
.#24 printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer (LocoScript)
.#ib printer data file (LocoScript)
.#sc printer data file (LocoScript)
.#st standard mode printer definitions (LocoScript)
.$$$ temporary file
.$00 pipe file (DOS)
.$db temporary file (dBASE IV)
.$ed editor temporary file (MS C)
.$o1 pipe file (DOS)
$vm virtual manager temporary file (Windows 3.x)
.000 compressed harddisk data (DoubleSpace)
.001 fax (many)
.075 75x75 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.085 85x85 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.091 91x91 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.096 96x96 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.0b printer font with lineDraw extended character set (PageMaker)
.1 roff/nroff/troff/groff source for manual page (cawf2.zip)
15u printer font with PI font set (PageMaker)
选址问题.1st usually README.1ST text
.301 fax (Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96))
.386 Intel 80386 processor driver (Windows 3.x)
.3ds graphics (3D Studio)
.3fx effect (CorelChart)
.3gr ----- data file (Windows Video Grabber)
.4c$ datafile (4Cast/2)
.4sw 4DOS Swap File
4th FORTH source code file (ForthCMP - LMI Forth)
.669 music (8 channels) (The 669 Composer)
.6cm music (6 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker)
.8 A86 assembler source code file
.8cm music (8 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker)
.8m printer font with Math 8 extended character set (PageMaker)
.8u printer font with Roman 8 extended character set (PageMaker)
.a ADA source code file
a library (unix)
.a11 graphics AIIM image file
.ab6 datafile (ABStat)
.ab8 datafile (ABStat)
.abk automatic backup file (CorelDRAW)
.abs abstracts (info file)
.abs data file (Abscissa)
.aca project (Project Manager Workbench)
.acb graphics (ACMB)
.acc program (DR-DOS - ViewMax) (GEM / resident)
.act ACTOR source code file
act FoxDoc Action Diagrams (FoxPro)
.act presentation (Action!)
.ad screen saver data (AfterDark)
.ada ADA source code file
.adb Ada Package Body
.adc bitmap graphics (16 colors) (Scanstudio)
.adi graphics (AutoCAD)
.adl MCA adapter description library (QEMM)
.adn add-in (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ads Ada Package Specification
.adt datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
adt fax (AdTech)
.adx document (Archetype Designer)
.af2 flowchart (ABC FlowCharter 2.0)
.afi Truevision bitmap graphics
.afl font file (for Allways) (Lotus 1-2-3)
.afm Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer (ATM - many)
.afm datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
.ai vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator)
.aio APL file transfer format file
.ais Array of Intensity Samples graphics (Xerox)
.aix datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
all ----- (Arts & Letters) symbol and font files
.all format file for working pages (Always)
.all general printer information (WordPerfect for Win)
.alt menu file (
WordPerfect Library)
.amf music (Advanced Module Forma
.amg system image file (Actor)
.ani animation (Presidio - many)
.anm animation (Deluxe Paint Animator)
.ann Help Annotations (Windows 3.x)
ans ANSI graphics (character animation)
.ans ASCII text ANSI character set (NewWave Write)
.ap compressed Amiga file archive created by WHAP
.ap datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)
.apc ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver
.apd ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver
.apf ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver
.api ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver
.api passed parameter file (1st Reader)
.apl APL work space format file
.app add-in application file (Symphony)
app application object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.app executable application file (DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari)
.app generated application (FoxPro)
.apr employee performance review (Employee Appraiser)
.arc compressed file archive created by ARC (/)
.arc compressed file archive created by SQUASH (squash.arc)
.arf Automatic Response File
.arj compressed file archive created by ARJ ()
.ark ARC file archive created by CP/M port of ARC file archiver
.arr Arrangement (Atari Cubase)
.art graphics (scrapbook) (Art Import)
art raster graphics (First Publisher)
.asc ASCII text file
.asd ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) screen driver
.asd autosave file (Word for Windows)
.asd presentation (Astound)
.asf ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) screen font
.asf datafile (STATGRAPHICS)
.ash assembly language header file (TASM 3.0)
.asi assembler include file (Turbo C - Borland C++)
.asm ASSEMBLY source code file
.aso assembler object (object orientated) file (Turbo Assembler)
asp ASPECT source code file (Procomm Plus)
.asp Association of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice
.at2 auto template (Aldus Persuasion 2.0)
.atm Adobe Type Manager data/info
.au sound (audio) file (SUN Microsystems)
.aux Auxillary references (TeX/LaTeX)
.aux auxiliary dictionary (ChiWriter)
.ava publication (Avagio)
.avi Audio Video Interleaved animation file (Video for Windows)
.aw text file (HP AdvanceWrite)
.awk AWK script/program
awm movie (Animation Works)
.aws ----- (STATGRAPHICS)
.b batch list (APPLAUSE)
.b&w black and white graphics (atari - mac)
.b&w mono binary screen image (1st Reader)
.b1n both mono and color binary screen image (1st Reader)
.b30 printer font (JLaser - Cordata) (Ventura Publisher)
.b8 raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane two (PicLab)
.b_w black and white graphics (atari - mac)
.bak backup file
bal music score (Ballade)
.bar horizontal bar menu object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.bas BASIC source code file
.bat batch file (DOS)
.bb database backup (Papyrus)
.bbl Bibliographic reference (TeX/BibTeX)
.bbm brush (Deluxe Paint)
.bbs Bulletin Board System announce or text info file
.bch batch process obj
ect file (dBASE Application Generator)
.bch datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)
bco outline font description (Bitstr
.bcp Borland C++ makefile
.bdf Bitmap Distribution Format font file (X11)
.bdf datafile (Egret)
.bdr border (MS Publisher)
.bez outline font description (Bitstream)
.bf2 Bradford 2 font
.bfm font metrics (unix/Frame)
.bfx fax (BitFax)
.bga bitmap graphics
bgi Borland Graphics Interface device driver (Turbo C - Turbo Pascal)
.bib bibliography (ASCII)
.bib database - not compatible with TeX format (Papyrus)
.bib literature database (TeX/BibTeX)
.bif Binary Image Format b&w graphics (Image Capture board)
.bin binary file
.bio OS2 BIOS
.bit bitmap X11
.bk faxbook (JetFax)
.bk! document backup (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk1 timed backup file for document window 1 (WordPerfect for Win)
bk2 timed backup file for document window 2 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk3 timed backup file for document window 3 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk4 timed backup file for document window 4 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk5 timed backup file for document window 5 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk6 timed backup file for document window 6 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk7 timed backup file for document window 7 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk8 timed backup file for document window 8 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk9 timed backup file for document window 9 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bkp backup file (Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner)
.bkw mirror image of font set (FontEdit)
.bld BLoaDable picture (BASIC)
blk temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
.bm BitMap graphics
.bmk Help Bookmarks (Windows 3.x)
.bmp BitMaP graphics (PC Paintbrush - many)
.bnk Adlib instrument bank file
.boo compressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc)
.bpc chart (Business Plan Toolkit)
.bpt bitmap fills file (CorelDRAW)
.br script (Bridge)
.brd Eagle Layout File
.brk fax (Brooktrout Fax-Mail)
bsc compressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCII
.bsc database (Source Browser)
.bsc pwbrmake object file (MS Fortran)
.btm Batch To Memory batch file (4DOS)
.bup backup file
.but button definitions (Buttons!)
.buy datafile format (movie)
.bv1 overflow file below insert point in Doc 1 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv2 overflow file below insert point in Doc 2 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv3 overflow file below insert point in Doc 3 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv4 overflow file below insert point in Doc 4 (WordPerfect for Win)
bv5 overflow file below insert point in Doc 5 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv6 overflow file below insert point in Doc 6 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv7 overflow file below insert point in Doc 7 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv8 overflow file below insert point in Doc 8 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv9 overflow file below insert point in Doc 9 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bwb spreadsheet application (Visual Baler)
.bwr beware (buglist) (Kermit)
.c C source code fi
.c compressed unix file archive created by COMPACT
c++ C++ source code file
.c-- source code (Sphinx C--)
.c00 print file (Ventura Publisher)
.c86 C source code f
ile (Computer Innovation C86)
.ca initial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet)
.cac dBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat)
十六届三中全会.cad document (Drafix Windows CAD)
.cal calendar file (Windows 3.x)
.cal spreatsheet (SuperCalc)
.can fax (Navigator Fax)
cap caption (Ventura Publisher)
.cap session capture file (Telix)
.cat catalog (dBASE IV)
.cbc fuzzy logic system (CubiCalc)
.cbl COBOL source code file
.cbm compiled bitmap graphics (XLib)
.cbt Computer Based Training (many)
.cc C++ source code file
.ccc bitmap graphics (native format) (Curtain Call)
.ccf communications configuration file (Symphony)
.cch chart (CorelChart)
ccl Communication Command Language file (Intalk)
.cco BTX Graphics file (XBTX)
.cdb card database (CardScan)
.cdb main database (TCU Turbo C Utilities) 蒸纱
.cdf graphics (netcdf)
.cdk document (Atari Calamus)
.cdr vector graphics (CorelDRAW native format)
.cdt ----- (CorelDraw 4.0)
.cdx compound index (FoxPro)
. (The FarSide Computer Calendar)
.ceg bitmap graphics (Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics)
cel graphics (Autodesk Animator - Lumena)
.cf configuration file (imake)
.cfg configuration
.cfl chart (CorelFLOW)
.cfn font data (Atari Calamus)
.cfo C Form Object internal format object file (TCU Turbo C Utilities)
.cfp fax (The Complete Fax Portable) 热收缩管
.cga CGA display font (Ventura Publisher)
.cgm Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphics (A&L - HG - many)
.ch header file (Clipper 5)
.ch3 chart (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
ch4 presentation (Charisma 4.0)
.chd font descriptor (FontChameleon)
.chi document (ChiWriter)
.chk recovered data (DOS CHKDSK)
.chk temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
.chn ----- (Ethnograph 3)
.chp chapter file (Ventura Publisher)
.chr character set (Turbo C - Turbo Pascal)
.cht chart (Harvard Graphics 2.0 - SoftCraft Presenter)
.cht interface file for ChartMaster (dBASE)
.cif Caltech Intermediate Format graphics
cif chapter information (Ventura Publisher)
.cix database index (TCU Turbo C Utilities)
.cl COMMON LISP source code file
.clp clip art graphics (Quattro Pro)
.clp clipboard file (Windows 3.x)
.clp compiler script file (clip list) (Clipper 5)
.clr color binary screen image (1st Reader)
.clr color definitions (Photostyler)
.cls C++ class definition file
.cm data file (CraftMan)
.cmd batch file (OS/2)
cmd command (dBASE - Waffle)
.cmd external command menu (1st Reader)
.cmf FM-music file (Creative Music File)
.cmk card (Card Shop Plus)
.cmm CMM script (batch) file (CEnvi)
.cmp header file for PostScript printer files (CorelDRAW)
.cmp user dictionary (MS Word for DOS)
.cmv animation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4
c CNC general program data
f configuration (program - printer setup)
cnv data conversion support file (Word for Windows)
v temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
.cob COBOL source code file
.cod datafile (Forec
ast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold)
.cod program compiled code (FORTRAN)
.cod template source file (dBASE Application Generator)
.cod videotext file
.col color palette (Autodesk Animator - many)
.col spreadsheet (MS Multiplan)
command (memory image of executable program) (DOS)
con configuration file (Simdir)
.cpd script (Complaints Desk)
.cpf fax (The Complete Fax)
.cpi Code Page Information file (DOS)
.cpi ColorLab Processed Image bitmap graphics
.cpl control panel file (Windows 3.x)
.cpl presentation (Compel)
.cpp C++ source code file
.cpp presentation (CA-Cricket Presents)
.cps ----- backup of startup files by QEMM (?) autoexec.cps
.cpt compressed Mac file archive created by COMPACT PRO (ext-pc.zip)
cpt encrypted memo file (dBASE)
.cpt template (CA-Cricket Presents)
.cpz music text file (COMPOZ)
.crd cardfile (Windows 3.x - YourWay)
.crf cross-reference (MS MASM - Zortech C++)
.crp encrypted database (dBASE IV)
.crs file Conversion Resource (WordPerfect 5.1)
.csg graph (Statistica/w)
.csp PC Emcee Screen Image file (Computer Support Corporation)
.css datafile (CSS - Stats+)
.css datasheet (Statistica/w)
csv Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII)
.csv adjusted EGA/VGA palette (CompuShow)
.ctc control file (PC Installer)
.ctf character code translation file (Symphony)
.ctl control file (dBASE IV - Aldus Setup)
.ctx Course TeXt file (Microsoft online guides)
.ctx ciphertext file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)
.cuf C Utilities Form definition (TCU Turbo C Utilities)
.cur cursor image file (Windows 3.x)
.cut bitmap graphics (Dr. Halo)
.cv4 color file (CodeView)
cvp cover page (WinFax)
.cvs graphics (Canvas)
.cvt backup file for CONVERTed database file (dBASE IV)
.cvw color file (CodeView)
.cxx C++ source code file (Zortech C++)
.dat data file in special format or ASCII
.db configuration (dBASE IV - dBFast)
.db database (Paradox - Smartware)
.db$ temperature debug info (Clarion Modula-2)
.db$ temporary file (dBASE)
db2 database (dBASE II)
.db3 database (dBASE III)
.dba datafile (DataEase)
.dbd business data (Business Insight)
.dbd debug info (Clarion Modula-2)
.dbf database file (dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss)
.dbg symbolic debugging information (MS C/C++)
.dbk database backup (dBASE IV)
.dbm datafile (DataEase)
.dbm menu template (DataBoss)
.dbo compiled program (dBASE IV)
dbs database in SQL Windows format
.dbs datafile (PRODAS)
.dbs printer description file (Word - Works)
.dbt FoxBASE+ style memo (FoxPro)
.dbt memo file for database w/same name (dBASE IV - dBFast)
.dbw windows file (DataBoss

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