
· 爱心工程 Loving Care Project
· 安家费 settling-in allowance
· 安慰奖 consolation prize
· 暗箱操作 black case work
· 按资排辈 to assign priority according to seniority
· 按揭贷款 mortgage loan
· 按揭购房 to buy a house on mortgage;to mortgage a house
· 把关 guard a pass
· 霸权主义 hegemonism
· 吧台 bar counter
· 把握大局 grasp the overall situation
· 拔河(游戏)tug-of-war
· 摆花架子 a metaphor for presenting an attractive facade but in reality lacking substance· 拜金主义 money worship
· 百年老店 century-old shop
· 白热化 be white-hot
· 摆脱贫困 shake off poverty;lift oneself from poverty
· 拜把兄弟 sworn brothers
· 摆架子 put on airs
· 白马王子 Prince Charming
· 拜年 pay New Year call
· 摆谱儿 put on airs;show off;keep up appearances
· 班车 shuttle bus
· 半拉子工程 uncompleted project
· 板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartment building特勤机甲队6
· 斑马线 zebra stripes
· 班门弄斧 teach onea“> pedestrian overpass
· 不以物喜,不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses· 不正之风 bad(harmful)practice;unhealthy tendency
· 擦边球 ”edge ball, touch ball“
· 菜篮子工程 shopping basket program
· 菜鸟,新手 green hand
· 采取高姿态 show magnanimityPTCC IN
· 财务报表 financial statement
· 参拜 visit to the Yasukuni war shrine
· 参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs
· 仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket
· 层层转包和违法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting
· 茶道 sado
· 差额选举 competitive election
· 查房 make/go the rounds of the wards
· 拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul
· 拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition
· 禅 dhyana
· 产粮大省 granary province
· 产品积压 overstocked products
· 产品结构 product mix
· 产品科技含量 technological element of a product
· 产品生命周期分析 LCA(Life Cycle Analysis)
· 产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理 ”clearly established ownership, well defined power and respoenterprise from administration, and scientific management “
· 产权制度、产权关系 property relations;property order
台海局势· 唱高调 mouth high-sounding words
· 长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta
· 长江中下游 the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River
· 长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 ”long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with eaof weal or woe “
· 畅通工程 Smooth Traffic Project
· 常务理事 executive member of the council
超前消费 pre-mature consumption;overconsuming;excessive consumption;spend beyond one: Tahoma”> macases
· 大专生 junior college student
· 大专文凭 associate degree
· 待岗 “await job assignment, post-waiting”
· 代培 train on contract;be commissioned to train;directional training
· 代销店 commission agent
· 带薪分流 assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and bene· 带薪假期 paid holiday
· 待业 job-waiting
· 待业人员 job-waiting people
呆帐 dead account
· 代职 function in an acting capacity
· 单边主义 unilateralism
· 党风建设 construction of the Party conduct
· 党关系 Party-masses relationship
· 党政机关 Party and government organizations
· 盗版VCD pirated VCD
· 德智体美劳 “all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education ”
女子诞下18公斤巨婴· 外交思想 Deng Xiaopingblack;FONT-FAMILY: 宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: Tahoma;mso-hansmso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma;mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt;mso-ansi-langua
ge: EN-US;mso-fareast-language: ZH-CAR-SA“>· 分流 reposition of redundant personnel
· 分期付款 installment payment
· 疯牛病 mad cow disease;bovine spongiform enceohalopathy(BSE)
· 风险基金 VC funds
· 风险投资 venture capital;risk investment
· 浮动工资 floating wages;fluctuating wages
· 复读机 repeater
· 覆盖率 coverage rate
· 富贵病 rich man: AR-SA”> 1.0pt;mso-ansi-language: EN-US;mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN;mso-bidi-l圈 hu la hoop
· 胡子工程 long-drawn-out project(a project which takes so long that young workers beco
me bearded)· 滑板车 scooter
· 画中画 picture-in-picture(PIP)
· 坏帐 bad account
· 会考 unified examination;general examination
· 回扣 kickback
· 灰经济 grey economy
· 婚前同居 premarital cohabit
· 婚前协议 prenup
· 婚纱摄影 bride photo
· 婚外恋 extramarital love
活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn.· 火炬计划 Torch Program(a plan to develop new and high technology)
· 基本国情 fundamental realities of the country
· 基本路线要管一百年 The basic line must be followed unswervingly for a very long time to come.· al-Qaeda group
· 计划单列市 city specifically designated in the state plan
· 计划经济 planned economy
· 计划生育责任制 responsibility system of family planning
· 集体观念 groupism;collective spirit
· 集体婚礼 collective wedding ceremony;group wedding
集体经济 collective economy
· 吉祥如意 Everything goes well

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