
A global agency is needed for the energy crisis
建立全球机构  应对能源危机
Mohamed ElBaradei       
World leaders need to take action on the energy crisis that is taking shape before our eyes. Oil prices are soaring and it looks less and less likely that this is a bubble. The price of coal has doubled. Countries as far apart as South Africa and Tajikistan are plagued by power cuts and there have been riots in several nations because of disruptions to electricity. Rich states, no longer strangers to blackouts, are worried about security of energy supply. In the developing world, 1.6bn people – about a quarter of the human race – have no access to electricity.
Fundamental changes are under way in the energy field the significance of which we have not yet fully grasped. Global demand for energy is rising fast as the population increases and developing countries undergo dramatic economic growth. The International Energy Agency says the world’s energy needs could be 50 per cent higher in 2030 than they are today. Yet the fossil fuels on which the world still depends are finite and far from environmentally friendly. Serious thought needs to be given now to creating viable alternatives. The need for co-ordinated political action on energy and related issues – climate change and poverty, to name but two – has never been more acute. Yet there is no global energy institution in which the countries of the world can agree on joint solutions to the potentially enormous problems we see emerging.
We have a World Health Organisation, two global food agencies, the Bretton Woods financial institutions and organisations to deal with everything from trade to civil aviation and maritime affairs. Energy, the motor of development and economic growth, is a glaring exception. Although it cries out for a holistic, global approach, it is actually dealt with in a fragmented, piecemeal way. A number of institutions focus on energy, but none with a mandate that is global and comprehensive and that encompasses all energy forms. The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries has just 13 members and deals exclusively with oil – from the producers’ perspective. The IEA represents the 27 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries from the consumers’ viewpoint. Only 51 countries, almost all in Europe and Asia, have signed the Energy Charter Treaty, whose focus is limited to issues such as trade, transit and dispute settlement. The United Nations co-ordinating mechanism, UN-Energy, is barely four years old. It has 20 member agencies, an indication of how fragmented the UN’s energy activities are. UN-Energy has no budget or authority and serves as a modest forum for discussion and information-sharing.
So does the world really need yet another international organisation? Frankly, yes. A global energy organisation would complement, not replace, bodies already active in the energy field. It would bring a vital inter-governmental perspective to bear on issues that cannot be left to market forces alone, such as the development of new energy technology, the role of nuclear power and renewables, and innovative solutions for reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
A global energy organisation could provide authoritative assessments of global energy demand and supply and bring under one roof energy data that are now dispersed and incomplete. It could speed the transfer of appropriate energy technology to poor countries and give them objective advice on an optimal energy mix that is safe, secure and environmentally sound.
Such a body could develop a global mechanism to ensure energy supplies in crises and emergencies, and help countries run their energy services and even do it for them temporarily after a war or natural disaster. And it could co-ordinate and fund research and development, especially for energy-poor countries whose needs are often overlooked by commercial R&D.
The need for joint action to develop long-term solutions to the looming energy crisis is now undeniable. It is difficult to see how this can be done without an expert multinational body, underpinned perhaps by a global energy convention, with the authority to develop policies and practices to benefit rich and poor countries alike, equitably and fairly. We need to act before crisis turns into catastrophe.
Even the pessimists believe we still have at least a few decades before the oil on which the world’s prosperity is built starts to run out. Let us use that time wisely to develop long-term solutions to the world’s energy needs that will benefit all humankind.
(范守义译自 Financial Times July 23, 2008)
The author is director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency. This article represents his personal views
穆罕默德·埃尔巴拉迪博士是联合国系统内政府间组织的国际原子能机构总干事。他于1997121日就任现职,并于2005世纪文学年9月第三次获得连任。埃尔巴拉迪博士1942年生于埃及开罗,1962年在开罗大学取得法律学士学位,并于1974年在纽约大学法学院获得国际法博士。200510月,埃尔巴拉迪博士和国际原子能机构被共同授予诺贝尔和平奖,“以表彰他们为防止核能被用于军事目的并确保以最可能安全的方式和平利用核能所作的努力。” 将“ElBaradei”翻译成“巴拉迪”欠妥;“El”在希伯莱语和阿拉伯语中的意思是“the”;与后面的名字不可分;“El”和“Baradei”既然已经被本人拼写到一起了,就必须翻译成“埃尔巴拉迪”,就像“Dupont”不可以翻译成“邦”而是“杜邦”,法国著名电影导演“Leconte”不可以翻译成“孔特”而是“勒孔特”。
The International Energy Agency(IEA):国际能源机构总部设在巴黎,是一个独立的机构,与经济合作和发展组织(OECD)有工作联系。成员国家有澳大利亚 (1979)、奥地利、比利时、加拿大、捷克共和国(2001)、丹麦、芬兰(1992)、法国(1992)、德国、希腊(1977)、匈牙利(1997)、爱尔兰、意大利(1978)、日本、韩国(2001)、卢森堡、荷兰、新西兰 (1977)、挪威、葡萄牙(1981)、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其(1981)、英国和美国。欧盟已参与国际能源机构的工作。
Bretton Woods Agreement:1944年7月的前三周,44个国家的代表在新罕布什尔州的布雷顿森林的华盛顿山度假村(Mount Washington Resort)聚会,举行了一次联合国货币和金融会议;会上代表们讨论了战后的欧洲复兴以及一些货币问题,如汇率不稳定和贸易保护政策。代表们达成了布雷顿森林协议,确立了战后的可以兑换的通货,固定汇率和自由贸易的国际货币体制。为实现上述目标,特成立了国际货币组织和重建与发展国际银行(世界银行)。
The two food agencies: 指联合国世界粮食计划(The United Nations World Food Programme/WFP)和粮食与农业组织(FAO)总部都设立在罗马。
The Energy Charter Treaty:《能源宪章条约》1991年12月17日订立于荷兰海牙,包括一系列国际能源、贸易、投资及解决争端的原则。1998年4月,《能源宪章条约》正式生效。
UN-Energy:联合国能源系联合国范围内与能源有关的机构间协调机制,2002年在约翰内斯堡可持续发展世界高峰会议之后创建,其目的是在可持续能源方面,特别在发展中国家,搞一个统一、一致的解决问题的路子,以实现联合国的千年发展目标。2007年10月底联合国工业发展组织总干事云盖拉先生(Mr. Kandeh K. Yumkella)被委任为联合国能源主席,任期2年,自2008年1月1日起。在联合国能源下有20个机构,如非洲经济委员会、欧洲经济委员会,直到联合国系统执行首长协调理事会秘书处。
… an expert multinational body, underpinned perhaps by a global energy convention …:“convention”有“会议”和“公约”两个意思,这里当指“公约”,故译“这个机构要得到全球能源公约的支持”。

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