
高 炉 词 汇
A.    原材料    RAW MATERIAL
1.    铁矿石    IRON ORE
    磁铁矿    Magnetite / Black Ore
    赤铁矿    Hematite /  Red Ore
    褐铁矿    Limonite /  Brown Ore
    菱铁矿    Siderite
    黄铁矿    Pyrite  FeS2
    富矿    High Grade Ore, Rich Ore
    贫矿    Lean Ore
    块矿    Lump Ore
    自熔性矿    Self-fluxing Ore
    热返矿    Hot Return
    脉石    Gangue
    含铁料    Iron-bearing Material
    高炉灰    BF Soot
    烧损    LOI Loss on Ignition
    烧裂系数    Decrepitation Index
    碎裂系数    Disintergration
    还原性    Reducibility
2.    焦炭    COKE
    冶金焦    Metallurgical Coke
    焦丁    Nut Coke
    蜂窝焦    Beehive Coke
    副产焦    By Product Coke
    型焦    Formed Coke
    褐煤焦    Lignite Coke
    碎焦    Coke Breeze
    固定碳    Fixed Carbon
    挥发份    VM, Volatile Matter苯酚丙酮
    灰分    Ash
    水分    Moisture
    转鼓指数    Drum Index, Tumbler Strength
    可燃性    Combustibility
    反应性    Reactivity
3.    矿石准备    BENEFICATION
    风干    Drying
    风化    Weathering
    破碎    Crushing
    磁选    Magnetic Concentration
    造块    Agglomeration
    烧结矿    Sinter  Sintering
    球团矿    Pellet  Pelletizing
    海绵铁    DRI,  Direct Reduced Iron,  Sponge Iron
    热压块    HBI,  Hot Briquette Iron,    Briquetting
    4.    辅助材料    AUXILIARY MATERIAL
    锰矿    Manganese Ore
    熔剂    Flux
    石灰石    Limestone
    白云石    Dolomite
    萤石    Fluorspar
    硅石    Quartz
    橄榄蛇纹石    Perido-steatite
    5.    耐火材料    REFRACTORY
    耐火度    RUL ( Refractoriness Under Load )
    荷重软化点    Softening Temperature
    重烧线收缩    PLC ( Permanent Linear Change )
    热稳定性    Spalling Resistant
    显气孔率    Apparent Porosity
    耐压强度    CCS ( Cold Crushing Strength)
    体积密度    Bulk Density
    真比重    True Density
    吸湿性    Moisture Regain
    透气性    Permeability
    热传导率    Heat Conductivity
    热膨胀系数    Heat Expansion Factor
    硅砖    Silica Brick
    粘土砖    Fireclay Brick
    高铝砖    Alumina Brick
    镁砖    Magnesia Brick
    铬镁砖    Chrome-magnesia Brick
    白云石砖    Dolomite Brick
    轻质砖    Insulation Brick
    不定形耐火材料    Monolithic Refractory
    耐火混凝土    Castable Refractory
      磷酸耐火混凝土    Phosphate Bonded Castable Refractory
      矾土水泥耐火混凝土    Alumina Cement Bonded Castable Refractory
      硫酸铝    Aluminum Sulphate Bonded Castable Refractory
    孰料    Chamotte
    莫来石熟料    Mullite Chamotte
    耐火泥    Mortar
B.    设备    EQUIPMENT
    底开门车    Bottom Dump Wagon
    敞车    Open Wagon
    翻车机    Tippler
    自卸汽车    Dump
    龙门吊车    Gantry Crane
    挖掘机    Excavator
    推土机    Bulldozer
    铲运机    Scraper
    堆料机    Stacker
    摇臂堆料机    Boom Blending Stacker
    取料机    Reclaimer
    滚筒混匀取料机    Drum Type Blending Reclaimer
    斗轮式堆取料机    Bucket Wheel Stacker/Reclaimer
    双向带式取料机    Bi-directional Belt Conveyor
    赶料能力    Overcharging Capacity
    料堆    Stockpile
    受料    Unloading, Receiving
    储存    Storage
    整粒    Sizing, Crushing/Screening
    中和,混匀    Blending
    解冻    Thawing
    鳞状堆积工艺    Scale Pattern Material Piling Process
    无人操作自动作业    Unmanned Automatic Operation
    双曲线料仓    Hyperbolic Shaped Bunker
2.1    型式    Type
    矮高炉    Low Shaft BF
    电高炉    Electric Pig Iron Furnace
    木炭高炉    Charcoal BF
    原煤高炉    Raw Coal BF
2.2    内型    Profile
    炉喉    Throat
    炉身    Shaft (Stack)
    炉腰    Barrel, Belly
    炉腹    Bosh, Cylinder
    炉缸    Hearth
    炉底    BF Bottom
    料线    Stock Line
    外倾    Outward Batter
    内倾    Inward Batter
    炉壳    Shell
    炉缸支柱    Furnace Column
    炉腰支圈    Lintel (Ring) Girder
    托圈    Mantle Ring
2.2    内衬和冷却    Lining and Cooling
    炉喉钢砖    Throat Armour, Stock Line Armour
    碳砖    Carbon Block
    氮化硅结合碳化硅砖    Si3N4 Boned SiC Refractory Lining Brick
同位素分馏    冷却壁    Stave Cooler
    带肋冷却壁    Ribbed Stave Cooler
    铁素体基球墨铸铁    Ductile Cast Iron with Ferrite Base
    冷却箱    Plate Cooler
    软水闭路循环    Soft Water Closed Cooling Circuit
    汽化冷却    Vaporative Cooling
2.3    风口平台和出铁场    Tuyere Platform & Cast house
侯永庭 上海
    围管    Bustle Pipe
    风口    Tuyere
    风口大套    Tuyere Cooler Holder
    鹅颈管,大弯管    Swan Neck
    风口弯管    Eye-sight Elbow
    风口小弯管    Bootleg, Penstock
    风口拉    Bridle
    渣口    Cinder Notch, slag Notch
    渣口大套    Cinder Cooler
    渣口中套    Intermediate Cooler
    渣口小套    Monkey Cooler
    出铁口    Iron Notch, Taphole
    圆形出铁场    Circular Cast House
    铁渣分离坑    Skimming Basin
    液压泥炮    Hydraulic Mud Gun
    开铁口机    Taphole Driller
    出铁槽    Hot Metal Runner, Sow Channel
    出铁槽支沟    Lateral Channel
    摆动流嘴    Tilting Spout
    下渣沟    Roughing Runner
    残铁沟    Punch-out Runner
    出铁场一次除尘    Primary Dedusting
    混铁车    Torpedo
    铁水罐车    Hot Metal Car
    渣罐车    Slag Pot Car
2.4    炉顶    BF Top
    无料钟炉顶    Bell-less Top
    料流调节阀    Material Regulating Valve
    数字阀    Digital Valve
    电磁阀    Solenoid Valve
    旋转流槽    Rotating Chute腔道介入
    气密箱    Chute Transmission Gearbox
    双钟炉顶    Duo-bells Top
    麦基式炉顶    Mckee Top
    大(小)钟    Large (Lower)Bell
    料斗    Cone
    料钟平衡杆    Bell Beam
    旋转布料器    Distributor
    空转定点布料器    Idle Fixed Point Distributor
    炉喉间隙    Bell Clearance
    探尺    Probe
    放散阀    Bleeder Valve
    均压阀    Equalizer Valve
    均压放散阀    Relief Valve
    射线料位仪    Stockray
2.5    上料    Charging
    矿槽    Stock House
    焦仓    Coke Bin
    烧结矿仓    Sinter Bin
    槽下过筛    Screening Under Stock House
    称量自动补偿    Automatic Weighing Error Compensation
    称量车    Scale Car
    皮带上料    Belt Charging
    斜桥上料    Skip Charging
    斜桥    Skip Bridge, Hoist Bridge
    钟底料罐    Drop Bottom Bucket
    卷扬机    Hoist, Winch
    料罐卷扬机    Bucket Hoist
    料钟卷扬机    Bell Hoist
3.    热风炉    STOVE
3.1    型式    Type降温系统
    考伯式热风炉    Cowper Stove
    顶燃式热风炉    Top Fired Stove
    外燃式热风炉    External Combustion Stove
    石球式热风炉    Pebble Stove
    管式热风炉    Pipe Stove
3.2    新技术    New Technology
    球状拱顶    Spheric Dome
    悬链线拱顶    Catenary Dome
    热风炉 废热回收    Stove Waste Gas Recovery
    热风炉自身预热    Stove Self-preheating
    不稳定状态传热    Heat Transferring in Unstabilized Atmosphere

本文发布于:2024-09-20 23:20:58,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:热风炉   风口   取料   铁场   自动
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