
《拿破仑一世加冕大典》 是画家雅各·路易斯·达维特的旷世大作。这幅画忠实记录了1804年12月2日在巴黎圣母院隆重举行的拿破仑加冕仪式。这位皇帝为了巩固帝位,极其傲慢地让罗马教皇庇护七世亲自来巴黎为他加冕,目的是借教皇在宗教上的巨大号召力,让法国人民以至欧洲人民承认他皇帝的'合法地位'。在加冕时,拿破仑高傲地拒绝跪在教皇前让庇护七世给他加冕。而是把皇冠夺过来自己戴上。达维特为避免这一历史事实,煞费苦心地选用皇帝给皇后约瑟芬加冕的场面。这样,既在画面上突出了拿破仑的中心位置( 拿破仑站起来给皇后加冕),又没有使教皇过分难堪。
1.Napoleon I (1769–1821), is standing, dressed in coronation robes similar to those of Roman emperors. Others are merely passive spectators.《拿破仑一世是站着的,穿着类似罗马皇帝加冕长袍。》
2.Joséphine de Beauharnais (1763–1814), is kneeling in a submissive position, as called for in the French Civil Code. She received the crown from the hands of her husband, not the pope. Her robe is decorated with silk according to a contemporary cartoon by Jean-Francois Bony.《根据法国民典法的要求,约瑟芬要跪着,处于一个顺从的地位。她是从她的丈夫拿破仑一世的手上收到,而不是教皇手中收到的后冠的。她的长袍是用丝绸装饰,由让-弗朗索瓦设计制作而成的。》
3.Maria Letizia Ramolino (1750–1836), mother of Napoleon, was placed in the stands by the painter. She occupies a place more important than the pope. Actually, she did not attend the ceremony to protest the friction of Napoleon with his brothers Lucien and Joseph. Napoleon's father, Charles Bonaparte, died in 1785. Maria Letizia asked the painter to give it a place of honor.In 1808, when Napoleon discovered the canvas completed in the workshop of David, he was transported, and said his gratitude to the painter who had managed to pay tribute to posterity to the affection he was carrying a woman who shared with him the burden of his office.《画家把拿破仑的母亲,玛丽亚·莱蒂齐亚,安置在观礼台上,她占有了比教皇更重要一席之地。其实,她没有出席加冕典礼,
以抗议拿破仑与他的兄弟吕西安和约瑟夫之间的摩擦 。拿破仑的父亲,查尔斯·波拿巴,于1785年去世。玛丽亚·莱蒂齐亚向画家要求把她放进画里的一个荣耀的位置。》
4.Louis Bonaparte (1778–1846), who at the beginning of the empire received the title of grand constable, King of Holland, in 1806. He married Hortense de Beauharnais, the daughter of Josephine.《路易·波拿巴在拿破仑帝国开始之初,他被委任为大警官,1806年担任了荷兰国王。他是与约瑟芬的女儿,霍顿丝结婚的。》
5.Joseph Bonaparte (1768–1844), who was not invited and did not attend because of an argument with Napoleon. This is why his mother did not attend either. After the coronation, he received the title of imperial prince. Then he was king of Naples in 1806 and Spain in 1808.《约瑟夫·波拿巴没有被邀请,由于与拿破仑有争议,所以并没有出席加冕典礼。这就是为什么拿破仑的母亲也没有参加的原因。加冕典礼后,他被封为帝国王子。然后,他在1806年成为那不勒斯国王和在1808年又当上了西班牙国王。》滤波器
6.The young Napoleon Charles Bonaparte (1802–1807), son of Louis Bonaparte and Hortense de Beauharnais.《年幼的拿破仑·查尔斯·波拿巴是路易·波拿巴和霍顿丝的儿子。
7.The sisters of Napoleon. In the replica, the dress of Napolean's favorite sister will be pink. This is the only change in the replica despite being painted from memory.《拿破仑的妹妹。在初稿中,拿破仑的最心爱妹妹的衣服,是粉红。这是对初稿唯一的变动,尽管此画是根据画家的记忆创作的。》
8.Charles-Francois Lebrun (1739–1824), the third consul alongside Napoleon and Cambacérès. Under the First Empire, he took the place of prince-architrésorier. He holds the sceptre。《查尔斯-弗朗索瓦LEBRUN(1739年至1824年),查尔斯-弗朗索瓦,普莱桑斯第一公爵,帝国的王子,是法国政治家。他是执杖官。》
9.Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès (1753–1824), arch-chancellor prince of the empire. He takes the hand of justice.《普莱桑斯的让·雅克-雷吉斯,宫廷执政官,帝国的王子。他掌控司法大权。》
许沂光10.Louis-Alexandre Berthier (1753–1815), minister of war under the Consulate. Marshal
运动Empire in 1805. He keeps the globe surmounted by a cross.《路易斯-亚历山大·贝蒂埃,作战部长。于1805年委任为帝国元帅。》
11.Talleyrand (1754–1836), grand chamberlain since July 11, 1804.《塔列朗,自1804年7月11日起,担任大管家。》
12.Joachim Murat (1767–1815), marshal of empire, king of Naples after 1808, brother-in-law of Napoleon and husband of Caroline Bonaparte.《约阿希姆·缪拉,帝国元帅,1808年后,委任不勒斯国王。是波拿巴·拿破仑的妹夫,卡洛琳·波拿巴丈夫。》
13.Pope Pius VII (1742–1823), was content to bless the coronation. He is surrounded by dignitaries clerics, appointed by Napoleon since the Concordat. In order not to jeopardize the new balance between Church and State, the pope accepted to attend the coronation.《教皇庇护七世(1742年至1823年)理应主持整个加冕仪式。拿破仑早就自己带上了皇冠。为了避免教廷与法兰西帝国矛盾,教皇只好忍气吞声,承受了拿破仑不可一世的傲慢。》

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