小鞋子 --电影-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

That'll be 30 Toumans. Thank you.  总共30土曼  谢谢
Here is your change.  这是你的零钱郑渊洁博客
- Thank you. - You're welcome. Good-bye.  -谢谢  -不客气  再见
Salt, salt for trade!  盐  换盐了
Hello, Akbar Aqa. I need some potatoes.  你好  阿克巴先生  我要买些土豆
Not those, kid. Pick some down there.  别拿那些  孩子  从下面拿
乌鲁木齐 事件Hello. How are you?  你好  还好吗
With your permission.  请允许我拿走这些废品
Good-bye.  再见
- Sixty-five Toumans. - My mom said to put it on our tab.  -65土曼  -我妈叫你记在账上
Tell her your account has reached its limit.  跟她说  你们家的赊账已经达到最高额度了
She should come and pay at least part of it.  她应该过来  至少付掉一些
All right.  好吧
What the hell are you doing?  你在干什么呢
Why did you spill these? Are you crazy?  你为什么要把这些打翻  你是疯了吗
- My sister's shoes disappeared. - Get lost. Beat it.  -我妹妹的鞋不见了  -滚远点  快滚
I left my sister's shoes here.  我刚把我妹妹的鞋就放在这里了
I said get lost.  我叫你快滚
What? You're still here?  怎么  你还在这里吗
You don't pay rent.  你连房租都不付
With all the water you use, the yard will collapse!  你用这么多水  院子都要被你淹毁了
What can I do? The laundry is dirty!  我能怎么办呢  衣服很脏啊
I don't give a damn if the laundry is dirty!  我才不管你的衣服脏不脏
Don't you ever do your wash?  你就不洗衣服吗
Why don't you wash all the neighbors' carpets while you're at it?  你这么喜欢洗  不如把邻居们的地毯都洗了
But don't you ever wash your clothes?  难道你就不洗衣服吗
You damn people are going to ruin me!  你们这些该死的人是要毁了我
You haven't paid rent in five months.  你已经五个月没付过房租了
Why do you pour so much water?  你为什么要倒这么多水
Don't you ever wash your clothes during the year?  难道你一年到头不洗衣服吗
This is the last time, I'm warning you!  这是最后一次了  我警告你
Why don't you come here when there are men to put you in your place?  有男人在家教训
你时  你怎么不敢来啊
Ali.  阿里
Tell Zahra to peel the potatoes after she puts the baby to sleep.  叫萨拉把宝宝哄睡着后  把土豆皮削一下
Ali, did you get my shoes?  阿里  我的鞋取回来了吗
Mom said to peel the potatoes if the baby is asleep.  妈妈说宝宝睡着后  叫你把土豆皮削一下
- I said, did you get my shoes? - Yes.  -我问你有没有取回我的鞋子呢  -取了
- Has he repaired them nicely? - Yes.  -他补得好吗  -嗯
Where are you going?  你要去哪儿
I want to see what they look like.  我去看看鞋子补好后是什么样
Your shoes are not there.  你的鞋子不在家里
Are you teasing me?  你在捉弄我吗
No, I swear I'm telling the truth.  不  我发誓我说的是实话
I went to the store, and the shoes disappeared.  我去了一趟小店  鞋子就不见了
I looked all over, but I couldn't find them.  我到处都过了  但就是不到
You mean they're lost?  你是说弄丢了吗
Don't say anything to Mom. I'll find them.  别告诉妈妈  我会到的
How will I get to school tomorrow?  那我明天怎么上学啊
Don't cry. I'll go after them right away. I'll find them.  别哭  我这就去  我会到的
But you said you looked all over.  但你说你已经到处过了
Not all over.  不是所有地方都了
Please, don't tell Mom anything.  求你别告诉妈妈
Ali! Ali, where are you going?  阿里  阿里  你去哪儿
Help me fold the rug. Where are you going?  帮我拧一下地毯啊  你要去哪儿
Ali!  阿里
Ali, where are you going?  阿里  你去哪儿
Ali, we play against Shahin tomorrow.  阿里  明天我们的对手是沙辛队
Ali, where are you going?  阿里  你去哪儿
What are you doing here again?  你又跑来这里干什么
Didn't I tell you to stay away? What a pain in the neck!  我不是叫你滚远点吗  真叫人头疼
- Hello, Aqa Sayed. - Hello, son. How are you?  -你好  萨伊德先生  -你好  孩子  还好吗
- Are you going home? - Yes.  -你是要回家吗  -是的
Wait a minute. I need a favor.  等一会儿  我要你帮个忙
This is sugar for next week's ceremony.  这些糖是用于下周仪式上的
- Ask your dad to chop it. - Yes, sir.  -叫你爸爸给敲碎  -好的  先生
Stay well, son.  保重  孩子
You have nothing to do with the landlord.  你完全不用理会房东
It's my job to deal with him.  让我来对付他就行了
Why do you argue with him?  你何必跟他吵
I'll teach him a lesson. I'll break his neck.  我会好好教训他的  我会拧断他的脖子
I'll make him understand where his place is.  我会让他搞清楚自己的位置
Tell me why you don't listen to me!  告诉我  你为什么不听我的
Didn't the doctor say you shouldn't do work?  医生不是说了你不能干活吗
Don't get mad! Why did you do all this wash?  不要生气  但你为什么要洗那么多东西
That rug is heavy when it's wet!  那个地毯沾水后就会变得很重
You! Why didn't you help your mother when she asked you to?  还有你  你妈妈叫你帮她  你怎么不帮
You should have been patient.  你应该耐心一点
I would have come home and taken care of it.  我回家后会洗的
What is your duty in this house?  你在这个家的职责是什么
Eat, sleep and play?  就是吃  睡  玩吗
You're not a kid anymore. You're nine years old.  你不是个小孩子了  你已经9岁了
When I was nine years old, I helped my parents.  我9岁的时候  已经帮着父母干活了
Why do you make me mad?  你为什么要惹我生气
Are you stupid? Are you dumb? Don't you understand?  你是蠢吗  是傻吗  你不明白吗

本文发布于:2024-09-21 08:35:57,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:鞋子   我会   妈妈   房租   沾水   地毯   妹妹
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