
国家杜马[摘 要] 复合钕铁硼磁体在高温潮湿环境下易被腐蚀,因而需要涂层保护。研究了复合永磁
D 2060M 环氧树脂电泳漆,在漆液温度28~32℃,电压120~180V,固化温度150~170℃的电泳工艺条件下,在锶铁氧体含量质量分数少于30%的磁体表面可包覆上一层致密、光滑的,且具有优异耐蚀性能的涂层。
[关键词] 阴极电泳;;钕铁硼;锶铁氧体[]A  [文章编号]1001-1560(2006)04-0055-03
  [收稿日期] 20051009
0 前 言
由于快淬钕铁硼磁粉特别是MQ 磁粉的价格较贵,在很大程度上影响了黏结钕铁硼磁体的广泛
1 试 验
1.1试 样
试验采用麦格昆磁有限公司的快淬NdFe B 磁
粉(MQP 21627)和霸菱磁材有限公司提供的S ME 27S 各向同性锶铁氧体磁粉,黏结剂为北京航空材
料研究所的SY 2TG1环氧树脂(含有一定的固化剂
和促进剂),电泳漆为杭州优立化工的EED 2060M 环氧树脂电泳漆,其他试剂均为分析纯。
将NdFe B 磁粉与锶铁氧体磁粉分别以1ζ0,9ζ1,8ζ2,7ζ3,6ζ4,5ζ5,4ζ6,3ζ7的质量比
进行共混,然后用含磁粉总质量1%的KH550硅烷偶联剂溶液包覆处理并干燥后与SY 2TG1环氧树脂以97ζ3的质量比混合,其溶剂为丙酮。将上述干燥的复合磁粉压制成<18mm ×14mm ×6mm 的圆环,并加热固化成黏结钕铁硼/铁氧体复合永磁体试样。磁体经前处理后进行电泳涂覆,整个工艺流程为:工件抛光→除油→热水洗→冷水洗→除锈(无锈可省略该工序)→冷水洗→表面调整→磷化→冷水洗→纯水洗→阴极电泳→纯水循环洗→纯水淋洗→干燥→固化→检验。
将工件放入ZHXX M 280型抛光机中进行倒角,时间20~30m in;清洗除油选用LCX 252常温水基清洗剂;用稀酸溶液除锈;常温下进行表调;于50~55℃之间对磁体进行磷化。前处理各工序的
  在工件进入电泳槽前,检查除油和磷化质量,杜绝除油不净或磷化上膜不全的工件入槽电泳。1.2 电泳工艺参数
  固体15%~25%,pH 值5.5~6.5,
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表1 前处理各工序参数
除油  1.50~2.00室温120~180除锈(酸)8.00~10.00室温~4030~60表调(钛盐)0.20~0.30
60~200V,电泳时间1~3m in,漆液温度20~35
℃,电导率(1000±400)μg/c m ,固化温度150~170℃,固化时间20~30m in 。
2 结果与讨论
2.1 基体
通过H itachiS 24700场发射扫描电镜观察黏结钕铁硼/铁氧体断面的微观形貌(见图1)。其中灰、片状的为快淬NdFe B 磁粉,黑的为铁氧体磁粉,白的为环氧树脂。环氧树脂与铁氧体的电阻率都很高,它们的存在一方面使磁体表面的电阻率升高,另一方面容易导致磁体电阻率分布不均匀,特别是在有铁氧体磁粉存在的情况下,极易导致电泳涂层厚度不均
图1 黏结磁体微观形貌
  根据G B1424—96,用QJ57型直流电阻电桥测
R ×S
图2 永磁铁氧体含量对复合磁体电阻率的影响
层,而铁氧体含量为40%的复合磁体则阴极电泳效果很差,涂层包覆不均匀或出现较多麻点,这时就得考虑改用浸涂、静电喷涂等其他表面处理工艺。另外,快淬钕铁硼磁粉的颗粒度一般都在50~300μm 之间,粒度跨越较大,如不进行粒度筛选,压制出的磁体表面比较粗糙,不利于电泳时生成优质的涂层。在保证磁体磁性能要求的前提下,在复合钕铁硼磁体中加入铁氧体磁粉(粒度在l μm 左右),可降低磁体的生产成本。2.2 工艺参数
2.2.1 漆液温度
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图3 电泳温度对电泳厚度的影响
  对于EED 2060M 电泳漆,槽温选择在28~32℃范围内可获得均匀、光滑的涂层。
2.2.2 电压
H (t )=k ∫t
o u (t )J (t )d t
式中H (t )为涂层厚度,u (t )为施加的电压,J (t )为磁体表面的电流密度,k 为比例常数在电泳时通常采用恒电压供电,即u (t )=u 0为常值。由于树脂涂料本身绝缘,当工件表面沉积涂层后,电阻会快速升高直至电流密度J (t )为零,从而电泳结束。在电泳过程中,主要利用电压的大小来控制涂层厚度。一般极间电压高则电场作用力强,单位时间内会有更多的树脂离子沉积,因而涂层增厚。但电压过高会使涂层太厚且涂层粗糙,烘烤后外观质量差,出现桔皮堆积及针孔现象。当电压超过“破裂电压”时,沉积出的漆膜会被高电压击穿,电解反应加剧,电极表面产生大量的气体,从而使漆膜局部破损。故应
根据所涂工件的形状与大小、槽液温度高低,所需涂层的厚薄来选择最佳电压,特别是电泳漆刚配制时,其溶剂含量及导电率均相对较高,此时电泳电压应适当降低。本试验样品和EE D 2060M 电泳漆的合适电压为120~180V 。
2.2.3 固化温度
NdFe B 复合永磁体经电泳后必须经过烘烤固
3 涂层性能
3.1 物理性能
光滑、无缺陷,涂层厚度10~25μm ,铅笔硬度5H 。经过充磁过程的剧烈冲击,漆膜保持完好。3.2 耐蚀性能
电泳涂层盐雾试验按G B 10125—88进行,湿热试验在60℃,湿度95%下进行。表2给出了电泳涂层,无涂层的含2.5%环氧树脂的复合黏结磁体(锶铁氧体含量质量分数≤30%)的盐雾和湿热试验结果。
沈禾表2 环氧树脂对复合黏结磁体耐腐蚀性能的影响
5%NaCl 盐雾试验出现锈蚀时间/h
4 结 论
涂层的磁体可获得具有优异耐腐蚀性能的涂层;而锶铁氧体磁粉在复合NdFe B 黏结磁体中超过30%时,却难以获得光滑的涂层。
锶铁氧体黏结磁体,在漆液温度为28~32℃,电泳电压120~180V 下进行电泳并于150~170℃固化后,
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ing,Xi’an University of A rchitectural Science and Technol ogy, Xi’an710055,China)Cailiao B aohu2006,39(4),36~38 (Ch).Because of its high mechanical strength,str ong corr osi on
resistance,good conductivity and catalytic activity,Pt/Nb elec2 tr ode has been widely used in cathodi
c p r otecti on,industrial e2 lectr olysis,p reparati on of i on water,and s o on.Thus orthogonal test was carried out t o establish the op ti m al technol ogy f or the p reparati on of Pt/Nb electr ode fr om an aqueous electr op lating bath.The perf or mance of the resulting Pt/Nb electr ode was eval2 uated.A s the results,the op ti m ized electr op lating bath was de2 ter m ined t o be composed of15g/L Pt(NH2)2(NO2)2・2H2O, 100g/L NH2OS O2H,4g/L additive(organic a m ine).And the op ti m al electr op lating para meters were suggested as current den2 sity50~150A/m2and bath te mperature60~80℃.The p lat2 ing bath of the op ti m ized f or mulati on had good evenΟp lating ca2 pacity and could be used t o p repare compact and bright Pt/Nb e2 lectr ode of a thickness about10μm,at a cathode current effi2 ciency as much as32%.And the resulting Pt/Nb electr ode had good perf or mance.
Key words:Pt/Nb electr ode;ni obiu mΟbased electr op lating;p rep2 arati on
Effect of Technolog i ca l Param eters for L i qu i dΟPha se Pulse D ischarge of T i Electrode on the For ma ti on and Properti es of T i C Coa ti n g on Pl a i n Carbon Steel Substra te
J I E XiaoΟhua,J I N G A i,LU GuoΟhui,L I U YiΟfan,X I E Guang Οr ong(School ofMaterials and Energy Sources,Guangdong Poly2 technic University,Guangzhou510640,China)Cailiao B aohu 2006,
39(4),39~41(Ch).W ith a vie w t o the p r om inent eco2 nom ic significance in the surface modificati on of cutting t ools u2 sing liquidΟphase pulse discharge,Ti C cera m ic coating was p re2 pared on the surface of45steel,making use of the l owΟte mpera2 ture highΟenergy p las ma p r oduced bet w een Ti electr ode and45 steel i m mersed in liquid ker osene in the p resence of continual pulse discharge.The effect of the pulse discharging parameters on the for mati on and hardness of the Ti C coating was investiga2 ted.Results showed that the peak current and pulse onΟti m e had p ri m ary effects on the coating for mati on,while the pulse offΟti m e and depositing ti m e had al m ost no effect on the hardness but thickness of the Ti C coating.Itwas feasible t o obtain Ti C coating with high hardness at a relatively s mall peak current and short pulse durati on.
Key words:Ti electr ode;pulse discharging;Ti C coating;tech2 nol ogical para meters
Curren t St a te and Progress of Research on Copper I nh i b i2 tors
HE Jun,Y U Ping,LUO YunΟbai(School of Che m istry and Mo2 lecular Science,W uhan University,W uhan430072,China)Cail2 iao B aohu2006,39(4),42~47(Ch).The research p r ogress a2 bout copper and copper all oy inhibit ors was revie wed.Thus the synergistic effects a mong copper and its all oy inhibit ors and vari2 ous other inhibit orswere discussed with res pect t o acidic mediu m, Cl-Οcontai
ning mediu m,sea water,and nearly neutral aqueous mediu m.The current state and devel opment trend about the re2 search method and p retreat m ent of the inhibit ors were briefed as well.
Key words:inhibit or;copper all oy;copper corr osi on
Study on HotΟD i p A lu m i n i z i n g Technology for O il P i pe Steels and Properti es of the HotΟD i pped A lu m i n i z i n g Coa t2 i n g
J I A NG M ing,L I GuoΟxi,L I U ChangΟsheng,ZHNEG YiΟran (I nstitute ofMaterials,Northeast University,Shenyang110004, China)Cailiao B aohu2006,39(4),48~51(Ch).The oil p i pes made of J55and N80steels are liable t o corr osi onΟinduced perforati on,which leads t o seri ous obstacle and da mage t o the safe p r oducti on in oil fields.Fortunately,it is feasible t o greatly increase the heatΟand corr osi onΟresistance of the steels making use of hotΟdi p alu m inizing.Thus a study was made with res pect t o the op ti m izati on of hotΟdi p alu m inizing technol ogy for the oil p i pe steels,and the t w oΟbath flux method was established as the op ti m al alu m inizing technol ogy for the oil p i pe steels,based on comparis on with vari ous other methods for alu m inizing.The thickness and m icr ostructure of the resulting hotΟdi p alu m inizing coatings on J55and N80steelswere analyzed by means of op tical m icr oscopy.The corr osi on resistance of the J55and
N80steels, with and without the hotΟdi p alu m inizing coatings,i m mersed in aqueous s oluti on of3%NaClwas comparatively evaluated,while the fracture strength of the J55and N80steels with and without the hotΟdi p alu m inizing coatings was deter m ined using a pullΟf orce machine f or strength measurement.The results showed that the hotΟdi p alum inizing coatings on both the J55and N80steels were composed of alu m inu m layer and FeΟA l inter metallic com2 pound layer.The J55and N80steels coated with the hotΟdi p a2 lu m inizing coatings showed better corr osi on resistance than those without the alu m inizing coatings,but the mechanical strength of the alu m inized steels was decreased t o s ome extent.Na mely, owing t o the te mpering at high te mperature and gr owing up of carbides during the alu m inizing p r ocess,the fracture strength of the alu m inized J55and N80steels dr opped by10.5%and8. 2%,res pectively,as compared t o those without alu m inizing. Key words:hotΟdi p alu m inizing;J55and N80steels;heat-re2 sistance;corr osi on resistance
Prepara ti on and Appli ca ti on of a Novel W a ter-Soluble Corrosi on I nh i b itor Used i n O il F i eld
HUANG XueΟbin1,2,CHE N ZongΟlin1,2,ZHAO W enΟzhen1 (1.School of M aterials,Xi’an J iaot ong University,Xi’an 710049,China;2.No.1O il Extracti on Fact ory,Zhongyuan O il Field,Puyang457071,China)Cailiao B aohu2006,39(4),52~54(Ch).W ith a vie w t o the p r oblem s s
uch as large s olubility in oil and poor inhibiti on functi on of currently used corr osi on in2 hibit ors in oil fields,a novel waterΟs oluble corr osi on inhibit or ZYCΟ1was devel oped based on a series of op ti m izati on tests concerning emulsificati on behavi or,waterΟs olubility,and corr o2 si onΟinhibiting effect.The corr osi onΟinhibiti on acti on of the ne wly devel oped corr osi on inhibit or ZYCΟ1was investigated u2 sing sealed stirring method in an evenly m ixed waterΟoil fluid.It was found that ZYCΟ1intr oduced int o the wells and oil p i pes as the waterΟs oluble corr osi on inhibit or was capable of greatly de2 creasing the t otal a mount of Fe i ons and the corr osi on rate as well,which could make it feasible t o put ZYCΟ1int o br oader field app licati ons.
Key words:waterΟs oluble corr osi on inhibit or;corr osi on rete; corr osi on inhibiti on acti on;app licati on
Study of Electrophoresis Technology for NdΟFeΟB/SrΟFer2 r ite Bonded Co m posite M agnet
J I A NG L iΟqiang1,CHE N Q iaoΟling1,L I RunΟfeng2,Q IW anΟliang1(1.School of Che m ical Engineering and M aterials,Zhe2 jiang Polytechnic University,Hangzhou310014,China;2.Han2 gzhou J ingzheng Magnet I ndustry and Trade Cor porati on L td., Hangzhou311612,China)Cailiao B aohu2006,39(4),55~57 (Ch).The app licati on of bonded NdΟFeΟB magnet is partly hindered by its
poor corr osi on resistance at high te mperature and in hu m id envir on ment.Fortunately,it is feasible t o greatly in2 crease the corr osi on resistance of the NdΟFeΟB magnet using va2 ri ous coatings.Thus the effects of the composite per manent mag2 net substrate and of cathodic electr ophoresis p r ocessing para me2 ters on the coating quality were investigated,based on measure2 ment of the resistance using a directΟcurrent resistance bridge and of the corr osi on resistance using saltΟs p raying test and hu2 m id-hot i m mersi on test.A s the results,it was feasible t o p re2 pare a compact and s mooth coating with good corr osi on resistance on the NdΟFeΟB/SrΟferrite bonded composite magnet containing SrΟferrite bel ow30%,at op ti m ized electr ophoresis para meters of lacquer temperature28~32℃,voltage120~180V,and cu2 ring te mperature150~170℃.However,it beca me infeasible t o obtain an electr ophoresis coating of good corr osi on resistance on the composite NdΟFeΟB/SrΟferrite magnet when its SrΟferrite r ose above30%,owing t o the shar p increase in the resistance. Key words:cathodic elechr ophoresis;composite per manent mag2 net;NdΟFeΟB/SrΟferrite bonded composite magnet
D evelop m en t of An ti bacter i a l Pa i n t and Coa ti n g for Co ili n g M a ter i a ls
ZHANG W enΟtao1a,SH I L iΟyi1a,ZHONG Q ingΟdong2,Z
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