
E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application
For the E5515C (8960) Wireless Communications Test Set Technical Overview
Speed UMTS test plan development and get your devices to market sooner, while ensuring compliance with TS34.121 test standards.
The E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application, when used with the Agilent GSM, GPRS, and EGPRS applications, is the industry standard for Universal Mobile Telecommunications (UMTS) mobile test.  Agilent’s 8960 (E5515C) test set provides you with a single hardware platform that covers all the UMTS/3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) radio formats: W-CDMA, HSPA, GSM, GPRS, and EGPRS.
Exceed your calibration test time goals with the E1999A-202 fast device tune measurement.  Simultaneously calibrate your device’s transmitter (Tx) output power and receiver (Rx) input level across level and frequency. E1999A-202 is a superset of the discontinued E1999A-201. It not only offers the equivalent capabilities of the
E1999A-201, but is also further enhanced to reduce the calibration test times for W-CDMA, cdma2000®, and 1xEV-DO wireless devices with smaller step size support (10 ms step size versus 20 ms step size).
Reach your high-volume production goals by moving prototypes quickly into production with this test solution’s fast and repeatable measurements, accurate characterization, and ease of programming.  The HSPA, W-CDMA, GSM, GPRS, and EGPRS product combination delivers a complete and integrated UMTS test solution in a single box. FM radio source, a single channel GPS source (E1999A-206) and PESQ measurement (E1999A-301) are also added into the test box for FM radio receiver calibration, GPS receiver calibration and audio quality test without the need of an external audio analyzer. This fast, one-box approach simplifies your production process and increases your production line effectiveness.  With the most complete test functionality for 3GPP TS34.121 Section 5 and 6 tests, E1963A Options 403,405 and 413 provide fast, flexible measurements and options in user equipment (UE) connectivity, giving design and manufacturing test engineers more flexibility in creating test plans and the assurance that designs meet technology standards. The option 423 supports 64QAM downlink modulation and RB test mode connection.
Key Capabilities
•Fast device calibration across level and frequency simultaneously
•Test HSPA devices as defined in 3GPP TS34.121
•Switch between HSPA sub-test conditions while on an active connection
•Test all UMTS technologies with one connection maintained throughout
•Test all frequency bands I through XIV
•FM and GPS receiver calibration in one box混沌模式
•Test vocoder speech quality using the industry standard PESQ algorithm
Tx measurements W-CDMA HSDPA HSUPA Thermal power Yes Yes Yes Channel power Yes Yes Yes Adjacent channel leakage ratio Yes Yes Yes Waveform quality Yes Yes Yes Spectrum emission mask Yes Yes Yes Phase discontinuity Yes Yes Yes Inner loop power Yes  Occupied bandwidth Yes Yes Yes Code domain power Yes Yes Yes
IQ constellation Yes Yes- Yes
Tx on/off power Yes Yes Yes Frequency stability Yes Yes Yes Dynamic power analysis Yes Yes Yes
Tx dynamic power Yes
Spectrum monitor Yes Yes Yes
3GPP TS 34.121 Adherence
34.121 Test
description E1963A
5.2 Maximum output power Yes
(Release 5 only)
5 5.2AA Maximum output power with HS-DPCCH
(Release 6 and later)
5.2B Maximum output power with HS-DPCCH and  E-
Yes5 5.2C UE-relative code-domain power accuracy Yes5
5.3 Frequency
error Yes
5.4.1 Open loop power control Yes
5.4.2 Inner loop power control Yes
5.4.3 Minimum output power Yes
5.4.4 Out-of-sync handling of output power E6703X2 5.5.1 Transmit off power Yes
5.5.2 Transmit on/off time mask Yes
5.6 Change of TFC E6703X
5.7 Power setting in UL compressed mode
5.7A HS-DPCCH Yes5
5.8 Occupied bandwidth (OBW)Yes端粒的功能
5.9 Spectrum emission mask (SEM) Yes
5.9A Spectrum emission mask with HS-DPCCH Yes5 5.9B Spectrum emission mask with E-DCH Yes5 5.10 Adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACLR) Yes
5.10A ACLR with HS-DPCCH Yes5 5.10B ACLR with E-DCH Yes5 5.11 Spurious
emissions Yes2 5.12 Transmit
intermodulation Yes3 5.13.1 Error vector magnitude (EVM) Yes
5.13.1A Error vector magnitude (EVM) with HS-DPCCH Yes5 5.13.1AA EVM and phase discontinuity with HS-DPCCH Yes5 5.13.2 Peak code domain error Yes
5.13.2A Relative code domain error with HS-DPCCH Yes
5.13.2B Relative code domain error with HS-DPCCH and
5.13.3 Phase discontinuity measurement Yes
34.121 Test
description E1963A/ E6703X
6.2 Reference
sensitivity Yes
6.3 Maximum input level Yes 6.3A Maximum input level for HS-DPCCH reception
6.4 Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS)
(Release 99 and Release 4)
Yes1 6.4A ACS (Release 5 and later releases) Yes1
6.5 Blocking
characteristics Yes1
6.6 Spurious
response Yes1
6.7 Intermodulation
characteristics Yes1
6.8 Spurious
emissions Yes2
1 Requires use of external source
2 Requires use of external spectrum analyzer
3 Requires use of external spectrum analyzer and source
4 Internal fading is possible using Baseband Studio.  Most of these tests require external instrumentation such as faders.  Consult TS34.121 for details.
5 Requires Feature option license 3GPP TS
34.121Test description E1963A
7.2Demod in static propagation Yes
7.3Demod in multi-path E6703X4
7.4Demod in moving channel E6703X4
7.5Demod in birth-death E6703X4
What to Order for W-CDMA/HSPA
Model number Description
E5515C8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set
E5515C-003Flexible CDMA base station emulator
E1963A W-CDMA mobile test application
E1963A-403HSDPA test modes
HSDPA 14.4Mbps TM
HSUPA test modes
E1963A-423HSPA+ test modes
What to Order for UMTS
Model number Description
E5515C8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set
E5515C-002Second RF source
E5515C-003Flexible CDMA base station emulator
E1963A W-CDMA mobile test application
E1963A-403HSDPA test modes
E1963A-405HSDPA 14.4Mbps test mode
E1963A-413HSUPA test modes
E1963A-423HSPA+ test modes
E1968A-202GSM/GPRS/EGPRS mobile test application
E1987A Fast switching test application
Feature Options List for W-CDMA/HSPA Model number Description
E1963A-401End-to-end video
强酸弱碱盐E1963A-402Video loopback
E1963A-403HSDPA test modes
E1963A-405HSDPA 14.4Mbps test mode
E1963A-408Enhanced Audio (real-time vocoder, WB-AMR, DAI) E1963A-409Adv. SMS
E1963A-413HSUPA test modes
刚果红HSPA+ test modes
Enhanced fast device tune measurement
Single channel GPS source
PESQ Measurement
Related Literature
E1963A W-CDMA Test Application, photocard, 5989-3414EN
Agilent 8960 Wireless Communications Test Set HSPA Applications, photocard, 5989-7515EN
8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set, configuration guide, 5968-7873E
For More Information
Learn more about the E1963A test application and HSPA Options at:
For details on the manufacturing test solutions visit:
www.agilent/find/8960mfg Technical Specifications
These specifications apply to an E5515C mainframe with Option 003 (or E5515B/T upgraded to equivalent configuration) when used with the latest E1963A test application or the E1987A test application.
Specifications describe the test set’s warranted performance and are valid for the unit’s operation within the stated environmental ranges unless otherwise noted.  All specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period of continuous operation.
Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide typical, but non-warranted, performance parameters that may be useful in applying the instrument.  These characteristics are shown in italics and labeled as “typical” or “supplemental.”  All units shipped from the factory meet these typical numbers at +25 °C ambient temperature without including measurement uncertainty. What Included in This Technical Overview滨州学院图书馆
This data sheet is organized in four sections:
•HSPA Specifications
•W-CDMA Specifications
•HSPA and W-CDMA Common Technical Specifications •General Specifications
HSPA/HSPA+ Specifications
(E1963A Option 403, 405, 413 and 423)
Call connection types
HSPA FDD test mode
HSPA FDD test modes are supported by the E1963A.  FDD test mode provides Layer 1 functionality only.  No higher-level signaling is provided or accepted.  No higher-level call processing operations are performed.  The test set assumes that the user has appropriately configured the UE.
FDD test mode allows you to test the parametric performance of your UE’s transmitter and receiver
without call processing.  In FDD test mode, the test set does not send any signaling information on the downlink.  Rather, it continuously generates a downlink signal and searches for a corresponding uplink signal.  The UE must synchronize to the downlink signal and send an appropriate uplink signal, which the test set uses to measure the UE’s transmitter and receiver performance.  Any changes to the UE configuration must be accomplished by directly sending commands to the UE from a system controller through a proprietary digital interface.
wireless.agilent/rfcomms/refdocs/wcdma/ wcdma_gen_bse_fddtest.php
FRC H-Set support
H-Set Modulation Nominal avg. inf. Bit rate (Mbps)
2 QPSK, 16QAM 0.801, 1.166
3 QPSK, 16QAM    1.601, 2.332
4 QPSK 0.534
5 QPSK 0.801
6 QPSK, 16QAM    3.219, 5.689
8 64QAM 13.252
10 QPSK, 16QAM    4.68, 8.774
HSPA RB test mode
RB test mode uses signaling to establish a test control connection between the test set and UE, allowing you to test the parametric performance of your UE’s transmitter and receiver. In RB test mode, the test set provides signaling to establish a connection between the UE and the test set.  The test set can also signal the UE to change its configuration and alter the uplink signal.  The test set measures the uplink signal to determine the UE’s transmitter and receiver performance.  RB test mode is operated on the downlink, simultaneously supporting a symmetrical RMC (Reference Measurement Channel) of 12.2 kbps.  This symmetrical RMC is typically used for transmitter testing and receiver testing using BER.
wireless.agilent/rfcomms/refdocs/wcdma/ wcdma_gen_bse_hsdpa_rbtest_setup.php HSPA handovers
To support the HSPA tests and sub-test conditions specified in the 3GPP standards, the Transport Channel Reconfiguration procedure allows you to change HSPA parameters while on a live connection. βc, βd, ∆ACK,∆NACK, ∆CQI, CQI feedback cycle (k), CQI repetition factor, Ack-Nack repetition factor, and default DPCH offset (DOFF) parameters can all be modified without dropping the HSPA connection. In addition, when using the user-defined DL configuration for HSDPA in RB test mode, the number of HARQ processes and UE IR buffer size can be changed on a live HSDPA connection to provide flexibility in testing multiple configurations
The Radio Bearer Reconfiguration allows you to handover from a CS Domain or CS/PS Domain HSDPA RB Test Mode connection or HSPA RB Test Mode connection to a (non-HSDPA/non-HSPA) symmetrical RMC. The Radio Bearer Reconfiguration also allows you to change many other network parameters as part of the reconfiguration.
You can also hand over between channels within a band and between bands using the Physical Channel Reconfiguration procedure.  This allows you to test channels in the low, middle, and high frequency portions of each UE-supported band without dropping the HSPA connection.
wireless.agilent/rfcomms/refdocs/wcdma/ wcdma_gen_call_handoffs.php
Inter-system handovers
Almost all UEs support multiple formats today. To speed the process of testing multiple formats with call processing, you can perform handovers from HSPA to GSM and from HSPA to W-CDMA. If your test plan requires testing HSPA followed by GSM, GPRS, and/or EGPRS, you can hand over from an HSPA FRC to GSM test mode using the system handover. If your test plan requires testing W-CDMA as well, you can hand over from an HSPA FRC to a W-CDMA RMC, then use the existing W-CDMA RMC to GSM test mode system handover to test GSM, GPRS, and/or EGPRS.
wireless.agilent/rfcomms/refdocs/wcdma/ wcdma_gen_call_handoffs.php
HSDPA user-defined downlink
Verify your device’s HSDPA throughput at the MAC-hs level with the user-defined downlink (DL) in the E1963A Option 403 and 405. Flexibly configure the 8960 to provide up to a 14.4 Mbps Radio Bearer (RB) test mode signal for testing HS-DSCH category 9 and 10 devices by setting the number of active HS-PDSCHs, transport block size index, modulation type, inter-TTI, number of HARQ processes, and UE incremental redundancy (IR) buffer size. HSPA+ option supports DL 64QAM and throughput is up to 21 Mbps.
wireless.agilent/rfcomms/refdocs/wcdma/ wcdma_gen_bse_hsdpa_rbtest_setup.php
HSPA RF generator
W-CDMA channels active in HSPA mode
(spread factor) Default assignment
Alternate choices
P-CCPCH (256)    1 --PICH (256) 16
channel code settable within available code
DPCH, 12.2 kpbs RMC
20 HSDPA within available code
HS-SCCH-2 (128)    6 HS-SCCH-3 (128) 9 HS-SCCH-4 (128) 10 HS-PDSCH (16) 7
122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127
HSUPA within available code
E-HICH (128) 22 E-RGCH (128) 22
Common pilot channel relative level:  -20 to 0 dB
Primary CCPCH relative level:  -20 to 0 dB  PICH relative level:  -20 to 0 dB
DPCH relative level :  settable from -30 to 0 dB with 0.01 dB resolution
HS-SCCH relative level of individual code channels:
HS-SCCH channel can be off but at least one channel is in presence. For 64QAM downlink, at least two channels are in presence.    the channel level is settable from -20 to 0 dB  HS-PDSCH relative level of all active code channels:    settable from -20 to 0 dB
Primary sync channel relative level:  always the same as P-CCPCH
Downlink CDMA modulation
Modulation type:  QPSK,16QAM and 64 QAM per 3GPP standard  QPSK residual EVM :  < 10%, typically < 3%
QPSK carrier feed through:  < -25 dBc , typically < -35 dBc  nominal ambient performance: < -45 dBc  16QAM residual EVM:  typically < 3%
16QAM carrier feed through:  typically < -35 dBc  nominal ambient performance: < -45 dBc
OCNS – orthogonal channel noise source
Composed of 6 channels per Table E.5.5 in Annex E of 3GPP 34.121. OCNS channel can be off but at least 1 OCNS channel is in presence.
OCNS channel relative level range:  automatically calculated from other code channel relative levels to provide the
composite W-CDMA cell power, but user-allocated channel level available.

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