
中国矿业大学 易宏伟 柏建彪 侯朝炯
  摘 要 文章系统地介绍了高水灰渣速凝充填材料的组成、物理力学性能、充填工艺和应用效果。
关键词 高水灰渣速凝材料 充填工艺 应用效果
1 前言
2 高水灰渣材料的组成
ZKD型高水速凝材料是一种特种水泥混合物,它以硫铝酸钙矿物熟料为主要成份,由石膏、石灰、悬浮剂、超缓凝剂、复合速凝早强剂等组成。它分为主料和配料两部分,主料、配料按1∶1比例混合应用。主、配料单独加水搅拌后长时间不凝结,不堵管(泵送),混合后又能速凝早强。由于混合料水化反应生成大量针状高结晶水的钙矾石(3CaO・A l2O3・3CaSO4・32H2O)水化物,因而具有水用量大,固体材料用量少等特点。该材料现已由徐州矿务局水泥厂、石家庄水泥制品厂批量生产,其产品性能指标已通过煤炭科学研究总院北京开采所检验。它除可用于采空区充填、巷旁充填、壁后充填、孔洞充填外,还可用于岩层注浆加固及堵水等一系列工程。村长轶事
3 高水灰渣充填材料的物理力学性能
3.1 胶结及凝固性能
高水灰渣充填材料主、配料不混合,分成浆液输送,流动性好,可保证24h以上不凝固,便于长距离输送。主、配料混合后,初凝时间只需8~15m in,终凝时间在15~30m in
长可以到几小时。3.2 强度及变形性能
采用徐州矿务局水泥厂生产的ZKD 材料进行的单轴强度试验结果(表1)表明:①高水灰渣材料强度随水灰比增大、胶结料用量减少而减少,反之则增大。不同的充填需要不同的强度时,可以通过调节水灰比、胶结料、灰渣的用量来实现;②充填材料早期强度增长较快,4h 材料就具有0.56~1.59M Pa 的强度,3d 强度达28d 强度的70%~80%,
7d 强度基本接近于28d 的强度(5.78~6.38M Pa ),尔后趋于稳定。
表1 高水灰渣充填材料单轴抗压强度
古诗文阅读大赛水灰比(W  C )胶结料用量(kg  m 3)灰渣用量
(kg  m 3)抗压强度(M Pa )4h 1d 3d 7d 28d
图2 充填材料三轴压力试验(试件养护28d )
围岩起支护作用。此外,材料在不同受力条件下,其变形机理是不一样的,试验中发现三向压力试验能够提高材料的极限强度及塑性变形量,其变化随围压的增大而增大。要增加围压,一是必须保证充填质量,要求材料配比准确,搅拌均匀,充填密实;二是要增加充填体两侧的侧压,如设置支架、外侧加金属网等。3.3 压裂后的再胶结性能
通过对高水灰渣充填体7d 以前各龄期试件的强度性能测试,对比28d 后的压裂试件与标准试件(未压裂)的强度发现:1d 压裂后,试件的再胶结强度为标准试件强度的90%~107%;3d 压裂后,试件的再胶结强度
为标准试件强度的91%~112%。由此说明,各龄期试件压裂后再胶结强度与标准试件强度相当,表明高水灰渣充填材料具有压裂后再胶结的性能。3.4 抗风化性能
验表明,高水灰渣材料在室内干燥空气中养护,其风化深度:7d 为0;28d 为10~30mm ,平均为21mm ;10个月为31~40mm ,平均为35mm ;井下空气潮湿,充填体服务年限小于2a ,估计每侧风化深度小于70mm ,两侧累计
小于140mm ,由此充填体丧失的强度在10%以内,不影响充填体的使用,这说明高水灰渣材料具有较强的抗风化性能。构筑巷旁或壁后充填带可采用活动钢模板成型,取消充填袋装。
4 高水灰渣材料的优点
表2 高水净浆与高水灰渣材料强度比较
水 灰 比(净浆 灰渣)胶结料用量(kg  m 3)(净浆 灰渣)
抗压强度(净浆 灰渣)(M Pa )
1  2.0∶1 2.0∶1480 320  3.77 4.214.7
2 5.085.69 5.906.27 6.382
2.2∶1 2.2∶1
390 300
5.054.95 5.59
  注:①试验采用的ZKD 胶结料为二级料;②高水灰渣材料的灰渣加入量在水灰比为2.0∶1和2.2∶1时分别为
620kg  m 3、590kg  m 3
浆材料低90~160kg  m 3
,ZKD 胶结料售价
400元 t ,则高水灰渣材料充填1m 3
料为工业废物,合理应用于井下充填有利于地面环境的改善。5 高水灰渣材料充填工艺
高水灰渣材料充填可采用风力充填和水力泵送充填两种方式。5.1 风力充填工艺
图3 风力充填工艺系统图
管,移动和维护方便,勿须在巷道中开设专门硐室,输送距离一般为100~200m ,但充填能力仅63L 
m in (喷浆机型号为L PZ 2 型,风压0.2M Pa ,固体材料以水体积70%配水时)。该系统较适合充填能力不大、输送距离短、初期投资少的充填作业使用。5.2 泵送充填工艺
往复泵或渣浆泵为主要设备,双路输送浆体(用渣浆泵2台)。渣浆泵有多种型号可供选择;双液双作用柱塞泵目前有镇江煤矿机械厂生产的BH Z 2120 10液压充填泵,可输送粒径3mm 以下的高水灰渣充填材料,输送距离约1000m ,额定流量为120L  m in (双泵)。泵送充填工艺流程见图4
图4 泵送充填工艺系统图
该系统的特点是充填能力大、输送距离远、机械化程度高,但灰渣粒径应小于3mm 。6 应用效果
6.1 沿空留巷巷旁充填
用高水速凝材料,掺加沸腾炉烟道灰制成的高水灰渣材料作沿空留巷旁充填试验,充填体宽度1.5m 。实测表明,沿空留巷百米漏风率为1.05%,巷道顶板活动稳定后,充填体侧顶板下沉量为136mm ,断面收缩率为13.8%,锚杆支护的巷道顶板保持完整,巷道稍加修理即可二次复用。该护巷方式较沿空掘巷护巷节省费用56元 m 。
(2)徐州矿务局夹河矿1991年12月采用高水速凝材料掺加矸石粉(粒径小于5mm 的破碎矸石)进行沿空留巷巷旁充填试验,1993年12月该试验巷道开始复用,充填体宽度1.5m 、1.2m 两种。实测表明,沿空留巷期间巷道围岩变形速度峰值较传统巷旁支护方式(如矸石垛等)大幅度减小,围岩变形趋于缓和。工作面后方0~110m 内,顶底板相对移近量:上帮侧(充填体侧)为285~335mm ,下帮侧(煤体侧)为150~211mm ,两
帮相对移近量为278~324mm ,断面收缩率18.91%~21.93%。留巷后巷道只需少量卧底,断面积基
本满足生产要求。复用期间-40~0m 内,顶底板相对移近量:上帮侧为146~251mm ,下帮侧为122~216mm ,两帮相对移近量为107~192mm ,断面收缩率为9.25%~17.03%,且充填体在超前影响范围内未发生较大的破坏片帮,从充填至复用已历时2a ,大多保持完好状态,172m 长的巷道漏风率仅为1.54%。该方法与木垛加套棚沿空留巷相比,每m 巷道节省108.88元,与留7m 煤柱沿空掘巷相比,每m 可多创收1464.4元。
6.2 巷道支架壁后充填与注浆加固
鹤壁矿务局四矿皮带暗斜井平巷受上部区段煤柱侧高集中应力的影响,4m 多宽的锚喷巷道完全压垮挤实,底臌高达1.4m ,重新套掘U 型钢铁拱形支架支护,仍无效果。1992年采用矸石粉制成的高水灰渣材料进行支架后方壁后充填和注浆加固后,顶底板平均移近速度仅为0.035mm  d ,两帮移近速度从充填注浆加固前的2.285mm  d 降为0.072mm  d ,减少了96.8%。
淮南矿务局潘一矿采用高水灰渣材料进行西三回风大巷支架壁后充填,充填后历时1.5a ,受上方工作面采动影响,未发生变形破
坏。巷道顶底板相对移近量为49mm ,两帮相
对移近量为12mm 。围岩变形稳定速度:顶底板为0.1mm  d ,两帮为0.06mm  d 。与未充填段巷道相比,顶底板相对移近量减少了2倍。
1 易宏伟等.高水灰渣材料基本性能的研究.矿山
2 中国矿业大学高水材料课题组.ZKD 型高水速
3 中国矿业大学,鹤壁矿务局四矿.严重破坏巷道
D evolop men t and Tr i als of Type M TT-92D etector for Gas and Coal Outbrust——T he paper des
cribes the basic p rinci2 p le of electrom agnetic radiati on,key technical data of the u2 nit,block diagram of electric p rinci p le and trial results ob2 tained in Baijiao Coal M ine.T he detecto r can be used as a new geophysical p ro specting m easure fo r the p redicti on of gas and coal outburst.
D evelop men t of CAD Syste m’s Sof tware forM i ne Fan s——T he developm ent p rocess of the softw are of CAD system fo r m ine fans,as w ell as its m ain functi ons,is briefly de2 scribed in th is paper.
D evelop men t and Application of H igh-aqueous Fast-Har den i ng Stowi ng M ater i als fro m Refuses——T he paper sys2 tem atically describes the compo siti on,physicom echanical perfo rm ance,stow ing p rocess and app licati on results of the h igh2aqueous fast2hardening stow ing m aterials from refus2 es.
Quan titative Analysis of Geology Factors Con tr ibuti ng to Gas and Coal Outburst i n Ba ij i ao Coal M i ne——T h rough analysis of the geo logy facto rs contributing to gas and coal outburst in N o.2seam of Baijiao Coal M ine,the quantita2 tive indexes of structure disturbances,m ining dep th,coal nature and litho logical characteristics of roof rock s,as w ell as the indexes dep icting outburst,w ere determ ined and ana2 lyzed quantitatively w ith grey theo ry.
Con tr ibution of Gas D ra i n i ng Broeholes to Outburst Pre-ven tion W hen Exposi ng Coal Seam by Crosscut——A m ath s model of gas m igrati on around bo reho les w as estab2 lished and the num erical so luti ons discussed.Based on these wo rk the ulti m ate radius of gas sucti on and the ulti2 m ate drainage ti m e w ere analyzed.T he app licable range of the p reventive m easure against outburst by draining bo re2 ho les w hen expo sing outburst2p rone coal seam by cro sscut w as given in th is paper.
D iscussion on Break i ng M odes for Rock and Opti m u m M ethod to Break Rock for Hole for mation——T he paper p resents a brief expo siti on of break ing p rocess of rock by vari ous break ing modes th rough analysis of rock break ing m echanis m.Co rresponding equati ons are derived and sever2 al m ethods in common use to break rock fo r ho le fo rm ati on are analyzed.thus selecting the op ti m um one.
Standard Gas M ixture and Its Use i n Coal M i nes——T he paper deals w ith the funcitons of standard gas m ixture and its p reparati on m ethods in common use.In the ligh t of the actual conditi on of coal m ines,the p reparati on and concen2 trati on determ ining m ethods fo r calibrati on gas of m ethane in air,as w ell as the requirem ents of the raw gas fo r p repa2 rati on,are also described.
I mprov i ng D ra i n i ng Technology to I ncrease Gas Suction Rate——T he paper p resents the experience obtained in L aoyingshan Coal M ine in increasing gas sucti on rate to so lve gas p roblem at m ining and heading faces th rough com bined m easures including rati onal cho ice of locati on of draining raodw ays,op ti m um arrangem ent of bro reho les, and raising sucti on negative p ressure to drain gas from co r2 ner angles.
Application of EXCEL Sof tware to Data Processi ng of M i ne Ven tilation Resistance——T he paper deals w ith the app licati on m ethod and p rocedures of EXCEL softrare to p rocess the m easured data of m ine ventilati on resistance.
M i n i ng Equip men t and Technology for Fully M echan ized Roof-cav i ng i n Coal Seam s with Large D ip Angle——T he paper summ arizes the antitopp ling and antisk id techniques in the design of suppo rts and converyo rs used in roof2cav2 ing w ith large di p angle and decribes the p reventi on of dow nw ard sk iding of the equi pm ent by adjusting the angle of false inclinati on during m ining,the m ining techno logy and end suppo rts fo r seam s w ith large di p angle.
Si m ple D iscussion on Layout D esign of Roadways i n Parti al extraction i n Fengchun Coal M i ne——T he paper p resents the advantages and faults of the layout design of roadw ays in partial extra
cti on in Fenchun Coal M ine.T he p ractical results show that the pattern is wo rth sp reading fo r its less amount of engineering and the benefit to raise gas drainange rate.
D eali ng with the Proble m of D isallowed Gas Concen tration i n Return A ir at p illarless M i n i ng Faces——T he paper briefly describes the experience obtained in H uachu m ine to deal w ith the p roblem of disallow ed gas concentrati on in re2 turn air at p illarless m ining faces.
煤炭工程师 1996年第6期COAL EN G I N EER   N o.6 1996

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标签:充填   材料   灰渣   强度   巷道   胶结
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