
Talking about the symbols in the environment
of the use of Art and Design
The in herita nee and inno vati on over the years the relati on ship betwee n art and desig n en vir onment has bee n the focus of atte nti on. This article hopes for the desig n of symbols used to explore the culture, about the mysteries of inheritanee and inno vati on of the trace of sen time nt.
释德扬deformati on grammar separatist symbols con stitute
In herita nee and inno vati on over the years the relati on ship betwee n art and desig n en vir onment has bee n the focus of atte nti on. In fact, from the lin guistic point of view, this con tradicti on is the Ian guage of stability and variati on betwee n the con tradict ion. As a designer in the form of design successes and failures of the success or failure depe nds on
the master, "the term" the rich and the use of "grammar" of proficie ncy. Designers to make their works by others can truly understand, we must choose the appropriate "word" and must comply with the "grammar." This does not mean that designers can only follow the beaten track, no personal contribution. Designers skillfully use the new in dividual symbols, or a con scious cha nge in in ter-symbol comb in atio n of a nu mber of conven ti onal relatio ns, create new works of movi ng, which is desig n inno vatio n.
Compositi on has a "specific" comp onent approach, that seems to be very pla in in the compositi on of the sudde n appeara nee of a "heteroge neous" eleme nts, making the program itself is very plain to achieve un expected results, with a sense of inno vati on of new symbols like this "heteroge neous." In people's accustomed to things difficult to arouse eno ugh atte nti on and in terest in case, some com mon symbols deformati on, splitti ng, or the preparati on of the code to cha nge the order, you can play a compelli ng, thought-provok ing, the stre ngthe ning of en vir onmen tal messag ing Ian guage role.
United States renowned architect Charles Moore designed the city of Orleans, "Italia n Pi一片绿叶回忆
azza" is bold in desig n eleme nts take n from a variety of classical symbols, and symbolic means to reproduce them. The en tire square to a circular pla ne Baroque for the compositi on to the gradual proliferati on of black-a nd-white concen tric circles and to the surro unding paveme nt surface to exte nd out un til the three sides of the street entran ce. Classical Roma n colu mn, after a face-lift to the face of new shows, such as the Corin thia n colu mn is used in sta ini ess steel colu mn, can opies wall carved with the Lat in of "this foun tai n for the public to all the people who offer the gifts" of the message; Doric colu mn on the Flow ing Down gurgle, ro und coup on on the molar smiling portrait, water is constantly spit from his mouth ... here is not only full of bright rich atmosphere of a moder n commercial, but also a stro ng attachme nt to local feelings. Maps and Italian Apennine Peninsula, Sicily and Sardinia's plan; ancient Rome, the five-colu mn, the deformati on Motif comb in ati ons and the Arc de Triomphe; circular portico Wai Kwong Hop. In fact, you are immediately aware that it is a mockery of classical Marxism. This is a joyous, almost classical tradition are hysterical embrace pleased.
Today, a variety of side box-style buildi ng was con sidered aloof in the historic and local
城市生活e站above only has the tech no logy and a small nu mber of functional sema ntic sema ntics, there is no room for thi nki ng aftertaste, the en vir onment has led to apathy and boring criticism. This use of information theory to explain the principle that effective environmental information contained in the symbol system too. In view of this, post-moder n architects Ven turi loudly called for: "build ing a rich content, while building to include other aspects of the multi-dimensional art, even including the Ian guage, so that it is no Ion ger a mere tool for the space." It advocates en vir onmental complexity and con tradictory n ature of modernism promoted by substitute simplicity; to sema ntic ambiguity and tension in place of straightforward; to the multiplicity of sema ntic oppositi on to one or the other of opport uni sm; should be mixed at a gla nee rather tha n un ity. Stern desig ned the "best" product showroom are a typical example, it adopted legislati on faces many of the traditi onal symbols and con stitute a form, like the ancient Greek pan the on of elevati on, thus suggest ing he was trying to convey theme purposive: that is, the building as a "temple of consumerism," the commercializatio n of society reflect the values of people and commercial activities of daily life today, the importanee of. But the w
ay metaphors are complex, multiple, without serious thought, it is difficult to un dersta nd immediately appare nt from its real sig nifica nee. This desig n works, for example, not on ly the depth of the box thi nki ng is more than simply the pursuit like a sailing boat or a bird of prey such as the symbolism of a more in trigu ing, more philosophical.
The environment as a symbolic phenomenon, in order to address the Iong-standing problem for the designers of the inheritanee and innovation of the paradoxical problem of providi ng a effective way. Desig n Ian guage as the Ian guage of symbols, are rooted in past experie nee with the rapid developme nt of the society is lin ked to the new features, new materials, new tech no logy and calls on new ideas. On the one hand, as if it were so gen eral la nguage Ian guage cha nges slowly, on the other hand, with the rapid developme nt of society. How to make the en vir onment not only of historical eon ti nuity, but also to adapt to the new requireme nts of the times?
With the adva nee of scie nee and tech no logy progress and freque nt cultural excha nges, "vocabulary" and "grammar" in the develop ing trend of eonv erge nee, but a n atio
n because of n atural eon diti ons, econo mic and tech no logical, socio-cultural practices of the different environment Association has a number of unique symbols and arran geme nt. Spoke n like the dialect, like the desig ners cleverly inject this ki nd of "accent" can enhancethe environment for a sense of history and local flavor, and enhance the in flue nee of Ian guage en vir onment. Moder n Japa nese Architecture Master Kenzo Tange desig ned Kagawa hall is a "new form of the traditi onal sema ntic" model. Although the buildi ng are used by ordinary rein forced con crete frame structure, but the external form of treatment is the use of Lu Ming Chuan head, beam top traditional symbols, vertical horizontal partition is a natural association to the Japa nese main tower of the layers of eaves. Layout has absorbed the adva ntages of the square tower of the traffic and public facilities on the pla nar core (similar to the tower Kaguta ven tricle), so that they share the smallest Get all floors of the shortest route traffic. So as to show a structure with moder n forms of tech no logy to reflect the style of traditi on al local methods.
Un ited States artist Susa n Lange once said, "is always a symbol to simplify the form of the performa nee of its meaning, that is exactly what we can grasp the reas ons for it. Re
gardless of a work of art (or eve n all of the arts) is how the complexity of , profo und and rich, it is easy tha n real life. Therefore, the art theory is un doubtedly the establishme nt of an effective hearts and mi nds in a vivid reality of the con cept of such a great cause of the preamble is more. "symbolic activities have bee n in cluded in the activities of some abstract no Ion ger rema in in the in dividual above the. Visual symbols are an art symbols, but also the performanee of sexual symbols. Relative reas oning in terms of sexual symbols, visual symbols do not have their own system, and any visual symbols have a certa in degree of cultural content, and on ly reflected in a certain degree of emotional structure, around a particular theme of organic comb in atio n. Educated Youth Hotel, Mao Jia Restaura nt commercial buildi ng and so on, it also adopted the hats, corn on the cob, rough woode n tables and chairs, wells and so on, and even more in order to create an atmosphere of clothing are to be atte ndan ts, as well as the menu were also cleverly in tegrated into the Among them, these differe nt geographical sig nifica nee in rural areas typically rich in visual symbols to create an environment here is like an old album, recording a different person's experie nee, making the desig n become more cordi
al, but also worth pon deri ng. Visual symbols, not only in symbolic form to create the visual association and, more importantly, it can evoke thoughts association, which have empathy, to achieve emoti onal res onan ce, thus buildi ng more meanin gful.

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