
杨向敏1,吴 福1,陈柏基1
(1.广西壮族自治区地质环境监测站,广西 南宁 530029)
摘 要:基于物联网技术的广西地质灾害预警预报系统,结合了轻量化模型技术、Spark 空间大数据处理技术、神经网络学习算法等新技术,解决了广西地质灾害监测网络不够完善、智能化水平不高等问题。系统通过3a 运行取得了良好的效果,对于提高突发地质灾害监测预警能力具有重大创新意义。关键词:地质灾害;预警预报;应用模型;物联网;神经网络中图分类号:P208                                              文献标志码:B
。美国地质调查局提出的LHP 计划改进了动态滑坡环境的监测技术。欧洲空间组织利用恒定散射体PS 、GPS 以及光学水准测量进行滑坡变形监测。香港特别行政区结合区域滑坡敏感性和临界雨量研究,建立了滑坡和泥石流区域预警系统[2]
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图1 系统总体框架图
2.1  实现地质灾害应用模型的轻量化智能构建
多类型多边界描述的地质灾害预警预报模型,含有大量的因素信息,因此直接建立预报系统较复杂。轻量化智能构建是将空间数据精简为一个点数据,采用GeoHash 编码方式进行编码转换[4]
;再利用细节层次(LOD )技术
项目来源:广西国土资源厅广西地质环境信息系统(一期)资助项目(GXZC2019-G3-1665-GTZB )。
图2 模型轻量化流程图
2.2  基于Spark 的空间大数据技术处理海量地质灾害数据
Spark 是一个大数据分布式编程框架[6]
,将分布式数据抽象为弹性分布式数据集,提供了应用任务调度、RPC 、序列化和压缩的实现方法以及API 上层组件。地质灾害数据主要包括各类专业属性数据、基础地理空间数据、专题空间数据、灾
害点空间数据和其他数据。通过雨量计、水位仪、倾斜仪、智能视频设备等前端专用监测设备对地质灾害进行实时监测;利用物联网技术、互联网技术实现数据的安全接入与管理,建立地质灾害数据中心。在地质灾害预警预报系统中应用基于Spark 的空间大数据技术对海量地质灾害数据进行分析,再通过扩展Spark 实现对大规模地质灾害空间数据的空间查询和快速分析,解决系统分析效率的问题。
2.3  基于神经网络学习算法的智能预警预报系统
神经网络可分为全局逼近和局部逼近两类,其中局部逼近网络具有学习速度快的优点。径向基函数(RBF )属于局部逼近神经网络[7]
χχ图3 RBF 神经网络
动态自适应RBF 网络模型,无需事先确定隐含层单元的个数,完成聚类所得的RBF 网络是最优的[8]
。RBF 需要选择P 个基函数,每个基函数对应一个训练数据。最常用的RBF 高斯函数为:
R i m
i ()exp 12χ==−−χ2σi C 2
i 2
,,,, 式中,χ为输入向量;C i 为第i 个基函数的中心;m 为感知单元的个数;‖χ-C i ‖为χ与 C i 之间的距离,随
着‖χ-C i ‖的增大,R i (χ)衰减到零。
基于RBF 的插值函数为:          F x w X X w X X ()
=−=−+w X X w X X ∑p 22
)P  )
RBF 神经网络在非线性函数逼近、时间序列分析、模式识别、系统建模、数据分类、图像处理、信息处理等领域得到了广泛应用。
广西地质灾害发生的可能性与灾害所处区域的地质灾害易发性、土壤含水率、累计降雨量、降雨强度以及人类工程活动等因素有关。首先将各区域的影响因素按其对地质灾害发生的贡献进行分级;再将各因素各等级作为输入神经元,发生地质灾害的可能性等级作为输出神经元,通过神经网络进行运算,从而预报地质灾害等级。根据输入信号,通过选取的函数计算输出,并判别输出层的输出是否满足要求,满足则输出,否则,修正权值,继续处理;同时将每次预报对应的实际发生情况作为学习实例对运算进行修正。根据造成网络输出误差因素在输入空间的非均匀分布以及每个RBF 对网络计算贡献的大小,通过策略对参数进行自适应调整,使神经网络的逼近性能、泛化能力达到较高要求。神经网络通过不断改变网络的连接权值,使其输出不断接近期望值。
每年的汛期(5~9月)为广西地质灾害的高发期。2016年5月—2018年9月通过该系统进行地质灾害预报和预警信息发布,成功预报地质灾害27起,避免了1 036人的人员伤亡和1 051.5万元的直接经济损失[9],在广西防灾减灾上取得了良好的效果。
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Index (Vol.19,No.3)
GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION ·VI ·Discussion on the Renewal Principle of GNSS Network in Railway Construction Period by WANG Zuoyu Abstract  The online CPII repetition survey of Nantong-Shanghai railway is carried out according to the new specification. However, some points which are renewed according to the evaluation criteria, don’t coordinate with the changes of CPIII network. Through the analysis of several typical cases in the control network repetition survey project, we found that the update of online CPII should be based on the standard evaluation principle, be added to the analysis of CPIII repetition survey and networking results, and be extended to ballastless track. Then, we proposed a method of update CPII with repetition survey data of CPIII network, to maintain the unity of CPIII results and reduce the workload of track fine adjustment.Key words  Nantong-Shanghai railway, online CPII, repetition survey, renewal principle (Page:90)Research on Application of Artificial Modeling Technology in 3D Map of Subway by LI Cunwen Abstract  The 3D model of the 3D sketch map has a simulation degree of more than 90% and an image element of more than 250 dpi. All kinds of city scenes and information are collected on the spot and drawn according to the relevant standards and requirements of satellite positioning and
national surveying and mapping. The location of the map is precise. The content of the map is not less than 500 meters in the radius of the subway station as the central point, and is overlooked from a 45° angle of view city, so that passengers can easily identify familiar buildings to determine the direction, thereby strengthening the subway exit location and surrounding information guidance function. In this paper, taking 32 stations of Zhengzhou subway line 5 for example, we described the application of artificial modeling technology in Zhengzhou subway transportation service, and studied process and key technology of artificial modeling.
Key words  artificial modeling, 3D, 3dsMax, sketch map, baking, subway station  (Page:92)Effects of Incidence Angle on the Accuracy of VZ-400 Scanning Point Cloud Measurement by TONG Kui Abstract  In the actual measurement of the terrestrial 3D laser scanner, the laser beam reaches the cut-off angle of incidence because of the high scanning target. High incidence angle will lead to the deformation of laser spot, which makes the laser could fall on any part of the light shift, increases the uncertainty, and loses the accuracy. Aiming at VZ-400 scanner, we designed the measurement scheme, and obtained the functions of incidence angle coefficient and d /h  by curve fitting, which was convenient to determine the best scanning distance in the measurement scheme.Key words  terrestrial 3D laser scanner, incidence angle, accuracy (Page:96)Application of Interpolation and Fitti
ng Method in the Establishment of Elevation Anomaly Model by ZHOU Wei Abstract  Different elevation anomaly models have different solutions for normal heights. In order to obtain the optimal model, we generated elevation anomaly surfaces by means of interpolation and fitting method through the uniformly distributed discrete elevation anomaly points in Linyi City. Then, taking the GPS refinement elevation of Linyi City as the detection point, we analyzed the differences between various models.
Key words  polynomial interpolation surface, spline function interpolation surface, polynomial fitting, multi-variate regression analysis (Page:99)Application of Star-station Differential GPS System in Offshore Island and Reef Measurement by CUI Jia Abstract The measurement of island and reef plays an important role in China ’s marine land management. In the sea area without the basic control network, the star-station differential GPS system can be used to complete the measurement work efficiently, and its accuracy can meet the requirements of relevant specifications of island and reef measurement. In this paper, we introduced the principle of satellite system, expounded the application of star-station differential GPS system in offshore island and reef measurement. Then, we compared the star-station differential GPS system with the traditional system, and analyzed the advantages of star-station differential GPS system in offshore island and reef measurement. Finally,
we carried out the precision analysis by measurement experiment.Key words  star-station differential GPS, island and reef measurement, measurement without control point, positioning technology (Page:102)Spatio-temporal Distribution Characteristic Analysis of Beijing Rail Transit Passenger Flow by CHEN Zhaoning Abstract  With the expansion of urban rail transit, the passenger flow continues to increase. Studying passenger travel characteristics is of great significance for the establishment of urban rail transit current-limiting models and the establishment of current-limiting strategies. Based on OD travel data of some urban rail transit line networks in a certain period of Beijing, we studied the spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of passenger travel, and made some suggestions for the Beijing rail transit operating network. The analysis results show that ①during the early rush hours, the travel time of passengers are mainly concentrated at 100~200 min, the travel distances are concentrated at 20~35 km, and the travel distance is linearly related to travel time. ②Most of the departure and arrival points where passengers choose to travel on the subway are concentrated in the Beijing Fifth Ring Road. The passenger flow moves from outside to inside the city. The passenger flows in and out of Chaoyang Distrsict and Haidian District rank in the top two. Key words  Beijing City, rail transit, travel characteristic, spatio-temporal distribution  (Page:105)Application of Gravity and Magnetic Technology in Iron Ore Survey in Shiling Area, Henan Province by LIU Jiaju Abstract  The Shiling working area is located in the southwestern part o
f the Northern Henan Plain, belonging to the residual range of the Funiu Mountains. Combining gravity and magnetic methods in the working area, we carried out the gravity and magnetic inversion by analyzing the distribution, intensity and morphological characteristics of gravity and magnetic anomalies. The result
showed that the anomaly depth of DC8 was close to the horizontal magnetic geological body at about 1.2 km. Then, we verified the magnetic anomaly by drilling. The result showed that it caused by the breccia like andesite of magnetite breccia. Combining with the lithologic and physical properties of the area, we found that magnetite bearing andesite was the important information for searching iron ore deposits, and the main direction of iron ore prospecting.Key words  gravity and magnetic inversion, magnetite, andesite, Shiling Area
(Page:109)Innovation and Application of Geological Disaster Early Warning and Forecasting T echnology by YANG Xiangmin Abstract  In this paper, we designed an early warning and forecasting system of geological hazards in Guangxi based on the Internet of Things technology. This system combined with the new technologies such as lightweight model technology, Spark spatial big data processing technology and neural network learning algorithm, and solved the problems of imperfect geological hazard monitoring network and low level of intelligence in Guangxi. The system has achie
ved good results through three years of operation, which is of great innovative significance for improving the ability of monitoring and early warning of sudden geological disasters.Key words  geological hazard, early warning and forecasting, application model, Internet of Things, neural network (Page:112)Subway T unnel Settlement Prediction Based on GA-SVR by ZHOU Lijun Abstract  In this paper, we used support vector regression (SVR )and genetic algorithm (GA )to optimize parameters, and established a subway tunnel settlement prediction model based GA-SVR, which could improve the accuracy of subway tunnel settlement prediction. Firstly, we used the long-term measured subway structure monitoring data to train SVR model, and used GA to optimize the three parameters of the SVR model. Then, we used the method for combining the mean square error of the training model with the leave-one-out cross-validation to determine the fitness of GA. Finally, based on the measured data of tunnel structure settlement of Nanjing subway line 2, we compared and analyzed the predicted value and the measured value. The results show that the predicted value of the subway tunnel settlement predicted by this model is accurate and reliable, and its accuracy can meet the actual requirements of the project.
Key words  SVR, GA, deformation prediction, cross-validation, GA-SVR (Page:115)Application of Singular Spectrum Analysis in the Prediction of Subway Settlement by WANG Sijie Abstract  Subway
settlement is disturbed by many factors, and its monitoring data often show non-stationary and nonlinear characteristics. In this paper, we used the singular spectrum analysis (SSA )method to extract the trend sequence and period sequence of monitoring data, in order to reduce the noise and improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Then, we used BP neural network to predict and reconstruct the trend sequence and period sequence respectively. Finally, we obtained the predicted value. The experimental results show that the prediction accuracy of SSA_BP neural network model is higher than that of BP neural network model, and the maximum prediction length of SSA_BP neural network model is better.Key words  SSA, BP neural network, subway settlement prediction, stability analysis (Page:118)Design and Implementation of Security Information Push System Based on LBS  by FAN Zhenlin Abstract  With the improvement of positioning accuracy of BeiDou and positioning capability of field terminals, the application of location-based services (LBS )has made new developments in field geological survey. In this paper, we developed a field security information push system based on LBS, supporting the news push of environmental analysis of the current location, the analysis of security measures and the disaster warning service. Then, we discussed and verified the application methods of LBS in the safe production of field geological survey, which could provide a new guarantee support technology for the safe production of field geological survey.
Keywords  LBS, safe production, geological survey, information push (Page:121)Quality Control Method of Interior Mapping about Basic Geographical Conditions Monitoring by ZHAO Guihua Abstract  Geographical conditions monitoring is a basic work which can fully understand the national conditions, grasp the state affairs and make national policy. Combining with the actual production in 2018 basic geographical conditions monitoring items, we discussed the quality control method of the land cover classification and geographical conditions element results in basic geographical conditions monitoring. According to the typical quality problems in interior mapping, we put forward some countermeasures, which could provide technical support for the regular basic geographical conditions monitoring project.Key words  basic geographical conditions monitoring, land cover classification, geographical conditions element, monitoring result, quality control (Page:124)T echnical Method of High Precision Administrative Boundary Surveying and Mapping in Hubei Province by LI Ya Abstract  Administrative boundary is an important basis for effective management of the country. With the rapid development of information age, the application demands of multi-scale and high precision administrative boundary data are more and more wide. In this article, we introduced the content and workflow of the 1∶10 000 scale administrative boundary surveying and mapping in Hubei Province based on high-resolution remote sensing images in detail, explored and researched the key technologies of administrative boundary surveying and mapping. Then, we sum
marized and analyzed the typical problems in the administrative boundary surveying and mapping, and provided the corresponding solutions, which could provide experience for the future large scale administrative boundary surveying and mapping.
Key words  administrative boundary surveying and mapping, multi-scale, high-resolution, remote sensing image (Page:128)

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