
1304Birth of Francesco Petrarca(d.1374)
1327Condemnation of John of Jandun and Marsilius of Padua for heresy
1348–9Black Death
1367/70Petrarca writes On His Own Ignorance and That of Many Others
1370Birth of Leonardo Bruni(d.1444)
1378Beginning of Great Schism in the Western Catholic Church 1396Biagio Pelacani of Parma condemned by ecclesiastical autho-rities in Pavia for teaching materialistic doctrines
1397–9Manuel Chrysoloras teaches Greek in Florence
1401Birth of Nicholas of Cusa(d.1464)
1403Birth of Bessarion(d.1472)
1406Birth of Lorenzo Valla(d.1457)
1414–18Council of Constance marks the end of the Great Schism 1417Poggio Bracciolini rediscovers the text of Lucretius(1417);
Leonardo Bruni initiates the humanist project to retranslate
Aristotle with his new version of the Nicomachean Ethics 1420Birth of Nicoletto Vernia(d.1499)
1431–49Council of Basel
1433Birth of Marsilio Ficino(d.1499);Ambrogio Traversari pub-lishes his translation of Diogenes Laertius
1437–9Council of Ferrara–Florence brings about a temporary union between the Eastern Orthodox and the Western Catholic Church 1439First version of Lorenzo Valla’s Reploughing of Dialectic and Philosophy
1439–40Nicholas of Cusa composes On Learned Ignorance
1440Valla attacks the authenticity of the Donation of Constantine xii
c.1440Approximate date of the invention of the printing press
1449Birth of Lorenzo de’Medici(d.1492)
1453The fall of Constantinople to Mehmed II brings an end to the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire
1454Birth of Ermolao Barbaro(d.1493)
1462Birth of Pietro Pomponazzi(d.1525)
1463Birth of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola(d.1494)
1465Sweynheim and Pannartz publish the first book printed in Italy,Cicero’s On the Orator
c.1466Birth of Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam(
1469Birth of Niccolo`Machiavelli(d.1527);publication of Bessarion’s Against the Calumniator of Plato
c.1470Birth of Agostino Nifo(
1473First edition of Lucretius
1473–80Ermolao Barbaro’s new versions of Themistius spark a redis-covery of the Greek commentators on Aristotle
1478Birth of Thomas More(d.1535)
1482First edition of Ficino’s Platonic Theology
1483Birth of Martin Luther(d.1546)
1484Ficino’s complete Latin translation of Plato published
1486Giovanni Pico della Mirandola publishes his900Theses and the Oration on the Dignity of Man;Flavius Mithridates trans-
lates Cabalistic texts for Pico
1489Ficino publishes his handbook of magic,the De vita,and is investigated by the Inquisition;Pietro
Barozzi,the bishop of
Padua,forbids public disputation at the University of Padua on
the Averroist doctrine of the unicity of the intellect
1492The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus;the death of Lorenzo de’Medici;the expulsion of Jews from Spain;birth
of Juan Luis Vives(d.1540);Ficino’s Latin translation of
Plotinus is printed
1494Louis XII of France invades Italy;the Medici are expelled from Florence;death of Pico della Mirandola and Angelo
Poliziano;foundation of the Aldine Press by Aldus
1495–8First collected edition of Aristotle in Greek printed by Aldus Manutius
1499–1526Works of Simplicius published in Venice
1503–51Most of Philoponus is published in Greek
1509Birth of John Calvin(d.1564)and Bernardino Telesio(d.1588)
1513The Fifth Lateran Council defines the immortality of the soul as a dogma of the Catholic Church.Return of the Medici to
Florence;Machiavelli writes The Prince
1513–36Works of Alexander of Aphrodisias published in Venice
c.1514–19Machiavelli writes the Discourses
1515Birth of Petrus Ramus(d.1572)
1516Publication of More’s Utopia,Erasmus’edition of the New Testament in Greek,and Pomponazzi’s treatise On
the Immortality of the Soul;the latter treatise is burned in
1517Outbreak of the Reformation following the publication of Luther’s95Theses;the teaching of Lucretius is banned in
绩效考核制度 老子Florence
1518Pomponazzi is condemned by the Fifth Lateran Council and recants his errors
1519–22Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition circumnavigates the world;
Spanish conquest of Mexico
1526Francisco de Vitoria,OP,is elected to the chair of theology in Salamanca
1528Baldassare Castiglione’s Courtier published
1529Birth of Francesco Patrizi(d.1597);Diet of Speyer in which the term‘‘Protestant’’is first used of those who protested
against the banning of Luther’s teachings
1531First publication of Machiavelli’s Discourses on Livy
1532First publication of Machiavelli’s Prince
1533Birth of Jacopo Zabarella(d.1589)and Michel de Montaigne
1534First Greek edition of Themistius(Latin translations1481and 1499)
1535Founding of New Spain in North and Central America and the Caribbean
1536John Calvin settles in Geneva and publishes the first edition of his Institutes of Christian Religion;birth of Luis de Molina(d.
1540The Jesuit Order,founded by Ignatius of Loyola,is approved by Pope Paul III
1543Publication of Copernicus’On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres,Vesalius’De fabrica humani corporis;Petrus Ramus’
attack on Aristotelian logic,the Aristotelicae animadversiones 1545–63Council of Trent
1547Birth of Justus Lipsius(d.1606)
1548Birth of Giordano Bruno(d.1600)and Francisco Sua´rez,SJ
1553Michael Servetus is executed in Geneva for heresy
1554Sebastian Castellio publishes Whether Heretics Should Be Persecuted,supporting freedom of thought and attacking
1559Treaty of Cateau-Cambre´sis ends the first phase of the reli-gious wars between Catholic and Protestants;first edition of
工商银行山东省分行Marcus Aurelius’Meditations;first publication of an Index of
Prohibited Books by the Roman Inquisition
1561Birth of Francis Bacon(d.1626)
1562First edition of Sextus Empiricus’Outlines of Pyrrhonism 1562–98French Wars of Religion
1564Birth of Galileo Galilei(d.1642)
1565First edition of Telesio’s De rerum natura iuxta propria prin-cipia is published
1568Birth of Tommaso Campanella(d.1639)
1571Foundation of the Holy Congregation of the Index of Prohibited Books by Pope Pius V
1572Petrus Ramus killed in the St.Bartholomew’s Day massacre 1573Henri II Estienne publishes the first collection of Presocratic fragments
1576Francesco de’Vieri the Younger becomes the first university teacher of Platonic philosophy in Florence;Francisco Sa´nchez
publishes Quod nihil scitur,a standard work of skeptical
1580First edition of Montaigne’s Essays
1583Birth of Hugo Grotius(d.1528)
1584Justus Lipsius’On Constancy is published,launching a revival of Stoicism
1588The Spanish Armada attacks England;Thomas Hobbes is born 1591Francesco Patrizi publishes the Nova de universis philosophia, an attempt to create a systematic Christian Platonism to
replace Aristotelianism
1592Birth of Pierre Gassendi(d.1655)
1594Tommaso Campanella arrested by the Inquisition under suspi-cion of heresy;he is arrested a second time in1599and tried
for heresy and rebellion,remaining imprisoned for twenty-
seven years
刘振利C H R O N O L O G Y
1596Birth of Rene´Descartes(d.1650);Telesio’s De rerum natura and Patrizi’s Nova de universis philosophia are placed on the
1598Edict of Nantes,granting full civil rights and religious liberty to Protestants in France(later annulled)
1599The Ratio studiorum is adopted by the Jesuit Order,becoming the most influential school curriculum in the early modern
1600Giordano Bruno burned at the stake for heresy
1601Pierre Charron’s De la sagesse published
1604Justus Lipsius publishes Manuductio ad Stoicam philoso-phiam and the Physiologia Stoicorum,the first comprehensive
accounts of Stoicism as a philosophical system
1605Francis Bacon publishes The Advancement of Learning
1610Galileo publishes The Starry Messenger,announcing his astro-nomical discoveries with a telescope
郭根山1620Francis Bacon’s Novum organum
1623Tommaso Campanella’s City of the Sun published
1632Galileo’s Dialogue of Two World Systems attacking Aristotelian physics and astronomy is published and con-
demned by the Church
1637Descartes’s Discourse on Method
1655Gassendi’s Syntagma philosophiae Epicuri,reviving the philo-sophy of Epicurus,is published posthumously

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