
Our last rainy season. 我们最后一个雨季
Just think, Pastuzo. 想想看帕斯图索
This time next month, we'll be in London.下个月这个时候我们就在伦敦
Where the rivers run with marmalade and the streets are paved with bread. 流淌着橘子果酱的小河用面包铺成的马路
Did you read the book about London? 你看过那本关于伦敦的书吗
- I skimmed it. - Oh, Pastuzo! -翻了几页-帕斯图索
Well, reading makes me sleepy. 好吧我看书会睡着的
But any city that can come up 但是只要城市里有这些...
...is all right by me. ...我就无所谓啦
Ooh. Pastuzo, look! 帕斯图索快看
It's a cub! 那...是只小熊
Lucy! 露西
Lower me down. 放我下去
Be careful. 小心点
Lower, Pastuzo. Lower! 往下放帕斯图索再低点儿
Lucy. 露西
Lucy! 露西
I'm afraid we're not going to London after all.恐怕我们去不了伦敦了
Why not? 咋了
We've got a cub to raise. 我们有只熊仔要养了
What's he like? 他长什么样
Rather small. 很小只
And rather sneezy. 还在打喷嚏
But he likes his marmalade.但他喜欢橘子果酱
That's a good sign. 那不错唉
Oh, yes, Pastuzo. 嗯没错啦帕斯图索
If we look after this bear, I have a feeling he'll go far. 如果我们照顾了这只小熊我有预感他
Dear Aunt Lucy, 亲爱的露西婶婶
I hope all is well in the Home for Retired Bears. 我希望您在退休熊之家一切安好
Life in London has been better than ever this summer. 今夏伦敦的生活真的是无与伦比
I've really got to grips with how things work. 我真的学会了怎么生活
And it seems there's something new to do every day. 感觉每天都有新鲜事会发生
Guess what, Paddington. The steam fair's coming to town. 你知道吗帕丁顿镇上就要开蒸汽游乐场了
I'm going along tonight to write about it in my
Who's going to want to read about that? 谁想看这种新闻
Everyone. They travel the world in an old steam train. 大家都想他们会坐着复古蒸汽火车环
I thought you'd love it. 我还以为你喜欢呢
I do. Don't tell anyone, OK? Not cool. 我是喜欢别跟其他人说好吗一点也
- Why don't we all go? - Good idea. -我们干嘛不一起去呢-不错唉
Y our father's a dab hand at the coconut shy. 你老爸可是扔椰子游戏的小能手
Bullseye Brown they used to call him. - Not any more. -人家以前叫他神投手布朗-再也不是
Coconuts are a young man's game. 扔椰子可是年轻人的游戏
Well, I think you're in great shape for a man your age, Mr Brown. 可我觉得就以您的年纪您保养的非常好布朗先生
Ah, thank you, Paddington. Hang on, how old do you
think I am?
多谢了帕丁顿等等你觉得我多少岁Oh, er, about 80. 噢差不多80吧
- Eighty? - At least. -80岁吗-至少啊
Just a minute, young bear. 等等小熊
Thought I told you to wash behind your ears. 我不是说过很多次耳朵后面要洗干净
Oh, but I did, Mrs Bird. I... 我有洗呀伯德夫人我...
I wonder how that got in there. 那硬币哪来的
I really feel at home in Windsor Gardens. 我真的在温莎花园到了家的感觉
- Bonjour, mademoiselle! - Good morning, Paddington. -早啊小-早上好帕丁顿
- I brought you breakfast. - Thank you. -我给你带了早餐-谢谢
Y our sandwiches always put me in a good mood. 每次吃完你的三明治心情就会特别好Morning, Dr Jafri. Haven't forgotten your keys, have
早加法里医生没忘了你的钥匙吧Keys? Keys! Oh, oh! 钥匙对了钥匙
- Well caught. - Thank you, Paddington. -时机刚好-谢谢你帕丁顿
Y ou're welcome. Glorious day, Colonel.不客气元气满满的一天上校
Is it? How absolutely thrilling.是吗绝对是令人兴奋的一天
How was your date, Miss Kitts? 约会怎么样基茨小
Well, he wasn't the one, but you know what they say. 他不是我的类型但你懂的
- Plenty more fish in the sea. - Exactly. -男人多的是-回答正确
Thank you! 谢啦
- Morning, Paddington. - Morning, Mr Barnes. -早啊帕丁顿-早上好巴恩斯先生- Bye, Paddington. - Au revoir, mademoiselle.-再见帕丁顿-再见小
Right, test me. 好了问我吧
What's the quickest way from Baker Street to Big Ben? 从贝克街到大本钟最快的路是哪一条Ah, an easy one. 啊这个简单
Turn right onto Portman Square. 右转到波特曼广场转左... Everyone has been so kind and welcoming, 每个人都特别友善
even though they're very busy. 尽管他们都很忙
Mrs Brown is planning to swim to France. 布朗太太正计划游泳到法国
It seems an awful lot of hard work 貌似是个艰苦的大工程
when you can go by boat or 尤其是现在已经可以乘船
plane or even train. But that's not the point. 坐飞机甚至坐火车过去但这都不是
She's been cooped up all summer 她整个夏天都待在家illustrating a series of adventure stories 描绘下许多冒险故事
and has decided she wants one of her own. 然后决定自己也要去冒险
Judy has been suffering from a broken heart. 朱迪最近失恋了
I'm dumped? I think you'll find you're dumped, Tony. 我被甩吗托尼是我甩你
Her first reaction was to become a nun. 她的第一反应是去做一名修女But she soon got over that 但很快就放弃了这个想法
and has thrown herself into a new hobby. 并且有了新爱好
She found an old printing press at school 她在学校到了一台旧的印刷机And is starting a newspaper, 开始自己发行报纸
with no boys. 不靠男生
Now all we need is some news. 现在万事俱备只差新闻Jonathan is joining her at big school this year. 乔纳森今年上中学了
He spent the holidays 他用了整个暑假
building a fully working steam engine. 建造了一台能运作的蒸汽火车
But I'm not supposed to talk about that as it's "Not cool". 但我不应该透露这事的因为"一点也不酷"
He's got a whole new look 他有了全新的造型
and if anyone asks, he's now called J-Dog 如果有人问起他现在叫杰狗
and he's definitely not into steam trains. 而且他肯定不喜欢蒸汽火车了
- - But Mr Brown has been busiest of all. -那些时刻... -布朗先生是我们中最忙
He recently had a surprise at work. 他最近工作上出了点状况
I am delighted to announce 我很高兴宣布
our new head of risk analysis 我们的风险评估新主管是...
Mr Steve V isby. 史蒂夫·维斯比先生
And this has prompted what 这引起了
Mrs Bird calls "A full-blown midlife crisis".伯德太太口中所说的"中年危机大爆发
It involves blending his food, 这让他开始喝蔬菜汁
painting his hair, 染发
and engaging in a process called chakrabatics. 还参加了瑜伽课程
Open your mind and your legs will follow. 敞开心扉腿随心动
- Thank you, Paddington. - Keep up the good work. -有劳了帕丁顿-好好加油哦
Oh, Aunt Lucy, you sent me to London to find a home, 露西婶婶你送我来伦敦安家
and it's worked out better than I ever imagined. 看来我到了而且比预想的要好很多I have a wonderful family. 我有个美好的大家庭
And have made friends in all sorts of places. 而且走到哪里都广交朋友
Here, boy. 过来小伙子
There you go, Wolfie.慢慢吃灰太狼
I do hope if you could see me, you'd be pleased. 如果你亲眼看到我你肯定会很开心Lots of love, from Paddington. 爱你的帕丁顿
- Mr Gruber? - Ah, Mr Brown, come in. -格鲁伯先生在吗-布朗先生啊快请
I just had a visit from Madame Kozlova who runs the fair. 我刚从柯兹洛娃太太那儿过来她办了这个游乐场
- Oh, yes? - They were having a clear-out -真的吗-他们正在大清理
and found all these old crates stuffed full with
然后到了这些装满了回忆的旧箱子they thought had been lost forever. 他们以为早就弄丢了
She asked me if I would sell it for them while they're in town. 她问我可不可以趁他们还在镇上把东西卖掉
And it struck me there might be something in here for your auntie's birthday. 我就想这里面可能有东西适合送给你婶婶做生日礼物
华沙公约Oh, good idea. 好主意
Ah, look at this! 哇快看这个
It's very nice, Mr Gruber, 这很棒格鲁伯先生
- - I know, I know, it has to be perfect. -但是... -我明白必须得完美
Well, since Uncle Pastuzo died, 自从帕斯图索叔叔不在了
I'm the only relative she's got left. 我就是她唯一的亲人了
And it isn't every day a bear turns a hundred. 而且熊族过百岁生日并不常见
Quite so. Ah! 对的
How about these rolling shoes? 这双溜冰鞋怎么样
Please, Mr Gruber, be serious. 拜托格鲁伯先生认真一点好吗Perhaps your auntie's rolling days are behind her. 也许你婶婶已经过了玩轮滑的年纪了I think you might be right. 我也是这么想的
Oh, what's this? 噢这是什么
That must be the popping book. V ery interesting. 这应该是本立体书很有意思Really? 真的吗
Y ou see, Madame Kozlova's great-grandmother, 柯兹洛娃太太的曾祖母
who started the fair, was also a brilliant artist. 创办了这个游乐场也是一位杰出的艺
And every time they visited a new city, 她每到一个新城市
She made a popping book to remember it by. 都会做一本立体书来纪念它
And this is London. 这本就是关于伦敦的
Oh, Mr Gruber, it's wonderful. 格鲁伯先生这书太棒了
Aunt Lucy always dreamed of coming to 露西婶婶一直梦想着来伦敦...
never had the chance. But if she 但从来都没有机会如果她看到了这本
it would be like she were finally here.就会像亲自到了伦敦
Aunt Lucy! Aunt Lucy! 露西婶婶露西婶婶
Paddington! 帕丁顿
Come with me, Aunt Lucy. 跟我来露西婶婶
Oh, yes, please. I want to see everything. 好的我正想到处看看呢
Get all your racing news right here. 这里有最新的赛马消息
- Well, what do you think? - It's wonderful. -你觉得怎么样-太棒了
Right here, ladies 这里女士们先生...
2008北京 油画All aboard! 请上车
One and a half bears, please. 一只幼熊带一只成年熊谢谢
- Mind your step, madam. - Oh. What a polite young
What a polite young pigeon. 小鸽子们也很有礼貌啊
Oh, Paddington, you've made an old bear so very
This is perfect. 太完美了
- We have a snag. - Do we? -有个问题-怎么了
Y ou see, this popping book is the only one of its kind. 这本立体书是独一无二的
and they want rather a lot of money for it. 他们要价很高
Oh, well, Mrs Bird found this coin in my ear at breakfast. 伯德夫人早上在我耳朵里发现了这枚硬币
Perhaps there's more. 也许会有更多
It would take more than an earful, Mr Brown. 要比这多得多布朗先生
I'm afraid you would need a thousand of those coins. 恐怕得要一千多个这样的硬币
Let's take another look at the monkey. I think he's
要不再看看这个猴子吧我觉得超棒的I can fix that. 我能修好
That's very kind, Mr Gruber, 谢谢你的好意格鲁伯先生但... Aunt Lucy did so much for me when I was a cub 露西婶婶把我从小带大
and this could be my way of saying thank you. 我想送她这个报答她
I'm going to get a job and buy that book. 我要份工作攒钱买下这本书
Back in a few minutes, Paddington. Ciao ciao. 我去去就回帕丁顿拜拜
Ciao ciao, Mr Giuseppe. 再见朱塞佩先生
Good afternoon. Welcome to Giuseppe's grooming
What can I do for you today, sir? A shave? A light pomade? 请问需要什么服务先生刮脸还是上发油
Or is it just a brush? 或者只是梳个头
Quick trim, barber. 快速修剪下师傅
Oh, I'm not the barber. I just tidy up. 我不是理发师我是打扫卫生的
蒋雄达Y eah, well, that's all I want. 对啊我就是想整理下
Tidy up the back and sides. Nothing off the top. 修一下后面和旁边的头发顶上的不要
- Y es, - No "Buts". Come on, man, chop chop. -好可是... -没有可是快点赶紧的If you say so, sir. 既然您这么说了先生
G-G-Giuse-e-e-eppe's? 朱朱朱塞塞塞塞佩美发
W-W-Would you mi-I-ind if I call you ba-ack? 您您您稍等一会儿给您回回电
I think I ma-ay be about to sha-ave a customer. 我现在要要给客人剪剪头

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