
生  态  学  报A CTA ECOLO G I CA S I N I CA
V o l .22,N o.10
O ct .,2002
(台州师范专科学校,浙江临海 317000)
有明显的光合“午休”现象。而位于冠层中、下层以及林下的七子花、草本植物,其光合日进程曲线平缓。从冠层上层到下层,七子花叶片的日均净光合速率(P n )呈下降趋势。林窗、林缘的七子花小树叶片日均P n 比林下大,冠层上层的七子花中树叶片与林窗、林缘的小树叶片日均
P n 差异不显著。七子花在不同生境中与伴生植物相比,日均P n 较低,光合能力较弱。同一植株七子花冠层上层叶片叶绿
The Photosyn thetic Character istics of the M a i n Spec ies of the H ep -tacod ium m icon ioides Comm un ity i n T i an ta i M oun ta i n of Zhej i ang Prov i nce ,Ch i na
J I N Ze 2X in ,KE Sh i 2Sheng  (T aiz hou
T eachers Colleg e ,L inhai ,Z hej iang 317000,Ch ina ).A cta Ecolog ica
S in ica ,2002,22(10):1645
~1652.Abstract :In the last tenday peri od of Ju ly 2001,by u sing the L eaf Cham ber A nalyzer (type L CA 24)m anu 2factu red by ADC B i o scien tific L td .in England ,w e studied the pho to syn thetic characteristics of the m ain accompanying species of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es comm un ity in T ian tai M oun tain in Zhejiang P rovince .T heir ch lo rophyll con ten t ,ligh t compen sati on po in ts (L CP )and ligh t satu rati on po in ts (L S P )w ere also ascertained by m easu ring .T he resu lts are as fo llow s :
In summ er ,the cu rves of the diu rnal pho to syn thetic variati on s in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m ico 2n iod es ,w h ich is in the upper layer of the canopy ,as w ell as tho se in its m ain accompanying species such as L ithoca rp us ha rland ii ,R hod od end ron f ortunei ,Q uercus g land u lif era var .brev ip etiola ta and F rax inus in 2su la ris ,are of the doub le 2peak type ,and show obvi ou s “m idday 2dep ressi on ”of the net pho to syn thetic rate
(P n ).T he cu rves of the diu rnal pho to syn thetic variati on s in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es
sap lings ,w h ich are in the canopy gap o r the fo rest edge ,as w ell as tho se of sh rub species in the canopy gap such as L ind era relex a and Cam ellia cusp id a ted ,are also of the doub le 2peak t
ype becau se of the h igh pho to syn thetic active radiati on (PA R ).T he cu rves of the diu rnal pho to syn thetic variati on s in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es ,w h ich is in the m iddle o r the low er layer of the canopy ,as w ell as in H ep tacod i 2um m icon ioid es ,A ster ag era toid es and A lthy rium n ip on icum w h ich are in the under 2sto ry ,are qu ite level
becau se of the low PA R ,show ing little difference betw een the peak and the bo ttom .
  T he daily average P n in the leaves of the m iddle tree of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es in the upper layer of
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the canopy is h igher than that in the m iddle o r low er layer of the canopy,show ing ex trem ely con sp icuou s variati on.T he daily average P n in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es sap lings w h ich are in the canopy gap and fo rest edge is h igher than that of tho se in the under2sto ry,show ing ex trem ely con sp icuou s varia2 ti on.Bu t the daily average P n in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es in the canopy gap and that in the fo rest edge are relatively clo se to each o ther,show ing little variati on.T he variances of daily average P n be2 tw een the m iddle tree of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es in the upper layer of the canopy and the H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es sap ling in the
canopy gap o r the fo rest edge are no t con sp icuou s.T h is show s that P n is little af2 fected by the age of the tree bu t greatly affected by PA R.
In the upper layer of the canopy,the daily average P n in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es is low2 er than that in the leaves of evergreen species such as L ithoca rp us ha rland ii and R hod od end ron f ortunei. T he variances betw een H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es and L ithoca rp us ha rland ii are ex trem ely con sp icuou s,and tho se betw een H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es and R hod od end ron f ortunei are con sp icuou s.T he variances of dai2 ly average P n are no t con sp icuou s betw een H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es and deciduou s species such as Q uercus g land u lif era var.brev ip etiola ta and F rax inus insu la ris.In the sh rub layer,the daily average P n in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es is low er than that in L ind era ref lx a,w ith con sp icuou s variances;bu t the variances betw een H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es and Cam ellia cusp id a ted are no t con sp icuou s.In the un2 der2sto ry,the daily average P n of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es is low er than that of herb species such as A ster ag era toid es and A lthy rium n ip on icum,show ing ex trem ely con sp icuou s variati on.In the vari ou s hab itats, the daily average P n in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es is of less value than that of its accompanying species.
In the sam e H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es tree,the ch lo rophyll con ten t in the canopy leaves in the
upper layer is low est,that in the low er layer is second low est,and that in the m iddle layer is h ighest.T he varia2 ti on s among them are con sp icuou s o r ex trem ely con sp icuou s.T he ch lo rophyll con ten t of the m iddle layer and that of the low er layer is63%and20.7%h igher than that in the upper layer respectively.T he changes of ch lo rophyll a b rati o among them are no t con sp icuou s.T he ch lo rophyll con ten t in the leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es sap lings in the canopy gap and fo rest edge is6011%and5116%h igher than that in the under2sto ry respectively.T h is indicates that the ch lo rophyll con ten t in the leaves in app rop riate shady hab itats is h igher,bu t at the sam e ti m e the ch lo rophyll con ten t is reduced in fo rests of little tran s2 parency and w eak ligh t.Shade herb species still have very h igh ch lo rophyll con ten t in fo rests of very w eak ligh t.Among the differen t species in the upper layer of the canopy,the ch lo rophyll con ten t in L ithoca rp us ha rland ii is h ighest,w hereas that in H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es and R hod od end ron f rotunei is relatively low.Among the differen t species in the sh rub s,the ch lo rophyll con ten t in Cam ellia cusp id a ted is relative2 ly h igh,and that in H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es and L ind era ref lex a is relatively low.T he ch lo rophyll con2 ten t in the leaves of the differen t layers of the sam e p lan t is no t po sitively co rrelated to P n,and neither is the ch lo rophyll con ten t in the leaves of differen t species.
T he L CP and L S P in H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es leaves in the upper layer of the canopy are h igher than that in the m iddle and low er layers.T he L CP and L S P in the canopy gap o r fo rest edge are bo th h igher than tho se in the under2sto ry.T he L CP and L S P of herb s such as A ster ag era toid es and A lthy rium n ip on2 icum are low er than tho se in o ther p lan ts.Compared w ith evergreen species,H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es has h igh L CP and low L S P,w h ich show s that H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es likes ligh t,does no t endu re either shade o r strong ligh t,and therefo re has a narrow eco logical scope to adap t to ligh t.
Key words:H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es comm un ity;m ain species;pho to syn thetic characteristics;tian tai
文章编号:100020933(2002)1021645208 中图分类号:Q 948.1 文献标识码:A
  七子花(H ep tacod ium m icon ioid es )为我国特有的落叶小乔木,属忍冬科的单种属植物,是国家首批2级重点保护植物,也是我国生物多样性保护行动计划中优先保护物种。它在研究忍冬科系统发育方面有科学价值,又是优良的观赏树种。它们多生于悬崖峭壁、沟谷和山坡灌丛,分布范围窄,现资源极少。作者曾对分布在浙江省天台山的七子花落特征和种结构作了初步研究[1,2],对该落结构、种动态以及濒危现状有了初步的认识:七子花种的龄级不完整,年龄结构为衰退型,在样
1 研究地区自然概况
研究地区位于浙江省天台山主峰华顶山,地理位置为29°15′N 、121°06′E 。有关其自然概况已有报道[1,2],这里不再重复。样地位于华顶山黄经洞附近,海拔930m ,年降水量为1700mm ,平均相对湿度达
85%以上,年平均气温13℃,无霜期约230d 。2 材料和方法
用作测定光合特性的材料 (1)在七子花落内选择生长正常的七子花中树(d bh .13c m ),对其树冠
分上、中、下3层进行测定;(2)选取树龄相似、高度115m 左右、分布在不同生境中的七子花小树,测
定冠层上层叶片的光合特性;(3)选取与七子花伴生的落叶树种苦枥木(F rax inus insu la ris )、短柄 (Q uercus
g land u lif era var .brev ip etiola ta ),常绿树种东南石栎(L ithoca rp us ha rland ii )、
云锦杜鹃(R hod od end ron f ortunei ),灌木层优势种尖连蕊茶(Cam ellia cusp id a td )、山 (L ind era ref lex a ),草本层三脉紫菀(A ster ag era toid es )、
华东蹄盖蕨(A lthy rium n ip on icum )等进行测定。叶绿素含量测定 取与测定光合作用相同位置和发育阶段叶片,应用A rnon 法[3],岛津UV 2401PC 型紫外分光光度计测定,每次各测5个样叶,每个样叶重复测3次,结果取平均值。
光补偿点(L CP ,Λmo l  (m 2・s ))和光饱和点(L S P ,Λmo l
(m 2・s ))测定 在实验室控制条件下,以碘钨灯作为光源,使用英国ADC 公司生产的L CA 24型便携式全自动光合测定系统进行测定。采用开放式气
路,通过改变光源光照强弱控制光合有效辐射(PA R ,Λmo l
(m 2・s ))。为防止温度过高,让光线透过用有机玻璃制成的装水的水箱再照射到叶室上。每次测定前,根据预测试结果用适宜光强进行诱导,时间约为30
m in 。每次测试5个样叶。
净光合速率(P n ,Λmo lCO 2
(m 2・s ))测定 自然条件下不离体用L CA 24型光合测定系统进行测定。为有效减少因叶室而改变了测定叶周围的水气条件而造成的实验误差,用其开放系统测定。于2000年7月下旬选择晴朗天气进行光合作用测定,从6:00~18:00每隔1h 测定1次,持续测定2m in 稳定后记录数
据,每次测定5个样叶,每个样叶各测3次,结果取平均值。并同步测定PA R 、空气温度(T ,℃)、空气相对湿度(R H ,%)。
3 结果与分析
311 七子花冠层不同层次叶片净光合速率日变化
七子花冠层不同层次叶片P n 日进程见图1,从中可以看出,上层叶片的光合日进程呈典型的“双峰”曲线。第1峰出现在上午10:00,谷底出现在13:00,其值仅为第1峰的2913%,第2峰出现在15:00,其值为第1峰的7412%。中层叶片P n 日进程为“单峰”曲线,峰值出现于12:00~13:00,但曲线平缓,峰值不明显。下层叶片P n 日进程曲线很平缓,近似一直线。比较它们的日均P n (图3),其大小顺序为上层>中层>下层。并利用成组数据平均数t 检验法[4]来检验各层次日均P n 平均数差异的显著性,结果3
极显著,上层比中层高3117倍,比下层高9153倍。从七子花树冠3个层次叶片P n 日变化来看,随着高度的降低,郁闭度增大,PA R 下降,各时刻P n 有递减趋势,光合作用时间也逐渐缩短,光合产物积累和能量转化效率减少
图1 七子花冠层不同层次叶片净光合速率日变化
F ig .1 T he diurnal variati ons of net pho to synthetic rates in leaves of H ep tacod ium m iconioid es in different layers of canopy
1.上层U pper layer
2.中层M iddle layer
3.下层L ow er
图2 不同生境七子花净光合速率日变化
F ig .2 T he diurnal variati ons of net pho to synthetic
rates in leaves of H ep tacod ium m iconioid es in different habitats
1.林窗Canopy gap
2.林下U ndersto ry
3.林缘Fo rest
图3 不同类型七子花日均净光合速率
F ig .3 T he average daily P n in leaves of H ep tacod ium
m iconioid es in different types
1.上层U pper layer
2.中层M iddle layer
3.下层L ow er layer
4.林窗Canopy gap
5.林下U ndersto ry
 6.林缘Fo rest
图4 七子花及伴生植物冠层上层日均净光合速率F ig .4 T he average daily P n in leaves of H ep tacod ium
m iconioid es and its accompany species in upper layer of
1.七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid es
2.短柄 Q uercus g land u lif era var .brev ip etiolata
3.苦枥木F rax inus insu laris
4.东南石栎L ithocarp us harland ii
杜鹃R hod od end ron f ortunei
3.2 不同生境七子花净光合速率日变化
对分布在不同生境中的七子花小树冠层上层叶片P n 进行测定,结果如图2所示。林窗中的七子花,其P n 日进程为
“双峰”曲线,第1峰在9:00,谷底在13:00,第2峰在16:00。林缘中的七子花,其P n 日进程也表现为“双峰”曲线,但在9:00前由于部分遮荫,Pn 值较低,以后迅速提高,到10:00出现第1峰,谷底在
12:00,到15:00出现第2峰。林下七子花的P n 很低,曲线平缓。从日均P n 的大小可以看出(图3),分布在
林窗、林缘的七子花,由于有较强的PA R ,它们的日均P n 大于林下,差异均极显著,林窗、林缘分别比林下大5156倍、5113倍。而分布在林窗和林缘的日均P n 较接近,差异不显著。此外,中树冠层上层的叶片与分布在林窗、林缘的小树叶片,由于都有较强的PA R ,其日均P n 差异不显著。说明P n 大小受树龄影响很小,受PA R 影响很大。
313 七子花与主要伴生植物净光合速率比较盖格计数器
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图5 七子花及伴生植物冠层上层净光合速率日变化
F ig .5 T he diurnal variati ons of net pho to synthetic rates in leaves of H ep tacod ium m iconioid es and its accompany species in upper layer of canopy
1.七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid e
2.短柄 Q uercus g land u lif era var .brev ip etiolata
3.苦枥木F rax inus in 2
su laris  4.东南石栎L ithocarp us harland ii  5.云锦杜鹃R hod od end ron f ortunei
31311 七子花与伴生植物冠层上层叶片净光合速率比较 比较七子花与其伴生植物冠层上层叶片日均
P n (图4)可以看出,东南石栎、
云锦杜鹃等常绿树种的日均P n 均比落叶树种大,其中东南石栎与七子花等落叶树种差异极显著,云锦杜鹃与落叶树种差异显著。常绿树种中东南石栎显著大于云锦杜鹃,落叶树种中七子花与短柄 、
苦枥木的差异不显著。从图5可以看出,七子花及伴生植物短柄 、苦枥木、东南石栎、云锦杜鹃等植物冠层上层叶片的P n 日进程均表现为“双峰”曲线,第1峰出现在9:00~10:00,第2峰出现在15:00~16:00,谷底在正午前后。第1峰峰值最高的是东南石栎,最低的是短柄 ;第2峰也是东南石栎最高,最低的是七子花。
31312 七子花与灌木种类净光合速率比较 在有良好PA R 的林窗生境,七子花、山 、尖连蕊茶的光合
日进程均为“双峰”型(图6),第1峰在9:00,第2峰在15:00~16:00,与乔木冠层上层相似。比较它们的日均P n (图7),七子花小树比山 低,差异显著。虽然比尖连蕊茶高,但差异不显著,加上七子花是落叶树种,到10月下旬以后叶片开始衰老并逐渐脱落,在晚秋到早春期间完全没有光合产生,而尖连蕊茶是常绿植物,冬天也有一定的净光合,因而七子花全年的光合量并不比尖连蕊茶高
图6 灌木层、草本层植物净光合速率日变化
F ig 16 T he diurnal variati ons of net pho to synthetic rates in leaves of the species in sh rub layer o r herb layer 1.七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid e  2.山 L ind era ref lex a  3.尖连蕊茶Cam ellia cusp id atd  4.七子花H ep 2
tacod ium m iconioid e (林下U ndersto ry ) 5.三脉紫菀A ster ag eratoid es  6.华东蹄盖蕨A lthy rium nip onicum
31313 七子花与草本植物净光合速率比较 在PA R 较弱的林下生境,七子花小树及草本植物三脉紫菀、
华东蹄盖蕨的光合日进程虽然也表现为“双峰”曲线(图6),但曲线较平缓,峰和谷差值不大。在林下,七子花日均P n (图7)比三脉紫菀、华东蹄盖蕨均低,差异极显著。
314 七子花及主要伴生植物叶绿素含量比较 对七子花及主要伴生植物叶绿素含量进行测定(表1),从
图7 灌木层、草本层植物日均净光合速率
F ig .7 T he average daily net pho to synthetic rates in
leaves of the species in sh rub layer o r herb layer 1.七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid e  2.山 L ind era re 2
f lex a  3.尖连蕊茶Cam ellia cusp id atd  4.七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid e (林下U ndersto ry ) 5.三脉
紫菀A ster ag eratoid es  6.华东蹄盖蕨A lthy rium
nip onicum
6311%和2017%。上、中、下3层之间的叶绿素a  b 值
低。植物叶片光合能力大小与叶绿素含量高低不呈正相关,叶绿素含量低的种类光合能力不一定弱,如云锦杜鹃的叶绿素含量较低,但日均P n 较高。
3.5 光补偿点(L CP )和光饱和点(L S P )
表2表明,七子花植株冠层上层叶片L CP 、L S P 均比中层、下层高,差异显著或极显著。同样,分布于林窗、林缘处的七子花L CP 、L S P 均比林下高,差异极显著。三脉紫菀、华东蹄盖蕨的L CP 、L S P 均低于其它植
物,应属于耐阴植物。阴生叶的呼吸一般要比阳生叶小,其光合作用在相当低的光强下就可得到补偿;此外,阴生叶能更好地利用弱光,并且迅速地达到其L S P 。对于位于冠层上层的不同种类叶片,其L CP 、L S P 存在较大的差异(表2),相对常绿树种而言,七子花的L CP 较高,L S P 较低,表明其光能利用能力较弱,对光适应的生态幅度较窄。同在林窗下,常绿植物尖连蕊茶比七子花、山 对光适应的生态幅宽。由于七子花
L CP 较高,在光照较弱的林下,七子花种苗常因光照不足而死亡,故一般在林下很少见到低于1m 的幼苗。
同样,短柄 、苦枥木等种类由于L CP 较高,在林内也很少见到幼苗,而常绿树种东南石栎等因L CP 较低,其种苗在林内能发育成幼苗,并进一步发育成幼树。
表1 七子花及主要伴生植物叶片叶绿素含量
Table 1 Chlorophyll con ten t i n leaves of H ep tacod ium m icon ioide and its ma i n acco mpany spec ies
层次L ayer 种类
教师是园丁叶绿素含量Ch lo rophyll content (m g  g FW )
金地九珑璧叶绿素a Ch l .a 叶绿素b Ch l .b 叶绿素a +b Ch l .a +b 叶绿素a  b
Ch l .a  b
冠层上层七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid es 1.65±0.120.76±0.042.41±0.142.17±0.14
U pper layer of canopy
内部会计控制规范东南石栎L ithocarp us harland ii 2.90±0.221.44±0.134.43±0.342.01±0.04云锦杜鹃R hod od end ron f ortunei 1.51±0.130.70±0.112.21±0.202.16±0.08短柄 Q uercus g land u lif era var .1.98±0.160.82±0.112.80±0.262.41±0.13
brev ip etiolata
苦枥木F rax inus insu laris
七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid es
3.93±0.272.05±0.07M iddle layer of canopy
七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid es 1.96±0.190.95±0.142.91±0.322.06±0.12L ow er layer of canopy 灌木层(林窗)
七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid es 1.69±0.110.76±0.082.45±0.192.22±0.14Sh rub layer in canopy gap
尖连蕊茶Cam ellia cusp id atd 1.93±0.140.95±0.142.88±0.272.03±0.15山 L ind era ref lex a
七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid es 1.07±0.
Sh rub layer in understo ry 灌木层(林缘)
七子花H ep tacod ium m iconioid es 1.59±0.120.73±0.092.32±0.202.18±0.12Sh rub layer in fo rest edge
三脉紫菀A ster ag eratoid es
2.96±0.141.62±0.154.58±0.291.83±0.09H erb layer
华东蹄盖蕨A lthy rium nip onicum
0561 生 态 学 报22卷

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