
Fondements du Commerce International /
Introduction to International Trade,
Semester I, 2005-2006
Contacts:Ben Shepherd (benjamin.shepherd @ )
Dr. Sacha Wunsch-Vincent (sacha.wunsch-vincent @ )
Course Overview
Each seminar will generally be divided into two sections of one hour each. The first will be devoted to an examination of the relevant theory (led by the lecturer), while the second will consist of a case study. Seminar participants working in groups of 2 will be responsible for presenting the case studies. Presentations should aim not only to provide an overview of the issue, but also to stimulate discussion and debate by highlighting questions of current interest and controversy (maximum time per presentation 20 minutes!). At the end of each presentation, one participant will be chosen at random to discuss the presentation and to launch the debate. ALL seminar participants - not only those presenting or discussing the case study - will be expected to contribute to each seminar discussion and to have re
ad the required readings relating to the case study.
Finally, presenters are asked to submit a 2-page briefing note on their presentation topic to all their co-students and the instructor one week after their presentation.
A session-specific list of required and recommended reading is provided in the following pages. Case study presenters should treat the reading list as a starting point only, and should supplement that material with their own research, as well as the information available on the WTO website.
Grades will be based on 1) oral participation throughout the course (one third), 2) presentation (one third) and 3) the written examination (one third).
Reading and Research
Primary texts include:
•Krugman, PR & Obstfeld, M. (latest edition). International Economics: Theory and Policy.
New York: Addison-Wesley. (A standard text at an introductory level, well-suited for non-specialists. Also available in French)
•Caves, RE, Frankel JA & Jones, RW. 2002. World Trade and Payments: An Introduction.
Ninth Edition. New York: Addison-Wesley. (A standard text, a little more detailed than Krugman & Obstfeld.Also available in French)
•Hoekman, B & Kostecki, M. 2001. The Political Economy of the World Trading System: The WTO and Beyond. Second Edition. Oxford: OUP. (Excellent on institutional and policy questions, very accessible for non-specialists.)
•Hoekman, B., Mattoo, A. and English, P. (Eds.) 2002. Development, Trade and the WTO: A Handbook, World Bank,  /research/trade/pubs.html#policy%20papers
(An excellent compendium of short articles, very accessible for non-specialists. Hardcopy also available in French.)
•Trebilcock, M and Howse, R. 2005. The Regulation of International Trade (Paperback), Routledge; 3rd edition (November, 2005)
You should also read about current events in the world economy throughout the semester. Good sources of information are The Economist and the Financial Times.
For case study purposes, the following WWW resources may prove useful (see also the links compiled
劳埃德•: The downloadable booklet Understanding the WTO (/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/understanding_e.pdf) contains an overview of
major issues in trade policy along with an explanation of the WTO and its role; it is aimed at
the general public. The “Trade Topics” heading provides more detailed information on each
area, along with access to source documents such as member country submissions and WTO
secretariat background papers. See also WTO Annual reports under /english/res_e/rese
r_e/annual_report_e.htm and the World Trade Report, /english/res_e/reser_e/world_trade_report_e.htm.
Participants should ALWAYS consult the relevant WTO pages when preparing their presentations.
•: A large stockpile of analytical work, but in this case from a development perspective.
•: A goldmine of detailed analysis is available under the “trade”
(/trade) and “globalisation” headings. A number of the Bank’s recent
“Trade Notes” provide useful background material for the case studies. Also some more
specialised material on agriculture, mostly from a development perspective. Regular publications such as Global Economic Prospects and the World Development Report sometimes focus on trade issues and provide thorough overviews.
•: There is a wealth of detailed analytical work available through the “trade”
pages (/trade), as well as through other specialised areas such as agriculture and
competition policy (as appropriate). “Policy Briefs” provide very accessible overviews of key,2350,en_2649_201185_1_119696_1_1_1,00.html. See on technology-related issues.
•, www.iie and : American think tanks that produce both long publications and shorter briefing notes on trade-related subjects.百慕大三角历险记
• The Harvard CID trade pages contain a collection of research papers sorted by the different topics covered in this course.
•: Bridges gives a weekly summary of the latest happenings at the WTO, with particular attention to questions of environment and development. Its monthly version also has
some more detailed articles.
•, World Bank Gateway to Development Information
•/publications/policy.php, Policy briefs of the Evian Group :
•And: DG Trade of the European Commission: and United States Trade Representative : v
Detailed Reading List
∗Required reading (relevant for exam).
•Additional but not compulsory reading.
Seminar 1: Introduction to the Programme. Globalisation in Historical Perspective and Overview of Current Trade Flows (4/10/05, BS and SW)
∗Baldwin, RE & Martin, P. 1999. “Two Waves of Globalization: Superficial Similarities, Fundamental Differences”, NBER Working Paper 6904, Cambridge, MA: NBER.
∗Part 1A and B of WTO. 2005. World Trade Report 2005. Geneva: WTO.
•WTO International Trade Statistics 2004,
•World Development Report 2006, Chapter 3, Equity and Development,
Seminar 2: Instruments of Trade Policy (11/10/05, BS)
∗Chapters 8-9 of Krugman & Obstfeld.
∗Sections 2.2, 2.8 & 2.9 in “Understanding the WTO”.
•Feenstra, RC. 1992. “How Costly is Protectionism?”. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 6, No. 3, Summer 1992, 159-178. (/sici?sici=0895-3309%28199222%296%3A3%3C159%3AHCIP%3E2.0.CO%3B2-J).
•Anderson, K. 2005. ‘Setting the Trade Policy Agenda: What Roles for Economists?’, World Bank Working Paper.
(/external/default/WDSContentServer/IW3P/IB/2005/04/14/0000120 09_20050414131144/Rendered/PDF/wps3560.pdf)
Seminar 3: Empirics of Trade Policy (18/10/05, BS)
•Gresser, E. 2002. “Toughest on the Poor: America’s Flawed Tariff System”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.
81, No. 6, Nov-Dec 2002.
Case Study One: Trade in Agricultural Products and the Common Agricultural Policy
∗Chapter 8 of Baldwin, R.E. & Wyplosz, C. 2004. The Economics of European Integration.
London, UK: McGraw-Hill.
•Borrell, B & Hubbard, L. 2000. “Global Economic Effects of the EU Common Agricultural Policy”, Economic Affairs, June, 18-26.
(/policyanalyses/Agriculture/IEA_REFORMING_THE_CAP/20000601_G LOBAL_EFFECTS_OF_CAP_IEA.pdf).
Case Study Two: Trade in Textiles and Clothing
∗Chap. 21, Hoekman et al. 2002. Development, Trade and the WTO: A Handbook. Washington, DC : World Bank. (/ecommerce/catalog/product?item_id=1525978).
∗Hughes, Neil C. 2005. “A Trade War with China?”, Foreign Affairs, 84(4), July-August 2005, pp.
94-106. (EBSCO)
Seminar 4:  Economic Development and the Gains from Trade (25/10/05, BS)
∗Chapters 2-5 & 10 of Krugman & Obstfeld.
Case Study Three: Protection and Developing Countries
∗Anderson, K et al. 2001. “The Cost of Rich (and Poor) Country Protection to Developing Countries”. Discussion Paper 0136. Adelaide: Centre for International Economic Studies.
Seminar 5: The WTO and the DDA (3/11/05, BS)
∗Chapters 2-4 of Hoekman & Kostecki.
Case Study Four: Looking Forward (No Pun Intended!) to the HK Ministerial
∗Srinivasan, T. N. 2004. “The Future of the Global Trading System: Doha Round, Cancún Ministerial, and Beyond”,
( Seminar 6: Trade in Services (8/11/05, SW)
WTO Gateway on Services: /english/tratop_e/serv_e/serv_e.htm .
∗Pages 1-51 of OECD, 2005 “The Service Economy in OECD Countries”, OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, .
∗Chapter 7 of Hoekman & Kostecki (as in primary texts).
•ICTSD. 2004. Trade in Services: Developments since Cancun; in: Doha Round Briefing Series, Vol. 3, No. 3 (December 2004), pp. 1-4, Internet: /pubs/dohabriefings/Vol3/V3_03.pdf .
•CTS - Report by the Chairman to the Trade Negotiations Committee - 09/05/2005 (TN/S/19) under /publications/papers/jaraTNCreport.pdf .
•WTO. 2001. Market Access: Unfinished Business - Post Uruguay Round, Inventory and Issues;
/english/res_e/booksp_e/maccess_e.pdf , pages 96 ff.
Case Study Five: Cross-border Trade in Services (Offshoring) and the Role of the WTO
∗WTO World Trade Report 2005, ‘Offshoring Services: Recent Developments and Prospects”, /english/res_e/booksp_e/anrep_e/wtr05-3c_e.pdf .
中国矿业114•WTO Symposium on Cross-Border Trade in Services, April 2005,
/english/tratop_e/serv_e/sym_april05_e/sym_april05_e.htm .
•Mann, CLM 2005 ‘This Is Bangalore Calling: Hang Up or Speed Dial?’, IIE Working Paper, www.iie/publications/papers/mann0105.pdf .
Seminar 7: Cross-border investment and movements of natural persons (15/11/05, SW)
∗Chapters 7 of Krugman & Obstfeld.
∗Overview, UNCTAD. 2005 (released towards the end of September 05). World Investment Report 2005, New York & Geneva: UN, available over
•WTO World Trade Report 2003, p. 89-94. /english/news_e/pres03_e/pr348_e.htm •Chapter 3 of UNCTAD. 2003. World Investment Report 2003, New York & Geneva: UN, /en/docs//wir2003_en.pdf.
Case Study Six: Negotiations Relating to GATS “Mode 4”
∗Chanda, R. 1999. “Movement of Natural Persons and Trade in Services: Liberalising Temporary Movement of Labour under the GATS”, ICRIER. (
•The short chapters 2, 4, 8, 9 of Mattoo, A. and A. Carzaniga. 2003. Moving people to deliver services, World Bank and Oxford University Press, Trade and Development Series.
•World Bank. 2003. Global Economic Prospects 2004, Chapter 4, /prospects/gep2004/chapter4.pdf.
•WTO Symposium on GATS MODE 4:
/english/tratop_e/serv_e/symp_mov_natur_perso_april02_e.htm .
Seminar 8: Information and Communication Technologies and the WTO (22/11/05, SW)
∗Section IV,VI,VII,UN ICT TF.2005.WTO, E-Commerce and Information Technologies: From the Uruguay Round through the Doha Development Agenda; August 2005,
/perl/ .
•George R., G. Clarke and Scott J. Wallsten. 2004. “Has the Internet Increased Trade? Evidence from Industrial and Developing Countries”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3215,
February 2004, /files/33098_wps3215.pdf.
•OECD. 2004. Information Technology Outlook 2004, Paris: OECD
Case Study Seven: E-commerce and the multilateral trading system
WTO gateway to e-commerce /english/tratop_e/ecom_e/ecom_e.htm and papers on .东方快译
∗Above report: Section II UN ICT TF(2005).
•Relevant parts of UN ICT TF(2005).
•Wunsch-Vincent, S. 2003. The Digital Trade Agenda of the US: Parallel Tracks of Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral Liberalisation; www.iie/publications/papers/wunsch0303.pdf.
Seminar 9: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (29/11/05, SW)
WTO Gateway on IRPs: /english/tratop_e/trips_e/trips_e.htm and relevant parts of Understanding the WTO /english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/understanding_e.pdf.
∗Chapter 13 (except p. 417-428 on jurisprudence) of Trebilcock & Howse (as in primary texts).
∗Pages 1-40 of UNIDO, Intellectual Property Rights, Economic Growth and Technology Transfer, 2005, /file-storage/download/?file_id=41200
•WIPO Intellectual Property -A Power Tool for Economic Growth, Chapter 2,
•Chapter 4, Maskus, Keith E. 2000. Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy.
Washington: Institute for International Economics.
•Maskus, Keith and Carsten Fink (2005, Eds.): Intellectual Property and Development, /research/IntellProp_temp.pdf
Case Study Eight: WIPO Development Agenda
∗Proposal by Argentina and Brazil for the Establishment of a Development Agenda for WIPO,  and .
•Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization, /ip/wipo/futureofwipodeclaration.pdf .
•Abbott, FM (2005) ‘Toward a New Era of Objective Assessment In The Field of TRIPS and Variable Geometry for the Preservation of Multilateralism’, Journal of International Economic
Law 8(1), 77–100, /resources/docs/AbbotTRIPSgeometry.pdf .
•One stop-shop for most related documents: /ip/wipo/da.html and .
饲料添加剂目录Seminar 10: Regionalism (6/12/05, SW)
WTO Gateway on regionalism: /english/tratop_e/region_e/region_e.htm .
∗Chapter 10 of Hoekman & Kostecki (as in primary text) and Annex 2 (Part 6 on regional integration).
∗Carstens, A. (2005), ‘Making Regional Economic Integration Work’, /external/np/speeches/2005/011205.htm .
∗World Bank, Global Economic Prospects 2005: Trade, Regionalism and Development, chapter 2: ht
tp:///INTGEP2005/Resources/GEP107053_Ch02.pdf . •Panagariya, Arvind. 2000. Preferential Trade Liberalisation: The Traditional Theory and New Developments; in: Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 38, No. 2 (2000), pp. 287–331 /publications/papers/trade-papers/1_SII/p10-panagariya.pdf .
•OECD. 2003. Regionalism and the Multilateral Trading System. Paris: OECD, Policy Brief.
Case Study Nine: Economic integration and Regionalism in Asia
∗IMF (2005) Preferential Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific Region,
/external/pubs/ft/wp/2005/wp05149.pdf .
•Krueger, A. O. (2005), IMF Speech ‘Mutual Interdependence: Asia and the World Economy’ /external/np/speeches/2005/063005.htm .
•Kawai, M. (2004), Regional Economic Integration and Cooperation in East Asia, Presentation at OECD seminar, /dataoecd/43/7/33628756.pdf .
•Relevant parts of the World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects /INTGEP2005/Resources/gep2005.pdf .
•APEC webpage and papers: /apec/apec_groups/other_apec_groups/FTA_RTA.html. •PECC webpage and papers: .
Written examination (Date & Time TBA)

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