS MiChaCl Massimi9 an CXPCrt in this field・The fur trade kept nutria in CheCk for decades, but When the market for nutria Coilar)Sed in the Iate 1980s t the Cat-SiZed animals multiplied Iike crazy.
BiOlOgiSt EdInOnd MOUtOn runs the nutria COntrOl PrOgram for Louisiana. He SayS it's not easy to COnVinCe PeOPIe that nUtria tiιr is green, but he has no doubt about it. HUnterS bring in more than 3()0,(X)0 nutria tails a year, So Part Of MOUt On's job these days is Irying to PrOmOtC tiιr.
Then there's RighteOUS FUr and its UnUSUaI fashion. MOdel Paige MOrgan says, “To give PeOPIe a guilt-free OPtiOn that they Can WCar WithoUt SOmCOnC throwing Paint On them 【think that's g
oing to be a massive thing, at IeaSt here in NeW York." DeSigner Jennifer AnderSOn admits it took her a While to COme around to the OPiniOn that USing nutria fur for her CreatiOnS is morally

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