
The professor who/whom you wish to see has come
Their clothes were soaked with sweat.
Built in 1192, the bridge is over 700 hundred years old.
At present, people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle ground reply.
My English examination result is going to arrive this morning. I was on tenterhooks all day yesterday thinking about them.
6. Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle.(英译汉)
He hopes to achieve all his aims by the end of the year.
There is a daylight lamp hanging over the table.
Is he still here or has he gone already?
Nobody wants the house whose roof has fallen in.
After discussion they have agreed on the terms of partnership.
6. His contemptuous attitude towards us is contemptible. (英译汉)
She forgot it altogether.
She is lonesome without the children.
The two sisters look so alike that I can’t tell one from the other.
Some people came by car, others came on foot.
We walked down the village street, where they were having market today.
Walk down沿着…⾛
6. The original writer is not one who imitates nobody, but one whom nobody can imitate.(英译汉)
I am eager to finish the task ahead of schedule.
They argued with the boss about their pay.
We are anxious if he will listen to our advice.
We must find an excuse, any excuse will do.
Happy birthday to my dear Mum.All the words in the world can’t express my gratitude for what you have done for the family every day, for the guidance and help you have given us along the way. Please accept my heartfelt thank and special love meant just for you, May you be happy and healthy all the years ahead.
6.There is only one success-to be able to spend your life in your own way.(英译汉)成功只有⼀种---能够依你⾃⼰的⽅式过⽇⼦。
We reached their house at six yesterday. (reach 是及物动词,直接跟宾语)
Since you are all here, let’s start.
How this happened is not clear to anyone.
We have two spare rooms upstairs,neither of which has been much used in the past two years.
I am so glad to hear that you have passed the examination with a good record. And wish you the best of everything in the future.
6.T o be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.(英译汉)
They will travel by night as well as by day.
She is so sleepy that she can hardly keep her eyes open.
The fact that he hadn’t a ttended the meeting surprised everybody.
The rising waters did a lot of harm to the crops.
Why do you want to change a new job when you already have a good one?
6. Reality is temporaty while ideal is permanent.(英译汉)
1. ⽼虎和猫同科。
The tiger and the cat belong to the same family of animals.
2. 为了防⽌⼈畜触电,⾼压线⼀般采⽤⾼架线传送。
High voltage current is usually carried by overhead wire system so as to prevent living things being electrocuted.
3. ⼼脏是⼈体最重要的器官,如果它停⽌跳动,死亡随之即来。
The heart is the body’s most vital organ; if it stops working, death soon follows.
4. 她的⽗亲是⼀位有名望的教授,但我从没有她⽗亲⾝上看到故作姿态的学者派头。Her father is a famous professor, but I can’t find any scholarly pretence in him.
5. ⼈才外流不仅是埃及的⾸要问题,⽽且是世界那⼀地区很普遍的严重问题。
Brain drain has been Egypt’s Number One concern—as a matter of fact it has become an epidemic in that area of the world.
6. The Congressman tends to be very interested in public works—such as new government buildings, water projects, military bases—that will bring money to the area or improve living conditions.(英译汉)议员⼀般对兴建公共⼯程很感兴趣,因为这样⼀来就能为本地区开辟财源或改善⽣活条件。这类⼯程包括新的办公⼤楼、⽔利设施及军事基地等等。
1. 应该教导⼉童讲真话。
Children should be taught to tell the truth.
2. 他说这个建议很好,他⼀定会加以研究。
He said that this was a good suggestion, which he would look into.
3. 实践证明,科学技术是第⼀⽣产⼒。
It has been found that science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
课程教育研究4. 过去实⾏“闭关⾃守”政策,结果搞得“民穷财困”。
We pursued the policy of ―self-seclusion‖ in the past, resulting in ―the destitution of the peop le and exhaustion of the financial resource‖.
5. 改⾰是振兴中国的唯⼀出路,是⼈⼼所向,⼤势所趋,不可逆转。
Reform is the only process through which China can be revitalized, a process which is irreversible and which accords with the will of the people and the general trend of events.
6. Power would be gotten if there were money to get it with.(英译汉)
1. “全球化”:幸耶不幸?
Is ―Globalizing‖ Help or Hurting?
2. 世界上最早的是在中国制造和使⽤的。
The first explosive in the world was made and used in China.
3. 他殉了⾃⼰的理想,是有意义的。
He had died for his ideal—a meaningful death.
4. 但是现实地考虑⼀下,我们不得不正视这样的事实:我们的前景不妙。
But having considered realistically, we had to face that our prospects were less than good.
5. 按理说,他这样的庸才,正该发迹才是,可是不知为什么,只是不得意。
Y et he failed somehow, in spite of a mediocrity which ought to have insured any man a success.
6. Reading to the mind what exercise is to the body.(英译汉)阅读之于思想,如同锻炼之于⾝体。
1. 这是暴风雪欲来的先兆。
All that foreboded a storm.
2. ⼼脏能安全地打开,其瓣膜能安全地修复。
The heart can be safely opened and its valves repaired.
3. 如何机器,若已知其输⼊⼒和输出⼒,则可以求出其机械效益。
For any machine whose input force and output force are known, its mechanicaladvantage and be calculated.
4. 我觉得《围城》⾥的⼈物和情节,都凭他那股⼦痴⽓,呵成了真⼈真事。
It was those charming mischievous quirks of his that made it possible for him to create the characters and plots for the novel and pass them off as real people and real deeds.
5. 孩⼦们是可爱的,他们天真,坦⽩,热情,⼼⾥想到什么就说什么,没有丝毫虚伪,没有丝毫勉强。
The kids are just lovely. They are na?ve, candid and cordial. They speak straight from the heart, without the slightest insincerity or reluctance.
6. Rods and wires shall have a smooth finish, free from surface imperfections, corrosion products, grease or other foreign matter which would affect the quality of the weld.(英译汉)焊条与焊丝应该表⾯光洁,不能有表⾯缺陷和锈垢、油脂以及其他杂质,因为它们会影响焊接质量。
1. 这件事做得⾮常出⾊。
It’s exce edingly well done.
2. ⼩偷正要逃跑时,被警察抓住了。
The thief, who was about to escape, was caught by the policeman.
3. 为了探测⽉球表⾯,⼈们⼀次⼜⼀次地发射⽕箭。
T o explore the moon’s surface, rockets were launched again and again.
4. 这个增长速度是指导性的,是就全国来说的。
This growth rate serves as a guide which applies to the country as a whole.
5. 树梢上隐隐约约的是⼀带远⼭只是些⼤意罢了。
Over the trees appear some distant mountains, but merely in sketchy silhouette.
6. The order in which the different nucleic acids occur along the spiral staircase carries the genetic information that enables the DNA molecule to assemble an organization around and reproduce itself.(英译汉)这些不同的核酸沿着螺旋式楼梯排列的序列携带着基因信息,使DNA分⼦能围绕着它聚集成⼀个有机体并⾃我复制。
1. ⾰命者是杀不完的。
Revolutionaries can never be wiped out.
2. 那年⽉,有钱⼈是天天过年。
In those years, the rich peop le’s extravagance was such that everyday was a Spring Festival.
3. 屈原的《离骚》,永远使⼈⼈感泣。
Li Sao, authored by Qu Y uan, will continue to touch a deep chord in the heart of every reader through all ages.
4. 正在探索新的途径来利⽤⼯⼚烟囱不断冒出的烟雾。
New ways are being found in making use of the smoke that keeps coming out of the factory chimneys.
5. 春秋战国时期,楚国是疆域最辽阔的诸侯国,加上历时⼋百年,楚国⽂化成为中华民族⽂化的重要组成部分。
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Chu occupied a vast territory and lasted over eight hundred years so that Chu Culture became an important component part of the Chinese Culture.注射方式执行死刑
6. A home without love is no more than a body without a soul. (英译汉)
She lives at ease.
Please put the box in the corner of the room.
If nobody likes you, be sure it is your own fault.
Lacking the information needed for their project, they were for a time truly at a loose end.
for a time 暂时,⼀度 at a loose end ⽆所事事,⽆所适从,不知做什么好
We have seen that the hibernating animal reduces movement to far below the ordinary level.
6. Keep your face always towards the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you.(英译汉)

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