
Minimum Information to be Collected
For glass project
1.气象资料(Climate information)
1.1 拟建厂址地区年平均气温、平均最高和平均最低气温。Annual average temperature, highest temperature and lowest temperature of the proposed plant area.
1.2 最热月月平均最高气温,月平均相对湿度。Monthly average temperature of the hottest month, and monthly average of relative humidity.
最冷月月平均最高气温,月平均相对湿度。Monthly average temperature of the coldest month, and monthly average of relative humidity.
年平均相对湿度,最大和最小相对湿度,绝对湿度。Annual average of relative humidity, minimum and maximum relative humidity, and absolute humidity.
年平均、最大、最小蒸发量。Annual average of vaporization, and minimum and maximum of it.
全年总降雨量、历年最大一日、一小时最大降雨量。历史上最大一次降雨量及其延续时间。Total volume of yearly rainfall, maximum daily rainfall and hourly rainfall of each year. Maximum rainfall ever occurring in Saudi history and duration of it.
年平均风速、雨季和旱季平均风速、年最大和最小风速及多年平均风向玫瑰图,夏季风向玫瑰图以及和风值。Annual average of wind speed, wind speed average of rain season and dry season, minimum and maximum of w Total volume of yearly rainfall, maximum daily rainfall and hourly rainfall of each year. ind speed in each year. Wind speed rose diagram.
厂址海拔高度,年平均及雨季、旱季平均气压。Altitude above sea level of the proposed plant site, annual average, rain season average and dry season average of air pressure.
年平均雷电天数,年出现最大次数。Annual average of thundering days, and annual maximum of its frequency.
年冰雹天数及沙暴天数。Annual days of hail and sandstorm.
2.水文资料Hydrographical information
2.1 厂址附近主要河流名称及年平均最大、最小流量及其出现日期;年平均最
大、最小流速;历史上百年一遇的最低枯水位及其出现日期。Major rivers near the proposed plant site and their average annual maximum and minimum of water
flow, and their date of occurrence; annual average maximum and minimum of velocity of flow; lowest water level of each century and the date of its occurrence.
2.2 历史上最高洪水位,百年、五十年、二十五年一遇的洪水位及其出现日期。Historical highest flood water level, and the occurring dates of it in every century, five decades and twenty-five years.
2.3 历史上脱流或断流的次数及延续时间。Historical dry times of the rivers and their duration.
2.4 多年河水的物理、化学、微生物、细菌的化学分析。Physical, chemical, micro biotic, bacteria analyses of river water.
2.5 水库的水位容积曲线、水库容水位、最高溢洪水位,以及洪峰的水位过程
曲线、波高、波长及相应的风向,风速等资料。Water level-capacity curve, highest water level of overflow of reservoir. Water level curve of flood summit and relevant windward, wind speed information.
2.6有关河岸及河床断面的变化资料。Information of riverbank and section of
riverbed variation.
3.1 生活用水水质,应执行当地国家标准。Local national standard of drinking water quality shall be applied.
3.2 工业用水水质,应执行当地国家标准。Local national standard of industrial water quality shall be applied.
地下水水质,应执行当地国家标准。Local national standard of ground water quality shall be applied.
4.1当地工业用电政策,价格Industry Power consumption policy and price of
industry Power consumption.
4.2 厂址附近主要的变电站位置、到厂区距离、容量、电压、频率等Major national
grid station near the proposed glass plant site and its capacity, voltage, frequency and distance to th
e plant site.
5原、燃料综合资料General information of raw materials and fuel.
5.1 资源勘探报告(砂岩矿,白云石等),并应有有关分析资料。Resource exploration report (silica sand, dolomite,etc.) along with relevant analyses.
a)各原料及辅助材料的化学成分,包括以下成分:Chemical composites of
物理性能:进厂原料的粒度等。Physical quality: grain size, etc.
b)各原料及辅助材料的进厂价格。Prices (FOR site) of f major raw materials
and auxiliary materials.
5.2可供选择的燃料(煤、重油、天然气),各种燃料的成分分析,工业分析,热值等:fuel available(coal/heavy oil/natural gas), Chemical and industrial analyses of fuel, hot value etc.
5.3各原燃料及辅助材料运输方式及到厂的运输距离。Transportation method and transportation distance of raw material, additives and fuel.
6厂址选择阶段工程地质资料Engineering soil investigation information of plant site selection
6.1 勘察地区,应包括拟建厂区,居住区、水源区、污水处理厂、以及厂区以外
的破碎车间等各有关项目。Explored area shall include proposed plant site, residential area, water source area, waste water treatment, etc.
6.2勘察要求,应明确勘察深度,当地地质条件特殊时,应查明以下情况:Soil investigation report shall confirm availability of bad geological conditions such as fault rupture and corrosion cave etc.
7地震裂度:当地地震部门的地震裂度鉴定报告。Seismic report shall be collected from local seismic authorities.
8当地政府及地方有关单位的下列文件及有关资料relevant information to be collected from local organizations
8.1 当地对拟建工程的总体规划。General planning of the proposed project.
8.2 施工利用铁路、公路、水运及其他运输的条件,以及大件设备的运输条件。Transportation conditions (railway, road, water carriage)
8.3 铁路、公路、水运的运输比例,以及木箱、集装架的包装比例。Distribution scale of transportation by railway, road, and water carriage) and ratio for wood box and frame
8.4 包装材料的来源及价格。Price and source of glass packing materials
8.5 设备维修、汽车维修等及与其他企业协作的可能性。Availability for equipment and mobile maintenance
8.6 城市规划方面的有关要求。Requirements of city planning.
8.7 邻近企业的生产情况,污染情况及发展情况,与本工程相邻一面的生产车间的位置和生产类别。Relevant information of enterprises near the proposed plant site.
8.8 附近企、事业单位对本工程的意见和要求。Requirements and suggestions of submitted by nearby organizations.
8.8 当地环保部门的要求及对该地区的环保评价。Environmental requirements and evaluation reports of local environmental authorities.
8.10 当地劳动安全卫生部门的有关要求。Relevant requirements of local Labor
safeguarding authorities
8.11 当地消防安全部门的有关要求。Relevant requirements of local fire department
9 总图运输General layout and transportation
9.1 厂区地形图Topography of plant site(1:1000~1:2000),区域位置图Relief
map of the proposed plant site (1:1000),地理位置图Geological location map (1:25000~1:50000)
9.2 铁路运输应取得铁路管理部门的文件Documentations required by the railway management for railway transportation(如无铁路,则不提供)(if available)
过能力,现有运输负荷和发展规划。Surrounding circumstances规模效应
concerning nearby railroads, railway stations. Major technical conditions,
莫迪利亚尼transportation ability, current transportation load and development plan.
和扩建。Possible connection position, distance, acclivity, transportation
coordination, railway facilities, and nearby availability of locomotive
d)附近铁路桥隧的情况。Information of nearby railway bridges and
9.3 当地公路运输能力及运价。Local road transportation ability and charge rate
a)运输地区协作情况。Coordination condition of proposed area
b)附近公路桥涵情况Circumstances of road bridges and tunnels.
c)当地习惯采用的道路结构。Local accustomed road structure.
9.4水运应取得航运管理部门和当地港务局的有关文件。Documents required by shipping management and harbour authorities for water carriage application
Kilometorage open to navigation, navigation conditions, navigation
timing of local rivers and development planning of local water carriage.
b)航运最大船舶吨位及吃水深度.Maximum tonnage for shipping and
water line depth.
to construct exclusive wharf, relevant requirements for health and
security concerns in upriver and downriver of the wharf.
d)利用现有港区码头和共建码头的可能性。Feasibility of utilizing
existing wharves.
e)港口码头发生费用。Conditions of port charges
9.5厂区红线图(其中包括城市道路最后确定的方案位置、走向、坐标、标高、断面图、上下水布置图、并应准确反映到1:1000的地形图上)。Plant site layout drew with red broken lines (containing finally decided positions, bearings, coordinates, elevations, section drawings, layout of drainage arrangement, all of which shall be marked accurately on the 1:1000 topography)
9.6厂外铁路、厂外道路、输水管线、污水排出管线,供电线路、原料、成品、运送管线、热力管线等经过地带的地形图(1:300~1:2000),以及拟建工程厂区目前使用情况,地上地下建筑物、构筑物,植被和管道线路等情况。Topographies (1:300~1:2000) of the areas containing outside railways, outside roads, waters supply pipes, waste water pipes, heat pipes, raw materials and final products transportation facilities. Current conditions of the proposed plant area, regarding buildings over ground and underground, vegetation, and existing underground pipes and cables.
10土建部分Civil Engineering
10.1 当地城市规划的要求,并取得拟建居住区的地形图(1:2000)。Requirements put forward by local city planning authorities and topographies of proposed residential areas.
10.2 当地施工单位的施工技术力量和装备水平。Technical and equipment level of

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