
天津中国四个直辖市之一,市中心距北京137公里,是著名的国际港口城市和生态城市。天津位于环渤海经济圈的中心,是中国北方最大的沿海开放城市、近代工业的发源地、近代北方最早对外开放的沿海城市之一、我国北方的海运与工业中心。作为拥有中国第四大工业基地和第三大外贸港口的大都市,自从2006年滨海新区发展上升为国家政策后,重新走上了高速发展的道路。 2013年,它将承办第六届东亚运动会。
Tianjin, one of China's four municipalities, Beijing 137 kilometers away from downtown, is a famous international port city and the ecological city. Tianjin Bohai economic circle in the center in north China's largest coastal open city, the birthplace of modern industry, modern northern one of the earliest coastal cities opening up of north China's shipping and industrial center. As with China's fourth largest industrial base and the third largest foreign trade port city, the development of Binhai New Area since 2006 up to the national policy, re-embarked on a rapid development. 2013 East Asian Games it will host the sixth.
天津(Tianjin),这个名字最早出现于永乐初年(公元1403年),为燕王朱棣所起,因这里是他到京城夺取帝位时的渡口,所以起名为天津,意为天子渡河的地方,自永乐二年(公元1404年)正式设卫建城。翌年设天津左卫,转年又增设天津右卫。清顺治九年(1652年),三卫合一,归并于天津卫。   天津,中华人民共和国四个中央直辖市之一,是中国仅次于上海、北京的第三大城市;中国北方经济中心,国际港口城市和生态城市。中国五大中心城市之一,是中国大陆经济、金融、贸易和航运的三大中心之一,是中国北方国际航运中心和北方国际物流中心。经历600余年的沧海桑田,特别是近代百年,造就了天津中西合璧、古今兼容的独特城市风貌。“近代百年看天津”,成为世人共识。天津市地处华北平原东北部、海河流域下游、环渤海湾的中心,东临渤海,北依燕山,扼守京畿。天津位于我国大陆海岸线北部的渤海湾,拥有中国第四大的工业基地、第三的外贸港口。有超过1000万人居住和生活在天津地区。天津解放前为亚洲第二大城市,新中国成立后百废待
兴的天津得到了进一步发展,但随着改革开放,天津逐渐背上了过去的包袱,没有及时实现发展的转型。在经济上一度落后于其他城市。自从2006年滨海新区发展上升为国家政策,2008年10月国务院批复天津滨海新区为国家综合配套改革试验区后,天津重新走上了高速发展的道路。   2009年11月10日,国务院批复同意天津市调整滨海新区行政区划,使得天津经济进入高速发展时代。天津将承办2012年第九届全国大学生运动会和2013年第六届东亚运动会。   拼音:Tiānjīn   注音:ㄊ一ㄢ ㄐ一ㄣ ㄕˋ   经纬度   位于北纬38°34'至40°15',东经116°43'至118°04'之间。市中心位于北纬39度10分,东经117度10分。   国家   中华人民共和国(the People's Republic of China)   辖区   16个。天津市共辖13个区、3个县(静海县、宁河县、蓟县)。   
  乡镇240个   政府庞任平
王冶平简历>mkdv-02炎黄春秋网  地铁站的风景
天津市政府位于河西区。市委书记张高丽,市长黄兴国。   面积   全市面积11,760.26平
方公里(中国省级行政区第30名)。市区面积4334.72平方公里。建成中心城区面积530平方公里,滨海新区城区面积350平方公里。天津市南北长189公里,东西宽117公里,海岸线长156公里。   海拔   天津市是我国海拔最低的城市,全市一般海拔2-5米。最北部燕山南麓的低山丘陵区海拔在100-500米之间。九山顶为天津市最高点,海拔1078.5米。   人口   全市常住人口1293万(2010年,中国省级行政区第27名),其中本市户籍968.87万。人口密度861人/平方公里(中国省级行政区第5名)。城镇人口783.83万人,占全市人口75.15%。全市人口出生率8.13‰,人口死亡率5.94‰,人口自然增长率2.19‰(2008年末)。   民族   天津市拥有中国56个民族中的50个。人口最多的为汉族,占全市人口的97%。少数 民族人口30.38万人,少数民族主要为回族(2%,172358人)、满族(0.6%,56555人)、蒙古族(11331人)、朝鲜族(11041人)。50人以下的少数民共有26个。   宗教   天津市主要宗教为佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。全市教徒共26.7万人,宗教职业人员近200人。   时间   北京时间(中国标准时间)。UTC+8。   汽车号牌   津A、B、C、D、E(出租车)、F、G、H、J、K、L、M、N、   O(政府牌照)。   地区生产总值   初步核算,2010年天津全市实现生产总值9108.85亿元,比上年增长17.4%。其中,第一产业增加值149.48亿元,比上年增长3.3
新天津站(3张)  人类发展指数   0.855(高,2005年,中国省级行政区第6名,次于香港、台湾、上海、澳门、北京)。   市花   月季   市树   绒毛白蜡
宿州学院学报Tianjin, one of China's four municipalities, Beijing 137 kilometers away from downtown, is a famous international port city and the ecological city. Tianjin Bohai economic circle in the center in north China's largest coastal open city, the birthplace of modern industry, modern northern one of the earliest coastal cities opening up of north China's shipping and industrial center. As with China's fourth largest industrial base and the third largest foreign trade port city, the development of Binhai New Area since 2006 up to the national policy, re-embarked on a rapid development. 2013 East Asian Games it will host the sixth.
Basic Profile
The map data comes from Baidu, the end result to Baidu map data prevail.
Tianjin (Tianjin), the name first appeared in the early years of Yongle (AD 1403), played for the Yan Wang Zhu Di, because here he went to the capital to seize the throne when the ferry, so named as Tianjin, meaning the emperor to cross the river where years since the Yongle (AD 1404) formally established the city of David. The following year, located in Tianjin left-back, turn in and additional Tianjin Umori. Shunzhi nine years (1652), three health-one, merging in Tianjin Wei. Tianjin, People's Republic of one of the four central municipalities, is China's second only to Shanghai, Beijing's third largest city; north China economic center, international port city and the ecological city. One of China's five major cities, the Chinese mainland economy, finance, trade and shipping of the three centers, is an international shipping center in northern China and northern international logistics center. 600 years of experience and marshes, especially in modern centuries, creating the Tianjin Chinese and Western, ancient and modern, compatible with a unique urban style. "Modern Tianjin century look," a world consensus. Tianjin is located in the northeast of the North China Plain, the Haihe River Basin downstream of the center of Bohai Bay, t
he east Bohai Sea, north of Yanshan, guardian of the Gyeonggi. Tianjin in north China's mainland coastline of Bohai Bay, with China's fourth largest industrial base, the third foreign trade port. More than 10 million people live and work in Tianjin. Before the liberation of Asia's second largest city of Tianjin, the new China was founded in Tianjin undone has been further developed, but with the reform and opening up of Tianjin gradually carry a burden of the past, there is no time for development of transformation. Once in the economic lag behind other cities. Since the development of Binhai New Area in 2006 rose to national policy, in October 2008 the State Council approved Tianjin Binhai New Area as a national comprehensive reform pilot area, the rapid development of Tianjin, back on the road. November 10, 2009, the State Council approved Tianjin Binhai New Area administrative division adjustment, allowing the rapid development of Tianjin's economy has entered the era. Tianjin will host the 2012 Ninth National University Games and the sixth East Asian Games in 2013. Pinyin: Tiānjīn Phonetic: ㄊ a ㄢ ㄐ a ㄣ ㄕ latitude and longitude at latitude 38 ° 34 'to 40 ° 15', longitude 116 ° 43 'to 118 ° 04' between. Center located at latitude 39 degrees 10 minutes east longitude 117 degrees 10
minutes. State of the PRC (the People's Republic of China) area 16. Tianjin comprises the 13 districts, three counties (Jinghai County, Ninghe, Jixian).

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标签:天津   中国   中心   发展   天津市   城市
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