
读完这篇影评分析,你的 Take Home Message:了解《头号玩家》的相关背景,积累电影词汇的表达,头韵的使⽤以及⼀些⽇常可以使⽤的词汇与短语,⽂中⼩编也会推荐积累同义词表达的⽹站哦(彩蛋)~
Review: Spielberg’s ‘Ready Player One’ Plays the Nostalgia Game《头号玩家》:斯⽪尔伯格的怀旧游戏nostalgia: [nə'stældʒə] an affectionate feeling you have for the past, especially for a particular happy tie (尤指对幸福时光的) 怀旧,思乡
关于⽚名为什么叫Ready Player One, 是因为当玩家登陆进⼊虚拟世界Oasis前的最后⼀⾏字便是这三个词。
It isn’t goingtoo far out on a limbto predict that “Ready Player One” will turn out to be one of Steven Spielberg’s more controversial projects. Even before its release, this adaptation of Ernest Cline’s 2011 best seller — what one writer called a“nerdgasm”of a novel — was subjected to an unusual de
gree of internet pre-hate. That was only to be expected. Mr. Spielberg has tackled contentioustopics before —terrorism, slavery, the Pentagon Papers, sharks — but nothing as likely to stir up a hornet’s nest of defensiveness, disdainand indignant “actually”-ing as the subject of this movie, which is video games.
如果预测《头号玩家》(Ready Player One)会是史蒂⽂·斯⽪尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)⽐较有争议的作品之⼀,不会有很多⼈反对。这部电影改编⾃欧内斯特·克莱恩(Ernest Cline)2011年出版的畅销⼩说(⼀位作家称之为“死宅⾼潮”),早在发⾏前就在⽹上遭到极⼤厌恶。这完全正常。斯⽪尔伯格以前处理过有争议的话题——恐怖主义、奴⾪制、五⾓⼤楼⽂件、鲨鱼——但没有哪个像这部电影的主题——电⼦游戏——⼀样,可能会惹来防范⼼态、蔑视和愤愤不平的“事实上根本不是这样”的⿇烦。
limb: 平常我们熟知的都是limb做arms and legs四肢的意思。但当limb组成短语 someone goes out on a limb意思为:they do something they strongly believe in even though it is risky or extreme, and is likely to fail or be criticized by other people. (因⼤胆冒险⽽)处于困境。
nerdgasm:合成词nerd+orgasm 死宅+⾼潮
nerd:someone who are unpopular or boring, especially because they wear unfashionable clothes or show too much interest in computers or sciences. ⽆聊的⼈;(对电脑或科技太过着迷的)书呆⼦。
在影⽚中翻为死宅⾮常贴切。contentious: [kənˈtenʃəs] an issue that causes a lot of disagreement or arguments引起争议的。可以积累下来和controversial互换。
a hornet's nest:马蜂窝(注意是实体的马蜂窝,不是旅游⽹站的那个),hornet⼤黄蜂,stir up a hornet's nest 捅马蜂窝,惹⿇烦。
disdain: dislike someone or something because you think that they are inferior or unimportant 轻蔑
And not only video games. “Ready Player One,” written by Mr. Cline and Zak Penn,dives intothe magmaof fan zeal, male self-pity and techno-mythologyin which those once-innocent pastimesare now embedded. Mr. Spielberg, a digital enthusiast and an old-school cineaste, goes further than most filmmakers in exploring the aesthetic possibilities of a form that is frequently dismissed and misunderstood.
不仅仅是电⼦游戏。克莱恩和扎克·佩恩(Zak Penn)联合编剧的《头号玩家》探究了粉丝的热情、男性
dive into: 本⾝为潜⽔的意思,引申为投⼊,钻研
magma: ['mæɡmə] the molten rock that is formed in very hot condition inside the earth 岩浆
pastime: something that you do in your spare time because you enjoy it or are interested in it.消遣
cineaste: ['sɪnɪ,æst] an enthusiast for films 电影爱好者
⽼派的old school
这⼀段注意同位语的使⽤,第⼆句“written by Mr. Cline and Zak Penn,”是“Ready Player One” 的同位语。第三句“a digital enthusiast and an old-school cineaste”是“Mr. Spielberg”的同位语。
Aided by his usual cinematographer, Janusz Kaminski, and by the production designer Adam Stockh
ausen, he turns a vast virtual landscape of battling avatars into abustlingpop-cultural theme park, an interactive museum of late-20th- and early-21st-century entertainment, a maze of niche tastes, cultish preoccupations andblockbustercallbacks. Mr. Spielberg navigates this warehouse with his usual dexterity, loading every frame with information without losing the clarity and momentum of the story.
在御⽤摄影师雅努什·卡明斯基(Janusz Kaminski)和美术总监亚当·斯托克豪森(Adam Stockhausen)的协助下,他把宏⼤的虚拟化⾝打⽃场景变成了⼀个熙熙攘攘的流⾏⽂化主题公园;⼀座展⽰20世纪末与21世纪初的娱乐的互动博物馆;乃⾄⼀个由⼩众化品味、粉丝的狂热迷恋和对⼤⽚的回忆组成的迷宫。斯⽪尔伯格⽤他惯⽤的娴熟技巧驾驭着这座仓库,赋予每⼀帧画⾯以信息,⼜不破坏故事清晰的条理和势头。
cinematographer: 合成词,cinema电影+photographer摄影师,电影摄影师
avatar: ['ævətɑr] 很多喜欢看电影的朋友看到这个词肯定会说这不就是阿凡达嘛,电影阿凡达的中⽂译名是采⽤⾳
译,avatar的本意为the manifestation of a deity, notably Vishnu, in human, superman, or animal form 天神(以⼈类/超⼈类或动物⾝的形式)显灵。
在游戏中choose your avatar,类似于⾓⾊扮演的意思。
bustle: someone move in a hurried way, because they are very busy 奔忙。经常可以看到⼀个短语 hustle and bustle熙熙攘攘,忙碌
niche: [niʃ] 这个词通常在商业中见的特别多,niche market 利基市场 a specific area of marketing which has its own particular requirements, customers, and products. (有特定的要求,顾客和产品的)专营市场。在⽣态领域,ecologic niche ⽣态位。单独的niche也有壁龛的意思。在此⽂中niche指 a specific taste,⽐较⼩众化的⼝味。
拟水狼蛛cultish: intended to appeal to a small group of fashionable people 对少数时尚⼈⼠有吸引⼒的
blockbuster: a film or book that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting ⼤⽚,畅销书dexterity: [dɛk'stɛrəti] skill in using your hands, or sometimes your mind 灵巧,娴熟
Nonetheless, the toy guns of social media and pop-up kulturkritikare locked and loaded. Mr. Spielberg will be accused of taking games and their players too seriously and not seriously enough, of pandering and mocking, of just not getting it and not being able to see beyond it — “it” being the v
oracious protoplasmthat has, over the past three or four decades, swallowed up most of our cultural discourse. Whatever you call it — the revenge of the nerds, the franchising of the universe, the collapse of civilization — it’s a force that is at once emancipatory and authoritarian, innocent andpathological, delightful and corrosive.
pop-up: 特别形象,⽐如我们玩电脑时出现的弹窗就是pop-up
kulturkritik: culture critique ⽂化批判
locked and loaded: 填弹完毕锁定⽬标,此⽂中⽤了很多头韵,下⽂中也会出现很多,在中翻英或者写作总合适的运⽤
locked and loaded: 填弹完毕锁定⽬标,此⽂中⽤了很多头韵,下⽂中也会出现很多,在中翻英或者写作总合适的运⽤头韵也是加分项哦~
pander: ['pændɚ] if you pander to someone or to their wishes, you do everything that they want, often to get some advantage for yourself迎合
pander to 同义替换cater for 都是指迎合的意思
voracious: [və'reʃəs]someone want a lot of something 贪婪的
protoplasm: ['protəplæzəm]the living contents of a cell, differentiated into cytoplasm and nucleoplasm 原⽣质的emancipatory: [ɪ'mænsəpə,tɔri]adj., 解放的。它的名词形式 emancipation :free from unpleasant or unfair social, political, or legal restrictions.
pathological: ['pæθə'lɑdʒɪkl] behave in an extreme and unacceptable way, and have very powerful feelings that they cannot control. 病态的
Mr. Spielberg and some of his friends helped to create this monster, which grants him a measure of credibility and also opens him up to a degree of suspicion. He is the only person who could have made this movie and the last person who should have been allowed near the material.
grant: allow sb. to have sth. 准予,给予
That material has issues of its own. Mr. Cline’s book — readable and amusing without being exactly good — is a hodgepodgeof cleverness and cliché. Less than a decade after publication, it already feels a bit dated, partly because its dystopian vision seemsundulyoptimistic and partly because its vision of male geek rebellionhas turned stale and sour.
hodgepodge: 同 hotch-potch,a mixture of all sorts of different things. 杂乱⽆章的⼀堆东西
cleverness and cliche: 再次使⽤头韵
dated: old-fashioned 过时的,
彩蛋:为⼤家推荐⼀个⾮常好⽤的同义词⽹站:thesaurus, 直接搜www. thesaurus 打开就可以⽤啦,保证爱不释⼿~
dystopian: [dis'təupiən] an imaginary place where everything is as bad as it can be 反乌托邦
male geek rebellion:男性极客反叛
stale and sour: ⼜⼀个头韵的使⽤
stale:boring because it is always the same⽼套,缺乏新鲜感
sour: 除了平常熟知的酸的意思,sour也可指乏味,令⼈失望的,sth. stops being enjoyable or satisfactory.
In the film, set in 2045, Wade Watts (a young man played by the agreeably bland, blandly agreeable Tye Sheridan) lives in “the stacks,” a vertical pile of trailerswhere the poorer residents of Columbus, Ohio (Oklahoma City in the book), cling to hope, dignity and their VR gloves. Humanity has been ravaged by the usual political and ecological disasters (among them “bandwidth riots” referred to in Wade’s introductory voice-over), and most people seek refuge in a digital paradise called theOasis.
电影背景设定在2045年。韦德·⽡茨(Wade Watts,⼀个年轻男⼦,由乏味得令⼈感到亲切,⼜亲切得令⼈感到乏味的泰伊·谢⾥丹[Tye Sheridan]扮演)住在“叠楼”,即垂直的⼀堆拖车⾥。在那⾥,俄亥俄州哥伦布市(原著中是俄克拉荷马市)较为贫穷的居民紧紧抓住希望、尊严和VR⼿套不放。⼈性被常见的政治和⽣态灾难(包括韦德在开篇的旁⽩中提到的“带宽”)摧残,⼤部分⼈都在⼀个叫“绿洲”(Oasis)的数字天堂⾥寻求慰藉。
agreeably bland, blandly agreeable: 乏味得令⼈感到亲切,⼜亲切得令⼈感到乏味,这个可以说是描述的⾮常贴切了the stacks: a pile of sth,在影⽚中指a vertical pile of trailers 叠楼区
Oasis: [o'esɪs] a small area in a desert where water and plants are found 绿洲,影⽚中指的是a digital paradise. Oasis 其实是the Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation的缩写。
That world — less a game than a Jorge Luis Borges cosmos populated by wizards, robots and racecar drivers — is the creation of James Halliday (Mark Rylance). After Halliday’s death, his avatar revealed the existence of a series of Easter eggs, or secret digital treasures, the discovery of which would win a lucky player control of the Oasis. Wade is a “gunter” — short for “egg hunter” — determined to pursue this quest even after most of the other gamers have tired of it. Among his rivals
are a few fellow believers and Nolan Sorrento (Ben Mendelsohn), the head of a company called IOI that wants to bring Halliday’s paradise under corporate control.
那个世界与其说是⼀款游戏,不如说是⼀个⽣活着巫师、机器⼈和赛车⼿的豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯(Jorge Luis Borges)式宇宙,它是由詹姆斯·哈利迪(James Halliday,马克·⾥朗斯[Mark Rylance]饰)创造的。哈利迪去世后,他的化⾝透露,游戏中存在⼀系列“复活节彩蛋”,或者说秘密数字宝藏,发现它们的幸运玩家将赢得对绿洲的控制权。韦德是寻彩蛋的⼈,简称“寻蛋⼈”之⼀。即使其他⼤部分玩家都已经厌倦了,他依然决⼼继续寻。他的竞争对⼿包括⼏个同样坚信不疑的⼈,此外还有诺兰·索伦托(Nolan Sorrento,本·门德尔森[Ben Mendelsohn]饰),他是⼀家名为IOI的公司的负责⼈,该公司希望将哈利迪创造的天堂置于⾃⼰控制之下。
Easter eggs: a cooked egg with a decorated shell, or an egg made of chocolate, that is given as a present at Easter. In some countries, Easter eggs are hidden and children then look for them. 复活节彩蛋
gunter:合成词 egg+hunter寻蛋⼈
此段中仍然多次使⽤插⼊语,如第⼀句less a game than a Jorge Luis Borges cosmos populated by wizards, robots and racecar drivers 就插⼊在the world 和is中间来解释the world。
In the real world, IOI encourages Oasis fans to run up debts that it collects by forcing them into indentured servitude. Sorrento’s villainy sets up a battle on two fronts —clashes in the Oasis mirroring chases through the streets of Columbus — that inspires Mr. Spielberg to feats of crosscutting virtuosity. The action is so swift and engaging that some possibly literal-minded questions may be brushed aside. I, for one, didn’t quite understand why, given the global reach of the Oasis, all the relevant players were so conveniently clustered in Ohio. (If anyone wants to explain, please find me on Twitter so I can mute you.)
indentured [in'dentʃəd] servitude: 奴役契约服务 the service that someone was forced to work for others for a period of time, because of an agreement made by people in authority or to settle a debt.

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