
第22卷第1期2002年1月生  态  学  报A CTA ECOLO G I CA S I N I CA V o l .22,N o.1Jan .,2002利用综合评价方法和等级模型评价乐安江水体重金属污染
(11中国科学院生态环境研究中心 环境水化学国家重点实验室,北京100085;2.北京师范大学环境科学研究所水环境模拟国家重点实验室,北京 100875)
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40071073)资助项目,部分得到国际铜业协会支持(T PT 0605)
A ssessi ng Heavy M eta ls Pollution i n the L e ′an R iver by M ulti -i n -dex and an I n tegra tive M odel
H E M eng 2Chang 1,2,W AN G Zi 2J ian 13 (1.S ta te K ey L abora tory of E nv ironm en ta l A qua tic Che m istry ,R e 2sea rch Cen ter f or E co 2E nv ironm en ta l S cience ,Ch inese A cad e my of S ciences ,B eij ing 100085,Ch ina ;2.S ta te K ey L abora to 2ry of W a ter E nv ironm en t S i m u la tion ,Institu te of E nv ironm en ta l S ciences ,B eij ing N or m a l U n iversity ,B eij ing 100875,Ch i 2
na )A cta Ecolog ica S in ica ,2002,22(1):80
~86Abstract :T he assess m ent of heavy m etal po lluti on in river is an i m po rtant top ic in the fields of w ater quali 2ty research .T he chem ical ,toxico logical o r eco logical app roaches have been extensively and independently
used to assess eco logical consequences of heavy m etals po lluti on in m any rivers
.Independent app licati on of each param eter to assess w ater quality has disci p linary li m itati on and ,therefo re ,the integrati on of these assess m ents gives a better exp lanati on to chem ical po lluti on and the associated eco logical effects in a river .
T h is paper compared the characteristics of chem ical ,bi o logical and eco logical data obtained from the field studies carried out in L e ′an R iver ,J iangxi P rovince during 1992to 1995.T here w ere th ree types of data have been included in the assess m ent :chem ical data include concentrati ons of heavy m etals in river w ater ,interstitial w ater ,and sedi m ent ,toxic data included overall toxicity in different types of samp les perfo r m ed w ith lum inobacterium P .qing hanesis 67and P .p hosp horeum ,algae C .vu lg aris and S .obliqnus ,and invertebrate D .m ag na ,as w ell as eco logical data included the abundance and richness of aquatic and bentho s species in the river .
T he characteristics of different type of data and so 2fo r m ed indicato rs used in traditi onal eco logical risk assess m ent w ere evaluated .T heir app licati on in assessing o r p redicting eco logical i m pact of heavy m etals
could result in differences
.In the case study ,the chem ical data show ed good acco rdance w ith eco logical data ,but neither chem ical no r eco logical data w ere in good acco rdance w ith toxic data .T here w ere tw o m aj o r exp lanati ons to these disagreem ents .F irstly ,the observed toxicity of the co llected samp les could no t be attributed to heavy m etals that w ere m easured and there w ere o ther po llutants o r acidity affecting
the aquatic bi o ta .Secondly ,the chem icals in w ater and in sedi m ent could no t be to tally bi oavailable and the bi oavailability depended on site 2specific aquatic conditi on .
A n integrative m ethodo logy and a h ierarch ical model w ere developed fo r assessing the po tential eco 2logical i m pact of heavy m etal po lluti on in the river .In the app roach ,N em erow Index w as used to describe w ater po lluti on by m ulti p le m etals ,R isk Index w as used to describe sedi m ent po lluti on by m ulti p le m etals ,relative inh ibiti on o r death rate from acute toxicity tests of m ulti p le species w ere classified into toxicity lev 2els to indicate the toxicity associated w ith environm ental samp les ,Shannon 2W eaver D iversity Index w as used to describe diversity of algae ,crustacean ,ro tifer and p ro tozoan comm unities and M argalef D iversity
Index w as used to describe diversity of benthonic m acro invertebrates
.Based on these index ,a h ierarch ical model w as app lied to rank the observed effects and the effects w ere divided into five classes :i
.e .no 2ef 2fect ,sligh tly affected ,moderately affected ,strongly affected and seri ously affected .
It w as show n that the m ulti 2index descri p ti on and the p ropo sed app roach should be an effecti
ve w ay fo r understanding of m etal po lluti on and its associated eco logical i m pact in L e ′an R iver .A t up stream ,w a 2ter po lluti on occurred in raining season and should be m ainly caused by zinc and it show ed a moderate toxi 2city to D .m ag na .Bo th chem ical po lluti on and toxicity to certain species did cause system deteri o rati on .
A ffected by the copper m in discharge ,river w ater w as severely po lluted by heavy m etals and acidity and the aquatic eco system w as severely deteri o rated .How ever ,neither river w ater no r sedi m ent show ed toxic effects in acute bi oassay ,indicating the m etal po llutants ,w hen m easured in to tal concentrati on ,w ere mo stly in inert fo r m s .Eco logical consequence should be m ainly associated w ith acidity .
A t converging w ith J ishui R iver ,w h ich is a tributary discharging so luble m etals to the river ,chem i 2cal ,bi o logical and eco logical data show ed in good acco rdance and the eco system deteri o rati on should be clo sely related w ith heavy m etal po lluti ons .
湍流耗散率Dow nstream of the river ,concentrati ons of heavy m etals in aqueous phase did no t exceed the allow 2able criteria and eco system w as gradually recovered .T he eco system recovery should be due to the diluti on effects ,strong buffer capacity ,as w ell as intrude of species from the lakeside .Ho
深圳潮汕商会会长吴开松w ever ,bo th w ater and sedi m ent show ed sligh t to moderate toxicity ,indicating chem ical po lluti on o ther than m etals and the dis 2turbance to sedi m ent m ay result in po tential eco logical i m pact .
Key words :heavy m etal po lluti on ;eco logical risk assess m ent ;integrated app roach
文章编号:100020933(2002)0120080207 中图分类号:Q 142,X 13112,X 171,5 文献标识码:A
本文基于1992~1995年国际合作生态研究计划(CER P )课题所获得的数据,对乐安江化学、毒理学和生态学数据进行分析比较,提出了一个等级模型,来综合评价乐安江河流重金属污染状况。
1 研究方法
乐安江表层水中主要的污染物是重金属Cu 、Pb 和Zn 。对乐安江表层水中3种重金属浓度,水质评价
标准采用国家《地面水环境质量标准》中的 类标准(GB :3838288)和《渔业水质标准》
(TJ 35279),即:Cu =181期何孟常等:利用综合评价方法和等级模型评价乐安江水体重金属污染 
0101m g l,Pb=0105m g l,Zn=011m g l,采用N em erow水质指数公式进行综合[8]。
乐安江沉积物中主要的污染物也是重金属Cu、Pb和Zn。乐安江沉积物重金属Cu、Pb和Zn的背景浓度分别为45m g kg、34m g kg和117m g kg,采用瑞典学者H akanson的潜在生态风险性指数(R isk Index)公式对多种重金属污染物进行综合评价[9]。
对乐安江河水和沉积物提取液进行了多指标毒性测试,包括发光菌(P hotobacterium p hosp horeum T3和V ibro qing haiensis Q267)、小球藻(Ch lorella vu lg aris)和斜生栅藻(S cened es m us obliqnus)毒性测试,以及大型蚤(D ap hnia m ag na)急性和慢性毒性测试,结果以相对抑制率或相对死亡率表示。
该文所有原始数据分别取自CER P数据库。
根据表层水的N em erow指数值、沉积物生态风险性指数值、生物多样性指数值和毒性检验的相对抑制率或死亡率的大小,可把表层水和沉积物中重金属的污染及生态系统受影响程度分为:没有影响、轻微影响、中等影响、较强影响和严重影响5个等级[7]。针对乐安江河流污染的实际情况,乐安江表层水和沉积物的污染及对生态系统影响的等级划分见表1。
表1 化学、生态学和毒理学评价分类等级模型[7]
Table1 H ierarchical model for che m ical,ecolog ical and tox icolog ical assess men ts
效应I mpact
N em erow
H akanson
R elative
bi odiversity index
Inh ibiti on o r
death rate
没有影响N o i m pact <1<201.00
轻微影响Sligh t i m pact 1~220~800.75~1.00~25%
中等影响M oderate i m pact 2~380~1600.50~0.75>25%~50%
较强影响Strong i m pact 3~5160~2400.25~0.50>50%~75%
严重影响V ery strong i m pact >5>240<0.2575%~100%
  3藻类、浮游动物和底栖动物的平均多样性指数比值(污染站位 对照站位)R elative B i odiversity Index w as defined as the rati o of the averaged bi odiversity index of algae,zoop lank ton and bentho s at po lluted site to that at contro l site
2 结果与讨论
2.1 乐安江表层水化学污染评价
乐安江河水受到来自德兴铜矿的矿山酸性废水和洎水河河水的污染,主要的环境污染物是酸性废水和重金属铜铅锌的污染。利用N em erow指数对河水中的重金属污染程度进行了评价,结果见图2。在乐安江未受德兴铜矿矿山酸性废水污染的对照河段(A01),由于其上游有一活性炭工厂排放一些含锌废水,河水受到轻微的污染。在沽口河段(A04),由于德兴铜矿矿山酸性废水的影响,河水受到重金属的严重污染。另据文献报道,此河段河水中的pH值也相当低,并且丰水期比枯水期酸污染严重,河水pH分别为3124和4125[22]。A05至A06河段,由于河水的稀释、吸附沉淀等作用,表层水没有受到影响。在戴村河段(A07),由于受到来自洎水河河水的重金属污染,表层水重金属污染相当严重。在A08~A13河段,表层水仍有轻微的污染。在蔡家湾(A13)之后,河水才恢复到正常水平。
2.2 沉积物污染评价
根据H akanson的生态风险性(R I)指数公式,探讨了乐安江沉积物中重金属污染。从图3可以看出,海口(A01)沉积物基本上没有污染。沽口(A04)至虎山(A08)河段,具有很高的R I值,沉积物已经污染,并具有很强生态风险性。污染应该主要来自德兴铜矿酸性废水和洎水河。A08至A09河段沉积物具有中等或轻28 生 态 学 报22卷
图1 河流重金属污染评价方法学框图
F ig .1 M ethodo logy fo r the assess m ent of heavy m etal po lluti on
1.M ethod fo r Eco logical R isk A ssess m ent (ERA );
2.A pp roaches in ERA ;
3.Chem ical A pp roach ;
4.Toxico logical A pp roach ;
5.Eco logical A pp roach ;
6.O bjectives of A ssess m ent ;
7.Chem istry of W ater and Sedi m ent ;
8.Toxicity of W ater and Sedi m ent Samp les ;
9.Structure and Functi on of A quatic Eco system ;10.T ask s ;11.A nalysis of H eavy M etals ;12.B i oassay ;13.Eco logical Survey ;14.Index ;15.N em erow Index ;16.Inh ibiti on o r D eath R ate ;17.Species R ichness and B i odiversity ;18.M odels ;19.H ierarch icalM odel ;20.R esults ;21.A ssess m
图2 乐安江表层水重金属污染评价图
F ig .2 T he assess m ent of heavy m etal po lluti on in surface w ater of L e ′an R iver
1.A ssess m ent of Surface W aters  1没有影响N o i m pact  .轻微影响Sligh t i m pact  1中等影响M oderate
i m pact  1较强影响Strong i m pact  1严重影响V ery strong i m pact  A 00
~A 18.样点Samp le p lo t 微的污染,以后逐步减弱,在接近入湖口的蔡家湾(A 13)至龙口(A 16)河段沉积物表现为轻微污染。
2.3 生态学数据评价
48 生 态 学 报22卷
图3 乐安江沉积物重金属污染评价
F ig.3 T he assess m ent of heavy m etal po lluti on in sedi m ent of L e′an R iver(11A ssess m ent of Sedi m ents)
图例同图2L egend sam e as fig.2
图4 乐安江水生生态系统状况评价
F ig.4 T he assess m ent of the eco logical characteristic in L e′an R iver(1.A ssess m ent of Eco system)
jackknife图例同图2L egend sam e as fig.2
2.4 表层水和沉积物提取液生物毒性评价
对于乐安江沉积物提取液进行生物毒性检验结果用几何平均值表示,结果绘于图6。沉积物提取液大型蚤(D.m ag na)急性毒性检验表明,丰水期各河段沉积物都显示极强的毒性,枯水期只有A07河段的样品显示极强的毒性。
乐安江沉积物提取液的藻类(C.vu lg raris和S.obliqnus)生长抑制实验表明,A01、A04和A05样品没有或显示轻微的毒性,A07样品显示中等的毒性,A08样品没有毒性,A13样品显示轻微的毒性。如果仅仅根据上述毒性评价结果,各类样品显示的毒性主要是来自洎水河的污染物,而不是德兴铜矿。
2.5 化学、毒理学和生态学方法评价结果的比较与综合

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